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r/^^ WORKS ^/SOME MODERN POETS A VOLUME OF COLLECTIVE CRITICISM POETS OF THE YOUNGER GENERATION By William Archer. Price ^6,00 net. Illustrated with 33 fine woodcut portraits by Robert Bryden. Poets renjiezued: H. C. Beeching, A. C. Benson, Laurence Binyon, Miss Alice Brown, Bliss Carman,- Madison Cawein, A. T. Quiller Couch, F. B. Money-Coutts, John Davidson, Mrs. Hinkson, Miss Nora Hopper (Mrs. Chesson), A. E. Housman, Laurence Housman, Richard Hovey, Rudyard Kipling, Richard Le Gallienne, Mrs. Meynell, Miss E. Nesbit (Mrs, Bland), Henry Newbolt, Stephen Phillips, Mrs. Radford, Charles G. D. Roberts, George Santayana, Duncan Campbell Scott, Miss Dora Sigerson (Mrs. Shorter), Arthur Symons, John B. Tabb, Francis Thompson, Herbert Trench, Mrs. Marriott Watson, William Watson, Mrs. Woods, William Butler Yeats. The London Daily Telegraph (Mr. Leonard Courtney) says : " In a series of delightful essays Mr. Archer succeeds in hitting off their peculiar traits and individual characteristics. . . . He has done a capital piece of work, which all those who care for the imaginative and artistic efforts of our generation will be glad to keep on their bookshelves." The London Daily Chronicle says: "The volume is a treasure house of well-argued criticism, no less than a collection of much admirable and some little-known poetry. . . . In short, this is a book to interest and profit every one who has any taste, for the study of poetry and poetic methods." The Nation sdLys: " Unquestionably by far the best work of its kind. . . . altogether candid and honest.' THE WORKS OF REV. H. C. BEECHING SAINT AUGUSTINE AT OSTIA : Oxford Sacred Poem. i2mo. Wrappers. 50 cents. IN A GARDEN. Poems. i2mo. ^1.50. Mr. William Archer : " An English garden is the congenial haunt of Mr. Beeching's muse. We recognize it at a glance as a parsonage garden. Mr. Beeching's love of nature in its homelike aspects is very genuine, his passion and his pietjr are alike sincere, and his lyric gift is far from insignificant. It is never common or jarring. One reads it with interest, and returns to it with pleasure." THE WORKS OF ARTHUR C. BENSON LORD VYET, AND OTHER POEMS. i6mo. ^1.25. LYRICS. Fcap. 8vo. Buckram. ^1.50. THE PROFESSOR, AND OTHER POEMS. Fcap. 8vo. ^1.25 net. The Speaker: "One of the most charming voices in the poetry of the day is Mr. Benson's. It is poetry so sequestered, so soft, so alert for the sounds of earth and the voices that whisper near earth. His is the true poetic spirit, and with each book his manner grows sweeter and more assured." The Athenceum: "Mr. Benson is an accomplished writer of verse. He is sincere, unaffected, and has observed certain things which most people do not observe, and with so vivid an interest in them himself that Iiis record of these things in verse seems to suggest a new kind of poetic substance." THE WORKS OF JOHN DAVIDSON GODFRIDA : A Play in Four Acts. i6mo. ^1.50. NEW BALLADS. i6mo. ^1.50. BALLADS AND SONGS. i6mo. $1.50. FLEET STREET ECLOGUES. First and Second Series combined in one volume. i2mo. $1.50.
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The Pall Mall Gazette : " Mr. Seaman must be tired of being compared to Calverly and J. K. S., but he is of their company, and what is more, on their level. . . . One charm of writing such as Mr. Seaman's is that it makes us feel quite obliged to poets whom we have never admired, for being so good to parody." The National Observer: " His versatility and ready wit are conspicuous in all his work. As a parodist he is second to none, not even to Mr. Calverly. Mr. Seaman cracks the whip with consummate skill, and applies it with such naughty precision that even his victims must find it difficult to withhold their admiration."
THE WORK OF DORA SIGERSON (mrs. clement shorter).
Mr. William Archer : " There is race in her work ; it smacks of the soil ; it is no mere imitative culture- product, but an expression of innate emotion and impulse. Mrs. Shorter has all the fanciful melancholy, the ardent spirituality, and the eerie-pathetic invention of the western Kelts. The unseen world of semi- malignant elemental beings is quite as real to her as the tangible world of her five senses. Her imagina- tion is nourished on folk-lore.'
