< Sixty-two Theosophic Epistles

SeOrVtti and Fiftieth Epiftk

xoN. N." f


MY deaxe Sir, next the wifliing you the Love of our LORB JefusChift, in Sole and Spirit , I acquaint you Sir, That- in my Abieucc this journey; when 1 was abroad at Hetr hbns Sigiimund , the Pharifaicall Spirit, hath raged, as if he would florme Heaven ad breake-HLcll in peaces, and aU becaufe of the * priced * The

(* a ) little toChriS

piiUe. The Way to thrift,. highly loved little BG0e> which yet is very highly loved by many ; And I doe not know yet how it will goe with me, in regard of this PkarifiicaB Spirit, but! put my hope and whole Confidence, in the Love of JefusChrijh anddoePraifeGod that I (haH be made conformable to the Image of Jffm thrift, and fuffer reproach for HIS fake, and will beare all with Patience under the * Crofte of Chirift j for Sathan flor- t Joh.p i73!.meth or warreth againft Chrift, and Chrift againft Sathan, and it Cn. 8. 48. goeth as it did with (Thrift, one part fay, -t Htfw an honeft Good man,

  • Joh . jo. and A Prophet, the other fay * He hath a D^uil/. How it xviH conclude
  • 9> 20. i (hall let you know further-Sir ; and I commend you to the Love of



Your willing fervant

Jficob Behme*

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