< Provincial Geographies of India < Volume 4
- Acunha, Ruy Nunez d', 108
- Administration, 110 et seq.
- Agriculture, 141 et seq.
- — Department of, 146
- Akauktaung, 26, 208
- Akyab, 13, 16, 111, 123, 155, 169, 180, 213
- — district, 13, 112, 213
- Akyang, 2
- Alaungpaya, 99, 102, 103, 108, 171, 195
- — House of, 103
- Allantaung, 20
- Alôn (Lower Chindwin), 169
- — (Rangoon), 172
- Alphabets, 140
- Amarapura, 31, 85, 109, 148, 154, 167, 184, 196
- Amber, 62
- America, 156
- Amherst district, 12, 34, 68, 112, 204, 213
- Amherstia, 81
- Ananda, 198, 200
- Anawrata, 99, 184, 196, 205, 206
- Antiquities, 201
- Apatite, 72
- Arakan division, 1, 3, 13, 68, 104, 108, 112, 169, 204, 213
- — Hill District, 3, 13, 14, 112, 213
- — kingdom, 99, 101, 103
- — Pagoda, 190
- — Yoma, 3, 4, 10, 13, 20, 43, 56, 57, 58, 60, 65, 74
- Arakanese, 125
- — dialect, 139
- Arbuthnot, Sir Charles, 107
- Archaean age, 50
- Archipelago, Mergui, 45
- Architecture, 201
- Art work, 150 et seq.
- Assam, 1, 2, 11, 40, 41, 101, 104
- Ataran, 12, 34, 180
- Atumashi, 191
- Austro-Asiatic family, 139
- Ava, 26, 31, 100, 101, 103, 104, 108, 109, 143, 195
- Ayuthia, 101, 103
- Bags, Shan, 148
- Bagyidawpaya, 103, 104, 109
- Bamboos, 82
- Bandula, 104
- Banting, 86
- Barium, Sulphate of, 64
- Barking deer, 89
- Barnes, Sir Hugh, 193
- Barytes, 64
- Basket-making, 148
- Bassein, 3, 9, 34, 108, 111, 150, 155, 168, 180, 213
- — creek, 27
- — district, 3, 64, 111, 213
- — river, 27, 34, 165
- Bats, 92, 180
- Bawdwin, 50, 64, 66, 67, 167
- Bayin Naung, 99, 101, 182
- Beans, 143, 158, 160
- Bears, 92
- Beer, 159
- Belgium, 158, 159
- Bells, 150, 175, 176, 181, 195, 197
- Bengal, Bay of, 1, 2, 13, 57
- Benzine, 157
- Bernard, Sir Charles, 107, 166, 194
- Bernard-myo, 194
- Betel palm, 144
- — vine, 144
- Bhamo, 25, 195
- — district, 11, 68, 77, 99, 108, 112, 213
- Bibliography, 210
- Birds, 92 et seq.
- — nests, edible, 45, 94
- Bismuth, 64
- Bison, 86
- Boats, 27, 32
- Bodawpaya, 47, 103, 109, 195
- Boinu, 35, 36
- Boronga, 44
- Boundaries, 2
- Brass, 150, 156
- British Burma, 108
- — Empire, 158, 216
- Bronze, 150
- Brow-antlered deer, 89
- Buddha, Gaudama, images of, 153, 182, 190, 191, 197, 198, 208, 209
- — relics of, 158
- — Gaya, 200
- Buddhas, 172, 198, 200
- Buddhist monks, 128
- Buddhist nuns, 128
- — religion, 128
- Buffaloes, 87
- Building stones, 64
- Burma, area, dimensions and distribution, 1
- — boundaries, 2
- — British, 108
- — Central, 3
- — geographical divisions, 3
- — Lower, 1, 13, 99, 111, 142, 171
- — Upper, 1, 10, 14, 99, 106, 111, 142, 184
- Burmese, 99, 124 et seq.
