< St. Nicholas



Illustrated Magazine

For Young Folks.


Part I—November, 1911, TO OCTOBER, 1912.



Copyright 1911, 1912, by The Century Co.

The De Vinne Press.




Six Months—November, 1911, to April, 1912.


Arch-archduchess, The, and the Robber Baron. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Doris Webb 107
Aztec Jingles: A Critical Community. (Illustrated by the Author) J. G. Francis 234
“Baby’s First Christmas Stocking.” Picture, drawn by C. M. Relyea 243
Ballad of King Fuzzywub, The, and Certain Affairs of State. Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Malcolm Douglas 41
Ballad of the Forest, A. Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) George Phillips 259
Ballads of the Be-Ba-Boes. Verse. (Illustrated by Katharine M. Daland). D. K. Stevens
The Great Bowing Match 156
The Aviator 205
The Marine Disaster 324
The Weather Man 420
The Spring-Leg Cassowary 501
Barnyard Post, Clippings from the. Verse. (Illustrated by I. W. Taber). Pauline Frances Camp 42
Bayberry Candle, The, or Jessica and Co. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Gertrude Crownfield 194
“Black Douglas,” The. (Illustrated by B. J. Rosenmeyer) Daniel Henderson 402
Boastful Jirobei, The. Verse. (Illustrated) Ethel Morse 530
Bob’s Division Emily Henderson 228
“Brin.” (Illustrated by George Varian, and from photographs) Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell 99
Canal-boat Captain’s Story, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch). Malcolm Douglas 491
Cat of High Degree, A. (Illustrated by Wm. A. McCullough, and from photograph) Annie Willis McCullough 417
“Chow” Puppies—Yorkshire Terriers. Pictures from photographs 401
Christmas Conspiracy, The. A Play. (Illustrated by Albertine R. Wheelan). Elizabeth Woodbridge 163
Christmas List, Her. Verse. (Illustrated by George T. Tobin) Mrs. John T. Van Sant 199
Clever Shoppers, The. Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Ellen Manly 262
“Cookies are Kept, Where the.” Picture, drawn by Gertrude Kay. 55
Critical Community, A. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) J. G. Francis 234
Crofton Chums. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Ralph Henry Barbour 3
148, 220, 316, 436, 518
“Dancing Leaves.” Picture, drawn by Nellie M. Umbstaetter 11
Dorothy Rose, The Rhyme of. Verse Pauline Frances Camp 11
Easter Bonnet, Miss Chickie’s. Picture, drawn by Corwin K. Linson 490
“Easter Morning—Finding the Place.” Picture, drawn by Gertrude Kay 482
Elephant in India, With the. (Illustrated by André Castaigne, and from photographs) Stanley A. Hunter 18
Fairbanks, Avard. See “What One Boy is Doing.”
Famous Pictures (Illustrated) Charles L. Barstow 48, 335
February Freshet (Illustrated) Dallas Lore Sharp 300
Flamingos, The Grateful. (Illustrated by the Author) De Witt C. Falls 60
Folk-Songs For Boys and Girls. (Illustrated). Mabel Lyon Sturgis
Good King Wenceslaus 252
The First Nowel 253
Auld Lang Syne 350
Folk-Songs For Boys and Girls (Continued)
“There ’s a Little Wheel A-Turnin’ in My Heart” 351
The Minstrel Boy 444
The Blue Bells of Scotland 445
Old Folks at Home 540
The, Bailiffs Daughter 541
“Giraffe Pursued By A Lion,” How our Artist Painted. Picture, drawn by A. Z. Baker 349
Hatter, The, and the Elephant. Picture, drawn by A. Z. Baker 24
His Great-Granddad’s Dollars. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Edmund Vance Cooke 209
How Much Will He Know! Verse. Jean Halifax 453
Icebergs. (Illustrated from photographs) Harold J. Shepstone 387
Ingenious Cobbler, The. Verse. (Illustrated by George Varian) Carolyn Wells 162
“Is n’t That for Us?” Picture, from a painting by Euphemie Muraton 532
Ivan the Mighty. (Illustrated from photographs) Augusta Huiell Seaman 12
Jataka Tales. (Illustrated by Ellsworth Young.) Re-told by Ellen C. Babbitt
The Monkey and the Crocodile.—How the Turtle Saved His Own Life 217
The Merchant of Seri.—The Turtle Who Could n’t Stop Talking 313
The Ox Who Won the Forfeit— The Sandy Road 414
The Foolish, Timid Rabbit—The Helpful Elephant 505
Joy Ring, A. Picture, drawn by I. W. Taber 426
Kitten’s Christmas Tree, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Oliver Herford 215
Knights of the Golden Spur, The. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Rupert Sargent Holland. 43
127, 235, 328, 427, 524
Larry’s Leap Year Excuse. Verse Frederick Moxon 425
Little Boy, Who Wanted too Much, The. Rev. Van Marter Beede 228
Little Brothers of the Y.M.C.A., The. (Illustrated from photographs) Day Allen Willey 64
“Look Out! I ’m Coming—A Mile a Minute!” Picture, drawn by G. A. Harker. 227
Lucky Sixpence, The. {Illustrated by Arthur Becher) Emilie Benson Knipe and
