Preached on a Sacramental Occaſion.
Isaiah xli. 14. 15.
Worm Jacob thou ſhall Threſh the Mountains and beat them ſmall and ſhalt Make Hills as Chaff.
Printed and ſold in Moriſould Cloſe 1771.
Worm Jacob threſhing the Mountains.
Preached on a Sacramental Occaſion.
Isaiah xli. 14. 15.
REligion is a Myſtery, and the truly religious are a myſtery too. They are a Myſtery to the world. S John iii. 1. The world knoweth us not, yet to themſelves, Verſe 2. 'It doth not yet appear what we ſhall be. That is a matter not of ſight and feeling but faith. There are many odd connections and what people would think contradictions and impoſſibilities in the character. See a cluſter of them 2 Cor vi. 11. 'As unknown, and yet well known: as dying, and, behold, we live: as chastened, and not killed; as ſorrowful yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing and yet poſſeſſing all things. That is a ſtrange connection, an old man and a new man in one man: but not more ſtrange and ſurprising than this in the text. A Worm threſhing the mountains, and that not ridiculouſly without effect, but more efficaciouſly beating them ſmall, in theſe words we have two things.
1. What the Church and People of God are. They are named by him who miſnames none, Worm Jacob. Their name from his nature is a Worm, they are poor, weak, deſpiſed creatures, ready to be cruſhed by the foot of every paſſenger: Yet Worm Jacob, believing, praying and wreſtling Worm as he was.
2. What they ſhall certainly and infallibly do, Threſh the Mountains and beat them ſmall, &c.
I find interpreters generally understand by the mountain, the great and lofty potentates of the earth, ſetting themſelves againſt the Church. And no doubt theſe were in the Prophet's View: but the view was not confined to them only. God's bringing down the Babalonian Monarchy at their prayers and the victories afterwards of the Maccabees over their enemies cannot reaſonably be ſuppoſed to complete the intent of this Prophecy. We muſt needs look to the kingdom of Chriſt for it, of which there is plainly an account, (illegible text) 17, 7 19 compare with Dom. ii. 34, 35 and we muſt carry on our view all along to the end of time. Rev ii. 26, 2. The rather that is the way of the Prophet, to wrap up in one expreſſion, temporal, ſpiritual and eternal deliverance: the deliverance from Babylon which was temporal being the firſt and neareſt in view. Iſa xxvi, 19 Thy dead ſhall live &c. but not terminating it. Here then we may conſider, (1) What Worm Jacob has to encounter, or yoke ⟨the⟩ mountains and hills, whoſe weight is ſufficient to (illegible text) him, difficulties quite diſproportionate ⟨to⟩ his ſtrength, as a (illegible text) mountains ſhall not crush the worm, but the worm ſhall threſh the mountains as one doth a ſheath of corn with repeated ſtrokes. They did not threſh their corn in thoſe days with flails as we do, but trode it out with the feet of men or beaſts, or elſe by drawing a kind of cart drag or ſledge over and over it, called in the Text Threſhing inſtruments I do not mind the word here denotting the action of the worm, and rendered threſhing, applied at all to the drag. But as it formerly ſignifies to tread out, as rendered Hoſ x. 11. Ephraim is as an Heifer that is taught and loveth to tread out the corn;' as appears from Iſa xxv. 10.
'For in this mountain ſhall the hand of the Lord reſt, and Moab shall be trodden down under him, even as ſtraw is trodden down for the dunghill.' So it is applied to a ſelf moving creature Man Mic iv 13. 'Arise and threſh O daughter of Zion or Breaſt. re iv Here lies the Myſtery then uniting the two nations of the ſelf move, and the inſtruments that the Worm hath tread out the mountains, as one would do to a Mole hill. And if ye ſay alas! ſuch a treader, what weight has it? I will make (ſaith the Lord) the feet of the belly of The Worm like a new ſharp threſhing drag for them that ſhall tread out the higheſt and rockieſt of them all to purpoſe.
