< QST < January 1916

Exchange, For Sale and Wanted

“Second Hand Apparatus”

In order to facilitate the exchange and sale of second hand apparatus,

“QST” will print, free of charge, want and for sale ads. up to a
reasonable number of words. The publishers reserve
the right to withhold any ad. which is against

the policy of this department

HAVE A FEW 6-60 and 6-80 storage batteries, also a few (automobile) spark coils. Want a large and a medium sized rotary variable condenser (unmounted). S. Touroff, 1828 Topping Ave., Bronx, N. Y.

AUDION CABINET receiving set for sale, also ½ KW transformer, rotary and other wireless apparatus. Write Chas. A Service, Jr., Bala, Pa.

FOR SALE: Mahogany cabinet loose coupler. Tapped on primary and secondary. Tunes to 2,500 meters. Price $10.00 or part payment on audion. Write for list of instruments. J. Wallace Peckham, Melville, Newport, R, I.

WANTED: Subscription agents for “QST.” Help yourself, help the LEAGUE, help everybody. Address, AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, Circulation Agent, Hartford, Conn.

FOR SALE: A brand new RJ4 audion Detector, $15.00. Has never been used. Another audion practically new but bulb burnt out, $12.00. Walter A. Meyer, 1832 N. 13th St., Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

WANTED: Clapp-Eastham Blitzen receiving transformer. Must be reasonable. Frederick Gamble, 2412 Putnam St., Toledo, Ohio.

FOR SALE: A complete receiving set. Consisting of 2 audions, loose coupler and 2 variables. All mounted in a mahogany cabinet. Instruments nickel plated. Will send photograph on request. A reasonable price asked. A. H. Morris, 704 W. 23rd St., Wilmington, Del.

WANTED: Articles, photographs, anything that interests the amateurs. For “QST.” The Editors, AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, Hartford, Conn.

FOR SALE: 2 KW 110 primary 30,000 secondary 60 cycle, open core, DeForest transformer. First $30.00 takes it. Never been used; in fine condition. W. E. Donelson, 1215 West Ave., Eureka, Cal.
AMATEURS WRITE ME your needs. Have slightly used apparatus for sale. Address, George Holmes, 164 W. 146th St., New York City

I HAVE FOR SALE or for trade: 3 sections of sending condenser, medium size. 1 small closed core step-up transformer of about 100 watts. 1 step-down transformer 4 voltages (to be run on 110 volts). All in first-class condition, guaranteed. Will dispose of all together or separately. First good offer takes them. Earl Dawes, Bozeman, Mont.

FOR EXCHANGE: Each month, a brand new number, of a brand new wireless magazine, filled with brand new articles, on brand new subjects., Will exchange twelve numbers of this brand new wireless magazine, “QST,” for one dollar. Address, Secretary, AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, Hartford, Conn.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: 10 “V.” dynamo, spark gap, sending and receiving condenser, loading coil, large, double slide tuner, 2 A Browne camera, wire, books, geisler tubes, sockets, and other electrical goods. Want wireless or electrical goods. Norman Himes, 17 Asylum St., Norwich. Conn.

FOR SALE: “Martin” vibroplex key, 5.00; one telephone transmitter, .75; Western Elect. whetstone bridge; 20.00; ¼ K.W. closed core transformer core .50; Blitzen var. cond. 1.50; one ¼ K.W. (C-E Co.) condenser, 4.00; one 30 amp. com. key, 5.00; one 1/10 H. P. 6000 R. P. M. Barnes var. speed motor, 8.00; one 3 K.W. type “E” transformer, 65.00; one Western Elec. portable volt-meter, 0-140 and 0-3 volts, 5.00; one ½ K. W. fixed spark gap, .75; one Murdock series cond., 1.25; one “Radio Apparatus Co. receiving transformer, 7.50; one 40 inch glazed porcelain pettycoat deck insulator, 6.00; one pair “Brandes” 3200 ohm navy type phones, 6.00; H. E. Chapman, 320 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, Conn.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1927. It may be copyrighted outside the U.S. (see Help:Public domain).

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