< Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)


 In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful.Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
047:001Those who rejected and repelled from the path of God, He will mislead their works.Allatheena kafaroo wasaddoo AAan sabeeli Allahi adalla aAAmalahum
047:002And those who believe and do good works, and believe in what was sent down to Mohammed, for it is the truth from their Lord, He cancels for them their sins, and relieves their concern.Waallatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati waamanoo bima nuzzila AAala muhammadin wahuwa alhaqqu min rabbihim kaffara AAanhum sayyi-atihim waaslaha balahum
047:003That is because those who disbelieve followed falsehood, while those who believe followed the truth from their Lord. God thus cites for the people their examples.Thalika bi-anna allatheena kafaroo ittabaAAoo albatila waanna allatheena amanoo ittabaAAoo alhaqqa min rabbihim kathalika yadribu Allahu lilnnasi amthalahum
047:004So, if you encounter those who have rejected, then strike their formations until you overcome them, then bind them securely. You may either set them free or ransom them, until the war ends. And had God willed, He alone could have beaten them, but He thus tests you by one another. As for those who get killed in the cause of God, He will never let their deeds be put to waste.Fa-itha laqeetumu allatheena kafaroo fadarba alrriqabi hatta itha athkhantumoohum fashuddoo alwathaqa fa-imma mannan baAAdu wa-imma fidaan hatta tadaAAa alharbu awzaraha thalika walaw yashao Allahu laintasara minhum walakin liyabluwa baAAdakum bibaAAdin waallatheena qutiloo fee sabeeli Allahi falan yudilla aAAmalahum 
047:005He will guide them, and relieve their concerns.Sayahdeehim wayuslihu balahum
047:006And He will admit them into Paradise, which He has described to them.Wayudkhiluhumu aljannata AAarrafaha lahum
047:007O you who believe, if you support God, He will support you, and make your foothold firm.Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo in tansuroo Allaha yansurkum wayuthabbit aqdamakum
047:008And those who rejected, for them is destruction; and He has misled their works.Waallatheena kafaroo fataAAsan lahum waadalla aAAmalahum
047:009That is because they hated what God sent down, thus He nullifies their works.Thalika bi-annahum karihoo ma anzala Allahu faahbata aAAmalahum
047:010Did they not roam the land and note how was the end for those before them? God destroyed them and the rejecters in a similar fate.Afalam yaseeroo fee al-ardi fayanthuroo kayfa kana AAaqibatu allatheena min qablihim dammara Allahu AAalayhim walilkafireena amthaluha
047:011This is because God is the Master for those who believe, while the disbelievers have no master.Thalika bi-anna Allaha mawla allatheena amanoo waanna alkafireena la mawla lahum


047:012God admits those who believe and do good works to paradises with rivers flowing beneath them. As for those who reject, they are enjoying and eating as the cattle eat, and the Fire will be their abode.Inna Allaha yudkhilu allatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati jannatin tajree min tahtiha al-anharu waallatheena kafaroo yatamattaAAoona waya/kuloona kama ta/kulu al-anAAamu waalnnaru mathwan lahum
047:013And many a town was stronger than your own town, which drove you out. We destroyed them, and there was none who could help them.Wakaayyin min qaryatin hiya ashaddu quwwatan min qaryatika allatee akhrajatka ahlaknahum fala nasira lahum
047:014Is one who is based on proof from his Lord, as one for whom his evil works have been adorned for him and they followed their desires?Afaman kana AAala bayyinatin min rabbihi kaman zuyyina lahu soo-o AAamalihi waittabaAAoo ahwaahum
047:015Is the example of Paradise; that the righteous have been promised with rivers of pure water, and rivers of milk whose taste does not change, and rivers of wine that are delicious for the drinkers, and rivers of strained honey, and for them in it are all kinds of fruits, and a forgiveness from their Lord; like that of those who abide in the Fire, and are given to drink boiling water that cuts-up their intestines?Mathalu aljannati allatee wuAAida almuttaqoona feeha anharun min ma-in ghayri asinin waanharun min labanin lam yataghayyar taAAmuhu waanharun min khamrin laththatin lilshsharibeena waanharun min AAasalin musaffan walahum feeha min kulli alththamarati wamaghfiratun min rabbihim kaman huwa khalidun fee alnnari wasuqoo maan hameeman faqattaAAa amAAaahum
047:016And some of them listen to you, until when they go out from you, they say to those who have been given the knowledge: "What did he say?" Those are the ones whom God has sealed upon their hearts, and they followed their desires.Waminhum man yastamiAAu ilayka hatta itha kharajoo min AAindika qaloo lillatheena ootoo alAAilma matha qala anifan ola-ika allatheena tabaAAa Allahu AAala quloobihim waittabaAAoo ahwaahum
047:017And those who are guided, He increases their guidance, and grants them their righteousness.Waallatheena ihtadaw zadahum hudan waatahum taqwahum
047:018So are they waiting until the Hour comes to them suddenly? For its conditions have already been met. But once it comes to them, how will they benefit from their message?Fahal yanthuroona illa alssaAAata an ta/tiyahum baghtatan faqad jaa ashratuha faanna lahum itha jaat-hum thikrahum
047:019So know that there is no god besides God, and ask forgiveness of your sins and also for the believing men and believing women. And God knows your movements and your place of rest.FaiAAlam annahu la ilaha illa Allahu waistaghfir lithanbika walilmu/mineena waalmu/minati waAllahu yaAAlamu mutaqallabakum wamathwakum


