An Act
To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
Section 1. Short Title; Findings; Sense of Congress.
- (a) Short Title—
- This Act may be cited as the ``Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009´´.
- (b) Findings—
- Congress makes the following findings:
- (1) Representative Duncan Hunter was elected to serve northern and eastern San Diego in 1980 and served in the House of Representatives until the end of the 110th Congress in 2009, representing the people of California's 52nd Congressional district.
- Congress makes the following findings:
- (2) Previous to his service in Congress, Representative Hunter served in the Army's 173rd Airborne and 75th Ranger Regiment from 1969 to 1971.
- (3) During the Vietnam conflict, Representative Hunter's distinguished service was recognized by the award of the Bronze Star and Air Medal, as well as the National Defense Service Medal and the Vietnam Service Medal.
- (4) Representative Hunter served on the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives for 28 years, including service as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Military Research and Development from 2001 through 2002 and the Subcommittee on Military Procurement from 1995 through 2000, the Chairman of the full committee from 2003 through 2006, and the ranking member of the full committee from 2007 through 2008.
- (5) Representative Hunter has persistently advocated for a more efficient military organization on behalf of the American people, to ensure maximum war-fighting capability and troop safety.
- (6) Representative Hunter is known by his colleagues to put the security of the Nation above all else and to provide for the men and women in uniform who valiantly dedicate and sacrifice themselves for the protection of the Nation.
- (7) Representative Hunter has demonstrated this devotion to the troops by working to authorize and ensure quick deployment of add-on vehicle armor and improvised explosive device jammers, which have been invaluable in protecting the troops from attack in Iraq.
- (8) Representative Hunter worked to increase the size of the U.S. Armed Forces, which resulted in significant increases in the size of the Army and Marine Corps.
- (9) Representative Hunter has been a leader in ensuring sufficient force structure and end-strength, including through the 2006 Committee Defense Review, to meet any challenges to the Nation. His efforts to increase the size of the Army and Marine Corps contributed to the enactment by the Congress and the subsequent implementation by the Administration of the larger forces.
- (10) Representative Hunter is a leading advocate for securing America's borders.
- (11) Representative Hunter led efforts to strengthen the United States Industrial Base by working to enact legislation that ensures that the national industrial base will be able to design and manufacture those products critical to America's national security.
- (c) Sense of Congress—
- It is the sense of Congress that the Honorable Duncan Hunter, Representative from California, has discharged his official duties with integrity and distinction, has served the House of Representatives and the American people selflessly, and deserves the sincere and humble gratitude of Congress and the Nation.
Sec. 2. Organization of Act into Divisions; Table of Contents.
- (a) Divisions—
- This Act is organized into three divisions as follows:
- (b) Table of Contents—
- The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
- Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations
- Sec. 101. Army.
- Sec. 102. Navy and Marine Corps.
- Sec. 103. Air Force.
- Sec. 104. Defense-wide activities.
- Sec. 105. National Guard and Reserve equipment.
- Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations
- Subtitle B—Army Programs
- Sec. 111. Separate procurement line items for Future Combat Systems program.
- Sec. 112. Clarification of status of Future Combat Systems program lead system integrator.
- Sec. 113. Restriction on obligation of funds for Army tactical radio pending report.
- Sec. 114. Restriction on obligation of procurement funds for Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program pending certification.
- Sec. 115. Stryker Mobile Gun System.
- Subtitle B—Army Programs
- Subtitle C—Navy Programs
- Sec. 121. Refueling and complex overhaul of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt.
- Sec. 122. Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program.
- Sec. 123. Report on F/A-18 procurement costs, comparing multiyear to annual.
- Sec. 124. Authority for advanced procurement and construction of components for the Virginia-class submarine program.
- Subtitle C—Navy Programs
- Subtitle D—Air Force Programs
- Sec. 131. Maintenance of retired KC-135E aircraft.
- Sec. 132. Repeal of multi-year contract authority for procurement of tanker aircraft.
- Sec. 133. Reports on KC-(X) tanker aircraft requirements.
- Sec. 134. F-22A fighter aircraft.
- Subtitle D—Air Force Programs
- Subtitle E—Joint and Multiservice Matters
- Sec. 141. Annual long-term plan for the procurement of aircraft for the Navy and the Air Force.
- Sec. 142. Report on body armor acquisition strategy.
- Sec. 143. Small arms acquisition strategy and requirements review.
- Sec. 144. Requirement for common ground stations and payloads for manned and unmanned aerial vehicle systems.
- Sec. 145. Report on future jet carrier trainer requirements of the Navy.
- Subtitle E—Joint and Multiservice Matters
- Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations
- Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations.
- Sec. 202. Amount for defense science and technology.
- Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations
- Subtitle B—Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations
- Sec. 211. Additional determinations to be made as part of Future Combat Systems milestone review.
- Sec. 212. Analysis of Future Combat Systems communications network and software.
- Sec. 213. Future Combat Systems manned ground vehicle Selected Acquisition Reports.
- Sec. 214. Separate procurement and research, development, test, and evaluation line items and program elements for Sky Warrior Unmanned Aerial Systems project.
- Sec. 215. Restriction on obligation of funds for the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical program.
- Sec. 216. Limitation on source of funds for certain Joint Cargo Aircraft expenditures.
- Sec. 217. Requirement for plan on overhead nonimaging infrared systems.
- Sec. 218. Advanced energy storage technology and manufacturing.
- Sec. 219. Mechanisms to provide funds for defense laboratories for research and development of technologies for military missions.
- Sec. 220. Requirements for certain airborne intelligence collection systems.
- Sec. 221. Limitation on obligation of funds for Enhanced AN/TPQ-36 radar system pending submission of report.
- Subtitle B—Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations
- Subtitle C—Missile Defense Programs
- Sec. 231. Annual Director of Operational Test and Evaluation characterization of operational effectiveness, suitability, and survivability of the ballistic missile defense system.
- Sec. 232. Independent study of boost-phase missile defense.
- Sec. 233. Limitation on availability of funds for procurement, construction, and deployment of missile defenses in Europe.
- Sec. 234. Review of the ballistic missile defense policy and strategy of the United States.
- Sec. 235. Airborne Laser System.