Alden Arthur Knipe
290, 405, 508
Lullaby of Cicely, The. (Illustrated by E. C. Caswell) Pearl Howard Campbell 33
Lunch Hour. Picture drawn by R. Emmett Owen 40
“Mademoiselle Tiane.” Picture, from a painting by Guiraud De Scevola 216
Making It Easy for Santa Claus. Picture, drawn by Arthur T. Merrick 200
Matter of Spelling, A. Verse. (Illustrated by Katherine Pitkin) Pauline Frances Camp 342
Matter of Taste, A. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Oliver Herford 121
Merchant of Bagdad, The. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Wyman C. Hill 62
Mistletoe, Miss Robin Under the. Picture, drawn by A. Z. Baker 248
Monarch of Ballypero, How They Cured the. Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) D. K. Stevens 28
“Mr. Blinky.” Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) R. H. M. Fillebrown 161
Music Lesson, The. Verse. (Frontispiece illustration from a painting by J. A. Muenier) Frances W. Marshall 59
Music Lesson, The First. Picture, from a painting by Francis Day 517
Nicely, Brought Up Child, The. Margaret Widdemer 434
Okakok, The Return of. (Illustrated by Charles T. Hill) Ford Walsh 484
Old Wolf Wind, The. Verse Mary Baldwin 443
One of the Boys. Picture drawn by Harry Linnell 228
“One!—Two!—Three!” Verse. (Illustrations from photographs) Anna Mathewson 69
Our Darling. Verse. (Illustration from a painting by C. Fröschl) John Cox, Jr. 16
Panama, The Story of. (Illustrated by Arthur T. Merrick, Reginald Birch, and from photographs.) Farnham Bishop 303
Peggy’s ’Possum Hunt. (Illustrated by Edwin F. Bayha) Mrs. Burton Harrison 244
Pelican, How the, Befriended the Rabbit. Pictures, drawn by C. F. Lester 303
Pictures, See “Famous Pictures.”
Pippety-Pippety-Pop! Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Malcolm Douglas 254
Pouter Pigeon’s Weight, The. Picture, drawn by A. Z. Baker 413
“P.S.” After “Amen” Picture, drawn by C. J. Budd 425
“Queerest Thing, The.” Verse. (Decorated by Otto Rebele) Jean Halifax 97
Rag Doll, The. Verse. (Illustrated by L. M. Hubert) Junius L. Cravens 436
Sandy Brown|Sandy Brown. Verse. (Illustrated) Adalena F. Dyer 200
I Wonder if Those Children|Santa Claus: “I Wonder if Those Children are in Bed Yet?” Picture, drawn by George T. Tobin 98
School Of 4000 Welcomers, The. (Illustrated by Gordon Grant, and from photographs) Jean Davidson 111
Signs of the Times. Verse. (Illustrated) Gladys Hyatt Sinclair 126
Simple Thoughts on Great Subjects George Lawrence Parker
Success and Failure 25
Giving and Receiving 122
Each Other and Everybody Else 249
“Sisters, The.” Picture. From a pastel by René Gilbert 299
“Some Girl.” (Illustrated by W. L. Jacobs) Marion Hill 133
Some of the South Wind, The. Verse. (Illustrated by G. H. Mitchell) Maud Going 483
Squirrel, Red, The Beautiful. (Illustrated by I. W. Taber) F. W. Haskell 57
St. Martin’s Summer. Verse. (Illustration from a painting by Vandyke) Adalena F. Dyer 38
Storm-bound. Verse. (Illustrated by Wm. A. McCullough) 56
“St, Peter’s Tower, From”—A Snowy Morning in Munich. Picture, from a painting by Hugo König 386
Ted’s Unknown Land. Verse Minnie Leona Upton 42
Thomas Aquinas Jackson Lee. Verse. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Robert Emmet Ward 27
Three Little Men, The. Verse Pauline Frances Camp 214
Tito’s Christmas. (Illustrated by George Varian) Louise Cass Evans 256
Too Much of Everything. Verse Clara Odell Lyon 419
Topsyturvy Christmas, A. Verse. (Illustrated) Pauline Frances Camp 251
Townsend Twins, The—Camp Directors. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Warren L. Eldred 394, 542
Twelfth-Night King, The. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) C. G. Leland 352
Two Ways. Verse Minnie Leona Upton 354
Ume’s New-Year’s Day. (Illustrated from photographs) Emma Sarepta Yule 201
Washington Irving High School. See “School of 4000 Welcomers, The.”
Watchmen, The Old-Time. (Illustrated) Walter K. Putney 258
What Fun! Verse Jean Halifax 209
What One Boy is Doing. (Illustrated from photographs) Augusta Huiell Seaman 14
When His Whip Goes Crack. Verse. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) John H. Cook 147
Whittier and the Little Quaker Girl. (Illustrated by B. J. Rosenmeyer). Rebecca M. Samson 124
“Will He Come?” Picture 500
“Winter.” Picture, from a painting by Maud Howells 435
Winter. Verse. (Illustrated by Vojt Preissig) Madeline M. Stone 110
Winter Birds, The. Verse. (Illustrated) Annie Johnson Flint 400
“Winter Evening, A.” Picture, from a painting by Sydney Kendrick 355
Wireless Peter. (Illustrated by Robert M. Brinkerhoff) Frank B. Elser 495
Yule-Log, Bring Home the. Picture, drawn by Ellen Macauley 106