THE POEMS OF ARTHUR SYMONS, with photogravure portrait of the author as frontis- piece. In two volumes. 12mo. $3.50 wer.
Mr. William Archer: " Mr. Symons is a love poet or nothing ; when he sings of love he is himself in the expression of his moods. Mr. Symons often attains real beauty. He writes very well — fluently, gracefuly, without the slightest harshness or vulgarity of form. Mr. Symons does not merely record his own actual sensations and experiences, but gives them an imaginative extension, working out in detail the data they provide, the possibilities implicit in them. We encounter a distinct personality, an individual note and a restricted, but far from insignificant, technical accomplishment."
POEMS. With Frontispiece by Laurence Housman. Pott 4to. $1.50. Fifth edition.
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NEW POEMS. 12mo. $1.50.
H. D. Traill in the Nineteenth Century : " I can hardly doubt that at least that minority who can recognize the' essentials under the accidents of poetry, and who feel that it is to poetic Form only, and not to forms, that eternity belongs, will agree that, alike in wealth and dignity of imagination, in depth and subtlety of thought, and in magic and mastery of language a new poet of the first rank is to be welcomed in this author."
Coventry Patmore in the Fortnightly Reinew: "Profound thought and far-fetched splendor of imagery, and nirnble-witted discernment of those analogies which are the roots of the poet's language, abound, — qualities which ought to place him in the prominent ranks of fame."
The Westminster Gazette says: "Mr. Herbert Trench's little volume contains the best hundred pages of English verse which the younger school of the last two decades has produced. But it represents more than this. Grace of metre and scholarly expression have now become the birthright of the many minor bards. Mr. Trench takes his readers into a wider air ; his best lines are touched with the spacious majesty of the Elizabethan singers; his imagery is not sensuous only; it is simple; and he can be passionate as well."
St. James's Gazette : " A notable poem. The first serious attempt of a modern poet to use the Irish material as the great masters have used the classics. . . . Admirably does the poetry reflect the elemental spirit and passion, breathing through legendary souls. Instinct with feeling for bold archaic grandeur."
THE WORKS OF WILLIAM WATSON The Collected Poems of William Watson. Designed cover. izmo. ;J52.5o. This volume includes the w^ork contained in the author's volumes, "Poems," ** Lachrymze Musarum," **Odes, and Other Poems," *'Thc Father of the Forest, and Other Poems," "The Year of Shame," and "The Hope of the World, and Other Poems," with the exception of a few poems excluded by the author. The LoTtdon Daily Chronicle says: "As we look through this collected edition of his work we feel confirmed in our belief that whatever his limitations, and they are not few, it is Mr. Watson's function and his glory to hand on, in this generation, tlie great classical tradition of English poetry. On the threshold of the twentieth century he reconciles and brings to a common denominator, as it were, the best qualities of eighteenth-century and of nineteenth-century verse. He is the heir no less of Dryden than of Tennyson 5 it is hard to say whether Keats or Pope has more potentially influenced him. There is significance in the fact that his favorite instrument, which he fingers with the utmost mastery, is the classic instrument of the English Muse — the iambic pentameter. Pregnant, resonant, memorable lines flow inexhaustibly from his pen ; and some of them, we venture to predict, will live with the language." The London Daily Ne^vs szys : "The swing and rush of the verse in the great themes; its epigram- matic felicity in others; its mastery in all the science of this highest of the high arts, will make the volume a model for the craftsman, an abiding delight to all who possess what, we fear, must still be called the acquired taste for fine things finely said." T/ie folloiving separate Volumes by Mr. William Watson may still be had : The Prince's Quest, and Other Poems. ^1.50. [^Third edition Poems. ^1.25. _Pifik edition Lachrymse Musarum. ^1.25. [Fourth edition The Eloping Angels. ^1.25. [Second edition Odes, and Other Poems. ^1.50. [Fifth edition The Father of the Forest, and Other Poems. ^1.25. [Fifth edition The Purple East. ^0.50. [Third edition The Year of Shame. ^i.OO. [Second edition The Hope of the World, and Other Poems. ^1.25. [Third edition Excursions in Criticism. ^1.50. [Second edition THE WORKS OF THEODORE WATTS-DUNTON JUBILEE GREETING AT SPITHEAD TO THE MEN OF GREATER BRITAIN. lamo. 50 cents. THE COMING OF LOVE: Rhona Boswell's Story, and Other Poems. i2mo. ^2.00. Second edition. NEW POEMS. l2mo. ^1.50 net. The Times : " His verses breathe the spirit of fraternity among all the people of the Empire." Literature: "In 'The Coming of Love' (which, though published fearlier, is a sequel to 'Aylwin') he has given us an unforgettable, we cannot but believe an enduring portrait ; one of the few immortal women of the imagination. Rhona Boswell comes again into ' Aylwin.' " The Star: "We can recall no study of the love-passion that can compare with 'Aylwin.' It declines to be classed. It is of no school. It owns no lineage, acknowledges no tradition. Its form is new, its ethical message is new." WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS THE WIND AMONG THE REEDS. i2mo. I1.25. Mr. William Archer: " It is with Mr. Yeats that, so far as I know, the genuine spirit of Irsh antiquity and Irish folk-lore makes its first entrance into English verse. In Mr. Yeats we have an astonishing union of primitive imagination and feeling with cultivated and consciously artistic expression. The very spirit of the myth-makers and myth-believers is in him. His imaginative life finds its spontaneous, natural utterance in the language of the ' Keltic twilight.' This is no literary jargon to him, but his veritable mother tongue."