047:020And those who believe Say: "If only a chapter is sent down!" But when a firm chapter is sent down, and fighting is mentioned in it, you see those who have a disease in their hearts look at you, as if death had already come to them. It thus revealed them.Wayaqoolu allatheena amanoo lawla nuzzilat sooratun fa-itha onzilat sooratun muhkamatun wathukira feeha alqitalu raayta allatheena fee quloobihim maradun yanthuroona ilayka nathara almaghshiyyi AAalayhi mina almawti faawla lahum
047:021Obedience and to speak righteousness until the matter is decided, then if they trust God it would be better for them.TaAAatun waqawlun maAAroofun fa-itha AAazama al-amru falaw sadaqoo Allaha lakana khayran lahum
047:022So do you plan that when you turn away, that you will corrupt the land and sever your family ties?Fahal AAasaytum in tawallaytum an tufsidoo fee al-ardi watuqattiAAoo arhamakum
047:023These are the ones whom God has cursed and thus He made them deaf and blinded their sight.Ola-ika allatheena laAAanahumu Allahu faasammahum waaAAma absarahum
047:024Do they not reflect on the Quran? Or are there locks on their hearts?Afala yatadabbaroona alqur-ana am AAala quloobin aqfaluha
047:025Surely, those who reverted back, after the guidance has been made clear to them, the devil has enticed them and led them on.Inna allatheena irtaddoo AAala adbarihim min baAAdi ma tabayyana lahumu alhuda alshshaytanu sawwala lahum waamla lahum
047:026That is because they said to those who hated what God had sent down: "We will obey you in certain matters." And God knows their secrets.Thalika bi-annahum qaloo lillatheena karihoo ma nazzala Allahu sanuteeAAukum fee baAAdi al-amri waAllahu yaAAlamu israrahum
047:027So how will it be when the Angels put them to death, striking their faces and their backs?Fakayfa itha tawaffat-humu almala-ikatu yadriboona wujoohahum waadbarahum
047:028That is because they followed that which angered God, and they hated that which pleased Him. Thus, He nullified their works.Thalika bi-annahumu ittabaAAoo ma askhata Allaha wakarihoo ridwanahu faahbata aAAmalahum


047:029Or did those who harbour a disease in their hearts think that God would not bring out their evil thoughts?Am hasiba allatheena fee quloobihim maradun an lan yukhrija Allahu adghanahum
047:030And if We wished, We would show them to you so you would recognize them by their looks. However, you can recognize them by their speech. And God is fully aware of your works.Walaw nashao laaraynakahum falaAAaraftahum biseemahum walataAArifannahum fee lahni alqawli waAllahu yaAAlamu aAAmalakum
047:031And We will test you until We know those who strive among you and those who are patient. And We will bring out your qualities.Walanabluwannakum hatta naAAlama almujahideena minkum waalssabireena wanabluwa akhbarakum
047:032Those who have rejected and repelled from the path of God, and stood against the messenger after the guidance has been made clear for them, they will not harm God in the least, and He will nullify their works.Inna allatheena kafaroo wasaddoo AAan sabeeli Allahi washaqqoo alrrasoola min baAAdi ma tabayyana lahumu alhuda lan yaduroo Allaha shay-an wasayuhbitu aAAmalahum
047:033O you who believe, obey God, and obey the messenger. And do not render your work in vain.Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ateeAAoo Allaha waateeAAoo alrrasoola wala tubtiloo aAAmalakum
047:034Surely, those who rejected and repelled from the path of God, then they died while still rejecting, God will never forgive them.Inna allatheena kafaroo wasaddoo AAan sabeeli Allahi thumma matoo wahum kuffarun falan yaghfira Allahu lahum
047:035Therefore, do not be weak and ask for peace, for you are on a higher moral ground, and God is with you. And He will not waste your efforts.Fala tahinoo watadAAoo ila alssalmi waantumu al-aAAlawna waAllahu maAAakum walan yatirakum aAAmalakum
047:036This worldly life is no more than play and vanity. But if you believe and lead a righteous life, He will reward you, and He will not ask you for your wealth.Innama alhayatu alddunya laAAibun walahwun wa-in tu/minoo watattaqoo yu/tikum ojoorakum wala yas-alkum amwalakum
047:037If He were to ask you for it, to the extent of creating a hardship for you, you would become stingy, and your hidden evil might be exposed.In yas-alkumooha fayuhfikum tabkhaloo wayukhrij adghanakum
047:038Here you are being invited to spend in the cause of God, but some among you turn stingy. And whoever is stingy is only being stingy on himself. And God is the Rich, while you are the poor. And if you turn away, He will substitute another people instead of you, then they will not be like you.Ha antum haola-i tudAAawna litunfiqoo fee sabeeli Allahi faminkum man yabkhalu waman yabkhal fa-innama yabkhalu AAan nafsihi waAllahu alghaniyyu waantumu alfuqarao wa-in tatawallaw yastabdil qawman ghayrakum thumma la yakoonoo amthalakum
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