An Act
To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2001 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
- (a) Short Title.—
- This Act may be cited as the ``Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001´´.
- (b) Table of Contents.—
- The table of contents of this Act is as follows:
- Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations.
- Sec. 102. Classified schedule of authorizations.
- Sec. 103. Personnel ceiling adjustments.
- Sec. 104. Community management account.
- Sec. 105. Transfer authority of the Director of Central Intelligence.
- Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations.
- Subtitle A—Intelligence Community
- Sec. 301. Increase in employee compensation and benefits authorized by law.
- Sec. 302. Restriction on conduct of intelligence activities.
- Sec. 303. Sense of the Congress on intelligence community contracting.
- Sec. 304. National Security Agency voluntary separation.
- Sec. 305. Authorization for travel on any common carrier for certain intelligence collection personnel.
- Sec. 306. Update of report on effects of foreign espionage on United States trade secrets.
- Sec. 307. POW/MIA analytic capability within the intelligence community.
- Sec. 308. Applicability to lawful United States intelligence activities of Federal laws implementing international treaties and agreements.
- Sec. 309. Limitation on handling, retention, and storage of certain classified materials by the Department of State.
- Sec. 310. Designation of Daniel Patrick Moynihan Place.
- Subtitle B—Diplomatic Telecommunications Service Program Office (DTS- PO)
- Sec. 321. Reorganization of Diplomatic Telecommunications Service Program Office.
- Sec. 322. Personnel.
- Sec. 323. Diplomatic Telecommunications Service Oversight Board.
- Sec. 324. General provisions.
- Sec. 401. Modifications to Central Intelligence Agency's central services program.
- Sec. 402. Technical corrections.
- Sec. 403. Expansion of Inspector General actions requiring a report to Congress.
- Sec. 404. Detail of employees to the National Reconnaissance Office.
- Sec. 405. Transfers of funds to other agencies for acquisition of land.
- Sec. 406. Eligibility of additional employees for reimbursement for professional liability insurance.
- Sec. 501. Role of Director of Central Intelligence in experimental personnel program for certain scientific and technical personnel.
- Sec. 502. Measurement and signature intelligence.
- Sec. 601. Short title.
- Sec. 602. Orders for electronic surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
- Sec. 603. Orders for physical searches under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
- Sec. 604. Disclosure of information acquired under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 for law enforcement purposes.
- Sec. 605. Coordination of counterintelligence with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- Sec. 606. Enhancing protection of national security at the Department of Justice.
- Sec. 607. Coordination requirements relating to the prosecution of cases involving classified information.
- Sec. 608. Severability.
- Sec. 701. Short title.
- Sec. 702. Findings.
- Sec. 703. Public Interest Declassification Board.
- Sec. 704. Identification, collection, and review for declassification of information of archival value or extraordinary public interest.
- Sec. 705. Protection of national security information and other information.
- Sec. 706. Standards and procedures.
- Sec. 707. Judicial review.
- Sec. 708. Funding.
- Sec. 709. Definitions.
- Sec. 710. Sunset.
- Sec. 801. Short title.
- Sec. 802. Designation.
- Sec. 803. Requirement of disclosure of records.
- Sec. 804. Expedited processing of requests for Japanese Imperial Government records.
- Sec. 805. Effective date.
Approved December 27, 2000.
Legislative History
- No. 106-620 accompanying H.R. 4392 (Select Comm. on Intelligence)
- No. 106-969 (Comm. of Conference).
- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 146 (2000):
- Nov. 13, considered and passed House.
- Dec. 6, considered and passed Senate, amended.
- Dec. 11, House concurred in Senate amendments.
- Dec. 27, Presidential statement.
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