(Figures in full-faced type refer to page-numbers)
abuse: 21 (42. 7)
accessary: 18 (35. 13)
acquaintance strangle: 45 (89. 8)
action: 33 (65. 4)
adder's sense: 56 (112. 10)
adjunct (adj.): 46 (91. 5)
adjunct (noun) : 61 (122. 13)
advance: 39 (78. 13)
advantage: 77 (153. 2)
adventurer in setting forth: (Dedication 10–12)
advis'd respects: 25 (49. 4)
against: 19 (38. 6); 25 (49. 1); 32 (63. 1)
aggravate: 73 (146. 10)
all tyrant: 75 (149. 4)
allow: 56 (112. 4)
ambassage: 13 (26. 3)
amiss: 18 (35. 7)
antique: 10 (19. 10)
antique hours: 34 (68. 9)
antiquity: 31 (62. 10)
approve: 21 (42. 8); 35 (70. 5); 74 (147. 7)
argument: 19 (38. 3)
art: 7 (14. 10)
as: 31 (62. 8); 39 (78. 3)
astonished: 43 (86. 8)
at height: 8 (15. 7)
attaint: 41 (82. 2)
authorizing: 18 (35. 6)
badges of either's woe: 22 (44. 14)
bail: 67 (133. 10)
bastard signs of fair: 34 (68. 3)
beated and chopp'd: 31 (62. 10)
beauteous blessings: 42 (84. 13)
beauteous roof: 5 (10. 7)
becoming of: 64 (127. 13)
begetter: (Dedication 1)
being made: 25 (50. 8)
bestow'st: 6 (11. 3)
better equipage: 16 (32. 12)
better spirit: 40 (80. 2)
better'd that: 38 (75. 8)
bettering . . . time: 16 (32. 5)
bevel: 61 (121. 11)
black: 64 (127. 1)
blazon: 53 (106. 5)
blenches: 55 (110. 7)
blood: 55 (109. 10)
bore the canopy: 63 (125. 1)
born to our desire: 62 (123. 7)
both twain: 21 (42. 11)
both your poets: 42 (83. 14)
bounty: 27 (53. 11)
brand: 56 (111. 5); 77 (153. 1)
brass eternal slave: 32 (64. 4)
brave: 6 (12. 2)
bravery: 17 (34. 4)
buds of marjoram: 50 (99. 7)
but: 13 (25. 6); 66 (131. 10)
by art: 70 (139. 4)
by waning grown: 63 (126. 3)
came: 67 (134. 11)
canker: 48 (95. 2)
canker-blooms: 27 (54. 5)
captain: 26 (52. 8)
carcanet: 26 (52. 8)
cast his utmost sum: 25 (49. 3)
censures: 74 (148. 4)
character: 54 (108. 1)
charge: 73 (146. 8)
charg'd: 35 (70. 10)
charter of thy worth: 44 (87. 3)
check (verb): 68 (136. 1)
check (noun): 29 (58. 7)
cheer: 49 (97. 13)
cheered and check'd: 8 (15. 6)
chest: 26 (52. 9)
chief: 21 (42. 3)
child of state: 62 (124. 1)
clear: 42 (84. 10)
closure: 24 (48. 11)
come in the rearward: 45 (90. 6)
comment: 45 (89. 2)
common: 35 (69. 14)
compare: 65 (130. 14)
compile: 39 (78. 9)
composed wonder: 30 (59. 10)
compounded: 36 (71. 10)
conceit: 8 (15. 9); 54 (108. 13)
confin'd doom: 54 (107. 4)
confounds: 3 (5. 6); confounding: 32 (63. 10)
consum'd . . . nourish'd by: 37 (73. 12)
content: 1 (1. 11)
contracted: 1 (1. 5); 28 (56. 10)
converted: 4 (7. 11)
convertest: 6 (11. 4)
correct correction: 56 (111. 12)
countenance: 43 (86. 13)
counterfeit: 27 (53. 5)
counterpart: 42 (84. 11)
crooked: 30 (60. 7)
cross: 45 (90. 2)
curious: 19 (38. 13)
damask'd: 65 (130. 5)
darkly: 22 (43. 4)
date: 7 (14. 14)
dateless: 15 (30. 6); 77 (153. 6)
dates: 62 (123. 5)
dead seeing: 34 (67. 6)
dearest spite: 19 (37. 3)
debate: 45 (89. 13)
debateth: 8 (15. 11)
defeat: 31 (61. 11)