(3) The degree and pitch of the Worm's ſuccess againſt thoſe mountains: It ſhall beat them ſmall ⟨till⟩ they be like duſt, as the word is used, Dut ix, 21, or like Chaff. So that they ſhall be blown away with Wind, and no veſtage of them remain.
(4.) The inſurance of this ſucceſſ of the Worm. who could inſure it but the mighty God? he has done it, Jeſus Chriſt Jehovah the most high God, and the Worm Jacob's kinſman Redeemer, hath by his word of promiſe engaged his Almighty power on the side of the Worm againſt the mountains. Let not the Worm fear or doubt the ſucceſs. A Worm ſeconded by Jeſus Chriſt will be an over match for all the mountains (illegible text) earth or (illegible text) (illegible text) ct The Myſtery of grace carried on by Jeſus Chriſt in his Church and people, is like a Worm threſhing the mountains infallibly to iſſue in it threſhing them away quite and clean. Briefly Worm Jacob ſhall threſh the mountains, and threſh them away quite and clean'
Here we ſhall conſider,
I. The Character of the ſubject wherein this Myſtery of Grace is carried on by Jeſus
II. The mystery of grace carried on in them by Jeſus
III. I ſhall account for this Myſtery, Worm Jacob threſhing the mountains of difficultys in his way and threſhing them away quite and clean
IV. Apply
Firſt I ſhall conſider the Character of the ſubject, wherein this Myſtery is carried on by Jeſus Chriſt. It is the Worm Jacob denoting the Church in general and every believer or true member thereof in particular, for of theſe the Church conſiſts as in the Text, Verſe 13. Without the supplement, 'Fear not Thou Worm Jacob, and ye men of Iſrael. One would think, that one deſigned to be a threſher of the mountains, ſhould be a party of a ſingle great and ſwelling character a hero, a giant, or if there were any thing could carry the character higher, but on the contrary, it is very low, ſurpriſing low, Worm Jacob. This character points at theſe five things especially in the caſe of the people of God. It points them out as,
1. Weak Creatures, really weak for the encounters they muſt make as a Worm for a mountain. God himſelf gives them this name of extreme weakness, they muſt be ſo indeed! They have weak heads, hearts, and hands, for the work they are called to. Not only does the firſt grace only find them really weak, but the after ſupplies of grace also Heb. xi. 34. 'Out of weakneſs were made ſtrong'
2. Humbled ſouls truly ſenſible of their own weakneſs. By nature they were ſwelling vipers but by grace they are humbled Worms. And (illegible text) as the creeping Worm, whoſe nature it is to go on his belly. So the humble and the gracious are equivalent terms, Pſal xxxiv 2, 3. My ſoul ſhall make her boaſt in the Lord, the humble ſhall hear thereof and be glad, O magnify the Lord with me and exalt his name together. There is a law work followed with gospel grace wrought on them iſſuing in a thorough humiliation, breaking down their natural ſelf conceit, tumbling down their towering imaginations about themſelves, which they had in their ſtate of blindneſſ, bringing them in their own eyes the conſiſtance of mountains to that of Worms and convincing them they are, have, and can do nothing. Luke xv 17. 2 Cor x 4, 5
2ndly. Actually humbled in reſpect of their frame as the Worm ſtill retains its creeping way on the mountain as in the valley ſo God's people do, difficulties to be happy surmounted, ſtill keep up the ſenſe of their own utter emptineſs and we knots for them. 2 Cor. i 5. Not that we are ſufficient of ourſelves to think anything of ourſelves: but our ſufficiency is of God. In the Worm Jacob being ſo well again he will be ſo unwieldy that he will threſh no mountains till he fall a new. 2 Cor xii 11.