“The Music Lesson,” from a painting by J. A. Muenier, facing page 3—“I Wonder if Those Children are in Bed Yet?’’ by George T. Tobin, facing page 99—“Jolly Looking Pair, You Two!” by Charles M. Relyea, facing page 195—“We Were All Sad as We Left the Old House,” by Arthur Becher, facing page 291—“From St. Peter’s Tower—A Snowy Morning in Munich,” from a painting by Hugo König, facing page 387—“Easter Morning—Finding the Place,” by Gertrude Kay, facing page 483.


For Very Little Folk. (Illustrated)
Maggie’s Very Own Secret. Verse. Sara Josephine Albright 82
John Martin’s Letter. Verse. 186
How Jackie Visited the House of the Three Bears. Christine M. Wood 264
Tiny Hare and the Beaver. A. L. Sykes 360
Pink Nose and Velvet Paw. Sarah Jeannette Brigham 457
Rowdy Dow. Verse. Stella George Stern 459
Fingers and Toes. Verse. Arthur Guiterman 560
Counting the Sheep. Verse. Frederic B. Hodgins 560
To Lullaby Town. Verse. Alice Turner Curtis 561
Finger Play. Verse. Emilie Poulsson 562
“This Little Pig Went to Market.” Picture, drawn by Rose Mueller 563
Books and Reading. Hildegarde Hawthorne 70
176, 283, 356, 454, 549
Nature and Science. (Illustrated) 74, 170, 266, 364, 460, 552
St. Nicholas League. (Illustrated) 84, 178, 274, 372, 468, 564
The Letter-Box. (Illustrated) 93, 286, 381, 477, 573
The Riddle-Box. (Illustrated) 95, 191, 287, 383, 479, 565

St Nicholas-V41-P1-012.jpg



Illustrated Magazine

For Young Folks.


Part II—May TO October, 1912.



Copyright 1912, by The Century Co.

The De Vinne Press.




Six Months—May to October, 1912.