- Sec. 236. Activation and deployment of AN/TPY-2 forward-based X-band radar.
- Subtitle C—Missile Defense Programs
- Subtitle D—Reports
- Sec. 241. Biennial reports on joint and service concept development and experimentation.
- Sec. 242. Report on participation of the historically black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions in research and educational programs and activities of the Department of Defense.
- Sec. 243. Report on Department of Defense response to findings and recommendations of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Directed Energy Weapons.
- Subtitle D—Reports
- Subtitle E—Other Matters
- Sec. 251. Modification of systems subject to survivability testing oversight by the Director of Operational Test and evaluation.
- Sec. 252. Technology-neutral information technology guidelines and standards to support fully interoperable electronic personal health information for the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Sec. 253. Assessment of technology transition programs and repeal of reporting requirement.
- Sec. 254. Trusted defense systems.
- Sec. 255. Capabilities-based assessment to outline a joint approach for future development of vertical lift aircraft and rotorcraft.
- Sec. 256. Executive agent for printed circuit board technology.
- Sec. 257. Review of conventional prompt global strike technology applications and concepts.
- Subtitle E—Other Matters
- Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations
- Sec. 301. Operation and maintenance funding.
- Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations
- Subtitle B—Environmental Provisions
- Sec. 311. Authorization for Department of Defense participation in conservation banking programs.
- Sec. 312. Reimbursement of Environmental Protection Agency for certain costs in connection with Moses Lake Wellfield Superfund Site, Moses Lake, Washington.
- Sec. 313. Expand cooperative agreement authority for management of natural resources to include off-installation mitigation.
- Sec. 314. Expedited use of appropriate technology related to unexploded ordnance detection.
- Sec. 315. Closed loop re-refining of used motor vehicle lubricating oil.
- Sec. 316. Comprehensive program for the eradication of the brown tree snake population from military facilities in Guam.
- Subtitle B—Environmental Provisions
- Subtitle C—Workplace and Depot Issues
- Sec. 321. Comprehensive analysis and development of single Government-wide definition of inherently governmental function and criteria for critical functions.
- Sec. 322. Study on future depot capability.
- Sec. 323. Government Accountability Office review of high-performing organizations.
- Sec. 324. Consolidation of Air Force and Air National Guard aircraft maintenance.
- Sec. 325. Report on Air Force civilian personnel consolidation plan.
- Sec. 326. Report on reduction in number of firefighters on Air Force bases.
- Sec. 327. Minimum capital investment for certain depots.
- Subtitle C—Workplace and Depot Issues
- Subtitle D—Energy Security
- Sec. 331. Annual report on operational energy management and implementation of operational energy strategy.
- Sec. 332. Consideration of fuel logistics support requirements in planning, requirements development, and acquisition processes.
- Sec. 333. Study on solar and wind energy for use for expeditionary forces.
- Sec. 334. Study on alternative and synthetic fuels.
- Sec. 335. Mitigation of power outage risks for Department of Defense facilities and activities.
- Subtitle D—Energy Security
- Subtitle E—Reports
- Sec. 341. Comptroller General report on readiness of Armed Forces.
- Sec. 342. Report on plan to enhance combat skills of Navy and Air Force personnel.
- Sec. 343. Comptroller General report on the use of the Army Reserve and National Guard as an operational reserve.
- Sec. 344. Comptroller General report on link between preparation and use of Army reserve component forces to support ongoing operations.
- Sec. 345. Comptroller General report on adequacy of funding, staffing, and organization of Department of Defense Military Munitions Response Program.
- Subtitle E—Reports
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Sec. 351. Extension of Enterprise Transition Plan reporting requirement.
- Sec. 352. Demilitarization of loaned, given, or exchanged documents, historical artifacts, and condemned or obsolete combat materiel.
- Sec. 353. Repeal of requirement that Secretary of Air Force provide training and support to other military departments for A-10 aircraft.
- Sec. 354. Display of annual budget requirements for Air Sovereignty Alert Mission.
- Sec. 355. Revision of certain Air Force regulations required.
- Sec. 356. Transfer of C-12 aircraft to California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
- Sec. 357. Limitation on treatment of retired B-52 aircraft for Air Combat Command headquarters.
- Sec. 358. Increase of domestic breeding of military working dogs used by the Department of Defense.
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Subtitle A—Active Forces
- Sec. 401. End strengths for active forces.
- Sec. 402. Revision in permanent active duty end strength minimum levels.
- Subtitle A—Active Forces
- Subtitle B—Reserve Forces
- Sec. 411. End strengths for Selected Reserve.
- Sec. 412. End strengths for Reserves on active duty in support of the Reserves.
- Sec. 413. End strengths for military technicians (dual status).
- Sec. 414. Fiscal year 2009 limitation on number of non-dual status technicians.
- Sec. 415. Maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on active duty for operational support.
- Sec. 416. Additional waiver authority of limitation on number of reserve component members authorized to be on active duty.
- Subtitle B—Reserve Forces
- Subtitle C—Authorization of Appropriations
- Sec. 421. Military personnel.
- Subtitle C—Authorization of Appropriations
- Subtitle A—Officer Personnel Policy Generally
- Sec. 501. Mandatory separation requirements for regular warrant officers for length of service.
- Sec. 502. Requirements for issuance of posthumous commissions and warrants.
- Sec. 503. Authorized number of general officers on active duty in the Army and Marine Corps, limited exclusion for joint duty requirements, and increase in number of officers serving in grades above major general and rear admiral.
- Sec. 504. Modification of authority on Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps.
- Sec. 505. Eligibility of reserve officers to serve on boards of inquiry for separation of regular officers for substandard performance and other reasons.
- Sec. 506. Delayed authority to alter distribution requirements for commissioned officers on active duty in general officer and flag officer grades and limitations on authorized strengths of general and flag officers on active duty.
- Subtitle A—Officer Personnel Policy Generally
- Subtitle B—Reserve Component Management
- Sec. 511. Extension to other reserve components of Army authority for deferral of mandatory separation of military technicians (dual status) until age 60.
- Sec. 512. Modification of authorized strengths for certain Army National Guard, Marine Corps Reserve, and Air National Guard officers and Army National Guard enlisted personnel serving on full-time reserve component duty.
