< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 83


I N D E X.

Absorption and Emission Centers of Light and Heat, W, W. Strong 240
Alcohol, Motive, G. T. W. Patrick 249
"from a Scientific Point of View, J. Frank Daniel 550
American Land Values, Increase of, Scott Nearing 491
Ancient Man, his Environment and his Art, George Grant MacCurdy 5
Andrews, E. Benjamin, Education through Reading 139
Angell, Frank, Gustav Theodor Fechner 40
Animals, Domesticated, Protection of, Veranus A. Moore 581
Application of the Physiology of Color Vision in Modern Art, Henry G. J. Keller and J. J. R. Macleod 450
Art and Environment of Ancient Man, George Grant MacCurdy 5
"Modern, Application of the Physiology of Color Vision, Henry G. Keller and J. J. R. MaCleod 450
Avebury, Lord, and Passing of Victorian Era 101

Bardin, James, The Psychological Factor in Southern Race Problems 368
Barton, Samuel M., The Fourth Dimension 381
Bernouilli's Principle and its Application to explain the Curving of a Baseball, S. LeRoy Brown 199
Biological Forecast, G. H. Parker 300
British Association, Presidential Address 413
Brown, Calvin S., The Petrified Forest of Mississippi 466
Brown, S. LeRoy, Bernouilli's Principle and its Application to explain the Curving of a Baseball 199
Bureau of Science of the Philippine Islands 205
Business Man and the High School Graduate, James P. Munroe 73

Canal Zone Sanitation, J. S. Lankford 294
Changes, Suspended, in Nature, James H. Walton 23
Chemiotherapy and Dr. Paul Ehrlich 415
Child Development, Scientific Study of, James Burt Miner 506
Chile, Nitrate Fields of, Walter S. Tower 209
China, Western, Remarkable Monument in, Roger Sprague 557
Churchman, P. H., The Place of Study in the College Curriculum 567
College, President, Next, A Near Professor 265
"Entrance Requirements, Frank L. McVey 286
"Curriculum, Place of Study in, P. H. Churchman 567
Colonization, Jewish, in Palestine, O. F. Cook 428
Color Vision in Modern Art, Physiology of, Henry G. Keller and J. J. R. Macleod 450
Conklin, Edwin G., The Size of Organisms and of their Constituent Parts in Relation to Longevity, Senescence and Rejuvenescence 178
Contact Electrification, Discovery of, Fernando Sanford 441
Cook, O. F., Jewish Colonization in Palestine 428
Culture and Environment from the Standpoint of Invention, Clark Wissler 164

Daniel, J. Frank, Alcohol from a Scientific Point of View 550
Davenport, C. B., Heredity, Culpability, Praiseworthiness, Punishment and Reward 33
Development, Child, Scientific Study of, J. Burt Miner 506
Dietetics, History of, John Benjamin Nichols 417
Discovery of Contact Electrification, Fernando Sanford 441
Distribution and Cause of Pellagra 207

Earth and Sun as Magnets, George E. Hale 105
Economic Factors in Eugenics, William L. Holt 471
Education through Reading, E. Benjamin Andrews 139
Educational Eugenics, Chas. W. Hargitt 355
Ehrlich, Dr. Paul, and Chemiotherapy 415
Electrification, Contact, Fernando Sanford 441
Emerick, Charles F., The Struggle for Equality in the United States 538
Emission, and Absorption, Centers of Light and Heat, W. W. Strong 240
Entrance Requirements, College, Frank L. McVey 286
Environment, and Art of Ancient Man, George Grant MacCurdy 5
"and Culture from the Standpoint of Invention, Clark Wissler 164
Equal Pay and Women Teachers, Elfrieda Hochbaum Pope 65
Equality in the United States, Charles F. Emerick 538
Eugenics, with Special Reference to Intellect and Character, Edward L. Thorndike 125
"Educational, Chas. W. Hargitt 355
"Economic Factors in, William L. Holt 471

Fauna, North American, Future of, Walter L. Hahn 169
"Wharf-pile, in a Museum Group 307
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, Frank Angell 40
Foods, Scientific Standards of Governmental Regulation, John R. Murlin 344
Forest, Petrified, of Mississippi, Calvin S. Brown 466
Forests and Forestry of Germany, William R. Lazenby 590
Fourth Dimension, Samuel M. Barton 381
Future of the North American Fauna, Walter L. Hahn 169