Aëroplane, The. (Illustrations from photographs) Harold S. Lynn 982
Afternoon Party, An—the First Arrival. Picture, from a painting by J. A. Muenier 629
Amazon, Adrift on the. (Illustrated by George A. King) Dewey Austin Cobb 1066
Artist and His Dogs, An. (Illustrated from paintings by Percival Rosseau) Frances W. Marshall 963
Aztec Jingles. (Illustrated by the Author). J. G. Francis
Tranquillity Disturbed 710
The Soul Serene 1024
Balearic Islands, The Dr. S. J. Fort 898
Batians or tue Be-Ba-Boes. Verse. (Illustrated by Katharine M. Daland) D. K. Stevens
The Military Band 586
The Society Circus 684
The Fourth of July Regatta 782
The Annual Fishing Match 889
The Agricultural Fair 974
The Unsuspected Talent 1106
Ballooning: President Washington and Flying (Illustrated) Marion Florence Lansing 800
How I Became a “Big-League” Pitcher. (Illustrated by Frank Tenney Johnson, and with photographs and diagrams) Christy Mathewson 605
Playing the Game. (Illustrated with diagrams and from photographs) C. H. Claudy 726
804, 800, 1002, 1097
Battle-ships. For the Pennant. or, Battle-ships at Target-Practice. (Illustrations from photographs) Charles B. Brewer 771
Beetleburg Amusement Park, A Spring Evening at the. Picture, drawn by Harrison Cady. 639
Beetleburg, The Annual Moonlight Hop in. Picture, drawn by Harrison Cady. 1096
Beetleburg, The Great June Parade. Picture drawn by Harrison Cady. 711
Birds, House-Builders to the. (Illustrations from photographs) Harriet Gillespie 693
“Book-Line,” The. (Illustrations from photographs) Montrose J. Moses 740
Boy and the Bird, The. Verse. (Illustrated) Charles F. Hardy 700
Brave Little Mother, A. (Illustrated by George A. King) Flora Macdonald 778
Breakfast Party, The. Picture, from a painting by Charles C. Curran 1089
Cannon, In the Mouth of a. (Illustrated by Jay Hambidge) Mary Richards Berry 1010
Cheerful Little Girl, The, and Her Cheerful Little Doll. (Illustrated by Alice Caddy) Caroline Stetson Allen 837
933, 1028
Chidren's Libraries The “Book-Line.” (Illustrations from photographs) Montrose J. Moses 740
Clue Chase. A. (Illustrated) F. F. H. 713
Crew of the "Eskimo," The. (Illustrated by I. W. Taber) Thomas Hollis 867
Crofton Chums. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Ralph Henry Barbour 590
Daddy Do-Funny’s, Ole, Wisdom Jingles. Verse, (Illustrated by George A. King) Ruth McEnery Stuart 1020
Daisy Field, The. Picture, from a painting by Charles C. Curran. 820
Deborah’s Change of Heart. (Illustrated by W. F. Stecher) Helen Ward Banks 579
Dogs, An Artist and His. (Illustrated from paintings by Percival Rosseau) Frances W. Marshall 963
Domestic Pirate, A. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Charles F. Lester 884
Dorothy of Salem Town. Verse. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Alix Thorn 780
Dream-Ship, The. Verse. (Illustrated) Miriam S. Clark 799
“Duet, A.” Picture, drawn by Gertrude A. Kay. 835
Electricity, How, is Generated. (Illustrated with diagrams) Albert Walton 1022
Fairy-time. Verse. (Illustrated by Elizabeth Colborne) Frances W. Marshall 874
Famous Pictures. (Illustrated) Charles L. Barstow 1090
Fishing-Row, The Magnetism of the. Pictures, drawn by Hy Mayer. 999
Galấpagos Tortoise: Positively the Oldest Inhabitant. (Illustration from photograph) Augusta Huiell Seaman 688
Giant, The End of a. Verse. (Illustrated by Albertine R. Wheelan) Pauline Frances Camp 802
Gordon, Charles George. (Illustrated by Harry Fenn, R. Talbot Kelly, and from photographs) Hamilton Fish Armstrong 927
Highwayman’s Surprise, The Young. Pictures. drawn by C. F. Lester 906
Horseless Carriage, Uncle John and His. (Illustration from photograph) Marian Phelps 914
How I Became A “Big-League™ Pitcher. (Illustrated by Frank Tenney Johnson, and with photographs and diagrams) Christy Mathewson. 605
Jingles. (Illustrated by the Author) Charles F. Lester 1116
Johnny’s Fourth of July Oration. Picture, drawn by C. F. Lester 836
King’s Vacation, The. (Illustrated by C. T. Hill) Alfred Hayes 1085
Knights of the Golden Spur, The. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Rupert Sargent Holland 631
Knots, How to Tie. (Illustrations from photographs) H. D. Jones 1026
Knox, General, Headquarters: A Relic of the Revolution. (Illustrations from photographs) Everett McNeil 786
Lady-bird, The—A Folk Charm. Verse Arthur Guiterman 923
Lady of the Lane, The. (Illustrated by E. C. Caswell) Frederick Orin Bartlett 642
734, 799, 907, 978
Limericks. Verse. Minnie Leona Upton 906
Lucky Sixpence, The. (Illustrated by Arthur E. Becher) Emilie Benson Knipe
and Alden Arthur Knipe
702, 826, 876. 988, 1075
Magic Bottles, The. (Illustrated by Rachel R. Elmer) Adapted by Julius Robinson 617
’Maginative People Only! For. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Dorothy Canfield 675