- — language, 139
- Cactus, 11, 83
- Cæsar Frederick, 73, 85, 101, 108, 182, 186
- Cambrian, 50
- Campbell, Sir Archibald, 104
- Canals, 162 et seq.
- Candles, 70, 157
- Cape Negrais, 3
- Capitals, 109
- Capitation tax, 121
- Carnivora, 91, 92
- Casserite, 74
- Cats, 91
- Cetacea, 92
- Ceylon, 157, 159
- Chaungmagyi, 32
- Cheduba, 14, 44, 62
- Cheiroptera, 92
- Cheroots, 148
- Chief Court, 117, 177
- Chiengmai, 101
- Chin Hills, 1, 3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 43, 80, 83, 87, 107, 112, 117, 213
- — Pakokku, 14, 117,213
- — language, 139
- — tribes, 134
- China, 2, 12, 14, 101, 102, 158, 160, 166, 169, 195
- — Bakir, 27
- Chindwin, 3, 10, 11, 33, 60, 79
- — Lower, district, 10, 112, 152, 213
- — Upper, district, 10, 11, 14, 65, 70, 112, 116, 213
- — valley, 58, 60
- Chinese, 139
- — varnish, 80
- Chittagong, 1, 2, 13, 104, 169
- Circle, 114
- — Boards, 113
- Climate, 16 et seq.
- — of Delta, 9
- Coal, 56, 65, 156
- Cobra, 95
- Cocos, 44
- Coffee, 143
- Coffinwood tree, 80
- Commerce, 155 et seq., 216
- Commissioner, 111, 213, 215
- — Chief, 107, 108, 194
- — Deputy, 112, 213
- — Financial, 119
- — Judicial, 117, 118
- Confluence, 23
- Conti, Nicolo di, 107
- Co-operative Credit, 124
- Copper, 50, 65, 156
- Corporation of Rangoon, 177
- Cosmin, 180
- Cotton, 144, 156, 158, 160, 216
- — ginning, 147
- — weaving, 148
- Court, Chief, 117, 177
- Crawfurd, J., 12, 13, 81, 143, 183, 192, 198, 200
- Creeks, 3, 14
- Cretaceous period, 57
- Crocodiles, 96
- Crosthwaite, Sir Charles, 106, 107
- Customs administration, 123
- Cutch, 80, 158
- Cyclones, 16, 44
- Da, 150
- Daga, 34
- Dalhousie, Lord, 26, 105
- — Park, 176
- Dalla, 108, 172
- Dani, 6, 14, 143
- — fringes, 147
- Danu, 133
- Danubya, 26, 82, 104, 108, 148
- Dawbon, 178
- Dawna, 12, 34, 77
- Daye, 89
- Deer, 89
- Defile, First, 25
- — Second, 25
- — Third, 10, 25
- Delta, of Irrawaddy, 3, 4 et seq., 26, 62, 96, 97
- Diamond island, 34, 44
- District Councils, 113
- Districts, 111, 112, 213
- Divisions, geographical, 3
- Divisions, civil, in, 112, 213
- Dogs, wild, 91
- Doktawadi, 32
- Dry cultivation, 10, 142
- Dry zone, 3, 10, 11, 17, 83
- Dufferin, Lord, 107, 187
- — Fort, 187
- Durian, 145
- Dutch, 108
- Earthenware, 156
- East India Company, 108, 170
- Edentata, 92
- Education, 119
- — monastic, 128, 129
- Elephants, 78, 79, 85–86, 160
- — white, 87, 101, 183, 188
- Embankments, 165
- Europeans, 139
- Excise, 123
- Exports, 157, 216
- Falam, 14, 112, 117
- Fauna, 85 et seq.
- — geological, 51, 53, 56
- Finance, 124
- Fish, 96 et seq.
- Fisheries, 96
- Fishing, 146
- Fitch, Ralph, 108, 131, 173, 201
- Flora, 75
- Flowers, 84
- Flying foxes, 92
- Forest administration, 75
- Forests, 75 et seq.