3. Deſpiſing creatures as the lofty mountains cover the crawling Worms:- ſo doth the ⟨cauld⟩ world contemn Worm Jacob Pſal. xxii 6. But I am a Worm and no man: a reproach of men, and deſpiſed of the people And cxxxv 4 Our ſoul is exceedingly filled with the ſcorning of ⟨thoſe⟩ that are at eaſe, and with the contempt of the proud. Though they may value Worm Jacob for his gifts which he has in common with themſelves they will never value him for his grace, that leaves him ſtill as a Worm in their ſight. What of religion lies beyond the reach of the nature of man, they deſpiſe the Chriſtian entertainment on words and promiſes, they deſpiſe as we do, the duſt the Worms lick up the Chriſtian way of doing in faith, they deſpiſe as we do the crawling of the Worm Like Sanballat, when he mocked the Jews saying 'What do theſe Jews? Will they fortify themſelves? Will they ſacrifice? Will they make an end in a day? Will they revive the ſtones out of the heaps of rubbiſh which are burnt' Neb iv, 2.
4. Yet united to Chriſt, though a Worm, Worm Jacob, Our Lord Jeſus himſelf is of the Worm family, Pſal xx, 6. Worm Jacob, Pſal xxvii, 6. This is the generation of them that ſeek him, that ſeek thy face O Jacob' Compare 'Iſa xlix, 3. Thou art my ſervant O Iſrael in whom I will be glorified. This intimates an union between him and them as his Worm brethren, Heb ii, 11. Being lowered and humbled to the condition of the Worm they are knit to and built on him by faith. Luke vi. 48.
5. Lastly, Daring adventurers daring wreſtlers, Worm Jacob ventured on him that formed the mountain and wreſtled with him and prevailed too, Gen. xxxii 24. Hoſ x i. 4. What, wonder to find him then venturing on the mountains themſelves. He muſt have the bleſſing, and muſt be foreward whatever mountains be in the way, I proceed.
The ſecond thing to be conſidered, namely the Myſtery of grace carried on in them by Jeſus Chriſt, we may take it up in theſe two.
1. An apparently hopeleſs encounter they are led to by him. Worm Jacob threſhing the mountain. What a hopeleſs like counter is a Worm threſhing a mountain: ſo hopeleſs like are encounters of the people of God have to make their way to the eternal reſt. Theſe threſhers are certainly threſhers in hope. 1. Cor ix, 10. But the naked eye cannot discover the ground of hope in it: It is faith only that ſhews it hopeful: which ſight repreſents it as a hopeful caſe; and therefore they muſt cloſe their eyes and threſh in ⟨faith⟩ as Abraham did, Rom v 19. We take up this ⟨hopeleſs⟩ encounter in five things.
Frſt. The Lord lays in his people's way mountains of difficulties quite above their ſtrength, difficulties when they look to as a Worm to a mountain before it. 2. Cor I, 8 For we would not, Brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in ſia, that we were preſſed out of meaſure, above ſtrength, inſomuch that we deſpaired even of life. However firm the way to hell be, the way to heaven will be a mountainous way in the experience of all that travel it: They will never want mountains in the way till they come to the hill of God.
Secondly: They muſt not go about the mountains in their ways, threshing the difficulties which God calls them to; but they must make their way over them, threſhing them down: Mic iv, 13 Ariſe and threſh, O daughters of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and thy bow braſs and thou ſhalt beat in peices many people. If they offer to go about one mountain they will be ſure to meet with a higher one in their about-gate; Peter tried it, in denying his Maſter, and found it ſo encountering another as high above the former, as the anger of God is above that of the creature, and which was like to cruſh him. Matt xxv 75: 'He went out and wept bitterly.'
Thirdly Therefore Worm Jacob falls a threſhing mountains, combatting the difficulties the Lord lays in his way. He puts on a brow for a bangon and resolutely beſtires his weak hands and feet threſhing forward (illegible text) Ge xxxii. 26 Matt xi. 22. For there is a ſpirit in Worm Jacob more daring and venturous than ever was in any unbelieving hero, a ſpirit for threſhing of mountains while they did but ſcatter Mole-hills. Numb xiv, 24. Prov xvi, 32.
