< Studies in Socialism


Absolutism, Prussian, 48.
Action Socialiste, L', xliii.
Administrative organisation, Socialist, xxx.
Allegory, an, 176-183.
Ampère, André Marie, 182.
Asceticism and Socialism, 16.
Audler, Charles, xxii, note.
Autocracy, Russian, 45-48.

Babeuf, François Noël, 15, 137, 148.
Bebel, Ferdinand August, quoted, 162, note.
Bernstein, 162, note.
Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 47, 68.
Bordeaux Congress, Report of, xxxix, note.
Bourgeois, Léon, 23.
Capital (Karl Marx's), 162, note.
Capital, private ownership of, 7-13.
Carrel, Armand, 137.
Case for the Factory Acts, The, quoted, xvi, note.
Class, industrial, growth of, 56-58.
Code Napoléon, 33.
Collectivism, 96.
Collectivisme, Le, Vandervelde's, xxvi, note.
Communism, definition of, 23-24; 49, 92, 113, 114, 115.
Communist Manifesto, The, quoted, xxiv; 13, 137; quoted, 138; 142, 143-144, 146, 147, 148, 152; quoted, 153, 156-157; 162, note.
Communist Society, German, 43.
Compromise, question of, xxxvi.
Congress, International, at Amsterdam, xli.
Declaration of the Rights of Man, 10-12.
Democracy, German Social, 82-83.
Die Neue Zeit, 132, note.
Dreyfus, Affaire, 67.
Dumont, Santos, 176.

Eiffel Tower, 180.
Empiricism, 181.
Engels, quoted, xxiv, 138-139, 153-154, 156-157; 164; quoted, 165-166.
Ensor, R. C. K., his Modern Socialism quoted, xxxv-xxxvi, note.
Essays on Socialism, Fabian, xxxi, note

Fourier, François Marie Charles, 16, 17, 19.
Franco-German Annals, 159.

Galvani, Luigi, 182.
Gambetta, Republic of, 148, note.
Gladstone, W. E., 171.
Government or Human Evolution, 31, note
Guede, xxxvii.

Homer, 177.
Humanité, L', xli.
Hunter, Robert, quoted, xiv-xv, note.

Individual, the power of, in modern society, 51-52.
Industrial Democracy, quoted, xvi, note.
Inequalities remediable through Socialism, 184-187.
Injustice, social, responsibility for, xvii-xxi.

Jaurès, Jean, his career and personality, xli-xliii; speech at Anglo-French Parliamentary dinner, 170-175; his prophecy, 174-175.
Justice, social, x— xiv.

Kaustky, 132, and 132, note.
Kelly, Edmond, his Government or Human Evolution, xxvi, note; xxxi, note.

Labour, minimum of, under Socialist régime, xxv-xxvi.
Lassalle, Ferdinand, quoted, 132, 162.
Liberty, individual, 8-9.
Liebknecht, sayings of, 60-69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75-76, 77, 81-86, 87-93.

Marat, Jean Paul, quoted, 15.
Marx, Karl, quoted, xxiv, 44; 133, 136; quoted, 138, 139, 143-145, 146, 153-154, 156-157, 159-160, 162, note.
Maury, Abbé, 98.
Menger, Prof., quoted, xxii, xxiii; his L'État Socialiste, xxxi.
Middle class, economic growth of, 56-58.
Miguel, Maria Evaristo, quoted, 141.
Mill, M., 173.
Millerand, 66, note.
Millerand, Affaire, xxxviii-xl.
Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de, 56.
Modern Socialism, 162-163, note.
Motive to work under Socialist régime, xxv-xxx.

Oersted, Hans Christian, 182.
"Opportunism," Socialist, 70, 79-86.
Owners of property, despotic position of, xvi.

Paine, Thomas, 173.
Parliament, the Frankfort, 49.
Parties, political, from Socialist standpoint, xxxvii.
Pauperisation of the proletariat, theory of, 167.
Pelletan, M. Camille, 23.
Petite République, La, xliii.
Pitt, William, 171.
Presuppositions of Socialism, 162, note.
Privileged classes and Socialism, 88-93.
Production, monopoly of the means of, 8-9.
Propaganda, Socialist, 86.
Property, private, 23-33.
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 17, 18, 19.

Quasi-Collectivism, xxi, note.

Radical party and French Socialism, 22.
Red Terror, the, 95.
Reformism, 181.
Reforms demanded by Socialism, xxiv-xxv.
Revolution, Socialist, 102-105, 112-123; dangers of, 124-129; Marx's and Blanqui's ideas on, 136; and the bourgeois revolution, 140-168.
Russia, 45-48.

Saint-Just, Louis Antoine de, 143.
Saint-Simon, Claude Henri, 16, 17, 19.
Sée, Henri, quoted, 28-29.
Serfdom, 25-28.
Situation of the Working Classes in England, 164; quoted, 165-166.
Slavery, 23-28.
Socialism, aim of, 3-9, 91; duties of, 144-145; establishment of, by will of majority, 94-105; and the French Revolution, 15-17; future of, 20; germs of, in peasantry, 35-40; main definition of, v; methods of establishing: —militant method or revolutionary, xxxii-xxxiii; method unsettled, 35; Opportunist, Reformist, Revisionist, or Fabian, xxxiii-xxxvi; —militant, 20; practibility of, 20; revolutionary, 47-50, 50 sqq., 58-59; triumphant, 186-187.
Société Nouvelle, report of, xxxix, note.
Society, present state of, 184-186.
Strike, general, 106-129.
Survival of the fittest, theory of, discussed, xix-xxi.

Tactics, Socialist, 70-78.

Unemployed, the, xiv, and xiv, note.
Universal suffrage and Socialism, 168-169.
Utopia and Socialism, 20-21.

Vaillant, xxxvii.
Vandervelde, his Le Collectivisme, xxvi, note.
Van Vollmar, xxxix, note.
Vorwärts, 79, 104.

Wage-earner, position of, xx-xxi.
Waldeck-Rousseau, 180.
War, Crimean, 45, 48; Hundred Years', 120; Thirty-Years', 120.
Wealth, justice of the division of, xii-xiii; the root of social distinctions, and of despotic power over labour, xiv; a social product, xxi-xxiii; Socialistic division of, xxiii-xxvii.
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, quoted, xvi, note; their Industrial Democracy, xxxi, note.
Working classes in England, Engel's remarks on, 165-166.

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