- Fort White, 14
- French Indo-China, 2, 14, 35
- Frescoes, 154, 190, 196, 200
- Fruits, 145
- Fryer, Sir Frederic, 109
- Gaur, 86
- Gems, 72
- Geology, 48 et seq.
- Germany, 159, 100, 216
- Glossary, 217
- Gneiss, 48, 50, 72
- — granitoid, 64
- Godwin, General, 105
- Godwin-Austen, Colonel, 181
- Gôk-teik, 167
- Gold, 66
- — work, 151
- Gondwana, 57, 58
- Goral, 88
- Granite, 50, 51, 74
- Ground-nut oil, 158
- Ground-nut oil cake, 158
- Ground-nuts, 10, 143, 158
- Gulfs period, 60, 63
- Gyaing, 12, 34, 180
- Gyi, 89
- Gypsum, 66
- Haing-gyi, 44
- Haka, 117
- Hamadryad, 95
- Hanthawaddy, 3, 8, 111, 213
- Hardware, 156, 159
- Hastings Shoal, 34, 178
- Hatgyi, 35
- Haungtharaw, 34
- Headman, Village, 115
- Heavy spar, 64
- Heho, 169
- Henzada, 26, 108, 168, 181
- — district, 3, 4, 65, 11 1, 213
- Hertz, Fort, 112, 170
- Hildebrand, A. H., 107
- Hill district, Northern Arakan, 3, 13, 14, 35, 112, 213
- — stations, 19
- Hilsa, 97
- Hindus, 139
- History, 99 et seq.
- Hkamti-Long, 12, 23, 116
- — Singaling, 11, 33, 116
- Hlaing, 34
- Hlaingbwe, 34
- Hog deer, 89
- Holland, 156, 159, 160
- Homalin, 33
- Hospitals, 123
- Hsawnghsup, 11, 33, 116
- Hsenwi, North, 15, 116
- — South, 15, 116
- Hsipaw, 15, 116
- Hukong valley, 33, 63
- Imports, 155–6, 216
- Income-tax, 121
- Indaw, 47
- Indawgyi, 46
- India, 1, 156, 157, 158, 159, 169
- India-rubber fig, 82
- Indian Empire, 1
- — influence, 13, 131, 198
- — Ocean, 2
- Inle, 47
- Inscriptions, 207–8
- Insectivora, 92
- Insects, 98
- Insein, 184
- — district, 3, 8, 111, 213
- Intha, 133
- Iron, 65, 150, 156
- Irrawaddy division, 1, 3, 58, 68, 70, 111, 213
- — Delta of, 3 et seq., 26
- — river, 3, 9, 10, 11, 23 et seq., 66, 162, 165, 168, 169
- — tributaries of, 31 et seq.
