Historical Society Papers.
Published by the Society.
The Virginia, or Merrimac: Her Real Projector
3 |
Prison Pastimes by William Miller Owen
35 |
Prisoners North and South by John A. Wyeth
47 |
A Remarkable Victory by Dabney Herndon Maury
51 |
The Richmond "Home Guard" of 1861 by Thomas H. Ellis
57 |
Magruder's Peninsula Campaign in 1862 by Baker P. Lee
60 |
The Artillery Defenders of Fort Gregg by William Miller Owen
65 |
Capture of the C.S. Ram Tennessee in Mobile Bay, August, 1864 by Daniel B. Conrad
72 |
History of the First Battle of Manassas and the Organization of the Stonewall Brigade by Daniel B. Conrad
82 |
Capture and Burning of the Federal Gunboat "Underwriter," in the Neuse, off Nerbern, N. C. in February, 1864 by Daniel B. Conrad
93 |
Battle of Drewry's Bluff by C. T. L.
100 |
Stonewall Jackson at Prayer
111 |
Battle at Reams' Station by Charles M. Stedman
113 |
Company D, Eighteenth Virginia Infantry
120 |
The Old Texas Brigade
122 |
The Colonial Virginian by Robert Alonzo Brock
125 |
Stonewall Jackson by J. William Jones
145 |
The Sobriquet "Stonewall" by William M. Robins
164 |
Generals in the Saddle
167 |
The Confederate Veterans by J. B. Gordon
175 |
Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill by G. Powell Hill
178 |
Capture of Generals Crook and Kelly
186 |
Andersonville Prison by Joshua Peterkin
188 |
Recollections of General Earl van Dorn by Dabney Herndon Maury & E. Dilon
191 |
Southern Historical Society Papers/Volume 19/The Staunton River Fight by B. L. Fairnholt
201 |
The Memorial Window in Trinity Church, Portsmouth, Va., to the Confederate Dead of its Congregation
207 |
The First North Carolina Volunteers and the Battle of Bethel
212 |
Echoes from Hampton Roads by Rev. R. C. Foute
246 |
How Major J. N. Opie Led a Charge
251 |
The Confederate Army
253 |
A Confederate Veteran
257 |
Battle of Fredericksburg by G. McG.
262 |
Return of a Confederate Flag to its Original Owner
263 |
Feeding Paroled Confederates
266 |
Mrs. Henrietta H. Morgan
267 |
The Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse by G. J. Peacock
268 |
Generals Lee and Long by Thomas Ellett
271 |
The Virginia Military Institute
273 |
Colonel Theodore O'Hara by General Albert G. Brackett
275 |
Roll of the Stuart Horse Artillery, (McGregor's Battery) Army of Northern Virginia by J. C. Smith
281 |
A Plan to Escape
283 |
The Batle of Fisher's Hill by John H. Lane
289 |
General W. S. Walker at Chapultepec
296 |
A Confederate Survivior who Led a Federal Charge
297 |
General Thomas J. Jackson
298 |
The Valley After Kernstown by Thomas Jonathan Jackson & A. W. Harman
318 |
On the Eve of Chancellorsville by Thomas Jonathan Jackson
323 |
Oil-Cloth Coat in Which Jackson Received His Mortal Wound
324 |
Jeff. Davis House by Virginius
326 |
Last Days of the Southern Confederacy
329 |
General R. E. Lee's War-Horses
333 |
The Southern Historical Society
335 |
The Southern States and Their Veteran Soldiers
336 |
General Joseph E. Johnston
337 |
One Who "Was Out with Old Stonewall"
370 |
Fort Donelson by T. D. J.
372 |
Yancey and Hill
374 |
The Truth of History by Robert Lewis Dabney & J. William Jones
376 |
Social Life in Richmond During the War by Edward M. Alfriend
380 |
Americans as Fighters by Dabney Herndon Maury
386 |
The Nineteeth of January—Lee's Birthday
389 |
Jefferson Davis by Major Justus Scheibert
406 |
General Joseph R. Anderson
416 |
Alfriend, Captain E. M., 380. Davis, Jefferson, 303, 305, 335; His character,
Allen, Captain L. W., 283. 406.
