< Prehistoric Britain
- Abercromby, The Hon. John, 247
- Acheuléen epoch, 88
- Ages of stone, bronze, iron and copper, 134
- Alignments, 202
- Altamira, cave of, 65
- Anderson, Dr. Joseph, 120, 174
- Animals, life histories of, 12
- , locomotion of, 18
- Anthropology, methods of investigation of, 26
- Aurignacien epoch, 9
- Avebury, stone circle at, 188
- Azilian harpoons, 106–123
- Barrows, 187, 197
- Báton de commandement. 95
- Baumos-Chaudes, cavern of, 245
- Beehive huts, 208
- Belgian caverns, 57
- Boule, Professor, 77, 109
- Brain, development of, 24
- Breuil, Professor, 97, 98, 182
- Britain (prehistoric) defined, 7
- its land and animals, 9
- joined to continent, 9, 101
- Broca, Dr., 244
- Bronze Age, art of, 153–155
- , implements of, 147–150
- , ornaments, 152
- , weapons, 150–152
- Brythons, the, 248
- Buckland, Dr., 47
- Bulleid, Mr. Arthur, 227
- Burial after cremation, 200
- by inhumation, 185, 199
- Bum Moor, stone circle at, 195
- Burnard, Mr. Robert, 213
- Busk, Mr., 239
- Caisteal-nan-Gillean, 117
- Callernish stone circle, 198
- Camps and Forts, 222
- Cartailhac, M. E., 98, 109
- Caverus with wall pictures, 97
- Chelléen epoch, 87
- Chelles, fauna of, 67
- Chin, development of, 25
- Christy, Mr. Henry, 62, 63, 89, 93, 94
- Clava, stone monuments at, 196
- Clinch, Mr. George, 221
- Closmadeuc, M., 133
- Coffins, 185
- Cogul, fresco on rock of, 182
- Conwell, Mr. E. A., 173
- Cresswell caves, 47
- Cro-Magnon race, 81–83
- Cromlechs, 188–197
- Crowther-Beynon, Mr., 235
- Culture of Palæolithic people, 86–100
- Dartmoor, antiquities of, 217
- Darwin's Origin of Species, 39
- Dawson, Mr. C, 52
- Déchelette, M. Joseph, 63
- Denise, fossil man of, 35
- Desor, Professor, 165
- Dolmens, 197
- Druimvargie rock-shelter, 117
- Dupout, M. B., 58, 242, 243
- Early discoveries, 28
- Elevation of the land, 16
- Epochs—Chelléen, 87; Acheléen, 88; Moustérien, 89; Aurignacien, 90; Solutréen, 91; Magdalénien, 92; Tourassien, 109
- Erect attitude, 19
- Ethnology, 228–252
- Evans, Sir Arthur, 170, 171
- , Sir John, 148, 151
- Evolution of man, 22
- Facial bones, retrocession of, 24
- Falconer, Dr. Hugh, 31
- Fergusson, Mr. James, 190
- Fondouce, M. C, 104
- Franks, Sir A. W., 29, 152, 168, 169
- Galley Hill skull, 51
- Galloway, Mr. W., 120
- Garson, Dr. G., 51
- Gatty, Rev. R. A., 130
- Geikie, Professor James, 69
- Giant graves, 187
- Gladstone, Dr., 145
- Glastonbury Lake-village, quoted, 175
- Gowland, Dr., on Stonehenge, 191
- Graves, stone-lined, 186
- Gray, Mr. St. George, 227
- Greenwell, Canon W., 130, 144, 162
- Grime's Graves and Cissbury, 138
- Grimspound, 218
- Gundestrup bowl, 171
- Hallstatt, Civilization of, 160–164
- Hamard, L'Abbé, 133
- Hand, development of, 29
- Harpoons, 94, 106–123
- Hervé, M. Georges, 74
- Hinton, Mr., 234
- Holywood circle, 196
- Homo heidelbergensis, 85, 86
- Homo mousteriensis, 77, 181
- Hut-circles, etc., in Cornwall, 212–217
- Huxley, Professor, 38, 233, 239, 240, 246
- Ice age, its effects, 14
- Inhabited sites, 205–228
- Interglacial periods, 14
- Iron ago, 155–178
- Keith, Dr. Arthur, 130, 231
- , on Tilbury man's age, 231
- , Types of Man, quotation from, 233
- Keller, Dr. Ferdinand, 165
- Kent's Cavern, 30, 44
- Kirkdale Hyæna Den, 47
- Kjøkkenmøddings, 43, 111, 237
- Kiaatsch, Professor, 76, 181
- Lake-dwellings, 225
- Lake-villages of Glastonbury and Meare, 226
- Lartet. Mr. Ed., 61, 62, 63, 89, 93, 103, 243
- Late Celtic Period, 168–178
- La Téne Civilization, 164–168
- Leach, Mr. A. L., 126
- Levaillois, Le grand éclat, 73, 89
- L'Homme-Mort, cavern of, 244
- Life, origin of, 11
- Little Salkeld circle, 195
- Lockyer, Sir Norman, 192
- Lyell's Antiquity of Man, 40, 57, 90
- MacArthur Cave, 114
- MacEnery, Rev. J., 30
- Magdalénien race, 79–83; epoch, 92
- Man, a toolmaker, 22
- Man of the River Drift Period, 68–72
- Martin, Dr. H., 77, 78
- Mas-d'Azil, 105 et seq.