defeated: 10 (20. 11)
delves the parallels: 30 (60. 10)
departest: 6 (11. 2)
desire . . . shall neigh: 26 (51. 10, 11)
determinate: 44 (87. 4)
determination: 7 (13. 6)
dial-hand: 52 (104. 9)
difference: 53 (105. 8)
dignified: 51 (101. 4)
disabled: 33 (66. 8)
discloses: 27 (54. 8)
disgrace: 17 (33. 8)
disperse: 39 (78. 4)
distils: 27 (54. 14)
divining: 53 (106. 11)
do define: 31 (62. 7)
doth lie: 62 (123. 11)
doth part his function: 57 (113. 3)
double-vantage: 44 (88. 12)
doubting: 38 (75. 6)
dressings: 62 (123. 4)
drop in: 45 (90. 4)
eager compounds: 59 (118. 2)
edge of doom: 58 (116. 12)
effectually: 57 (113. 4)
eisel: 56 (111. 10)
endeared: 16 (31. 1)
ending doom: 28 (55. 12)
engraft you new: 8 (15. 14)
engrafted: 19 (37. 8)
engross'd: 67 (133. 6)
enlarg'd: 35 (70. 12)
enlighten: 76 (152. 11)
entertain: 20 (39. 11)
entitled: 19 (37. 7)
erst: 6 (12. 6)
esteeming: 51 (102. 3)
estimate: 44 (87. 2)
every one, one shade: 27 (53. 3)
exchang'd: 55 (109. 7)
excusing thy sins: 18 (35. 8)
expense: 15 (30.8)
expense of spirit: 65 (129. 1)
expiate: 11 (22. 4)
extreme: 65 (129. 4)
fair: 8 (16. 11); 64 (127. 1)
fairing . . . face: 64 (127. 6)
fairly: 3 (5. 4)
fame: 42 (84. 11)
fashion: 62 (124. 8)
favour: 57 (113. 10)
fear of trust: 12 (23. 5)
fee: 60 (120. 13)
fil'd: 43 (85. 4)
fire . . . out: 72 (144. 14)
five wits: 71 (141. 9)
fleets: 10 (19. 5)
foison: 27 (53. 9)
fond: 2 (3. 7)
fond on praise: 42 (84. 14)
fools of time: 62 (124. 13)
for: 20 (40. 6); 26 (52. 4); 50 (99. 6); 62 (124. 2)
for love: 26 (51. 12)
for store: 6 (11. 9)
forward: 50 (99. 1)
foul: 66 (132. 14)
fountains: 18 (35. 2)
frank: 2 (4. 4)
free: 2 (4.4); 63 (125. 10)
frequent: 59 (117. 5)
fresh repair: 2 (3. 3)
from me: 72 (144. 11)
front: 51 (102. 7)
furthest earth remov'd: 22 (44. 6)
fury: 50 (100. 3)
gave . . . youth: 55 (110. 7)
gaze: 3 (5. 2)
give another place: 40 (79. 4)
give salutation to: 61 (121. 6)
give warning to the world: 36 (71. 3)
given to time: 59 (117. 6)
gives . . . place: 54 (108. 11)
go: 26 (51. 14)
gor'd: 55 (110. 3)
grievances foregone: 15 (30. 9)
grind: 55 (110. 10)
grossly: 50 (99. 5)
guilty goddess . . . deeds: 56 (111. 2)
gulls: 43 (86. 10)
had: 38 (75. 12)
haply: 45 (89. 12)
happies: 3 (6. 6)
have astronomy: 7 (14. 2)
have what . . . end: 55 (110. 9)
heart: 57 (113. 5)
heavy Saturn: 49 (98. 4)
height: 58 (116. 8)
highmost pitch: 4 (7. 9)
himself: 24 (47. 4)
his: 5 (9. 10)
hugely politic: 62 (124. 11)
humour: 46 (91. 5); 46 (92. 8)
husbandry: 7 (13. 10)
idle rank: 61 (122. 3)
if never intermix'd: 51 (101. 8)
ill-wresting: 70 (140. 11)
imaginary: 14 (27. 9)
impanelled: 23 (46. 9)
impression: 56 (112. 1)
imprison'd . . . liberty: 29 (58. 6)
in character: 30 (59. 8)
in love's fresh case: 54 (108. 9)
in manners: 43 (85. 1)
in my purpose bred: 56 (112. 13)
in proof: 65 (129. 11)
in the onset: 45 (90. 11)
in their gazing spent: 63 (125. 8)
in their wills: 61 (121. 8)