Fourth. They ⟨continue⟩ the combating of difficulties reſolutely and patiently. Threſhing is a continued action, conſiſting of repeating ſtrokes: it takes ſome time to threſh a ſheath, how much more to threſh a mountain. It is the ruin of many that they are not ⟨able⟩ to endure. If a ſtroke or two would do the buſineſs, they would bring their matters to a good account but they have no heart to be threſhers. 'But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing, James. . 4 He that ſhall endure to the end, the ſame ſhall be ſaved. Mat. xxiv. 13
Laſtly Worm Jacob has many mountains to threſh. One wound is enough we would think for the worm, but there is a plurality of them. The truth is, this world is full of mountains to the people of God; and when they have threſhed one, they will have another one to fall to, till they be out of this mountainous country. Having paſſed one difficulty, they will get another to grapple with, till they be within the gates of the city. So they muſt be within the gates of the city. So they muſt have a threſhing lifetime of it, if they come there.
2 A ſurpriſing Succes, even as ſurpriſing as a Worm threſhing and beating the mountains ſmall to duſt, and the threſhing them away. Such will in (illegible text) of the encounters which the pople of God now have with their difficulties in their ways through the world, for which the Text is plain. We take it up in theſe two. They will have
Firſt. Patrial Succeſs, as in their way, very ſurpriſing to others, and to themſelves Pſal xxvi 1. 2. 'When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our toungs with ſinging: then ſaid they among the heathen, the Lord hath done great things for them.' What mountains of difficulties were in David's way to the kin dom, he threſhed long at them, and they never appeared to give way; nay, 'I ſhall periſh by the hand of Saul' But (illegible text) the ſurpriſing ſucceſs Pſal xvii inſiſted, 'a Pſalm of David, in the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his (illegible text), and from the (illegible text) of Saul ' Wherin after the recapitulating the various difficulties he had to encounter with he particularly mentions the happy deliverance he met with and the ſurpriſing manner of the ſame. Some mountain God's people are kept threſhing at all their days, eſpecially the mountain of coruption, and they never fall quite down till dead. But as a pledge for the time to come. God makes now and then ſome mountains to fall down before the Worm Jacob, wherewith he is ſurpriſed and tranſported with wonder how it came to paſ . Mark, xvi 4. 5. 'and when they looked, they ſaw the ſtone was rolled away,———and they were affrighted.
Secondly A total ſucceſs at the end of their ways which will ſwallow them up in ſurpriſe and eternal wonder: 1. John, iii. 2. 'Beloved, now are we the ſons of God and it doth not yet appear what we ſhall be: But we know that when we ſhall appear, we ſhall be like him: for we ſhall ſee him as he is. When the myſtery is finiſhed the W(illegible text) cut out it will appear an admirable peice, there will not be left then the leaſt veſtage of all the mountains that ſtood between heavn and them the threſhing mountains will then be blown away with the wind, and they will lay by the Firſt as an inſtrument they have no more uſe for
Object But have not others as well as Worm Jacob, mountains of difficulties in their way, which they become maſters of at length.
Anſ This world is ſo mountanious, than none can get through it without meeting mountains in their way: Carnel mor make a ſhift to creep through ſome of them: but they can threſh none of them as Worm Jacob doth, they want his hand and Staff John, xv. 5. 'Without me thou can do nothing' They creep into others of them and neſtle in them; the mountains of their eruptions, which in a ſpecial manner ſtated between heavn and them, and at length they will be eternally buried under them.
Uſe 1 here is a touch ſtone for trial of true Chriſtians and worthy Communicants, Worm Jacob threſhing the mountains.
Firſt, They have a heart and ſpirit for threſhing mountains in their way to heaven: They are peremptory and reſolved to break through them without exc ption, as men that muſt be there muſt not periſh. Mat. xi 12. The kingdom of heaven ſuffereth violence and the violent taken by force. Though they have long threſhed in van to their own force yet they are reſolved to hold on; like Paul, preſſing toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Chriſt. Phil III 15, This caſt the delicate and ſoft hearted in this caſe that are not for threſhing the mountains; They are for the eaſier taſk, but have no heart nor hand for that. Theſe I think are the Fearful Rev. xxi 8. like the unbelieving Spies and people of the wilderneſs. Take heed here how ye ſtand
(1) To a vain world: Whether there is in you a heart to row againſt the ſtream or no; Rom x i 2. Be ye not conf med to this world; But be ye tranſformed by the renewing of your mind, &c If ye have no heart for it, but muſt go .long with it, be ye young or old ye are no good Chriſtian; Goſ. iv 14 The world ⟨solicited⟩ unto me and I to the world. And young Communicants leaving that gap open, make mighty and uſeleſs old ones after.
