< Sixty-two Theosophic Epistles

The two andfixtieth Efiflle

C B.

without Date.

DEar faithful! friend and brother in the Love of Chrifl, I with COH-; ftantly in ray defire, that you may continue fledfafft in the way youhave begun, that your hunger and thirft after Chrifls well fpring r fountain may conftantly endure/or it is the affurcd * dwmry> of the

  • John 6> M* tobeY in the Spiri t of Chrift to him.

Wreflle ckswjuUj, the OWHfr deputed inTh. Epift. LXI1. 3f - 2. The Earthly Adam is a Cover before it, that Chrift in this Earth ly Tabernacle cannot be totally manifefted, for Holy t ZXru/d, the i.pr a i T Man of God, faith; &*#j* aw^ jfrtMg in T"<?.w, ur thy rety to

3. I exhort you very brotherly, that you be not difcouraged, thoug-h the SUN of the rich Joyfullneffc do not fliine in the 01& Adam, it is Gods will it fliould be to ; for with its richly Joyfull Glance orLuftrous "Beams, it belongeth not to the Earthly Man; But it givet-h it felfc many times to the Dead ^^yjlcry^ which difdft. fetred or faded in Adam^nd. at the Lajl Judge

ment Vay fall; * drift in Power, fuch a friendly * iCor.i* 49. ; Afpecl: GUmps or Countenance ; for the Comfort of the poor Soul-; anotothetlrengthningofthc KtmSprouti But here it muft be gene rated or born in meer longing and anxiou* defire : The Sun oftentimes hideth it fclf ; but fo it feeketh only into the Rooty that it may gene rate a Twig out of the Tree.

4. Wrcftle cheerfully, the Crown or Garland isaduredly depofttgd in you, it will affaredly be fet upbn-you 5 according to the Weafure which pleaf-rth God ; for according to what he wiU ufi any for in rhi* world, according to that meafure alfo he manifefteth himfelfe in him in the outward Mtn: but the true Lilly -Twig or Branch; ftandcth not in the outward world ; It is exceeding Joy to me, when I per ceive, that you long anxioufly after the Lilly, and think you have it not ; but 1 fee much better then you, WHAT you have , which often delights me thus with my exhortation to awaksn and ftiritup; that the Tree may grow and become Great; for I would fain alfo NOW partake of its Fruits: for which things fake, I labour towards YOU and flfahy OTHERS, accordingly as I am driven.

5.. I fend you the * Magicl^ Globe 9 With the fophkkGlobc Explanation thereof 5 you will have therein a fine ^^ 4 J- delightfull walke for recreation : but fend me it back again as foon t heSoul. as you can, I will fliortly fend you fomewhat elfe.- ^JacobBchmes

little Book of

6. The Little \ Teftaments, I cannot get at prefent , but am pro- fa j wO mifed to have it copyed out. Teftaments,

, , . . ofBaPtifme !

7. I pray, if you fee any acquaintance of *Zolmg, fend tmsindo- anc j t h e Sup- fed Letter to Hen Iff. W. if not, then leave it at his Houfe, then it

wifl come at him. *

U8 t


50 LXlI.Epift. W^Jtocftwr/uff/, thg Or<w isdepofad inVt.

8. I thank you alfo for fending the Corn: Iwitt in Love, Pat you for it ; I have juftly received it, and perceive your diligence : If Herr M.W. would fend me my Sto-^again, I fliould reft contented, but I perceive very well how his heart is, I have difcovered to him the Eabylorijb WHORE : and fall friendly write to him ; to try if he will become feeing, and fall away from the vierge of AntAift, though it feemeth to me they are but Gliftenng S^sci&m words, as they almoft aH of them do give.

p. For, I have in this Generation found very fiwo/them, where-

  • Math n 20 in TJ* 6 " ***? earn T eflneflV; but the X ha ve only * received tbt

Mark 4.itf. &*&**& Wlt h JJ?3 Md ^P^ it fticketh in the /fanr

Luke 8. 13. kip , v iz: in the JL tft C? j they make oftentation therewith : yet j

know fome wherein there is facere carneJineJTe, where I have feen the

Spirit in Power , God bepraifed!

10. Pray fignifie my Salutation and wiDing Service in Love, to your Brother the HerrQwreQtri to commend one another into the

Your Loving Friend and Brother in CHRIST,

Jacob Bebwc*


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