- Mayborough, ring-mound of, 195
- Megalithic chambers, 186, 198
- Menhirs, 201
- Mer de glâce, 15
- Mortlllet, G. de, 73, 86, 103
- Mortimer, Mr. J. R., 239
- Moulin-Quignon Jaw, 32
- Moustérien epoch, 89
- Munro Lectures, quoted, 40, 236
- Naullete jaw, 60
- Neanderthal skeleton, 36, 76
- Neanderthal-Spy race, 74–79
- Neolithic Age, 101
- Neolithic and Bronze Age people, 241–248
- Newton, Mr. R. T., 51
- Nüesch, Dr., 111
- Odin, atone of, 194
- Oppidum, La Téne, 166, 177
- Origin of Species, 39
- Owen, Professor, 60
- Palæolithic Man in Britain, 17
- characters of, 18
- Pengelly, Mr., 64, 124
- Perthes, Boucher de, 29, 31
- Petrie, Dr., 225
- Piette, M. Ed., 98, 105, 108
- Piltdown skeleton, 25, 52, 70, 88
- Pit-dwellings, 130, 221
- Pitt-Rivers, General, 172, 224
- Plants, evolution of, 12
- Pleistocene fauna (in Ireland), 49
- Polyibus, quoted, 157
- Pottery, sepulehral, 200, 201
- "Prehistoric Britain" defined, 7
- Prehistoric Times, quoted, 188
- Prestwich, Lady, 32
- Propulseur, 93
- Pruner-Bey, Dr., 243
- Race de Grimaldi, 83, 84
- Reid, Mr. Clement, 74, 231, 288
- Reilliac, Grotte de, 109
- Relation of man to apes, 31
- Religiosity, 178–188
- Ring of Brogar, 194
- River-bed race, 238–241
- Rocking stones, 208
- Rolleston, Professor, quoted, 239
- Rollrich, circle of, 195
- Rutot, M. A., 59, 73
- Sacken, Baron von, 160
- St. Davids Head, rampart at. 220
- Salmon, M. Philippe, 112, 243
- Schmerling, Dr., 30
- Schoetensack, Professor, 85
- Schwab, Col., 165
- Schweizeisbild rock-shelter, 111
- Shetland stone knives, 139
- Sinel, Mr. J., 124, 126
- Smith, Mr. Reginald, 139
- , Mr. Worthington G., 56
- Solutréen epoch, 91
- Spirals, distribution of, 155
- Spurrell, Mr. F. C. J., 50, 56
- Spy skeletons, 75
- Stanton Drew, circles at, 193
- Stennis standing stones, 194
- Stone Age, Implements, 136
- , Weapons, 140
- , Dress and Ornaments, 142
- Stonehenge, 190
- Strabo, quoted, 180
- Stranded whales, 121
- Stukely, Dr., 190
- Submergence of land, 122–123, 132
- Tacitus, quoted, 211
- Tertre-Guerin, cavern of, 245
- Thurnam and Davies, 239, 241, 249
- Tilbury man, 49, 231, 232
- Tourassien epoch, 109
- Towers of Silence, 180
- Tranchet, the, 112
- Treceiri, Fort of, 219
- Tumuli, 197, 198
- Turner, Sir W., 121
- Tylor, Dr. E. B., 179
- Underground dwellings, 209
- Verneau, Dr. R., 83, 84
- Vestigal organs, 22
- Vitrified Forts, 224
- Vouga, M. E., 165, 166
- Walton-on-Naze, submerged habitable sites at, 128; submerged burial at, 230, 232
- Warren, Mr. S. Hurzledine, 128
- Wilde, Sir W., 150, 239
- Wilson, Sir Daniel, 288
- Woodward, Dr. A. Smith, 52, 70
- Wookey Hole. 48
- Werlebury, pit-dwellings at, 219
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