< Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)


 In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful.Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
078:001What are they inquiring about?AAamma yatasaaloona
078:002About the grand news.AAani alnnaba-i alAAatheemi
078:003The one which they are in disagreement about.Allathee hum feehi mukhtalifoona
078:004No, they will come to know.Kalla sayaAAlamoona
078:005No, then again, they will come to know.Thumma kalla sayaAAlamoona
078:006Did We not make the Earth a resting ground?Alam najAAali al-arda mihadan
078:007And the mountains as pegs?Waaljibala awtadan
078:008And We created you in pairs?Wakhalaqnakum azwajan
078:009And We made your sleep for resting?WajaAAalna nawmakum subatan
078:010And We made the night as a covering?WajaAAalna allayla libasan
078:011And We made the day to work in?WajaAAalna alnnahara maAAashan
078:012And We constructed above you seven mighty ones?Wabanayna fawqakum sabAAan shidadan
078:013And We made a flaming light?WajaAAalna sirajan wahhajan
078:014And We sent down abundant water from the rain cloudsWaanzalna mina almuAAsirati maan thajjajan
078:015To bring out with it seeds and plantsLinukhrija bihi habban wanabatan
078:016And gardens of thick growth?Wajannatin alfafan
078:017The Day of Separation is an appointed time.Inna yawma alfasli kana meeqatan
078:018The Day when the horn is blown and you come in crowds.Yawma yunfakhu fee alssoori fata/toona afwajan
078:019And the universe is opened, so it becomes gates.Wafutihati alssamao fakanat abwaban
078:020And the mountains will be moved as if they were a mirage.Wasuyyirati aljibalu fakanat saraban
078:021For Hell is in wait.Inna jahannama kanat mirsadan
078:022For the transgressors it is a dwelling place.Lilttagheena maaban
078:023They will abide in it for eons.Labitheena feeha ahqaban
078:024They will not taste anything cold in it nor drink.La yathooqoona feeha bardan wala sharaban
078:025Except for boiling water and filthy discharge.Illa hameeman waghassaqan
078:026An exact recompense.Jazaan wifaqan
078:027They did not expect the reckoning.Innahum kanoo la yarjoona hisaban
078:028And they denied Our revelations greatly.Wakaththaboo bi-ayatina kiththaban
078:029And everything We have counted in a record.Wakulla shay-in ahsaynahu kitaban
078:030So taste it, for no increase will come to you from Us except in retribution.Fathooqoo falan nazeedakum illa AAathaban


078:031As for the righteous, they will have success.Inna lilmuttaqeena mafazan
078:032Gardens and vineyards.Hada-iqa waaAAnaban
078:033And grapes that are ripe.WakawaAAiba atraban
078:034And a cup that is full.Waka/san dihaqan
078:035They do not hear in it any vile talk or lies.La yasmaAAoona feeha laghwan wala kiththaban
078:036A reward from your Lord, in recognition for what is done.Jazaan min rabbika AAataan hisaban6
078:037The Lord of heavens and Earth and what is between them, the Almighty. They do not posses any authority beside Him.Rabbi alssamawati waal-ardi wama baynahuma alrrahmani la yamlikoona minhu khitaban
078:038The Day when the Spirit and the Angels stand in line, none will speak unless the Almighty permits him and he speaks what is true.Yawma yaqoomu alrroohu waalmala-ikatu saffan la yatakallamoona illa man athina lahu alrrahmanu waqala sawaban
078:039That is the Day of truth, so let whoever wills seek a way to his Lord.Thalika alyawmu alhaqqu faman shaa ittakhatha ila rabbihi maaban
078:040I have warned you of a retribution which is close, the Day when man will look at what he has brought forth and the rejecter will Say: "I wish I were dust!"Inna antharnakum AAathaban qareeban yawma yanthuru almaro ma qaddamat yadahu wayaqoolu alkafiru ya laytanee kuntu turaban
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