- Sec. 513. Clarification of authority to consider for a vacancy promotion National Guard officers ordered to active duty in support of a contingency operation.
- Sec. 514. Increase in mandatory retirement age for certain Reserve officers.
- Sec. 515. Age limit for retention of certain Reserve officers on active-status list as exception to removal for years of commissioned service.
- Sec. 516. Authority to retain Reserve chaplains and officers in medical and related specialties until age 68.
- Sec. 517. Modification of authorities on dual duty status of National Guard officers.
- Sec. 518. Study and report regarding Marine Corps personnel policies regarding assignments in Individual Ready Reserve.
- Sec. 519. Report on collection of information on civilian skills of members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces.
- Subtitle B—Reserve Component Management
- Subtitle C—Joint Qualified Officers and Requirements
- Sec. 521. Joint duty requirements for promotion to general or flag officer.
- Sec. 522. Technical, conforming, and clerical changes to joint specialty terminology.
- Sec. 523. Promotion policy objectives for joint qualified officers.
- Sec. 524. Length of joint duty assignments.
- Sec. 525. Designation of general and flag officer positions on Joint Staff as positions to be held only by reserve component officers.
- Sec. 526. Modification of limitations on authorized strengths of reserve general and flag officers in active status serving in joint duty assignments.
- Sec. 527. Reports on joint education courses available through the Department of Defense.
- Subtitle C—Joint Qualified Officers and Requirements
- Subtitle D—General Service Authorities
- Sec. 531. Increase in maximum period of reenlistment of regular members of the Armed Forces.
- Sec. 532. Paternity leave for members of the Armed Forces.
- Sec. 533. Pilot programs on career flexibility to enhance retention of members of the Armed Forces.
- Subtitle D—General Service Authorities
- Subtitle E—Education and Training
- Sec. 540. Authorized strength of military service academies and repeal of prohibition on phased increase in midshipmen and cadet strength limit at Naval Academy and Air Force Academy.
- Sec. 541. Promotion of foreign and cultural exchange activities at military service academies.
- Sec. 542. Increased authority to enroll defense industry employees in defense product development program.
- Sec. 543. Expanded authority for institutions of professional military education to award degrees.
- Sec. 544. Tuition for attendance of Federal employees at the United States Air Force Institute of Technology.
- Sec. 545. Increase in number of permanent professors at the United States Air Force Academy.
- Sec. 546. Requirement of completion of service under honorable conditions for purposes of entitlement to educational assistance for reserve component members supporting contingency operations.
- Sec. 547. Consistent education loan repayment authority for health professionals in regular components and Selected Reserve.
- Sec. 548. Increase in number of units of Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
- Sec. 549. Correction of erroneous Army College Fund benefit amounts.
- Sec. 550. Enhancing education partnerships to improve accessibility and flexibility for members of the Armed Forces.
- Subtitle E—Education and Training
- Subtitle F—Defense Dependents' Education
- Sec. 551. Continuation of authority to assist local educational agencies that benefit dependents of members of the Armed Forces and Department of Defense civilian employees.
- Sec. 552. Impact aid for children with severe disabilities.
- Sec. 553. Transition of military dependent students among local educational agencies.
- Sec. 554. Calculation of payments for eligible federally connected children under Department of Education's Impact Aid program.
- Subtitle F—Defense Dependents' Education
- Subtitle G—Military Justice
- Sec. 561. Effective period of military protective orders.
- Sec. 562. Mandatory notification of issuance of military protective order to civilian law enforcement.
- Sec. 563. Implementation of information database on sexual assault incidents in the Armed Forces.
- Subtitle G—Military Justice
- Subtitle H—Decorations, Awards, and Honorary Promotions
- Sec. 571. Replacement of military decorations.
- Sec. 572. Authorization and request for award of Medal of Honor to Richard L. Etchberger for acts of valor during the Vietnam War.
- Subtitle H—Decorations, Awards, and Honorary Promotions
- Subtitle I—Military Families
- Sec. 581. Presentation of burial flag to the surviving spouse and children of deceased members of the Armed Forces.
- Sec. 582. Education and training opportunities for military spouses.
- Sec. 583. Sense of Congress regarding honor guard details for funerals of veterans.
- Subtitle I—Military Families
- Subtitle J—Other Matters
- Sec. 591. Prohibition on interference in independent legal advice by the Legal Counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Sec. 592. Interest payments on certain claims arising from correction of military records.
- Sec. 593. Extension of limitation on reductions of personnel of agencies responsible for review and correction of military records.
- Sec. 594. Modification of matching fund requirements under National Guard Youth Challenge Program.
- Sec. 595. Military salute for the flag during the national anthem by members of the Armed Forces not in uniform and by veterans.
- Sec. 596. Military Leadership Diversity Commission.
- Sec. 597. Demonstration project on service of retired nurse corps officers as faculty at civilian nursing schools.
- Sec. 598. Report on planning for participation and hosting of the Department of Defense in international sports activities, competitions, and events.
- Subtitle J—Other Matters
- Subtitle A—Pay and Allowances
- Sec. 601. Fiscal year 2009 increase in military basic pay.
- Sec. 602. Permanent extension of prohibition on charges for meals received at military treatment facilities by members receiving continuous care.
- Sec. 603. Increase in maximum authorized payment or reimbursement amount for temporary lodging expenses.
- Sec. 604. Availability of second family separation allowance for married couples with dependents.
- Sec. 605. Extension of authority for income replacement payments for reserve component members experiencing extended and frequent mobilization for active duty service.
- Subtitle A—Pay and Allowances
- Subtitle B—Bonuses and Special and Incentive Pays
- Sec. 611. Extension of certain bonus and special pay authorities for Reserve forces.
- Sec. 612. Extension of certain bonus and special pay authorities for health care professionals.
- Sec. 613. Extension of special pay and bonus authorities for nuclear officers.
- Sec. 614. Extension of authorities relating to payment of other title 37 bonuses and special pays.
- Sec. 615. Extension of authorities relating to payment of referral bonuses.
- Sec. 616. Increase in maximum bonus and stipend amounts authorized under Nurse Officer Candidate Accession Program and health professions stipend program.
- Sec. 617. Maximum length of nuclear officer incentive pay agreements for service.