Genesis of Personal Traits, S. N. Patten 149
Germany, Forests and Forestry of, William R. Lazenby 590
Governmental Regulation of Foods, Scientific Standards of, John R. Murlin 344
Growth in Plants, Power of, George E. Stone 231
Grupe, Mary A., How the Problems of the Rural Schools are being met 484

Hahn, Walter L., The Future of the North American Fauna 169
Hale, George Ellery, The Earth and Sun as Magnets 105
Hargitt, Chas. W., A Problem in Educational Eugenics 355
Health, Public, and Immigration, Alfred C. Reed 313
Heat and Light, Absorption and Emission Centers of, W. W. Strong 240
Heredity, Culpability, Praiseworthiness, Punishment and Reward, C. B. Davenport 33
Hersey, Mayo D., and John C. Shedd, The History of Ohm's Law 599
High School Graduate and the Business Man, James P. Munroe 73
Holt, William Leland, Economic Factors in Eugenics 471

Immigration and Public Health, Alfred C. Reed 313
Increase of American Land Values, Scott Nearing 491
Industry, Women in, D. R. Malcolm Keir 375
In Quest of the Alcohol Motive, G. T. W. Patrick 249
Intellect and Character, and Eugenics, Edward L. Thorndike 125
Intellectual and Physical Life, James Frederick Rogers 50
International Medical Congress 310
Invention, Culture and Environment from the Standpoint on. Clark Wissler 164
Irish Channel Railway, Henry Grattan Tyrrell 339

Jewish Colonization in Palestine. O. F. Cook 428

Kahn, M., Vulgar Species and Therapeutic Superstitions 81
Keir, D. R. Malcolm, Women in Industry 375
Keller, Henry G., and J. J. R. MacLeod, The Application of the Physiology of Color Vision in modern Art 450

Land Values, American, Increase of, Scott Nearing 491
Lankford, J. S., The Lesson of Canal Zone Sanitation 294
Lazenby, William R., The Forests and Forestry of Germany 590
Legal Limitations of Marriage 518
Life, Physical and Intellectual, James Frederick Rogers 50
Light and Heat, Absorption and Emission Centers of, W. W. Strong 240
Lodge. Sir Oliver, Presidential Address before British Association 413
Longevity, Senescence and Rejuvenescence, and Size of Organisms, Edwin G. Conklin 178

MacCurdy, George Grant. Ancient I Man, his Environment and his Art 5
Macleod, J. J. R.,}} and Henry G. Keller, Application of the Physiology of Color Vision to Modern Art 450
McVey, Frank L., The Matter of College Entrance Requirements 286
Magnets, Earth and Sun as. George E. Hale 105
Main, Josiah, The Sequence of Sciences in the High School 158
Man, Ancient, his Environment and his Art. George Grant MacCurdy 5
Marriage, Rate and Vital Statistics 103
"Legal Limitations of 518
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New Building 615
Medical Congress, International 310
Miner, James Burt, The Scientific Study of Child Development 506
Mississippi. Petrified Forest of, Calvin S. Brown 466
Modern Art, Application of the Physiology of Color Vision in, Henry G. Keller and J. J. R. Macleod 450
Monument, most Remarkable, in Western China, Roger Sprague 557
Moore, Veranus A., The Protection of Domesticated Animals 581
Moving Pictures, Scientific Origin of 515
Munroe, James P., The Business Man and the High School Graduate 73
Murlin, John R., Scientific Standards for Governmental Regulation of Foods 344
Muybridge, Eadward, Portrait 515

National Zoological Garden, R. W. Shufeldt 434
Nature, Suspended Changes in, James H. Walton 23
Near Professor, A, The Next College President 265
Nearing, Scott, The Increase of American Land Values 491
Nichols, John Benjamin, The History of Dietetics 417
Nitrate Fields of Chile, Walter S. Tower 209
North American Fauna, Walter L. Hahn 169

Ohm 's Law, History of, John C. Shedd and Mayo D. Hersey 599
Organisms, Size of Parts, and Longevity, Senescence and Rejuvenescence, Edwin G. Conklin 178
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, Alfred Russel Wallace 523