(2) To the ſin that moſt raſhly beſets you. Have you no heart to threſh that mountain, ye have not the ſpirit of Worm Jacob who is one that keeps himſelf from his inquity. Pſal. xviii 3. And ye will be turned under it at length like the young Man who was grieved at Chriſt's diſcourse about ſelf-denial and the croſs, ⟨and⟩ went away from him, and never returned, Mark, 21 22
(3) To the crook in your Lot: Have you no ⟨heart⟩ to ſee yourſelves for a Chriſtian bearing it but ⟨juſt⟩ needs have it evened to your mind, ye have not (illegible text) ⟨ſpirit⟩ the Worm Jacob, nor the Lord has ſaid, f ⟨any⟩ man will come after me, let him deny himſelf, (illegible text) up his croſs, and follow me, Mat xvi 2.
Secondly. Yet they are but Worms in their own eyes an unequal match for the leaſt of the mountains 2. Cn III 5. We are not ſufficient of ourſelves to think any things of ourſelves; but our ſufficiency is of God.' This caſts the Legalist, that minds nothing but binding himſelf to duty, reckoning himſeld man enough for the dutys of Chriſtianity.
The ſum of the Mark is; The Chriſtian communicant is reſolute and peremtory for doing all, yet, onvinced that he is ſufficient for nothing
Uſe 2 Here is likewiſe a ground of comfort to ſuch Let not the high rockineſs, nor bulk of the mountains diſcourage thee, nor yet the feilt unſucceſsfulneſs of they attempts hitherto. God hath ſaid it, Worm Jacob ſhall threſh the mountains and beat them finally be not afraid, only believe.
Uſe 3 Laſtly Here is moreover a ſtrong inducement to all to come to Chriſt. He will make you threſh the mountains, and beat them ſmall.' Come ye that are wandering in the mountains of vanity like to be worried on the mountain of prey, wreſtling in the mountains of difficult before you come to Chriſt and ye ſhall threſh the mountains and beat them ſmall, and ſhall make the hills as chaſt
Thirdly. I ſhall recount to this myſtery Worm Jacob threſhing the mountains of difficulties in his way, and threſhing them away quite and clean: How can this be
I God has ſaid and therefore it cannot fail, 'Thou ſhalt threſh the mountains and beat them ſmall and ſhall ⟨make⟩ the hills as chaff' Compared with Numb xxiii. 19 'God is not a man that he ſhould lie, neither the ſon of man that he ſhould repent Hath he ſaid and ſhall he not do it? Or (illegible text) he ſpoken, and ſhall he not make it good? He ſpake things into being and they muſt ſtart out of the womb or nothing, or nothing at his word which calls them forth. Rom iv. 17 There is much for Worm Jacob's threſhing and ⟨beating⟩ away the mountains as there was for making ⟨the⟩ world and all the mountains in it Pſ l xxxiii. 9 '⟨He⟩ ſaid, and it was done; and ſhall not his word that ſaid them into being, be as effectual to ſay them away again Thus ſaid he Lord it is enough to enſue the accompliſhment of the hard it things proph ſied.
2. The glory of his grace, which is the great ſign of the whole myſtery of Godlineſs ſurely requires it. What does he intend by the myſtery nf Chriſt but the glory of his grace. Eph. i. 6. 'To ſhew the exceeding riches of it !' Chap. ii 7 'Therefore he has choſen the way that lead ſtraight to the point.' Rom. iv. 16. 'Therefore i of faith that it might b by grace.' The Worm is deſpicable in itſelf, but being the ſubject of glorious grace; if it ſhall m ſcarry in his attempts, 'the glory of grace' is ſunk, as the precious leading with the ſhip caſt away. Wherefore, that his grace may be glorified if it be in a Worm threſhing mountains,' thoſe mountains muſt needs be threſhed away by that Worm tho' that ſacred fire be but like a ſpark in the midſt of the ſea of corruption, it muſt not only be preſerved in, but dry up that ſea quite & clear.