Americans as fighters, 386. " D," Company, Eighteenth Virginia ; war roll
Anderson, Colonel Archer, 125. of, 120.
Anderson, General J. R., his gallantry at the Delaware, Fort, Prisoners at, 35,46.
battle of Gaines's Mill, 417. Dillon, Colonel Edward, 198.
Andersonville, Prison, 49. Donelson, Reminiscences of Fort, 372.
Lines on by Rev J. Peterkin, D. D., 188. Drewry's Bluff, Battle of, 100.
Appomattox, C. H., Surrender at, 268. Drummond, Governor of North Carolina, hung,
Association of the Army of Northern Virginia, 132.
action of on the death of Generals A. L. Long
and of W. H. F. Lee. 271. Early, General J. A., 153. 312.
Atkins, Captain W. T., 207. Echoes from Hampton Roads, 246.
Echols, General John, in.
Ballard, Major Thomas E., 266. Edmonds, Hon. Paul, 203.
Battle of Bethel, The, 212, 224. Eikhorn, Battle of, 193.
Bee, General Barnard E.. 90. Ellis, Colonel Thomas H.,57.
Benjamin, J P., Accomplishments of, 384. Ellyson, Henry Keeling, 130.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 310. Ewell, General R. S., 112, 153.
Boynton, General H. V., 386.
Brackett, General Albert G., 281. Farinholt, Colonel B. F., 52, 201.
Brockenbrough, Dr. John, 327. Farragut, Admiral D G.,74.
Brooke, Captain John M , 3. Fayette Artillery, Richmond, 57.
Brotherhood of the Southern Cross, Order of, Federal Prisoners, Pastimes in, 35 ; statistics of
288. mortality in, 47, 190, 288.
Buchanan, Admiral F., 6, 75. Fisher's Hill ; Incidents of, Battle of, 289.
Burke, Rev Mr , 53. Flournoy, Colonel T. S , 52, 203.
Butler, General B. F., 62. Flowerree, Colonel C. C., 108.
Forts Delaware, 35 ; Gregg, 65 ; Owen, 68 ; Canada, Plan in, to rescue Confederate prison- Morgan, 80.
ers on Johnson's Island, 288. Forrest, Admiral F., 12.
Chancellorsville, Battle of, 323. Forrest, General N. B., 199.
Chapultepec, General W. S. Walker at, 296. Foute, Rev R. C., 246. Chew's Battery, 65. Frazier's Farm, Battle of, 306.
Colby, General L. W., 265. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 259, 262. 310.
Cole, Major R. G., 266. " Free Schools in Colonial Virginia, 138.
Coleman, Colonel Henry Eaton, 52, 203.
Colonial Virginian, The, 125. Gaines's Mill, Battle of, 417.
Confederate Army, The, Its numbers troops Gift, Lt. George W., 95.
furnished to, by States its losses, and con- Gregg, Fort, Artillery defenders of, 65.
trasted with that of Grant in 1865, 253, 399 ; Gregg, General Maxcy, death of, 309.
Feeding of, when paroled, 266. Gordon, General John B., 176.
Confederate, who led a Federal charge, A. 297. Confederate Flag, Return of General Maury's, Hardee, General W. J., 235.
263. Harman, Colonel A W., 318.
Confederate Soldier, Humor of the, 313. Harrison, Captain Dabney Carr, 372.
Confederate Veterans, United; General Gordon's Hartford, The U. S., Naval Ship, 73.
Address to, 175 ; Homes for in the South, 313. Heckman, Capture of General, 107. Confederacy, Last Days of the, 329 ; Prices in Henry, Wm. Wirt, 125.
the, 329 ; Social Life in the, 380 ; Disparity Hill, Lieutenant-General A. P., Reminiscences
of numbers and resources with the North, 413. of, 178 ; First burial of remains of, 183 ; wife, Conrad Dr. D. B., 72, 82, 93. of, 267.
Cooke, General John R., 115 Hill, Senator B. H., 374, 387.
Corinth, Battle of, 195. Hill, General D. H., Report of the Battle of
Craven, Captain T. A. M., 73. Bethel, 232.