- Sec. 618. Technical changes regarding consolidation of special pay, incentive pay, and bonus authorities of the uniformed services.
- Sec. 619. Use of new skill incentive pay and proficiency bonus authorities to encourage training in critical foreign languages and foreign cultural studies and authorization of incentive pay for members of precommissioning programs pursuing foreign language proficiency.
- Sec. 620. Accession and retention bonuses for the recruitment and retention of officers in certain health professions.
- Subtitle B—Bonuses and Special and Incentive Pays
- Subtitle C—Travel and Transportation Allowances
- Sec. 621. Special weight allowance for transportation of professional books and equipment for spouses.
- Sec. 622. Shipment of family pets during evacuation of personnel.
- Subtitle C—Travel and Transportation Allowances
- Subtitle D—Retired Pay and Survivor Benefits
- Sec. 631. Extension to survivors of certain members who die on active duty of special survivor indemnity allowance for persons affected by required Survivor Benefit Plan annuity offset for dependency and indemnity compensation.
- Sec. 632. Correction of unintended reduction in survivor benefit plan annuities due to phased elimination of two-tier annuity computation and supplemental annuity.
- Subtitle D—Retired Pay and Survivor Benefits
- Subtitle E—Commissary and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Benefits and Operations
- Sec. 641. Use of commissary stores surcharges derived from temporary commissary initiatives for reserve component and retired members.
- Sec. 642. Enhanced enforcement of prohibition on sale or rental of sexually explicit material on military installations.
- Subtitle E—Commissary and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Benefits and Operations
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Sec. 651. Continuation of entitlement to bonuses and similar benefits for members of the uniformed services who die, are separated or retired for disability, or meet other criteria.
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Subtitle A—Improvements to Health Benefits
- Sec. 701. One-year extension of prohibition on increases in certain health care costs for members of the uniformed services.
- Sec. 702. Temporary prohibition on increase in copayments under retail pharmacy system of pharmacy benefits program.
- Sec. 703. Chiropractic health care for members on active duty.
- Sec. 704. Calculation of monthly premiums for coverage under TRICARE Reserve Select after 2008.
- Sec. 705. Program for health care delivery at military installations projected to grow.
- Sec. 706. Guidelines for combined medical facilities of the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Subtitle A—Improvements to Health Benefits
- Subtitle B—Preventive Care
- Sec. 711. Waiver of copayments for preventive services for certain TRICARE beneficiaries.
- Sec. 712. Military health risk management demonstration project.
- Sec. 713. Smoking cessation program under TRICARE.
- Sec. 714. Preventive health allowance.
- Sec. 715. Additional authority for studies and demonstration projects relating to delivery of health and medical care.
- Subtitle B—Preventive Care
- Subtitle C—Wounded Warrior Matters
- Sec. 721. Center of excellence in prevention, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, and rehabilitation of hearing loss and auditory system injuries.
- Sec. 722. Clarification to center of excellence relating to military eye injuries.
- Sec. 723. Center of Excellence in the Mitigation, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of Traumatic Extremity Injuries and Amputations.
- Sec. 724. Additional responsibilities for the wounded warrior resource center.
- Sec. 725. Sense of Congress on research on traumatic brain injury.
- Sec. 726. Extension of Senior Oversight Committee with respect to wounded warrior matters.
- Sec. 727. Modification of utilization of veterans' presumption of sound condition in establishing eligibility of members of the Armed Forces for retirement for disability.
- Subtitle C—Wounded Warrior Matters
- Subtitle D—Other Matters
- Sec. 731. Report on providing the Extended Care Health Option Program to dependents of military retirees.
- Sec. 732. Increase in cap on extended benefits under extended health care option (ECHO).
- Sec. 733. Department of Defense task force on the prevention of suicide by members of the Armed Forces.
- Sec. 734. Transitional health care for certain members of the Armed Forces who agree to serve in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve.
- Sec. 735. Enhancement of medical and dental readiness of members of the Armed Forces.
- Subtitle D—Other Matters
- Subtitle A—Acquisition Policy and Management
- Sec. 801. Assessment of urgent operational needs fulfillment.
- Sec. 802. Implementation of statutory requirements regarding the national technology and industrial base.
- Sec. 803. Commercial software reuse preference.
- Sec. 804. Internal controls for procurements on behalf of the Department of Defense by certain non-defense agencies.
- Subtitle A—Acquisition Policy and Management
- Subtitle B—Provisions Relating to Major Defense Acquisition Programs
- Sec. 811. Inclusion of major subprograms to major defense acquisition programs under acquisition reporting requirements.
- Sec. 812. Inclusion of certain major information technology investments in acquisition oversight authorities for major automated information system programs.
- Sec. 813. Transfer of sections of title 10 relating to Milestone A and Milestone B for clarity.
- Sec. 814. Configuration steering boards for cost control under major defense acquisition programs.
- Sec. 815. Preservation of tooling for major defense acquisition programs.
- Subtitle B—Provisions Relating to Major Defense Acquisition Programs
- Subtitle C—Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures, and Limitations
- Sec. 821. Definition of system for Defense Acquisition Challenge Program.
- Sec. 822. Technical data rights.
- Sec. 823. Revision to the application of Cost Accounting Standards.
- Sec. 824. Modification and extension of pilot program for transition to follow-on contracts under authority to carry out certain prototype projects.
- Sec. 825. Clarification of status of Government rights in the designs of Department of Defense vessels, boats, craft, and components thereof.
- Subtitle C—Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures, and Limitations
- Subtitle D—Provisions Relating to Acquisition Workforce and Inherently Governmental Functions
- Sec. 831. Development of guidance on personal services contracts.
- Sec. 832. Sense of Congress on performance by private security contractors of certain functions in an area of combat operations.
- Sec. 833. Acquisition workforce expedited hiring authority.
- Sec. 834. Career path and other requirements for military personnel in the acquisition field.
- Subtitle D—Provisions Relating to Acquisition Workforce and Inherently Governmental Functions
- Subtitle E—Department of Defense Contractor Matters
- Sec. 841. Ethics safeguards related to contractor conflicts of interest.
- Sec. 842. Information for Department of Defense contractor employees on their whistleblower rights.
- Sec. 843. Requirement for Department of Defense to adopt an acquisition strategy for Defense Base Act insurance.
