Tie One and Sixtieth Epiftle
Tc* H^ ^. -*5 without Date.
r Ot1 Honourable highly efteemed Sir : and faithfiifl friend, you* Salvation and welfare is very acceptable to me , I would long agoe have vifited you with a Let tcr, for I long alfo to un- derftand your condition ; feeing you give your felf to the Study ot WISDOME, which is more dear to me then the whole world, and do \ri(h that I might once confme with you therein as it is neceffary : as I hope fliortly to make a Journey towards you, then wifl 1 fpeab with you.
2. Hitherto I have been hindered by Gods permiffion, for I have Ibeenthefe Sis WteJ^ 9 caft down into theSicknefle of the Evifl rai- fed Soldiers, and fcarce come to health again.
3. Al fo how it is with our Dr. Walt-cm, or where he is if you know any thing of him, fignifie it to me; alfo how you go on in your ftudy, whether the Grace Dorc be more opened to you, to apprehend the high Divine Myftery, it would be very acceptable to me to faon \ for I hope if you order your life therein, and did bring the PraSice jnto Exercife, that Dore would be opened to you, fo that you would fee,, \vith right or true MagicaV Eyes in MAgiam DivJnaff* into the Divine fiftgia.
4. For fo foon as the Sprout of the New M/fpringeth,ithath its Seeing or Sight 5 for as the outward Man feeth this oumard world, fo alfo the New Man, feeth the Hvfns world, wherein it dweUeth; for
10. it is written; * the Spirit of Mm in the Spirit of Chrift, featcketh aV things, even the depths of ike Defy.
5. And although, it lyeth notin the Searching and flying aloft, if men will fearch in Reafott, but in-a humble lowly fubmitting to enter into it, that the Soul defire Nothing bat Gofo Lave ; now when it attaineth THAT, then it fuddenly bringeth the richly joy full Spi rit of God, the Souls Image or ihefmilitude of God, into the Heavenly jpivine School of the Noble asd precious knowledge; where then it
is >.
J. B. Sick We an not uf catch in Retfon for 1Xv!m Thi^t, Epift.lXl. is taught mm then in the School of this world; for it fludyeth in the. School of the Divine Wifdome } The Holy Spirit is its School- raafter, alfo its knowing and underftanding.
6. It is no knowing of God, that a CREATURE knoweft or feelethGod, but THAT knowledge only which is /7sU>,d : The Twig draweth into it, the Sap of the Tree; if -4 Man be not with his will -fpint entered into God, bur into the outward Reafon, then he is BLIND to God.
7. ButifhewrthearneftnefledefirethGod, dichhe-l -ccometh ifi his Defre impregnate with Gods Subftance, and Gods Subftance be- cometh given to him for his OWN propriety, wherein the Spirit of God ruleth ; and he becometh Gods Child , -u^: a Twig on the Tree,
8. Seeing then I perceive from Herr Walta 1 , that you lead your LifeintTJ*F<?<w0/Gc<f; andhefteweth me alfo your writings, that fProv you have a defire after the IHvins Wifdome ; and alter the well- fpring or fountain of Chrifa therefore I am the more encouraged to write un to you, and to inform you of the WAY thereof, for z-t affordeth me meerjoy, when I difccrn any of Gods Children.
9. Juft as one Twig of a Tree,- enjoy eth it felf with the other in the Tree, with an amiable or Lovely Eflence, fo alfo do the Chil dren ofChrifl; but if any thing in my writings fhould be mender- food , do but figmeittome, and it fliallke brought into in^Wfe underflanding for you ; or if it were too deep for your Mind or Thoughts, I would fet it down mtrtfimply and Childlike, whereby the Pearl might be fought and found /*/> delight-, for it is not given
, in vain. *
10. Bt feeing you arc one of the firft, whom God will favour with it ; therefore 1 exhort you, in true Chriftian Love, that you would diligently feek the Noble Jewel; you will certainly attain it, for though it feems as if it would not ; let not THAT difcourage you, and do not (hrink back, but ftand ftill ; If any will be a Soldier he mufl fight? where God is neereft of tU he will not difco- ver it, his Children muft be proved or Trye d.
n. We muft enter into Gtmbate againft the Old Aim, and kiff hini, if a New be to grow out of him; if the faire Crown or Garland be once fet upon you ; then it wo uld after war-ds need w> nose fear ch- ing after; you. will have one that will fearch well enough; wh* will feek and find hwnfelfe IN>ou; that you (hall fee God and AC Kingdom of Heaven, according to that Gliaips or difeovery ; This /wo^d needs friendly intimate to you.
M m w a 12. A
1 8 iXI-Epift. J. B.Sick ! We are not tofarch in Reafon, for Diving
p. A very Rard Time is coming, for that year, and the year fol- 4- Rev . 18 . 8. lowing; will 6e years of great Tribulation, for thejicfyefle and ? death of the WkoreisComitig, but flic will not obferve it, {he faith (till, lama Virgin, her wounds are uncurable.
13. Dear friend Chriftianttr, let us indeed open our Eyes aright,
- Rev 18 4- fc ^ at we !earn to know Her, and * Jfyefrom her, elfe we may receive bet
plagues and Puniftiments ; there is no jefling, it will coft Body and Soul; The higheft Good.
Thus I commend you to the Love of JESUS CHRIST.
Jacob Behme.
^provi8,io. f The N*we of the LORD is a ftrong
City 9 -) the Righteous^ runaeth unto it and is exalted*