Mary Sunshine. (Illustrated by E. C. Caswell) Marjorie Louise Hillis 1124
Mathewson, Christy: How I Became a “Big-League” Pitcher. (Illustrated by Frank Tenney Johnson, and with photographs and diagrams) 608
May-Day Song, An Old Time. Verse. (Illustrated by Otto Rebele) Adapted by Arthur Guiterman 585
May-Flowers. Verse. Pauline Frances Camp 641
Miracle, The. Verse. Harriet H. Pierson 628
“Morning,” “Noon.” and “Night.” Pictures, from paintings by Francis Day 1071
Mouse, Mr., and Mr. Toad. Picture, drawn by E. G. Lutz 898
Oldest Inhabitant, Positively The. (Illustration from photograph) Augusta Huiell Seaman 688
Ostriches, A Team of. (Illustration from photograph) Lawrence W. Neff. 915
Pantry Ghosts, The. Verse. Frederic Richardson 1009
Peace Payson’s Motto. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Elisabeth Price 1059
Pennant, For the, or, Battle-ships at Target-Practice. (Illustrations from photographs) Charles B. Brewer 771
Persian Kitten, The. Picture, from a painting by Louise Cox 779
Petronel’s Light. (Illustrated by Edwin J. Prittie) Izola Forrester 893
Phonograph and the Birds, The. Picture, drawn by Walt Kuhn. 897
Pictures, Famous, (Illustrated) Charles L. Barstow 1090
“Play Ball!” Verse, (Illustration by E. W. Kemble) Arthur Chamberlain 1097
Playing the Game. (Base-ball Series) (Illustrated with diagrams and from photographs) C. H. Claudy 726
804, 809, 1002, 1997
Point Rock. (Illustrated by the Author) Frank Stick 912
Polly’s Inheritance. (Illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright). Edna Payson Brett 924
Present, Seeing The. Verse. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea). N. F. Richardson 834
Prince Scarlet, The Story of. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Mary Stewart 796
Princess Mary. (Illustrations from photographs) Marion Ryan 723
Puritan Maying, A. (Illustrated by Edwin J. Prittie) M. Eloise Talbot 786
Revolution, A Relic of the. (The General Knox Headquarters House) (Illustrations from photographs) Everett McNeil 786
Romping. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) Marian Greene 875
Rosseau, Percival: An Artist and His Dogs. (Illustrated from paintings by Percival Rosseau) Frances W. Marshall 963
Sadie Swung, Sally Sung. Verse James Rowe 604
Sea-Serpent, The. Picture, drawn by Bonnibel Butler 987
Sensitive Plant, The. Verse. (Illustrated by the Author). Mary S. Cowles Clark 701
Shore, By the. Verse. (Illustrated by S. Wendell Mitchell). Mrs. Schuyler Van
Siesta, The. (Illustration from photograph) Carl Werner 696
Simple Thoughts on Great Subjects.” George Lawrence Parker
The Body-Guard 640
The World We Live In. 712
Coming Home Again. 997
Making a Living. 1115
Sky, The. Verse Laura Spencer Portor 1065
Song-Sparrow: A Brave Little Mother. (Illustrated by George A. King) Flora Macdonald 778
Song-Sparrow, The Story of the. (Illustrated by Reginald Birch) Mary Stewart 885
Soul Serene, The. (An Aztec Jingle) Verse. (Illustrated by the Author). J. G. Francis 1024
“Spring Freshet, A.” Picture, drawn by Gertrude Kay. 616
Sudan, Sight-Seeing in the. Picture, drawn by Culmer Barnes 715
“Summer.” Picture, from a painting by Frank W. Benson. 973
Summer Battle, The. Verse, (Illustrated by the Author) Rudolph F. Bunner 1025
Summer Fancy, A. Picture, drawn by Charles F. Lester 873
“Surfman No. 7.” (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) George C. Lane 970
Tale of the Tailless Cat, The. Verse. Pauline Frances Camp 1117
Tease, The. Verse. Minnie Leon Upton 683
Thoughtful Little Friend, A. Picture. drawn by A. Z. Baker 595
Townsend Twins, The—Camp Directors. (Illustrated by C. M. Relyea) Warren L. Eldred 622
853, 016, 1013, 1177
Tranquillity Disturbed. (An Aztec Jingle) Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) J. G. Francis 710
Tricked! Verse. (Illustrated by the Author) May Aiken 630
Triplets’ Plain Party, The. (Illustrated by E. A. Furman) Elizabeth Price 821
Trouble in High Life. Picture, drawn by Culmer Barnes 905
“Tug of War, The.” Picture, from a painting by Fred Morgan 697
“Twins, The.” Picture, drawn by Gertrude Kay 675
Waiting for the Shower to Pass. Picture, drawn by Harriet Repplier 648
Walcheren, Holland, Summer Days on the Island of. Pictures from photographs 1012
Washington, President, and Flying. (Illustrated) Marion Florence Lansing 800
“We and Our Neighbors.” Verse Edith M. Russell 630
When the Day is Over. Picture, drawn by Sarah S. Stillwell 937
Whippoorwill, The. Verse. (Illustrated) Edward N. Teall 803
Who-oo? Verse. (Illustration by Maurice Clifford) Jean Halifax 714
Wireless Station, An Evening At The. (Illustrated by Otto Rebele, George Varian, and from photographs) Francis Arnold Collins 1110
Wrong Side, The. Verse Alice F. Allen 789