in this: 54 (107. 13)
in your report: 42 (83. 5)
inconstant stay: 8 (15. 9)
indigest: 57 (114. 5)
indirectly: 34 (67. 7)
influence: 39 (78. 10)
inhearse: 43 (86. 3)
intend: 14 (27. 6)
interest: 16 (31. 7); 37 (74. 3)
invention: 19 (38. 8)
is that: 37 (74. 13)
it: 57 (113. 5)
itself and true: 34 (68. 10)
jacks: 64 (128. 5)
just to the time: 55 (109. 7)
kept: 74 (147. 6)
kingly: 57 (114. 10)
labouring for invention: 30 (59. 3)
lace itself: 34 (67. 4)
latch: 57 (113. 6)
lay: 51 (101. 7
leese: 3 (5. 14)
level: 59 (117. 11)
liberty: 21 (41. 1)
life's composition: 23 (45. 9)
like: 66 (132. 12)
like as: 59 (118. 1)
like none: 27 (53. 14)
lilies that fester: 47 (94. 14)
limbecks: 60 (119. 2)
limit: 41 (82. 6)
lines of life: 8 (16. 9)
liquid prisoner: 3 (5. 10)
livery: 1 (2. 3)
look strange: 45 (89. 8)
lovely argument: 40 (79. 5)
made more or less: 62 (123. 12)
main: 30 (60. 5)
makeless: 5 (9. 4)
making . . . compare: 11 (21. 5)
man in hue: 10 (20. 7)
map: 34 (68. 1)
mask'd not thy show: 35 (70. 13)
master: 53 (106. 8)
may stain: 17 (33. 14)
measure: 46 (91. 7)
mended: 30 (59. 11)
merchandiz'd: 51 (102. 3)
minion: 63 (126. 9)
misplac'd: 33 (66. 5)
misuse: 76 (152. 7)
Mr. W. H.: (Dedication 3)
modern: 42 (83. 7)
moiety: 23 (46. 12)
more and less: 48 (96. 3)
mortal: 54 (107. 5)
motley: 55 (110. 2)
muse: 11 (21. 1)
music to hear: 4 (8. 1)
mutual ordering: 4 (8. 10)
my love receivest: 20 (40. 5)
my name: 36 (72. 11)
my next self: 67 (133. 6)
myself bring . . . stain: 55 (109. 8)
my unkind abuse: 67 (134. 12)
needy nothing: 33 (66. 3)
new-fangled ill: 46 (91. 3)
new-fired: 77 (153. 9)
new pride: 38 (76. 1)
new wail: 15 (30. 4)
newer: 62 (123. 2)
no beauty lack: 64 (127. 11)
none you: 27 (53. 14)
nor he will not be free: 67 (134. 5)
nor Mars his: 28 (55. 7)
noted weed: 38 (76. 6)
obsequious: 16 (31. 5)
o'er-green: 56 (112. 4)
of settled gravity: 25 (49. 8)
of that: 37 (74. 13)
of thee: 37 (74. 12)
office: 51 (101. 13)
offices: 39 (77. 13)
oft predict: 7 (14. 8)
old excuse: 1 (2. 11)
one on another's neck: 66 (131. 11)
on proof . . . accumulate: 59 (117. 10)
only is their show: 27 (54. 9)
or: 38 (75. 14)
or all away: 38 (75. 14)
or whether doth: 57 (114. 1)
ornament: 35 (70. 3)
other: 31 (62. 8)
other mine: 67 (134. 3)
out of their spheres . . . fitted: 60 (119. 7)
outward walls: 73 (146. 4)
owe: 35 (70. 14)
ow'st: 9 (18. 10)
pain: 19 (38. 14); 71 (141. 14)
painted counterfeit: 8 (16. 8)
palate urge: 59 (118. 2)
parts of me: 16 (31. 11)
pass: 52 (103. 11)
past: 65 (129. 6)
patent: 44 (87. 8)
peace of you: 38 (75. 3)
perspective: 12 (24. 4)
Philomel: 51 (102. 7)
physic did except: 74 (147. 8)
pity-wanting pain: 70 (140. 4)
pointing: 7 (14. 6)
points: 13 (26. 10)
policy: 62 (124. 9)
poor retention: 61 (122. 9)
precious: 43 (85. 4)
preposterously: 55 (109. 11)
presage: 54 (107. 6)
presagers: 12 (23. 10)
presume not: 11 (22. 13)