Crook, Capture of General George, 186. Hill, G. Powell, 186.
Curry, Dr. J. L. M., 125. Hines, A Howitzer Veteran, " Old," 257.
Home Guard of Richmond, in 1861, 57. Dabney, I). D., Rev. A. L., 376.
Daniel, Hon. John W., 406. Indentured Servants in Virginia, 138.
Darr, Colonel Joseph, 57. Inflexible, The British Iron-Clad, Description
Dctvis House, Jeff., History of, 326. of, 32. INDEX. 419
Iron, Manufacture in Virginia, Early, 137. Page, Thomas Nelson, on "The Social Life of
Old Virginia, 126.
Jackson, General Thomas J., Characteristics of, Pastimes in Federal Prisons, 35.
83 ; ai prayer, in, 161 ; personal reminiscences Peacock, Lieutenant G. J., 270.
and anecdotes of, 145, 298; how the sobriquet Pelham, Major John, 281.
" Stonewall " was acquired, 83, 153, 164, 307 ; Peninsula Campaign 60.
in the saddle, 173 ; at the Virginia Military Perkins, Captain G. H., 81.
Institute, 273; personal description of, 302; Peterkin, D. D., Rev. Joshua, 188.
kindness of, 308 ; sketch of, 315; the coat in Philosophical Society of Virginia, 125.
which he was wounded, 324 : moral influence Pickett Camp Confederate Veterans, Geo. E, 100
of, 371, 398. Pleasants, John, 129.
Johnson's Island Prison, A plan to escape from, Porter, John L., Naval Constructor, 3.
283; number of prisoners at, 289. Prisons, North and South, Mortality in, 47, 190.
Johnston, General Joseph E., Address on Life "Prison Times," issued in Fort Delaware, 35.
and Character of, 337. Jones, D. D., Rev. J Wm., 145, 376, 406.
and Character of, 337. Pulliam, Samuel H., 406.
Quakers in Virginia, First to influence Relig- Kelly, Capture of General B. F., 186. ious freedom, 129.
Kernstown, Battle of, 318.
Randolph Thomas Mann and his daughters, Lane, General James H., 65, 115, 182, 221, 236, 327.
245. Randolph Wm., Distinguished Descendents of,
Lane, John H., 289, 135,
Langley, Colonel Frank H., in. Ray, Rev. George H., Address of, 392.
Lee, Major Baker P., 60. Reams's Station, Battle at, 113.
Lee Camp ^ on federate Veterans, 400. Richmond College, Geographical and Histori-
Lee, Colonel Charles C., 245. cal Society of, 125.
Lee, General Robert E., Tribute from, to North Richmond, Evacuation of, 330; Social Life in,
Carolina troops, 119 ; at the Battle of Wilder- 380.
ness. 123, 206; knew the desperate condition Richmond Fayette Artillery, 57.
of the Confederacy, 256; his war horses, 333, Richmond Home Guard, 57,
269, 382 ; his birthday observed, 389, 397, 403. Robins, Major W. M., 164. Lee, General W. H. F., Tribute to the memory Robinson Leigh, His noble Address on General
of, 271. Joseph E. Johnston, 337.
Lewis, Captain J. W., 56.
Loehr, Charles T., 100. Saddle, General in the, 167 ; Grant, Lee, Meade,
Long, General A. L., Tribute to the memory 168; Warren, Burnside, McClellan, Sherman,
of, 272. 169; Hooker, Kilpatrick, Sickles, Hampton,
Longstreet, Unjust criticism by, 306. 170 ; B F. Butler, John Pope, Sheridan, 171 ;
Louisiana Historical Association, 35. Pleasanton, Hancock, Logan, 172; "Stone-
wall" Jackson, Stuart, McClellan, Kearney,
McClung, Major J, W., 299. 173 ; Ord, Wallace, Early, Banks, Terry, 174.
Magruder's Peninsula Campaign, 60. Scheibert, Major J on Jefferson Davis, 406.
McGregor's Battery, Roll of, 281. Schools, Free in Virginia, 138.
McGuire, Dr. Hunter, Sketch of, his reminis* Secession of Southern States. Order of the, 412.
censes of General Jackson, 298. Sherwood, Grace, Trial of for witchcraft, 131.