- Sec. 844. Report on use of off-shore subsidiaries by defense contractors.
- Sec. 845. Defense industrial security.
- Subtitle E—Department of Defense Contractor Matters
- Subtitle F—Matters Relating to Iraq and Afghanistan
- Sec. 851. Clarification and modification of authorities relating to the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Sec. 852. Comprehensive audit of spare parts purchases and depot overhaul and maintenance of equipment for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Sec. 853. Additional matters required to be reported by contractors performing security functions in areas of combat operations.
- Sec. 854. Additional contractor requirements and responsibilities relating to alleged crimes by or against contractor personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Sec. 855. Suspension of statutes of limitations when Congress authorizes the use of military force.
- Subtitle F—Matters Relating to Iraq and Afghanistan
- Subtitle G—Governmentwide Acquisition Improvements
- Sec. 861. Short title.
- Sec. 862. Limitation on length of certain noncompetitive contracts.
- Sec. 863. Requirements for purchase of property and services pursuant to multiple award contracts.
- Sec. 864. Regulations on the use of cost-reimbursement contracts.
- Sec. 865. Preventing abuse of interagency contracts.
- Sec. 866. Limitations on tiering of subcontractors.
- Sec. 867. Linking of award and incentive fees to acquisition outcomes.
- Sec. 868. Minimizing abuse of commercial services item authority.
- Sec. 869. Acquisition workforce development strategic plan.
- Sec. 870. Contingency Contracting Corps.
- Sec. 871. Access of Government Accountability Office to contractor employees.
- Sec. 872. Database for Federal agency contract and grant officers and suspension and debarment officials.
- Sec. 873. Role of Interagency Committee on Debarment and Suspension.
- Sec. 874. Improvements to the Federal procurement data system.
- Subtitle G—Governmentwide Acquisition Improvements
- Subtitle H—Other Matters
- Sec. 881. Expansion of authority to retain fees from licensing of intellectual property.
- Sec. 882. Report on market research.
- Sec. 883. Report relating to munitions.
- Sec. 884. Motor carrier fuel surcharges.
- Sec. 885. Procurement by State and local governments of equipment for homeland security and emergency response activities through the Department of Defense.
- Sec. 886. Review of impact of covered subsidies on acquisition of KC-45 aircraft.
- Sec. 887. Report on the implementation of earned value management at the Department of Defense.
- Subtitle H—Other Matters
- Subtitle A—Department of Defense Management
- Sec. 901. Plan required for personnel management of special operations forces.
- Sec. 902. Director of Operational Energy Plans and Programs.
- Sec. 903. Corrosion control and prevention executives for the military departments.
- Sec. 904. Participation of Deputy Chief Management Officer of the Department of Defense on Defense Business System Management Committee.
- Sec. 905. Modification of status of Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs.
- Sec. 906. Requirement for the Secretary of Defense to prepare a strategic plan to enhance the role of the National Guard and Reserves.
- Sec. 907. General Counsel to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense.
- Sec. 908. Business transformation initiatives for the military departments.
- Subtitle A—Department of Defense Management
- Subtitle B—Space Activities
- Sec. 911. Extension of authority for pilot program for provision of space surveillance network services to entities outside United States Government.
- Sec. 912. Investment and acquisition strategy for commercial satellite capabilities.
- Sec. 913. Space posture review.
- Subtitle B—Space Activities
- Subtitle C—Chemical Demilitarization Program
- Sec. 921. Responsibilities for Chemical Demilitarization Citizens' Advisory Commissions in Colorado and Kentucky.
- Sec. 922. Cost-benefit analysis of future treatment of hydrolysate at Pueblo Chemical Depot, Colorado.
- Subtitle C—Chemical Demilitarization Program
- Subtitle D—Intelligence-Related Matters
- Sec. 931. Technical changes following the redesignation of National Imagery and Mapping Agency as National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
- Sec. 932. Technical amendments to title 10, United States Code, arising from enactment of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004.
- Sec. 933. Technical amendments relating to the Associate Director of the CIA for Military Affairs.
- Subtitle D—Intelligence-Related Matters
- Subtitle E—Other Matters
- Sec. 941. Enhancement of authorities relating to Department of Defense regional centers for security studies.
- Sec. 942. Restriction on obligation of funds for United States Southern Command development assistance activities.
- Sec. 943. Authorization of non-conventional assisted recovery capabilities.
- Sec. 944. Report on homeland defense and civil support issues.
- Sec. 945. Report on National Guard resource requirements.
- Subtitle E—Other Matters
- Subtitle A—Financial Matters
- Sec. 1001. General transfer authority.
- Sec. 1002. One-time shift of military retirement payments.
- Sec. 1003. Management of purchase cards.
- Sec. 1004. Codification of recurring authority on United States contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization common-funded budgets.
- Sec. 1005. Incorporation of funding decisions into law.
- Subtitle A—Financial Matters
- Subtitle B—Policy Relating to Vessels and Shipyards
- Sec. 1011. Conveyance, Navy drydock, Aransas Pass, Texas.
- Sec. 1012. Report on repair of naval vessel in foreign shipyards.
- Sec. 1013. Report on plan for disposal of certain vessels stricken from the Naval Vessel Register.
- Sec. 1014. Reimbursement of expenses for certain Navy mess operations.
- Sec. 1015. Policy relating to major combatant vessels of the strike forces of the United States Navy.
- Subtitle B—Policy Relating to Vessels and Shipyards
- Subtitle C—Counter-Drug Activities
- Sec. 1021. Extension of reporting requirement regarding Department of Defense expenditures to support foreign counter-drug activities.
- Sec. 1022. Extension of authority for joint task forces to provide support to law enforcement agencies conducting counter-terrorism activities.
- Sec. 1023. Extension of authority to support unified counter-drug and counterterrorism campaign in Colombia and continuation of numerical limitation on assignment of United States personnel.
- Sec. 1024. Expansion and extension of authority to provide additional support for counter-drug activities of certain foreign governments.
- Sec. 1025. Comprehensive Department of Defense strategy for counter-narcotics efforts for United States Africa Command.
- Sec. 1026. Comprehensive Department of Defense strategy for counter-narcotics efforts in South and Central Asian regions.