prevent'st: 50 (100. 14)
pride: 26 (52. 12)
prime: 35 (70. 8)
privilege (noun): 48 (95. 13)
privilege (verb): 29 (58. 10)
process: 52 (104. 6)
proposed: 65 (129. 12)
proud-pied: 49 (98. 2)
prove: 36 (72. 4)
put besides: 12 (23. 2)
qualify 55 (109. 2)
quest: 23 (46. 10)
question make: 6 (12. 9)
quietus: 63 (126. 12)
rack: 17 (33. 6)
rage: 9 (17. 11)
ragged: 3 (6. 1)
rank: 43 (85. 12)
rank of: 59 (118. 12)
raz'd: 61 (122. 7)
receipt: 68 (136. 7)
reckoning: 58 (115. 5)
record: 30 (59. 5)
recur'd: 23 (45. 9)
refigur'd: 3 (6. 10)
region: 17 (33. 12 )
register: 54 (108. 3)
rehearse: 11 (21. 4); 19 (38. 4); 36 (71. 11)
religious: 16 (31. 6)
remember'd: 60 (120. 9)
remember'd not to be: 2 (3. 13)
remove: 58 (116. 4)
remover: 58 (116. 4)
render: 63 (125. 12)
reserve: 16 (32. 7)
reserve their character: 43 (85. 3)
respect (noun): 18 (36. 5)
respect (verb): 43 (85. 13); 75 (149. 9)
resty: 50 (100. 9)
reviewest: 37 (74. 5)
rich-proud: 32 (64. 2)
richly compil'd: 43 (85. 2)
right of sepulchres: 34 (68. 6)
rondure: 11 (91. 8)
rotten smoke: 17 (34. 4)
ruth: 66 (132. 4)
satire to decay: 50 (100. 11)
savour: 63 (125. 7)
scanted: 59 (117. 1)
scope: 15 (29. 7)
scope and tenour: 31 (61. 8)
seconds: 63 (125. 11)
seeming: 51 (102. 1)
seldom: 26 (52. 4)
self-doing: 29 (58. 12)
sense: 18 (35. 9)
separable: 18 (36. 6)
sequent toil: 30 (60. 4)
sessions: 15 (30. 1)
set a form: 45 (89. 6)
set me light: 44 (88. 1)
several: 69 (137. 9)
shadow: 19 (37. 10); 22 (43. 5)
shady stealth: 39 (77. 7)
shake hands: 14 (28. 6)
should you: 36 (72. 14)
show: 47 (94. 2); 53 (105.2)
sickle hour: 63 (126. 2)
simplicity: 33 (66. 11)
simply: 69 (138. 7)
since: 33 (65. 1)
sit: 52 (103. 13)
slow offence: 26 (51. 1)
so: 64 (127. 13); 58 (115. 13)
so as: 66 (131. 1)
so thy praise: 35 (70. 11)
soil: 35 (69. 14)
solemn: 26 (52. 5)
sometime: 32 (64. 3)
sourly: 18 (35. 14)
sovereign eye: 17 (33. 2)
speaking in effect: 43 (85. 14)
spites: 20 (40. 14)
spoil: 33 (65. 12)
sportive: 61 (121. 6)
stain: 18 (35. 3)
staineth: 17 (33. 14)
state: 32 (64. 9, 10); 48 (96. 12)
statute of thy beauty: 67 (134. 9)
steel'd sense: 56 (112. 8)
steepy: 32 (63. 5)
stell'd: 12 (24. 1)
still: 5 (9. 5)
store . . . convert: 7 (14. 12)
stores: 34 (67. 13)
strained: 41 (82. 10)
strains: 45 (90. 13)
strangely: 25 (49. 5)
stretched: 9 (17. 12)
subdu'd: 56 (111. 6)
suborn'd informer: 63 (125. 13)
subscribes: 54 (107. 10)
successive: 64 (127. 3)
sufferance: 29 (58. 7)
suffic'd: 19 (37. 11)
suggest: 72 (144. 2)
suit: 66 (132. 12)
suited: 64 (127. 10)
summer's story: 49 (98. 7)
suppose: 29 (57. 10)
surety-like: 67 (134. 7)
suspect: 35 (70. 3)
sweet season'd: 38 (75. 2)
swerving: 44 (87. 8)
swift extremity: 26 (51. 6)
sympathiz'd: 41 (82. 11)
T. T.: (Dedication 13)
table: 12 (24. 2)
tables: 61 (122. 1, 12)
task: 36 (72. 1)
tell: 7 (14.5); 15 (30. 10)
tender: 42 (83. 4)
terms: 73 (146. 11)