“Springtime,” from a painting by Sydney Kendrick, facing page 579~“Homeward Bound,” by C. M. Relyea, facing page 675 —“‘Oh, Pardon Me, Your Excellency!’ I cried,” by Arthur E. Becher, facing page 771 —“Gathering Wild Asters,” from a painting by Charles C. Curran, facing page 87—“In the Forest,” from a painting by Percival Rosseau, facing page 963—“The Amateur of Painting,”’ from a painting by Meissonier, facing page 1039.


For Very Little Folk. (Illustrated)
What Happened to Betty and Polly. Nora Bennett 652
Picking Flowers. Verse. (“Jack and Jane and Betsy Anne”) Katharine M. Daland 754
The Bossy Calf. Verse.(“Jack and Jane and Betsy Anne”) Katharine M. Daland 755
The Drum-Major. Verse Wells Hastings 850
Willie's Air-Castle. Verse Edwin C. Beal 851
Making Friends. Verse F. W. M. 851
“Jack's Circus.” Verse (“Jack and Jane and Betsy Anne”) Katharine M. Daland 945
"Beside the Sea.” Verse(“Jack and Jane and Betsy Anne”) Katharine M. Daland 947
“In the Hayfield.” Verse(“Jack and Jane and Betsy Anne”) Katharine M. Daland 1042
“Jerry's Joke.” Verse (“Jack and Jane and Betsy Anne”) Katharine M. Daland 1043
The Wolf and the Little Lamb. Venie van Blarcom 1136
Books and Reading. Hildegarde Hawthorne 649
764, 861, 956, 1052, 1148
Nature and Science. (Illustrated) 654, 747, 842, 938, 1035, 1120
St. Nicholas League. (Illustrated) 630, 756, 852. 948, 1044, 1140
The Letter-Box. (Illustrated) 706, 1150
The Riddle-Box. (Illustrated) 71. 767, 863, 959, 1055, 1151
Editorial Notes. 958

St Nicholas-V41-P1-012.jpg

Number 1 1911 November
Number 2 1911 December
Number 3 1912 January
Number 4 1912 February
Number 5 1912 March
Number 6 1912 April
Number 7 1912 May
Number 8 1912 June
Number 9 1912 July
Number 10 1912 August
Number 11 1912 September
Number 12 1912 October
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