- — valley of, 58, 60, 64
- Irrigation, 162, 164
- Islands, 14, 44–5, 160–1
- Italy, 159
- Ivory carving, 152
- Jadeite, 66, 158, 160
- Japan, 156, 159
- Jars, Pegu, 150
- Judicial administration, 117–8
- — Commissioner, 117, 118
- Jurassic period, 57
- Jute, 156
- Kachin Hills, 12,31,38.57, 107, 117
- — language, 139
- — tribes, 134
- Kado, 35
- Kadu, 133
- Kaladan, 35
- Kalaw, 19, 215
- Kale, 65, 116
- Kanaungto, 162
- Kanpetlet, 20, 117
- Karen language, 139
- — tribes, 131–2
- Karenni, 3, 12, 13, 14, 34, 57, 74, 77, 107, 116–7, 215
- Katha, 25, 167
- — district, 11, 12, 66, 77, 112, 116, 213
- Kaunghmudaw, 206
- Kemmendine, 172
- Këngtüng, 15, 35, 116, 133, 214
- Khanung, 136
- Kheddah, 85, 196
- Kindat, 33, 66
- King island, 45
- Kokang, 15
- Krait, 95
- Kublai Khan, 100, 196
- Kunlôn, 166
- Kuthodaw, 190
- Kyaik-htee-yoh, 203–4
- Kyangin, 165, 168
- Kyauk-myaung, 25, 150
- Kyaukpazat, 66
- Kyaukpyu, 155
- — district, 13, 16, 112, 213
- Kyauksè, 10, 61, 112, 206, 213
- Lac, 80, 158
- Lacquer ware, 152
- Laika, 152
- Lakes, 46–7
- Languages, 139–40
- Lashio, 65, 115, 167, 215
- Laterite, 64
- Lead, 50, 67, 68, 156, 157, 160
- Legislative Council, 110
- Letpet, 143, 160
- Lieutenant-Governor, 110
- Lighthouses, 160–1
- Lignite, 65
- Lime, 64
- Limestone, 53, 54, 55, 64, 72
- — Plateau, system, 54
- Liquors, 156
- Loikaw, 117
- Loilem, 215
- Lolo, 139
- Lotaw, 117
- Lower Burma, 1, 13, 14
- Lower Chindwin, 10, 112, 152, 213
- Lushai hills, 14
- Macpherson, Sir Herbert, 107
- Madaya, 32
- Magwe, 26
- — district, 33, 69, 70, 112, 213
- — division, 10, 111-2
- Mahomedans, 139
- Mahseer, 97
- Maize, 143
- Malaya-Polynesian family, 139–40
- Malikha, 23, 97
- Mammalia, 85 et seq.
- Man Canal, 164
- Mandalay, 10, 18, 25, 106, 109, 166, 167, 169, 184 et seq.
- — canal, 162–3
- — district, 10, 77, 112, 205
- — division, 111–112
- Manglün, 15, 214
- Mangosteen, 145
- Mangrove, 3, 5, 6, 14, 82
- Manipur, 1, 2, 3, 14, 102, 103, 104
- — river, 33
- Marble, 64, 154
- Marco Polo, 100, 107, 197
- Martaban, 12, 100, 102, 108, 168
- — Gulf of, 2, 34
- Mat-weaving, 148
- Ma-u-bin, 3, 111, 213
- Mawken, 45, 140
- Mawlaik, 33, 112
- Maymyo, 19, 55, 133, 166, 170, 193
- Meiktila, 167
- — district, 10, 112, 213
- — division, 10, 15, 111, 112
- — lake, 47
- Mèkong, 2, 15, 35
- Mergui, 108, 155, 183
- — archipelago, 45
- — beds (geological), 50
- — district, 12, 15, 68, 74, 97, 112, 169, 204, 213
- Metals, imports of, 156
- — exports of, 157–8
- Millet, 10, 143
- Minbu, 26
- — district, 65, 70, 74, 112
- Mindôn Min, 103, 105, 184, 190
- Mineral oils, 156, 157
- Minerals, 63 et seq.