that: 27 (54. 14); 28 (55. 13); 55 (109. 5)
that able spirit: 43 (85. 7)
that is this: 37 (74. 14)
that more . . . expressed: 12 (23. 12)
that which I bring forth: 36 (72. 13)
the rest: 58 (115. 12)
then tender'd: 60 (120. 11)
thinly: 26 (52. 7)
this: 77 (154. 13)
thou single: 4 (8. 14)
though: 32 (63. 12)
though words . . . before: 43 (85. 12)
thought kills me: 22 (44. 9)
thralled discontent: 62 (124. 7)
thyself outgoing . . . noon: 4 (7. 13)
time remov'd: 49 (97. 5)
time-bettering days: 41 (82. 8)
times in hope: 30 (60. 13)
tincture: 27 (54. 6)
tires: 27 (53. 8)
to all the world: 41 (81. 6)
to be: 41 (81. 11)
to die: 33 (66. 14)
to each: 72 (144. 11)
to give away yourself: 8 (16. 13)
to give full growth: 58 (115. 14)
to linger out: 45 (90. 8)
to take a new acquaintance: 39 (77. 12)
to themselves: 27 (54. 11)
to tie up: 35 (70. 12)
to use: 67 (134. 10)
to weigh: 60 (120. 8)
torn: 76 (152. 3)
tract: 4 (7. 12)
transfix the flourish: 30 (60. 9)
translated: 48 (96. 8)
treasure: 3 (6. 3)
trim: 49 (98. 2)
trimm'd in jollity: 33 (66. 3)
twire: 14 (28. 12)
under thee: 39 (78. 4)
unear'd: 2 (3. 5)
unfair: 3 (5. 4)
unhappily forsworn: 33 (66. 4)
unjust: 69 (138. 9)
unknown: 59 (117. 5)
unlook'd for: 13 (25. 4)
unrespected: 22 (43. 2); 27 (54. 10)
unset: 8 (16. 6)
unsway'd: 71 (141. 11)
unthrifts: 7 (13. 13)
untold: 68 (136. 9)
untrimm'd: 9 (18. 8)
untrue (adj.): 57 (113. 14)
untrue (adv.): 36 (72. 10)
upon desired change: 45 (89. 6)
upon misprision growing: 44 (87. 11)
upon thy part: 44 (88. 6)
uprear: 25 (49. 11)
use: 3 (6. 5); 39 (78. 3)
vade: 27 (54. 14)
varying to other words: 53 (105. 10)
vaunt: 8 (15. 7)
wards of trust: 24 (48. 4)
warrantise: 75 (150. 7)
was consecrate: 37 (74. 6)
waste blanks: 39 (77. 10)
watching: 74 (148. 10)
wear . . . out of memory: 8 (15. 8)
wear this world out: 28 (55. 12)
weed: 1 (2. 4)
weeds among weeds: 62 (124. 4)
welfare: 59 (118. 7)
well-contented day: 16 (32. 1)
were't: 63 (125. 1)
what . . . 'greeing: 57 (114. 11)
what thou dost hide: 71 (142. 13)
when as: 25 (49. 3)
whe'r: 30 (59. 11)
where: 22 (44. 4)
whereto: 62 (124. 8)
whether revolution be the same: 30 (59. 12)
which: 32 (64. 13); 37 (74. 4)
which physic did except: 74 (147. 8)
whose shadow . . . bright: 22 (43. 5)
wilfully: 40 (80. 8)
Will: 68 (135. 1); 72 (143. 13)
wink: 22 (43. 1)
wiry concord: 64 (128. 4)
with compare: 18 (35. 6)
with infection: 34 (67. 1)
with manners: 20 (39. 1)
with my extern: 63 (125. 2)
with my neglect . . . dispense: 56 (112. 12)
with thee partake: 75 (149. 2)
wits: 71 (141. 9)
wonder at: 49 (98. 9)
woo'd of time: 35 (70. 6)
words come hindmost: 43 (85. 12)
world's due: 1 (1. 14)
world-without-end: 29 (57. 5)
worse essays: 55 (110. 8)
worth: 58 (116. 8)
would be: 36 (71. 7)
wrack: 63 (126. 5)
wrack'd: 40 (80. 11)
wrackful: 33 (65. 6)
wretched minutes kill: 63 (126. 8)
wrought: 22 (44. 11)
youngly: 6 (11. 3)
yourself: 7 (13. 1)