To James Boswell
Dear Sir,
Why should you importune me so earnestly to write? Of what importance can it be to hear of distant friends, to a man who finds himself welcome wherever he goes, and makes new friends faster than he can want them? If to the delight of such universal kindness of reception, anything can be added by knowing that you retain my good will, you may indulge yourself in the full enjoyment of that small addition.
In the place where you now are, there is much to be observed. . . . But what will you do to keep away the black dog[1] that worries you at home? . . . The great direction which Burton has left to men disordered like you, is this: Be not solitary; be not idle: which I would thus modify—If you are idle, be not solitary; if you are solitary, be not idle.
There is a letter for you, from
Your humble servant,
October 27th 1779.
- ↑ Boswell's melancholy.