< Studies in Socialism
- Absolutism, Prussian, 48.
- Action Socialiste, L', xliii.
- Administrative organisation, Socialist, xxx.
- Allegory, an, 176-183.
- Ampère, André Marie, 182.
- Asceticism and Socialism, 16.
- Audler, Charles, xxii, note.
- Autocracy, Russian, 45-48.
- Babeuf, François Noël, 15, 137, 148.
- Bebel, Ferdinand August, quoted, 162, note.
- Bernstein, 162, note.
- Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 47, 68.
- Bordeaux Congress, Report of, xxxix, note.
- Bourgeois, Léon, 23.
- Capital (Karl Marx's), 162, note.
- Capital, private ownership of, 7-13.
- Carrel, Armand, 137.
- Case for the Factory Acts, The, quoted, xvi, note.
- Class, industrial, growth of, 56-58.
- Code Napoléon, 33.
- Collectivism, 96.
- Collectivisme, Le, Vandervelde's, xxvi, note.
- Communism, definition of, 23-24; 49, 92, 113, 114, 115.
- Communist Manifesto, The, quoted, xxiv; 13, 137; quoted, 138; 142, 143-144, 146, 147, 148, 152; quoted, 153, 156-157; 162, note.
- Communist Society, German, 43.
- Compromise, question of, xxxvi.
- Congress, International, at Amsterdam, xli.
- Declaration of the Rights of Man, 10-12.
- Democracy, German Social, 82-83.
- Die Neue Zeit, 132, note.
- Dreyfus, Affaire, 67.
- Dumont, Santos, 176.
- Eiffel Tower, 180.
- Empiricism, 181.
- Engels, quoted, xxiv, 138-139, 153-154, 156-157; 164; quoted, 165-166.
- Ensor, R. C. K., his Modern Socialism quoted, xxxv-xxxvi, note.
- Essays on Socialism, Fabian, xxxi, note
- Fourier, François Marie Charles, 16, 17, 19.
- Franco-German Annals, 159.
- Galvani, Luigi, 182.
- Gambetta, Republic of, 148, note.
- Gladstone, W. E., 171.
- Government or Human Evolution, 31, note
- Guede, xxxvii.
- Homer, 177.
- Humanité, L', xli.
- Hunter, Robert, quoted, xiv-xv, note.
- Individual, the power of, in modern society, 51-52.
- Industrial Democracy, quoted, xvi, note.
- Inequalities remediable through Socialism, 184-187.
- Injustice, social, responsibility for, xvii-xxi.
- Jaurès, Jean, his career and personality, xli-xliii; speech at Anglo-French Parliamentary dinner, 170-175; his prophecy, 174-175.
- Justice, social, x— xiv.
- Kaustky, 132, and 132, note.
- Kelly, Edmond, his Government or Human Evolution, xxvi, note; xxxi, note.
- Labour, minimum of, under Socialist régime, xxv-xxvi.
- Lassalle, Ferdinand, quoted, 132, 162.
- Liberty, individual, 8-9.
- Liebknecht, sayings of, 60-69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75-76, 77, 81-86, 87-93.
- Marat, Jean Paul, quoted, 15.
- Marx, Karl, quoted, xxiv, 44; 133, 136; quoted, 138, 139, 143-145, 146, 153-154, 156-157, 159-160, 162, note.
- Maury, Abbé, 98.
- Menger, Prof., quoted, xxii, xxiii; his L'État Socialiste, xxxi.
- Middle class, economic growth of, 56-58.
- Miguel, Maria Evaristo, quoted, 141.
- Mill, M., 173.
- Millerand, 66, note.
- Millerand, Affaire, xxxviii-xl.
- Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de, 56.
- Modern Socialism, 162-163, note.
- Motive to work under Socialist régime, xxv-xxx.
- Oersted, Hans Christian, 182.
- "Opportunism," Socialist, 70, 79-86.
- Owners of property, despotic position of, xvi.
- Paine, Thomas, 173.
- Parliament, the Frankfort, 49.
- Parties, political, from Socialist standpoint, xxxvii.
- Pauperisation of the proletariat, theory of, 167.
- Pelletan, M. Camille, 23.
- Petite République, La, xliii.
- Pitt, William, 171.
- Presuppositions of Socialism, 162, note.
- Privileged classes and Socialism, 88-93.
- Production, monopoly of the means of, 8-9.
- Propaganda, Socialist, 86.
- Property, private, 23-33.
- Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 17, 18, 19.
- Quasi-Collectivism, xxi, note.
- Radical party and French Socialism, 22.
- Red Terror, the, 95.
- Reformism, 181.
- Reforms demanded by Socialism, xxiv-xxv.
- Revolution, Socialist, 102-105, 112-123; dangers of, 124-129; Marx's and Blanqui's ideas on, 136; and the bourgeois revolution, 140-168.
- Russia, 45-48.
- Saint-Just, Louis Antoine de, 143.
- Saint-Simon, Claude Henri, 16, 17, 19.
- Sée, Henri, quoted, 28-29.
- Serfdom, 25-28.
- Situation of the Working Classes in England, 164; quoted, 165-166.
- Slavery, 23-28.
- Socialism, aim of, 3-9, 91; duties of, 144-145; establishment of, by will of majority, 94-105; and the French Revolution, 15-17; future of, 20; germs of, in peasantry, 35-40; main definition of, v; methods of establishing: —militant method or revolutionary, xxxii-xxxiii; method unsettled, 35; Opportunist, Reformist, Revisionist, or Fabian, xxxiii-xxxvi; —militant, 20; practibility of, 20; revolutionary, 47-50, 50 sqq., 58-59; triumphant, 186-187.
- Société Nouvelle, report of, xxxix, note.
- Society, present state of, 184-186.
- Strike, general, 106-129.
- Survival of the fittest, theory of, discussed, xix-xxi.
- Tactics, Socialist, 70-78.
- Unemployed, the, xiv, and xiv, note.
- Universal suffrage and Socialism, 168-169.
- Utopia and Socialism, 20-21.
- Vaillant, xxxvii.
- Vandervelde, his Le Collectivisme, xxvi, note.
- Van Vollmar, xxxix, note.
- Vorwärts, 79, 104.
- Wage-earner, position of, xx-xxi.
- Waldeck-Rousseau, 180.
- War, Crimean, 45, 48; Hundred Years', 120; Thirty-Years', 120.
- Wealth, justice of the division of, xii-xiii; the root of social distinctions, and of despotic power over labour, xiv; a social product, xxi-xxiii; Socialistic division of, xxiii-xxvii.
- Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, quoted, xvi, note; their Industrial Democracy, xxxi, note.
- Working classes in England, Engel's remarks on, 165-166.
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