McPhail, Major John B., 56. Slavery in the South, 393; Elements of in Vir-
Manassas, History of, First Battle of, 81. ginia, 135.
Maury, General D. H., 51, 191, 201, 263, 389. Smith, J. C., of the Stuart Horse Artillery, 181. Maury, Colonel R. L., 105. Soldiers' Homes in the South, 336.
Memorial Window in Trinity Church, Ports- Sorrel's Brigade, 270.
mouth, Va., Removal of the, 207; Lines on, by Southern Historical Society, Its history, 335.
James Barron Hope, 211. South, The New, 395.
Meredith, W. R., on ' Colonial Culture in Staunton River Bridge, Wilson's defeat at, 51,
Virginia," 126. 201.
Merrimac or Virginia, The, 31, 80, 246, 248, Stedman, Hon. Charles M., 113. Minor C. S. Navy, Lieutenant R. D., 5. Stephens. Alex. H., 384.
Monitor, The, 5, 72 Stonewall Brigade, How named, 83, 153, 164.
Morgan, Fort, 80. Stuart Horse Artillery, 281.
Morgan, Mrs. Henrietta H., Mother of soldiers, Sutphin, Dr., 53.
death of, 267. Morton, Camp, Federal Prison, 47. Tennessee, C. S. Ram, Capture of, 72.
Texas Brigade, Memorial Stone to in the Wil- Negro troops, 102. derness, 122.
North Carolina troops, Tribute to, 119. Torpedoes, The first Confederate, 81.
North Carolina Volunteers, The First and the Truth of History, The Correspondence between
Battle of Bethel, 212 ; organization of the Reg- Drs. Dabney and Jones, 376.
iment, 212, 217; Lines addressed to by
" Luola," 230. Underwriter, Capture of the Federal gunboat,
93- O'Ferrall, Hon. C. T., His address at Atlanta, United Confederate Veterans, Address of Gen-
Ga., 401. eral John B. Gordon to, 175.
O'Hara, Colonel Theodore, Sketch of, 275.
One who was with Jackson, 370. Vandeyer, Dr. J. L., 187.
Opie, Major J. N., How he led a Federal Valentine's Statue of Jackson, E. V., 300.
charge, 251 Van Dorn, Recollections of General; his opera-
Owen, Fort, 68. tions between Columbia and Nashville, Tenn.,
Owen, Colonel Wm. Miller, 35. 198. 420
Virginia or Merhmac, The, her real projector, Walicer, General R. Lindsay, 314;
3 ; Engagements with the Federal fleet, 5, Warren, General G. K., 112.
246; Thanksgiving services on, 248. Washington, George, Ancestry of, 134.
Virginia Colonist, Religious observances of, Wilderness, Battle of the, 122.
127 ; tolerance of, 128; social customs of; 131 ; W} ? am and Mary College, 127 143
race elements of, 131; vindicated from the WiUiamson Chief Engineer W. P, C. S. N., 4,
charge of being descended from criminals, Alison, U.S A., General, 51.
132; gentle lineage of use of coat armor bv, >X! ne ^ u * ed ^ y * he D Vir g mi u a Colonists, 143.
134; enterprise of, 137; regard'ofand provi's- Wmgfie d, D D., Rev. John Henry, 207.
ion for education, 137; early physicians and W r ! n 8 field . D. D., Rt. Rev. J. H. D. 209, 249.
lawyers among them, 140, 148; libraries of, Witchcraft ? Vl , r ln ^' I3It
142; luxuries of, 143 ; early dramatic perform- Withers, Colonel R. E., 206,
ances among the, 143. Women of the South, Their fortitude and sac-
Virginia Company, The, Its pious and enlight- WoSdtcommfnder J. Taylor, 93.
ened designs, 127. Wright, General Marcus J , 254
Virginia Historical Society, The, 125. Wyeth, Dr. John A., 47.
Virginia Military Institute, Its staff, 1848-1861,
. 273. Yancey and Hill, Their difficulty in the C. S.
Virginian, The Colonial, An address by R. A. Senate, 374.
Brock, 125. Yanceyj W. L., Person and Character of, 384.