The BOOKS of SOME CLASSICS MATTHEW ARNOLD POEMS. All those contained in the Canterbury Series, with others. With an Introduction by Arthur C. Benson, and upwards of 70 illustrations and cover design, by Henry Ospovat. 8vo. Price ^2.50. ROBERT STEPHEN HAWKER THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT STEPHEN HAWKER, M.A., OF MORWENSTOW. Edited, with a Prefatory Note and Bibliography, by Alfred Wallis, with a frontispiece portrait of the author, izmo. Price ^2.00. PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY and ELIZABETH SHELLEY ORIGINAL POETRY. By Victor and Cazire (Percy Bysshe Shelley AND Elizabeth Shelley). Edited by Richard Garnett, C.B., LL.D. Large 8vo. Price $1.50. This is a page-for-page reprint of the first volume of poems published by Shelley before he was eighteen. It was rigidly suppressed by him, owing to a fraud practised on him by the other contributor to the volume. Record of the title only remained ; a source of puzzled conjecture to all Shelley students, many of whom were disposed to doubt whether such a volume had really ever existed. The unique copy from which this reprint was made was discovered in 1889 in the posses- sion of a member of the family. The American edition consists of only 250 copies, of which but a few remain, FREDERICK TENNYSON POEMS OF THE DAY AND YEAR. By Frederick Tennyson, brother of the late laureate, Alfred Lord Tennyson. With a frontispiece portrait of the author, specially designed title-page, etc. i zmo. Price $1.50. SHAKESPEARE'S SONNETS With fourteen illustradons and ornaments by Henry Ospovat. Square i6mo. Buckram, gilt top. Price ^1.25 net, Saturday Revieiv : **No one could desire an edition of the Sonnets more tastefully and charmingly got up than this." SHAKESPEARE'S SONGS With eleven illustrations and ornaments by Henry Ospovat. Square i6mo. Buckram, gilt top. Price $1.25 nsL The Literary ff^orld : "The excellent drawings, together with tasteful binding and good paper, make the v/ork a very suitable gift-book."
