An Act
To amend Titles XVIII, XIX, and XXI of the Social Security Act to extend provisions under the Medicare, Medicaid,
and SCHIP programs, and for other purposes.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
Section 1. Short Title; Table of Contents.
- (a) In General.—
- This Act may be cited as the ``Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007´´.
- (b) Table of Contents.—
- The table of contents of this Act is as follows:
- Sec. 101. Increase in physician payment update; extension of the physician quality reporting system.
- Sec. 102. Extension of Medicare incentive payment program for physician scarcity areas.
- Sec. 103. Extension of floor on work geographic adjustment under the Medicare physician fee schedule.
- Sec. 104. Extension of treatment of certain physician pathology services under Medicare.
- Sec. 105. Extension of exceptions process for Medicare therapy caps.
- Sec. 106. Extension of payment rule for brachytherapy; extension to therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.
- Sec. 107. Extension of Medicare reasonable costs payments for certain clinical diagnostic laboratory tests furnished to hospital patients in certain rural areas.
- Sec. 108. Extension of authority of specialized Medicare Advantage plans for special needs individuals to restrict enrollment.
- Sec. 109. Extension of deadline for application of limitation on extension or renewal of Medicare reasonable cost contract plans.
- Sec. 110. Adjustment to the Medicare Advantage stabilization fund.
- Sec. 111. Medicare secondary payor.
- Sec. 112. Payment for part B drugs.
- Sec. 113. Payment rate for certain diagnostic laboratory tests.
- Sec. 114. Long-term care hospitals.
- Sec. 115. Payment for inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) services.
- Sec. 116. Extension of accommodation of physicians ordered to active duty in the Armed Services.
- Sec. 117. Treatment of certain hospitals.
- Sec. 118. Additional Funding for State Health Insurance Assistance Programs, Area Agencies on Aging, and Aging and Disability Resource Centers.
- Sec. 201. Extending SCHIP funding through March 31, 2009.
- Sec. 202. Extension of transitional medical assistance (TMA) and abstinence education program.
- Sec. 203. Extension of qualifying individual (QI) program.
- Sec. 204. Medicaid DSH extension.
- Sec. 205. Improving data collection.
- Sec. 206. Moratorium on certain payment restrictions.
- Sec. 301. Medicare Payment Advisory Commission status.
- Sec. 302. Special Diabetes Programs for Type I Diabetes and Indians.
Approved December 29, 2007.
Legislative History
- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 153 (2007):
- Dec. 18, considered and passed Senate.
- Dec. 19, considered and passed House.
- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 153 (2007):
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