"San Jacinto" may refer to either of two poems by Robert E. Howard commemorating the 1836 Battle of San Jacinto. The first was included in a 1926 letter to Tevis Clyde Smith:
Flowers bloom on San Jacinto,
Red and white and blue.
Long ago o’er San Jacinto
Wheeling vultures flew.
Long ago on San Jacinto
Soared the battle-smoke;
Long ago on San Jacinto
Wild ranks smote and broke.
Crimson clouds o’er San Jacinto,
Scarlet was the haze—
Peaceful o’er calm San Jacinto
Glide the drowsy days.
The second, longer one reads as follows:
Red field of glory
Ye knew the wild story;
Blazing and gory
Were ye on that day!
Silence before them,
(Warriors; winds bore them!)
Red silence o’er them
Followed the fray!
Horror was dawning!
Furies were spawning!
Hell’s maw was yawning,
Fate rode astride!
Skies rent asunder!
Plains a-reel under
Feet beating thunder!
Death raced beside!
Doom-trumps were pealing!
Armies were reeling!
Satan was dealing
The cards in that game!
War-clouds unfurling!
Hell-fires were swirling,
Valkyries whirling
Fanned them to flame!
Redly arrayed there
Glittered the blade there!
Many a shade there
Fled to the deeps!
Wild was the glory
Down the years hoary
Still the red story
Surges and leaps!