< Southern Historical Society Papers
edited by
Historical Society Papers.
Published by the Society.
I. | Contributions of the South to the Greatness of the American Union. An Address by Gen. Clement A. Evans, of Atlanta, Ga., delivered before the Association of the Army of Northern Virginia, October 10, 1895, at Richmond, Va., with the proceedings of the Association on the occasion.
1 |
II. | Hampton and Butler. A paper read by Capt. U. R. Brooks before a meeting of Camp Hampton Veterans at Columbia, S. C., Sept. 6, 1895
25 |
III. | 38 |
IV. | History of the Eleventh N. C. Infantry, C. S. A., Successor the First (the Bethel) Regiment, by Col. W. J. Martin
42 |
V. | 56 |
VI. | 58 |
VII. | Battle of Cold Harbor—Death of Clarence Warwick, by Benjamin M. Parham
79 |
VIII. | "I am Dying, Egypt, Dying!" Touching Account of the Death of its Gallant Author, Gen. W. H. Lytle, by Col. Douglas West
82 |
IX. | The Randolph Guard, Forty-fourth Virginia Infantry—Its Muster-Roll and History
94 |
X. | History of the Rockbridge Artillery, C. S. A., by a member of the famous battery—with Roster
98 |
XI. | Southern Soldiers in Northern Prisons—Experiences at Johnson's Island and Point Lookout, by Albert Stacy Caison
158 |
XII. | 165 |
XIII. | Cause of the Conflagration Incident on the Evacuation of Richmond, April 3, 1865, by John Howard, Esq., of the Virginia Bar
175 |
XIV. | Butler's Investment of New Orleans in 1862, from a Diary of the Period
182 |
XV. | 189 |
XVI. | 198 |
XVII. | A Tribute to Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, from the London (England) Index
202 |
XVIII. | Events Leading Up to the Battle of Gettysburg, an address by Colonel Charles Marshall, before the Veteran Association of Washington, D. C., Jan., 1896
205 |
XIX. | Pickett's Men in the Gettysburg Charge (with diagrams), a paper read before Pickett Camp, C. V., at Richmond, Jan. 20, 1896, by Capt. M. W. Hazlewood
229 |
XX. | 238 |
XXI. | The Peculiar Temper of Gen. Meade, U. S. A., by Capt. Leslie J. Perry, of the War Records Office
247 |
XXII. | 253 |
XXIII. | Closing Scenes of the First Battle of Manassas—Cavalry Present, by Col. W. F. Randolph
259 |
264 |
XXIV. | Fort Henry on the Yadkin—Depredations of Federal Deserters in May, 1865, by Prof. R. L. Flowers
266 |
XXV. | Cruise of the Clarence, Tacony Archer, C. S. Navy, in 1863, by Robert H. Woods, Naval War Records Office
274 |
XXVI. | 283 |
XXVII. | 290 |
XXVIII. | 292 |
XXIX. | 294 |
XXX. | 314 |
XXXI. | How the Soldiers Kept House During the War (cut of the useful cow), a paper read before Pickett Camp, C. V., Feb., 1896, by Dr. W. W. Parker
318 |
XXXII. | 328 |
XXXIII. | 330 |
XXXIV. | Stonewall Jackson; his dread of the Use of Stimulants by his Soldiers
333 |
XXXV. | 335 |
XXXVI. | 336 |
XXXVII. | Protest of R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., against the Bill in the House of Representatives, by P. J. Otey, for the Relief of Confederate Soldiers
337 |
XXXVIII. | The Longstreet-Gettysburg Controversy—Who commenced It? Review by Rev. J. William Jones, D. D.
342 |
XXXIX. | Stuart and Gettysburg—Defence of the Cavalry Leader, by Col. J. S. Mosby
348 |
XL. | The Museum of the South, Instituted by the Confederate Memorial Literary Society—A Noble Conservatory Dedication of the Historic Building at Richmond, Va., February 22, 1896. Prayer by Rev. M. D. Hoge, D. D. Oration by Gen. Bradley T. Johnson; eloquently introduced by Governor Charles T. O'Ferrall. Illustrated by cuts of front and rear views of the "Mansion;" a war portrait of President Davis, and one of Mrs. Joseph Bryan.
354 |
XLI. | Tribute to the late Joseph Jones, D. D., LL.D., the First Secretary of the Southern Historical Society
382 |
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