FLOWERS OF PARNASSUS A Series of famous Poems Illustrated. Under the General Editorship of F. B. MoNEY-CouTTS. Demy i6mo (5>^ x 4>^), gilt top. Bound in Cloth, price 50 cents net i Bound in Leather, price 75 cents net. Vol. 1. Gray's Elegy, and Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College. With Twelve Illus- trations by J. T. Friedenson. Vol. II. The Statue and the Bust. By Robert Browning. With Nine Illustrations by Philip Connard. Vol. III. Marpessa. By Stephen Phillips. With Seven Illustrations by Philip Connard. Vol. IV. The Blessed Damozel. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. With Eight Illustrations by Percy Bulcock. Vol. V. The Nut-Brown Maid. A New Version By F. B. Money-Coutts. With Nine Il- lustrations by Herbert Cole. Vol. VI. A Dream of Fair Women. By Alfred Tennyson. With Illustrations by Percy Bulcock. Vol. VII. A Day Dream. By Alfred Tennyson. With Eight Illustrations by Amelia Bauerle. Vol. VIII. A Ballade upon a Wedding. By Sir John Suckling. With Nine Illustrations by Herbert Cole. Vol. IX. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Rendered into English Verse by Edward FitzGerald. With Nine Illustrations by Herbert Cole. Vol. X. The Rape of the Lock. By Alexander Pope. With Nine Illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley. Vol. XI. Christmas at the Mermaid. By Theodore Watts-Dunton. With Nine Illustrations by Herbert Cole. Vol. XII. Songs of Innocence. By William Blake. With Nine Illustrations by Geraldine Morris. Other Volumes in Preparation THE LOVER'S LIBRARY Edited by Frederic Chapman. Size 5^4^ x 3 inches. Bound in Violet or Apple- Green Cloth, price 50 cents net ^ Bound in Violet or Apple-Green Leather, price 75 cents net. Vol. I. The Love Poems of Shelley. Vol. II. The Love Poems of Browning. Vol. III. The Silence of Love. Vol. IV. The Love Poems of Tennyson. Vol. V. The Love Poems of Landor. Vol. VI. The Love Poems of E. B. Browning. Vol. VII. The Love Poems of Robert Burns. Vol. VIII. The Love Poems of Sir John Suckling. Vol. IX. The Love Poems of Herrick. Vol. X. The Love Poems of W. S. Blunt (Proteus). Other Volumes in Preparation It is sought to include in a group of compact little volumes the best Love Poems of the great British poets J and from, time to time a volume of prose, or a volume of modern verse which may be con- sidered of sufficient importance, will be added to the Library. The delicate decorations, on the pages, end-papers, and covers, make the little books dainty enough for small presents, and it is hoped that those who do not receive them as presents from others will seize the opportunity of making presents to themselves.
A LIST of the BODLEY HEAD EDITIONS of The Rubaiyatof Omar Khayyam EDWARD FITZGERALD'S RENDERING THE RUBAIYAT of OMAR KHAYYAM. Rendered into English Verse by Edward FitzGerald, with an Introduction by F. B. Money-Coutts, and with twelve illustrations on Japanese Vellum from the pen of Herbert Cole. A sumptuous Edition de Luxe, bound in White Vellum, tied with art-green ribands. Only loo copies. 8vo. Price $5.00 net. THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. A diminutive booklet version of the above edition, with nine illustrations by Herbert Cole. Being Volume IX. of the series of '* Flowers of Parnassus." About 5 inches square. Green cloth, price 50 cents net. Green leather, price 75 cents net. MRS. CADELL'S TRANSLATION THE RUBA'YAT of OMAR KHAYAM. Translated by Mrs. H. M. Cadell, with an Introduction by Richard Garnett, C.B., LL.D. izmo. Price $1.25. N. B, — This version may be looked upon as one aiming at accurate translation of the original Persian into English verse. THE CORVO-NICOLAS VERSION THE RUBAiYAT of UMAR KHAIYAm. Done into English from the French of J. B. Nicolas. By Frederick Baron Corvo, together with a Reprint of the French text. izmo. Price $1.50 net. RICHARD LE GALLIENNE'S PARAPHRASE RUBAIYAT of OMAR KHAYYAM. A Paraphrase from Various Trans- lations. Printed by Will H. Bradley at the Wayside Press, and with cover- design also by Will H. Bradley. A new edition of the above work, with fifty additional quatrains, bound in the same cover, with a difference, izmo. Price ^r.50 net. LUCRETIUS ON LIFE AND DEATH In the Metre of FitzGerald' s Omar Khayyam. To which are appended parallel passages from the original. By W. H. Mallock. With title-page and cover designed by A. K. Womrath. i2mo. Price $1.50. Few philosophical poems in the English language have been more widely read than the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. There is a curious likeness between the philosophy of Omar and that of the Roman, Lucretius, who also expressed his philosophy in verse. Mr. Mallock's rendering of Lucretius, in the same metre as FitzGerald's Omar, presents a telling standard for comparison between the works of the Roman and the Persian poet-philosophers. Mr. Money-Coutts in his preface to " The Rubaiyat" : " Job is less known than Omar, and will, perhaps, soon be less known than Lucretius, now that Mr. Mallock has given us a transmutation of the Roman into the Rubaiyat metre of so smooth and honeyed a dignity that neither the learned nor the unlearned remain unattracted."
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