- Mingaladôn, 184
- Mingin, 33
- Mingun, 195
- Minhla, 26, 106
- Mithan, 86
- Mogaung, 66, 100, 167
- — river, 31
- Mogôk, 38, 72, 133, 170, 193
- Mo-hnyin, 12, 100
- Môn canal, 164
- Môn-Hkmer, 139
- Monasteries, 190, 192, 207
- Möngmit, 12, 74, 116, 214
- Möngnai, 116, 214
- Monkeys, 92
- Mônywa, 33, 112
- Moscos, 45
- Mosquitoes, 7, 98
- Motor cars, 156, 216
- Moulmein, 13, 34, 64, 92, 111, 112, 152, 155, 168, 178, 180, 213
- Mount Victoria, 14, 20, 43, 117
- Mountains, 11, 12, 14, 38
- Mouse-deer, 89
- Mrohaung, 204
- Mu, 33, 164
- Municipalities, 119
- Myanaung, 26, 165
- Myaungmya, 4, 111, 213
- Myedè, 105, 108
- Myelat, 15
- Myingyan, 11, 26, 168, 192
- — district, 60, 112, 206, 213
- Myinmu, 33
- Myitkyina, 23, 97, 167, 168
- — district, 11, 66, 112, 213
- Myitngè, 15, 32
- Myit-tha, 33
- Myo, 114
- — sa, 115
- — thugyi, 114
- Naaf, 2
- Naba, 167
- Namkham, 133
- Nanyaseik, 72
- Nats, 129
- Naung, Bayin, 99, 101, 182
- Negrais, Cape, 3
- — island, 44
- — Port, 9, 108
- Ngapi, 97, 143, 147
- Ngathaing-gyaung, 34
- Nga-wun, 26, 34, 165
- Ngwe-kun-hmu, 115
- Niello work, 151
- 'Nmaikha, 23, 97
- North East Frontier division, 213, 215
- North West Frontier division, 213, 215
- Nung, 136
- Nwemauktaung, 41
- Obo canal, 162–3
- Occupations, 147 et seq.
- Oil, 60, 62, 68
- — ground nut, 158
- — mineral, 157
- — refining, 146
- — winning, 146
- Opium, 122
- Ordovician system, 51
- Oxen, 90
- Padauk, 80
- Padaung, 132
- Paddy, 5, 142
- Pagān, 12, 26, 99, 100, 152–3, 196 et seq.
- — Min, 103, 109
- Pāgǎt, 92, 208
- Pagodas, 8, 11, 26, 127, 128, 180, 183, 190, 195, 196 et seq., 200 et seq.
- Pakchan, 2
- Pakôkku, 11, 26, 192
- — Chin Hills, 14, 117, 213
- — district, 10, 112, 213
- Palace, Mandalay, 187 et seq.
- Palaung, 136
- — language, 139
- Paletwa, 112
- Palms, 81–2
- Panlang, 27, 34, 184
- Papun, 34, 112
- Paraffin wax, 157
- Pashaw, 25
- Paungdè, 184
- Pazundaung, 172
- — creek, 34, 178
- Pearls, 97
- Pegu, 34, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 166, 168, 182
- — district, 3, 8, 111, 213
- — division, 1, 108, 111, 213
- — kingdom, 100 et seq.
- — river, 34
- — Yoma, 8, 10, 38, 40, 77
- — Sittang Canal, 162
- Periods, geological, 56, 57, 60
- Permian period, 56
- Permo-Carboniferous, 56
- Persaim, 180
- Petrol, 70, 157
- Petroleum, 68 et seq.
- Phayre, Sir Arthur, 108
- Pig, wild, 89, 90
- Pines, 14, 80
- Pinto, Fernan Mendez, 108
- Plantains, 145
- Plaster of Paris, 66
- Plateau limestone system, 54
- — Shan, 14, 39, 43, 55. 57. 58, 64, 115
- Police, civil, 118
- — military, 14, 116, 118
- Ponies, 90
- Popa, 11, 20, 33, 60
- Poppies, 146
- Population, 125
- Portuguese, 108
- Pottery, 150
- Prendergast, Sir Harry, 106, 107, 188
- Primates, 92
- Prome, 26, 99, 100, 102, 166, 168, 180, 213
- Prome, district, 9, 17, 111
- Putao, 11, 12, 23, 38, 40, 41, 80, 87, 97, 112, 170, 213
- Pwè, 125
- Pyapôn, 3, 27, 111, 213
- Pyingado, 79
- Pyinmana, 169, 193
- — sub-division, 9, 10
- Pyinulwin, 193
- Pyu, 99, 140
- Queen's Monastery, 152, 191, 192
- Railways, 166–9
- Rainfall, 16 et seq., 212
- Ramree, 14, 44
- Rangoon, 9, 34, 103, 104, 108, 111, 154. 155. 158. 159. 160, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171 et seq., 202, 213, 216
- — creek, 27
- — district, 111, 213
- — division, 213
- — river, 27, 34, 161, 162
- Reserved forests, 76
- — trees, 76
- Revenue system, 119
- Rhaetic stage, 56
- Rhinoceros, 86
- Rhododendron, 14, 83
- Rice, 4, 9, 10, 141–2, 157, 160, 216
- — milling, 146
- Rivers, 23 et seq.