- Subtitle C—Counter-Drug Activities
- Subtitle D—Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations
- Sec. 1031. Enhancement of the capacity of the United States Government to conduct complex operations.
- Sec. 1032. Crediting of admiralty claim receipts for damage to property funded from a Department of Defense working capital fund.
- Sec. 1033. Minimum annual purchase requirements for charter air transportation services from carriers participating in the Civil Reserve Air Fleet.
- Sec. 1034. Semi-annual reports on status of Navy Next Generation Enterprise Networks program.
- Sec. 1035. Sense of Congress on nuclear weapons management.
- Sec. 1036. Sense of Congress on joint Department of Defense-Federal Aviation Administration executive committee on conflict and dispute resolution.
- Sec. 1037. Sense of Congress on sale of new outsize cargo, strategic airlift aircraft for civilian use.
- Subtitle D—Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations
- Subtitle E—Studies and Reports
- Sec. 1041. Report on corrosion control and prevention.
- Sec. 1042. Study on using Modular Airborne Fire Fighting Systems (MAFFS) in a Federal response to wildfires.
- Sec. 1043. Study on rotorcraft survivability.
- Sec. 1044. Report on nuclear weapons.
- Sec. 1045. Report on compliance by Department of Defense with Guam tax and licensing laws.
- Sec. 1046. Report on detention operations in Iraq.
- Sec. 1047. Review of bandwidth capacity requirements of the Department of Defense and the intelligence community.
- Sec. 1048. Review of findings and recommendations applicable to the Department of Defense regarding electromagnetic pulse attack.
- Subtitle E—Studies and Reports
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Sec. 1051. Additional information under annual submissions of information regarding information technology capital assets.
- Sec. 1052. Submission to Congress of revision to regulation on enemy prisoners of war, retained personnel, civilian internees, and other detainees.
- Sec. 1053. Barnegat Inlet to Little Egg Inlet, New Jersey.
- Sec. 1054. Standing advisory panel on improving coordination among the Department of Defense, the Department of State, and the United States Agency for International Development on matters of national security.
- Sec. 1055. Reports on strategic communication and public diplomacy activities of the Federal Government.
- Sec. 1056. Prohibitions relating to propaganda.
- Sec. 1057. Sense of Congress on interrogation of detainees by contractor personnel.
- Sec. 1058. Sense of Congress with respect to videotaping or otherwise electronically recording strategic intelligence interrogations of persons in the custody of or under the effective control of the Department of Defense.
- Sec. 1059. Modification of deadlines for standards required for entry to military installations in the United States.
- Sec. 1060. Extension of certain dates for Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States.
- Sec. 1061. Technical and clerical amendments.
- Sec. 1062. Notification of Committees on Armed Services with respect to certain nonproliferation and proliferation activities.
- Sec. 1063. Assessment of security measures at consolidated center for North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States Northern Command.
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Sec. 1101. Authority to waive annual limitation on premium pay and aggregate limitation on pay for Federal civilian employees working overseas.
- Sec. 1102. Temporary discretionary authority to grant allowances, benefits, and gratuities to personnel on official duty in a combat zone.
- Sec. 1103. Election of insurance coverage by Federal civilian employees deployed in support of a contingency operation.
- Sec. 1104. Extension of authority to make lump-sum severance payments.
- Sec. 1105. Extension of voluntary reduction-in-force authority of Department of Defense.
- Sec. 1106. Enhancement of authorities relating to additional positions under the national security personnel system.
- Sec. 1107. Expedited hiring authority for health care professionals.
- Sec. 1108. Direct hire authority at personnel demonstration laboratories for certain candidates.
- Sec. 1109. Status reports relating to laboratory personnel demonstration projects.
- Sec. 1110. Technical amendment relating to definition of professional accounting position for purposes of certification and credentialing standards.
- Sec. 1111. Exceptions and adjustments to limitations on personnel and reports on such exceptions and adjustments.
- Subtitle A—Assistance and Training
- Sec. 1201. Extension of authority to build the capacity of the Pakistan Frontier Corps.
- Sec. 1202. Availability across fiscal years of funds for military-to-military contacts and comparable activities.
- Sec. 1203. Availability across fiscal years of funds to pay incremental expenses for participation of developing countries in combined exercises.
- Sec. 1204. Extension of temporary authority to use acquisition and cross-servicing agreements to lend military equipment for personnel protection and survivability.
- Sec. 1205. Authority for distribution to certain foreign personnel of education and training materials and information technology to enhance military interoperability with the Armed Forces.
- Sec. 1206. Modification and extension of authorities relating to program to build the capacity of foreign military forces.
- Sec. 1207. Extension of authority and increased funding for security and stabilization assistance.
- Sec. 1208. Extension and expansion of authority for support of special operations to combat terrorism.
- Sec. 1209. Increase in amount available for costs of education and training of foreign military forces under Regional Defense Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program.
- Subtitle A—Assistance and Training
- Subtitle B—Matters Relating to Iraq and Afghanistan
- Sec. 1211. Limitation on availability of funds for certain purposes relating to Iraq.
- Sec. 1212. Report on status of forces agreements between the United States and Iraq.
- Sec. 1213. Strategy for United States-led Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq.
- Sec. 1214. Commanders' Emergency Response Program.
- Sec. 1215. Performance monitoring system for United States-led Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan.
- Sec. 1216. Report on command and control structure for military forces operating in Afghanistan.
- Sec. 1217. Reports on enhancing security and stability in the region along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- Sec. 1218. Study and report on Police Transition Teams to train, assist, and advise units of the Iraqi Police Service.
- Subtitle B—Matters Relating to Iraq and Afghanistan
- Subtitle C—Other Matters
- Sec. 1231. Payment of personnel expenses for multilateral cooperation programs.
- Sec. 1232. Participation of the Department of Defense in multinational military centers of excellence.
- Sec. 1233. Review of security risks of participation by defense contractors in certain space activities of the People's Republic of China.
- Sec. 1234. Report on Iran's capability to produce nuclear weapons.
- Sec. 1235. Employment for resettled Iraqis.
- Sec. 1236. Extension and modification of updates on report on claims relating to the bombing of the Labelle Discotheque.
- Sec. 1237. Report on utilization of certain global partnership authorities.