2 By an unalterable decree, there muſt be a conformity betwixt the little Worm and the great Worm Jacob, the little one's kinſman Redeemer, Rom. viii 9, For whom he did forex now he alſo did predeſtinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son, that ⟨he⟩ might be the firſt born among many brethren.' ⟨Now⟩ the great Worm the Man Chriſt, a Worm and Man. Pſ l xx 6 Has encountered mountains, ⟨and⟩ threſhed them away. Where are the four monarchies, the moſt towering mountains that ever ſet up ⟨their⟩ heads on earth? The chief Worm Jacob has threſhed them away to chaff. which is away with the w(illegible text) Dan ii 25. The mounatins ſtood before him ⟨through⟩ the world, with all the faſtneſs that him in learning (illegible text) the power of the ſword could give; but, by his Fiſherman, he threſhed them, away, and the ⟨propheſy⟩ is fulfilled Pſal lxxii 12. There ſhall be a ⟨hand⟩ of corn in the earth on the top of the mountains, ⟨the⟩ fruit thereof ſhall ſhake like Lebanon and they of ⟨the⟩ city ſhall flouriſh like the graſs of the earth (illegible text) many mountains ſtand before the lite Worm, but where will that conformity ti heaven's beloved pattern be, if they alſo do not threſh them away.
4 The little Worm Jacob is in reality but a member of the great one, Jeſus Chriſt Take away that and Worn Jacob is as inſignicant for threſhing mountains as any Worm that crawl on the earth. Job xv. 5 Without me ye can do nothing. Fix that, and worm Jacob has a kind of deſired (illegible text) Verſ. 7 If ye abide in me, and my word abide in you, ye ſhall aſk what ye will and it ſhall be done unto you Phil iv 13. I can do all things through Chriſt which ſtrengthedeth me. And it is fixed to their threſhing is Chriſt's threſhing. Col i 24 And ye a well allow Chriſt threſhing away mountains with a little finger of his body. If with the finger of God ⟨he⟩ caſt out devils, with the leaſt of his fingers he may caſt down mountains.
5 Laſtly All the mountain that ſtand before worm Jacob are burnt mountains ſo they are far eaſier to threſh one would think. The mountain of ⟨the⟩ Babyloniſh Monarch, that ſtood before the Worm ⟨Jacob⟩ and barred his way ſev nty years: at length (illegible text)od ſet fire in the bowels of it, and makes it a burnt ⟨mountain⟩; and then bids Worm Jacob threſh and it (illegible text) away with the wind. Jer ii 24 - Behold I am ⟨againſt⟩ thee, O deſtroying mountain ſaith the Lord, ⟨which⟩ deſtroyeth all the earth and I will ſtreatch ont ⟨mine⟩ hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the (illegible text)ks, and will make thee a burnt mountain. By (illegible text) Death and Reſurection of Chriſt, all the mountains that ſtand between Worm Jacob and heaven are ⟨burnt⟩ mountains. Chriſt has, gone through the bowels ⟨of them⟩ with his fire, undone their conſiſtance, burnt (illegible text) rocks to Lime: they are nothing now but the (illegible text)e of mountains with a thin ſcorched ſurface; (illegible text) will give way at the threſhing of Worm Jacob, (illegible text) the Apples of Sodom, being touched go to duſt ⟨between⟩ ones fingers. Micah ii. 13. The breaker is come up before them, they are broken up, and have paſſed through the gate, and are gone out by it, and then king ſhall paſſbefore them, and the Lord on the head of them. Natum, iii. 12. ll thy ſtrong holes ſhall be like fig trees with the firſt ripe figs; if they be ſhaken they ſhall fall into the mouth o the carer.'Compair Iſa xxvi 19 'They dead man ſhall live, together with my dead body ſhall they ariſe: Awake and ſing ye that dwell in duſt; for thy dew is a the dew of herbs, and the earth ſhall caſt out the dead. Hoſe xiii. 14. I will ranſom them from the power of the grave: I will redeem them from death. O death I will be thy plague; O grave I will be thy deſtruction; Repentance ſhall be hid from min eyes.
