< Southern Historical Society Papers
edited by
Historical Society Papers.
Published by the Society.
I. | The University of North Carolina in the Civil War. An Address at the Centennial Celebration of the Opening of the Institution, June 5, 1895, by Stephen Beauregard Weeks, Ph. D.
1 |
II. | Lieutenant-Colonel Francis W. Smith, C. S. A. A Short Sketch of a Short Life, by Miss Anna M. D. Smith
39 |
III. | 41 |
IV. | 57 |
V. | Lee and Longstreet. A Criticism by Colonel Walter H. Taylor
73 |
VI. | General Lee to the Rear. Accounts of the Incident by Colonel W. I. Goldsmith and Captain R. D. Funkhouser
79 |
VII. | The Battle of Sailor's Creek. The Part Taken in it by Hunton's Brigade, by Prof. C. F. James
83 |
VIII. | A Daring Exploit. The Capture of the United States Steamer Saint Nicholas. An Account by Commodore George N. Hollins, C. S. Navy
88 |
IX. | An Important Dispatch from Lieutenant-General N. B. Forrest. Did it determine the Fate of the Confederacy?
92 |
X. | 98 |
XI. | 108 |
XII. | 110 |
XIII. | The First Gun at Fort Sumter—Who fired it? Discussion by General Stephen D. Lee and Julian M. Ruffin
111 |
XIV. | Muster-Roll of the Holcombe Guards (Company I, 7th Virginia Regiment), by W. A. Parrott
115 |
XV. | 117 |
XVI. | The Battle of Shiloh—A Graphic Description of it, by Gen. Joseph Wheeler
119 |
XVII. | 131 |
XVIII. | 145 |
XIX. | 151 |
XX. | Gen. Grant's Censor. Gen. Rawlins Warned Him that he Must Stop Drinking
154 |
XXI. | 156 |
XXII. | Running of the Blockade—Sketch of Capt. John N. Maffitt, C. S. N., by James Sprunt
157 |
XXIII. | 165 |
XXIV. | 171 |
XXV. | A Characteristic Letter of Gen. Jubal A. Early. Didn't want a Pardon. Havana, Dec. 18, 1865
176 |
XXVI. | The First Day at Gettysburg—A Tribute to Gen. Harry Heth, by Chaplain Jaquelin Marshall Meredith
182 |
XXVII. | 187 |
XXVIII. | The Carnage at Franklin, Tenn.,—next to that of The Crater, by S. A. Cunningham
189 |
XXIX. | The Burial of Latane, by R. C. S.
192 |
XXX. | 194 |
XXXI. | The Attack on Helena, Ark., July 4, 1863, by a Veteran
197 |
XXXII. | The Confederate Armies—the Command from the Several Southern and Border States
200 |
XXXIII. | Special Mission of Lieut. J. L. Capston to Ireland. His Duties Defined by Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State
202 |
XXXIV. | Chancellorsville—Graphic Description of the Battle Part taken in it by the 55th Va. Regiment. A paper read before Wright-Latane Camp C. V., by Captain Albert Reynolds
205 |
XXXV. | 210 |
XXXVI. | Pouncing on Pickets—a bold dash of the 9th Va. Cavalry
213 |
XXXVII. | 218 |
XXXVIII. | Running the Blockade—Daring Exploits at Charleston, S. C.
225 |
XXXIX. | What Might Have Been—An Incident in the Financial History of the Confederate States
230 |
XL. | 231 |
XLI. | 237 |
XLII. | 240 |
XLIII. | Unveiling of the Monument to the Confederate Dead at Winchester, Va., July, 1896. List of those from Louisiana who Lie in the Cemetery there, by H. W. Robinson
242 |
XLIV. | 249 |
XLV. | Battle of Sailor's Creek—Part taken in it by the Savannah Guard
250 |
XLVI. | 254 |
XLVII. | 256 |
XLVIII. | The Battle of Sharpsburg—Discussed by Colonel Walter H. Taylor
267 |
XLIX. | General W. H. C. Whiting—a Plea for the Gallant Officer, by James R. Randall
274 |
L. | Wade Hampton's Strategy—An Attack on Richmond Foiled, by Captain N. P. Ford
278 |
LI. | Davis and Davidson—A Chapter of War History Concerning Torpedoes—Correspondence between President Davis and Captain Hunter Davidson, C. S. Navy
284 |
LII. | 291 |
LIII. | Generals Buckner and McClellan—How the Former Outwitted the latter in 1861, by Captain Leslie J. Perry
295 |
LIV. | 302 |
LV. | 303 |
LVI. | The Last Battle of the War—Fought on the Rio Grande, in Texas, by Luther Conyer
309 |
LVII. | The Western Campaign—Movements of the Goochland Light Artillery, Captain John H. Guy, by Thomas J. Riddell, M. D.
316 |
LVIII. | 324 |
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