- Sec. 1238. Modification and repeal of requirement to submit certain annual reports to Congress regarding allied contributions to the common defense.
- Subtitle C—Other Matters
- Sec. 1301. Specification of Cooperative Threat Reduction programs and funds.
- Sec. 1302. Funding allocations.
- Subtitle A—Military Programs
- Sec. 1401. Working capital funds.
- Sec. 1402. National Defense Sealift Fund.
- Sec. 1403. Defense Health Program.
- Sec. 1404. Chemical agents and munitions destruction, defense.
- Sec. 1405. Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense-wide.
- Sec. 1406. Defense Inspector General.
- Sec. 1407. National Defense Sealift Fund amendments.
- Subtitle A—Military Programs
- Subtitle B—National Defense Stockpile
- Sec. 1411. Authorized uses of National Defense Stockpile funds.
- Sec. 1412. Revisions to previously authorized disposals from the National Defense Stockpile.
- Subtitle B—National Defense Stockpile
- Subtitle C—Armed Forces Retirement Home
- Sec. 1421. Authorization of appropriations for Armed Forces Retirement Home.
- Subtitle C—Armed Forces Retirement Home
- Sec. 1501. Authorization of additional appropriations for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq for fiscal year 2009.
- Sec. 1502. Requirement for separate display of budgets for Afghanistan and Iraq.
- Sec. 1503. Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund.
- Sec. 1504. Science and technology investment strategy to defeat or counter improvised explosive devices.
- Sec. 1505. Limitations on Iraq Security Forces Fund.
- Sec. 1506. Limitations on Afghanistan Security Forces Fund.
- Sec. 1507. Special transfer authority.
- Sec. 1508. Prohibition on use of United States funds for certain facilities projects in Iraq and contributions by the Government of Iraq to combined operations and other activities in Iraq.
- Sec. 1601. Short title.
- Sec. 1602. Findings.
- Sec. 1603. Definitions.
- Sec. 1604. Authority to provide assistance for reconstruction and stabilization crises.
- Sec. 1605. Reconstruction and stabilization.
- Sec. 1606. Authorities related to personnel.
- Sec. 1607. Reconstruction and stabilization strategy.
- Sec. 1608. Annual reports to Congress.
- Sec. 2001. Short title.
- Sec. 2002. Expiration of authorizations and amounts required to be specified by law.
- Sec. 2003. Effective date.
- Sec. 2101. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2102. Family housing.
- Sec. 2103. Improvements to military family housing units.
- Sec. 2104. Authorization of appropriations, Army.
- Sec. 2105. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2008 projects.
- Sec. 2106. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2007 projects.
- Sec. 2107. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2006 projects.
- Sec. 2108. Extension of authorization of certain fiscal year 2005 project.
- Sec. 2201. Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2202. Family housing.
- Sec. 2203. Improvements to military family housing units.
- Sec. 2204. Authorization of appropriations, Navy.
- Sec. 2205. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2005 project.
- Sec. 2206. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2007 projects.
- Sec. 2301. Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2302. Family housing.
- Sec. 2303. Improvements to military family housing units.
- Sec. 2304. Authorization of appropriations, Air Force.
- Sec. 2305. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2006 projects.
- Sec. 2306. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2005 projects.
- Subtitle A—Defense Agency Authorizations
- Sec. 2401. Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2402. Energy conservation projects.
- Sec. 2403. Authorization of appropriations, Defense Agencies.
- Sec. 2404. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2007 project.
- Sec. 2405. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2005 projects.
- Sec. 2406. Extension of authorization of certain fiscal year 2006 project.
- Subtitle A—Defense Agency Authorizations
- Subtitle B—Chemical Demilitarization Authorizations
- Sec. 2411. Authorized chemical demilitarization program construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2412. Authorization of appropriations, chemical demilitarization construction, defense-wide.
- Sec. 2413. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 1997 project.
- Sec. 2414. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2000 project.
- Subtitle B—Chemical Demilitarization Authorizations
- Sec. 2501. Authorized NATO construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2502. Authorization of appropriations, NATO.
- Sec. 2601. Authorized Army National Guard construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2602. Authorized Army Reserve construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2603. Authorized Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2604. Authorized Air National Guard construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2605. Authorized Air Force Reserve construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2606. Authorization of appropriations, National Guard and Reserve.
- Sec. 2607. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2008 project.
- Sec. 2608. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2006 projects.
- Sec. 2609. Extension of Authorization of certain fiscal year 2005 project.
- Subtitle A—Authorizations
- Sec. 2701. Authorization of appropriations for base closure and realignment activities funded through Department of Defense Base Closure Account 1990.
- Sec. 2702. Authorized base closure and realignment activities funded through Department of Defense Base Closure Account 2005.
- Sec. 2703. Authorization of appropriations for base closure and realignment activities funded through Department of Defense Base Closure Account 2005.
- Subtitle A—Authorizations
- Subtitle B—Amendments to Base Closure and Related Laws
- Sec. 2711. Modification of annual base closure and realignment reporting requirements.
- Sec. 2712. Technical corrections regarding authorized cost and scope of work variations for military construction and military family housing projects related to base closures and realignments.
- Subtitle B—Amendments to Base Closure and Related Laws
- Subtitle C—Other Matters
- Sec. 2721. Independent design review of National Naval Medical Center and military hospital at Fort Belvoir.
- Sec. 2722. Report on use of BRAC properties as sites for refineries or nuclear power plants.
- Subtitle C—Other Matters
- Subtitle A—Military Construction Program and Military Family Housing Changes
- Sec. 2801. Incorporation of principles of sustainable design in documents submitted as part of proposed military construction projects.
- Sec. 2802. Revision of maximum lease amount applicable to certain domestic Army family housing leases to reflect previously made annual adjustments in amount.
- Sec. 2803. Use of military family housing constructed under build and lease authority to house members without dependents.
- Sec. 2804. Leasing of military family housing to Secretary of Defense.
- Sec. 2805. Improved oversight and accountability for military housing privatization initiative projects.
- Sec. 2806. Authority to use operation and maintenance funds for construction projects inside the United States Central Command and United States Africa Command areas of responsibility.
- Sec. 2807. Cost-benefit analysis of dissolution of Patrick Family Housing LLC.
