< Samuel Johnson (Meynell & Chesterton)

To the Reverend Dr. Dodd (on the eve of his
execution for forgery

Dear Sir,

That which is appointed to all men is now coming upon you. Outward circumstances, the eyes and the thoughts of men, are below the notice of an immortal being about to stand the trial for eternity, before the Supreme Judge of heaven and earth. Be comforted: your crime, morally or religiously considered, has no very deep dye of turpitude. It corrupted no man's principles; it attacked no man's life. It involved only a temporary and repairable injury. Of this, and of all other sins, you are earnestly to repent; and may God, who knoweth our frailty, and desireth not our death, accept your repentance, for the sake of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

In requital of those well intended offices[1] which you are pleased so emphatically to acknowledge, let me beg that you make in your devotions one petition for my eternal welfare.

I am, dear Sir,

Your most affectionate servant,

Sam. Johnson.

January 26th, 1777.

  1. Dr. Johnson had written the petitions for a reprieve and, in part, Dr. Dodd's last sermon to his fellow-prisoners.
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