- Roads, 142
- Roberts, Lord, 107, 188
- Rodentia, 92
- Royal Lakes, 47, 176
- Rubber, 82, 158
- Rubellite, 74
- Rubies, 48, 72–3
- Ruby Mines, 12, 63, 72–3, 74, 80, 112
- Russell's viper, 95
- Sagaing, 26, 30, 31, 109, 167, 168, 194, 213
- — district, 10, 112, 206, 213
- — division, 10, 14, 11, 12
- Sagyin, 64, 72
- Saing, 86
- Saingbyin, 169
- Salin canal, 164
- — monastery, 152, 192
- Salòn, 43, 97, 140
- Salt, 56, 73, 156, 159, 216
- Salween district, 13, 34, 80, 112, 213
- — river, 2, 12, 14, 34, 68, 79, 116, 165, 180
- — tributaries of, 34
- Sambar, 89
- Sandoway, 154
- — district, 13, 16, 112, 213
- Sandstones, 53, 64
- Sapphires, 48, 72
- Saramati, 41
- Saung, 148
- Sawbwa, 115
- Saw-mills, 146
- Serow, 87–8
- Serpentine, 74
- Sesamum, 10, 143
- Shales, 53
- Shan hills, 10
- — bazaars, 133
- — kingdoms, 99, 100
- — language, 139
- — plateau, 14, 39, 43, 55, 57, 58, 64, 115
- — States, 1, 2, 12, 14, 32, 34, 57, 65, 77, 80, 84, 100, 107, 115–6, 207, 213, 214–5
- — Federation, 217
- — Northern, 64, 65, 115, 166, 214, 215
- — Southern, 40, 63, 68, 74, 115, 169, 214–5
- Shans, 99, 100, 102, 133
- Shwebo, 103, 109, 167, 195
- — canal, 164
- — district, 10, 112, 164, 213
- Shwe Dagôn Pagoda, 39, 103, 108, 154, 171–6
- Shwegu, 25, 206
- Shweli, 12, 31
- Shweti, Tabin, 99, 101
- Siam, 1, 13, 14, 35, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 155, 160, 169
- Siamese-Chinese, 139
- Silk, 145, 156, 216
- — weaving, 148
- Silurian system, 53
- Silver, 50, 67–8
- — work, 150–1
- Sinbo, 22
- Sinbyuyin, 103, 109
- Singaling Hkamti, 11, 33, 215
- Singu, 70
- Sittang, 3, 13, 35, 39, 77, 79, 162, 181
- Snakes, 33, 95–6
- Soapstone, 74
- Soda, carbonate of, 74
- Spinels, 72–3
- Steatite, 74
- Stedman, Sir Edward, 107
- Stibnite, 63–4
- Straits Settlements, 155, 157, 159
- Sub-divisions, 114
- Symes, Colonel Michael, 21, 26, 70, 126, 150, 177, 183
- Symons, Sir W. Penn, 107
- Syriam, 103, 108, 184
- Tabin Shweti, 99, 101, 182
- Tagaung, 25, 99, 100
- Taiping, 31
- Takin, 88–9
- Tak-tu, 95–6
- Talaing alphabet, 140
- — kingdom, 99, 100, 102
- — language, 146
- Talaings, 99, 100, 102, 136
- Talifu, 166, 169
- Tamarind, 83
- Tanai, 33
- Taròn, 23
- Taungdwingyi, 169
- Taung-gyi, 115. 170, 215
- Taungme, 38, 48
- Taungnyo, 12
- Taungthu, 132
- Tavoy, 155, 169, 181, 204
- — district, 12, 15, 74, 112, 169, 204, 213
- — island, 45
- Tavoyan, 139
- Tawngpeng, 15, 40, 143
- — system, 50–1
- Tea, 143
- Teak, 62, 77–79, 157, 160
- Temperature, 17 et seq.