- Subtitle A—Military Construction Program and Military Family Housing Changes
- Subtitle B—Real Property and Facilities Administration
- Sec. 2811. Clarification of congressional reporting requirements for certain real property transactions.
- Sec. 2812. Authority to lease non-excess property of military departments and Defense Agencies.
- Sec. 2813. Modification of utility system conveyance authority.
- Sec. 2814. Defense access roads.
- Sec. 2815. Report on application of force protection and anti-terrorism standards to gates and entry points on military installations.
- Subtitle B—Real Property and Facilities Administration
- Subtitle C—Provisions Related to Guam Realignment
- Sec. 2821. Sense of Congress regarding military housing and utilities related to Guam realignment.
- Sec. 2822. Federal assistance to Guam.
- Sec. 2823. Eligibility of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands for military base reuse studies and community planning assistance.
- Sec. 2824. Support for realignment of military installations and relocation of military personnel on Guam.
- Subtitle C—Provisions Related to Guam Realignment
- Subtitle D—Energy Security
- Sec. 2831. Certification of enhanced use leases for energy-related projects.
- Sec. 2832. Annual report on Department of Defense installations energy management.
- Subtitle D—Energy Security
- Subtitle E—Land Conveyances
- Sec. 2841. Land conveyance, former Naval Air Station, Alameda, California.
- Sec. 2842. Transfer of administrative jurisdiction, decommissioned Naval Security Group Activity, Skaggs Island, California.
- Sec. 2843. Transfer of proceeds from property conveyance, Marine Corps Logistics Base, Albany, Georgia.
- Sec. 2844. Land conveyance, Sergeant First Class M.L. Downs Army Reserve Center, Springfield, Ohio.
- Sec. 2845. Land conveyance, John Sevier Range, Knox County, Tennessee.
- Sec. 2846. Land conveyance, Army property, Camp Williams, Utah.
- Sec. 2847. Extension of Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail through Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
- Subtitle E—Land Conveyances
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Sec. 2851. Revised deadline for transfer of Arlington Naval Annex to Arlington National Cemetery.
- Sec. 2852. Acceptance and use of gifts for construction of additional building at National Museum of the United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
- Sec. 2853. Lease involving pier on Ford Island, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hawaii.
- Sec. 2854. Use of runway at NASJRB Willow Grove, Pennsylvania.
- Sec. 2855. Naming of health facility, Fort Rucker, Alabama.
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Subtitle A—Fiscal Year 2008 Projects
- Sec. 2901. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2902. Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2903. Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2904. Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2905. Termination of authority to carry out fiscal year 2008 Army projects.
- Subtitle A—Fiscal Year 2008 Projects
- Subtitle B—Fiscal Year 2009 Projects
- Sec. 2911. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2912. Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects.
- Subtitle B—Fiscal Year 2009 Projects
- Subtitle A—National Security Programs Authorizations
- Sec. 3101. National Nuclear Security Administration.
- Sec. 3102. Defense environmental cleanup.
- Sec. 3103. Other defense activities.
- Sec. 3104. Defense nuclear waste disposal.
- Sec. 3105. Energy security and assurance.
- Subtitle A—National Security Programs Authorizations
- Subtitle B—Program Authorizations, Restrictions, and Limitations
- Sec. 3111. Modification of functions of Administrator for Nuclear Security to include elimination of surplus fissile materials usable for nuclear weapons.
- Sec. 3112. Limitation on Funding for Project 04-D-125 Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement facility project, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.
- Sec. 3113. Nonproliferation and national security scholarship and fellowship program.
- Sec. 3114. Enhancing nuclear forensics capabilities.
- Sec. 3115. Utilization of contributions to International Nuclear Materials Protection and Cooperation program and Russian plutonium disposition program.
- Sec. 3116. Review of and reports on Global Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention program.
- Sec. 3117. Limitation on availability of funds for Global Nuclear Energy Partnership.
- Subtitle B—Program Authorizations, Restrictions, and Limitations
- Subtitle C—Reports
- Sec. 3121. Extension of deadline for Comptroller General report on Department of Energy protective force management.
- Sec. 3122. Report on compliance with Design Basis Threat issued by the Department of Energy in 2005.
- Sec. 3123. Modification of submittal of reports on inadvertent releases of restricted data.
- Subtitle C—Reports
- Sec. 3201. Authorization.
- Sec. 3401. Authorization of appropriations.
- Sec. 3501. Authorization of appropriations for fiscal year 2009.
- Sec. 3502. Limitation on export of vessels owned by the Government of the United States for the purpose of dismantling, recycling, or scrapping.
- Sec. 3503. Student incentive payment agreements.
- Sec. 3504. Riding gang member requirements.
- Sec. 3505. Maintenance and Repair Reimbursement Program for the Maritime Security Fleet.
- Sec. 3506. Temporary program authorizing contracts with adjunct professors at the United States Merchant Marine Academy and for other purposes.
- Sec. 3507. Actions to address sexual harassment and violence at the United States Merchant Marine Academy.
- Sec. 3508. Assistance for small shipyards and maritime communities.
- Sec. 3509. Marine war risk insurance.
- Sec. 3510. MarAd consultation on Jones Act Waivers.
- Sec. 3511. Transportation in American vessels of government personnel and certain cargoes.
- Sec. 3512. Port of Guam Improvement Enterprise Program.
Sec. 3. Congressional Defense Committees.
- For purposes of this Act, the term ``congressional defense committees´´ has the meaning given that term in section 101(a)(16) of title 10, United States Code.
Sec. 4. Explanatory Statement.
- The explanatory statement regarding S. 3001, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, as amended by the House of Representatives, printed in the House section of the Congressional Record on or about September 30, 2008, by the Chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the House, shall have the same effect with respect to the implementation of this Act as if it were a joint explanatory statement of a committee of conference.
Approved October 14, 2008.
Legislative History
- No. 110-652 Pts. 1 & 2 (both from Comm. on Armed Services) accompanying H.R. 5658
- No. 110-335 (Comm. on Armed Services)
- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 154 (2008):
- Sept. 9-12, 15-17, considered and passed Senate.
- Sept. 24, considered and passed House, amended.
- Sept. 27, Senate concurred in House amendment.
- Oct. 14, Presidential statement.
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