1. The ſtruggles of the Chruch with all her Adverſaries, will have a ſurppriſing comfortable iſſue at length As weak as ſhe is and as ſtrong and numerous as they are ſhe will infallibly have ſucceſs, ſurpriſing ſucceſs againſt them, attending the encounter with them Micah iv. 11 12. 13 &c.
And as the preſent ſtate of the Church, learn
Frſt It is not at all ſtrange, nor will it make the caſe of this Church nopeles that prodigiouſly high mountains, higher than our fathers law, are raiſed up againſt her, over topping Worm Jacob, and threatning to cruſh him: Mountains of national guilt, of forty years gathering, laid upon the top of the mountains, of guilt raiſed by our fathers: Prophanity overflowing and becoming faſhionable: A conſpiracy carried on in the houſe of her friends, againſt the grace ⟨of⟩ Chriſt and ſerious Godlineſs to p lm upon us returned Heathen iſ um for Christianity, the foundation ⟨broke⟩ at: mountains of damnable hereſies and blaſphemies, againſt the perſon of Chriſt and divine authority of the ſcriptures; and the advanced learned of the (illegible text)e improved to theſe monſtrous ends. But, ⟨threſhing⟩ the mountains of oppoſition that ſtand in your way ⟨from⟩ earth to hell, thou ſhalt get through them all at ⟨length⟩, and thou ſhalt ſtand on the ſea of glaſs, Rev. 1. 2. 3.
2. Threſh on the mountains of trouble trials and afflictions. Let none of them, be they never ſo high, and formidable provail to ſeparate betwixt God and you; they will be beat to duſt at laſt, and blowen away from before you Rev. vii 9 10 14 ſter &c.
3. Threſh on he mountains of corruption in dwelling ſin; threſhing on every night there, on particularly the top of it, that is the ſin that eaſily beſets you infallibly yon will get it down at length: Paul have this while he was threſhing it. Rom vii. 24 25 C(illegible text) wretced man that I am, &c.
Say not Alas! I am too weak, my threſhing will be in vain. No, though you have no more ſtrength for then a Worm for a mountain, it will not be in vain, God will have theſe mountains threſhed by Worms
But thou wilt ſay, alas! I have threſhed long without ſucceſs. Anſ Threſh on, there muſt be patient enduring before the mountain fall. Heb vi 15 (illegible text) Abraham had &c But there is an oath meditating betwixt the promiſe and its accompliſhement that it cannot fail Ver. 17 Mind the wall of Jericho Have you not had a partial ſucc ſs ſometimes: becauſe then of (illegible text) Total, (illegible text) is with Jeſus himſelf Heb ii 8 Thou &c
The laſt mountain to be threſhed away is death, and ye ſhall beat that ſmall 10 1 Cor x. 54. 55.
⟨After all⟩ it a mighty wonder, Worm Jacob threſhing the mountains But the threſhing worm is ſho(illegible text) ⟨from⟩ heaven; and ⟨deſigned⟩ to threſh. Three thing to threſhing Inſtrument is ſhod with: A word of command calling the work.
A plain inſtance we have in the Rationaleſt of the age, having the doctrine of a crucified Chriſt, and inſtituting in the room thereof the dry and (illegible text)pid doctrine of Heatheniſm: which God will never ⟨dominance⟩, to renew the hearts or reform the life ⟨of⟩ any, as being contrary to the appointment of heaven for that purpoſe, But Worm Jacob, influenced the command of God ⟨excited⟩ by the promiſe of ſucceſs, and uſing the proper means. Shall threſh &c.
This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.