- Temple, Sir Richard, 12
- Tenasserim, 1, 3, 12–13, 35, 50, 74, 77, 105, 108, 112, 213
- Tēngyüeh, 169
- Tertiary, 65
- — beds, 68, 73
- — period, 57, 60, 62
- — plateau, 62
- Thabeik-kyin, 25, 170
- Thamin, 89
- Thandaung, 19
- Tharrawaddy district, 3, 8, 111, 213
- — King, 103, 170, 176
- Thathameda, 121–2
- Thathanabaing, 128, 192
- Thatôn, 100, 168, 184
- — district, 13, 34, 64, 74, 112, 184, 213
- Thaungyin, 2, 12, 34
- Thayetmyo, 26, 64, 184
- — district, 9–10, 112, 205, 213
- Thazi, 167, 169
- Thebaw Min, 103, 105, 106, 187, 188, 189
- Thein, 207
- Thugyi, Myo, 114
- — Taik, 114
- Tibet, 1, 2, 12, 40, 57
- Tibeto-Burman, 139
- — Chinese, 139
- Tiddim, 117
- Tigers, 33, 91
- Tin, 50, 74, 156, 157
- Tobacco, 144, 156
- Tônbo, 64
- Toungoo, 64, 166, 181–2
- — district, 3, 9, 13, 112, 213
- — kingdom, 101
- Tourmaline, 51, 74
- Townships, 114
- Trade, seaborne, 155 et seq., 216
- — overland, 160
- Triassic period, 56
- Tungsten, 74
- Turtles, 96
- Twante, 150
- — canal, 162
- Twin-ngè, 65
- Umbrellas, 148, 150
- Ungulata, 84 et seq.
- United Kingdom, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160
- United States, 159
- University, 119
- Upper Burma, 1, 10, 14, 184
- Upper Chindwin, 10, 11, 14, 65, 70, 112, 116, 213
- Vesall, 203
- Victoria Lake, 47
- — Mount, 14, 20, 43, 117
- — Point, 1, 2, 154
- Village Headman, 115, 119
- Villages, 130
- Volcanoes, 60
- — mud, 62
- Wa, 15, 137
- War, First, 104
- — Second, 105, 108
- — Third, 105–106, 109
- Wareru, 100
- Wax, paraffin, 157
- Wetwin, 66
- Wet zone, 3
- Wheat, 10, 143
- White, Fort, 14
- — Sir George, 14, 107, 134
- Willcocks, Sir James, 107
- Wolfram, 50, 74, 157, 160, 216
- Wolseley, Lord, 105
- Women, 126–7
- Wood-carving, 131–2
- Woollen goods, 156, 160, 216
- Wuntho, 12, 116, 167
- Yamèthin, 9, 18, 33, 35, 68, 112, 213
- Yandabo, Treaty of, 104
- Yandoon, 27, 165, 184
- Yankintaung, 190
- Yawnghwe, 115, 116, 169
- Ye, 169
- Yenangyat, 70
- Yenangyaung, 11, 26, 33, 69, 70–71
- Ye-u, 169
- — canal, 164
- Yoma, Arakan, 3, 4, 10, 13, 20, 43, 56, 57, 58, 60, 65, 74
- — Pegu, 8, 10, 38, 40, 77
- Yônzalin, 34
- Yule, Sir Henry, 29, 105, 197
- Yünnan, 48, 56–7, 139, 195
- Yünnanfu, 169
Zayat, 207
- Zegyo, 186
- Zerbadi, 139
- Zibingyi, 64
- Zinc, 50, 68, 156, 158
- Zone, dry, 3, 10, 17, 18
- — wet, 3
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