Palestine, Jewish Organization in, O. F. Cook 428
Parker, G. H., A Biological Forecast 300
Patrick, G. T. W., In Quest of the Alcohol Motive 249
Patten, S. N., The Genesis of Personal Traits 149
Pellagra, Distribution and Cause 207
Personal Traits, Genesis of, S. N. Patten 149
Petrified Forest of Mississippi, Calvin S. Brown 466
Philippine Islands, Bureau of Science 205
Physical and Intellectual Life, James F. Rogers 50
Physiology of Color Vision, Application in Modern Art, Henry G. Keller and J. J. R. Macleod 450
Plants, Power of Growth in, George E. Stone 231
Pope, Elfrieda Hochbaum, Women Teachers and Equal Pay 65
Pragmatism, and Psychological Problems, Josiah Royce 394
Praiseworthiness, Punishment and Reward, and Heredity and Culpability, C. B. Davenport 33
President, The Next College, A Near Professor 265
Presidential Address before the British Association 413
Professors in the Medical School, Position 618
Progress of Science 101
Progress of Science 205
Progress of Science 307
Progress of Science 413
Progress of Science 515
Progress of Science 615
Protection, of Domesticated Animals, Veranus A. Moore 581
Psychological, Factor in Southern Race Problems, James Bardin 368
"Problems, and Pragmatism, Josiah Royce 394
Public Health and Immigration, Alfred C. Reed 313
Punishment and Reward, Heredity, Culpability, Praiseworthiness, C. B. Davenport 33

Race Problems, Southern, Psychological Factor in, James Bardin 368
Railway, Irish Channel, Henry G. Tyrrell 339
Reading, Education through, E. Benjamin Andrews 139
Reed, Alfred C., Immigration and the Public Health 313
Rejuvenescence, Senescence and Longevity, and Size of Organisms, Edwin G. Conklin 178
Rogers, J. F., The Intellectual and the Physical Life 50
Ross, E. A., Lester F. Ward as Sociologist 97
Royce, Josiah, Some Psychological Problems emphasized by Pragmatism 394
Rural School, Problems, Mary A. Grupe 484

Sanitation, Canal Zone, J. S. Lankford 294
Sanford, Fernando, The Discovery of Contact Electrification 441
Schools, Rural, Mary A. Grupe 484
Science, Progress of 101
Science, Progress of 205
Science, Progress of 307
Science, Progress of 413
Science, Progress of 515
Science, Progress of 615
Sciences, Sequence of, in the High School, Josiah Main 158
Scientific, Items 104
Scientific, Items 208
Scientific, Items 312
Scientific, Items 416
Scientific, Items 519
Scientific, Items 619
"Standards for Governmental Regulation of Foods, John R. Murlin 344
"Study of Child Development, James Burt Miner 506
"Origin of Moving Pictures 515
"Point of View of Alcohol, J. Frank Daniel 550
Senescence, Longevity and Rejuvenescence, and Size of Organisms, Edwin G. Conklin 178
Sequence of Sciences in the High School, Josiah Main 158
Shedd, John C., and Mayo D. Hersey, The History of Ohm's Law 599
Shufeldt, R. W., The National Zoological Garden 434
Size of Organisms and of their Constituent Parts in Relation to Longevity, Senescence and Rejuvenescence, Edwin G. Conklin 178
Southern Race Problems, The Psychological Factor, James Bardin 368
Sprague, Roger, The most Remarkable Monument in Western China 557
Stone, George E., The Power of Growth in Plants 231
Strong, W. W., The Absorption and Emission Centers of Light and Heat 240
Study, Place of, in College Curriculum, P. H. Churchman 567
Sun and Earth, as Magnets, George Ellery Hale 105
Superstitions, Therapeutic, and Vulgar Species, Max Kahn 81
Suspended Changes in Nature, James H. Walton 23

Teachers, Women, and Equal Pay, Elfrieda Hochbaum Pope 65
Technology, Massachusetts Institute, New Building 615
Therapeutic Superstitions and Vulgar Species, Max Kahn 81
Thorndike, Edward L., Eugenics, with Special Reference to Intellect and Character 125
Tower, Walter S., The Nitrate Fields of Chile 209
Traits, Personal, Genesis of, S. N. Patten 149
Tyrrell, Henry Grattan, An Irish Channel Railway 339

United States, Struggle for Equality, Charles F. Emerick 538

Values, Land, Increase of American, Scott Nearing 491
Victorian Era, Passing of, and Lord Avebury 101
Vision, Color, Physiology of, in Modern Art, H. G. Keller and J. J. R. Macleod 450
Vital Statistics and the Marriage Rate 103
Vulgar Species, and Therapeutic Superstitions, Max Kahn 81

Wallace, Alfred Russel, Henry Fairfield Osborn 523
Walton, James H., Suspended Changes in Nature 23
Ward, Lester F., as Sociologist, E. A. Ross 97
Wharf-pile Fauna in a Museum Group 307
Wissler, Clark, The Relation of Culture to Environment from the Standpoint of Invention 164
Women Teachers and Equal Pay, Elfrieda Hochbaum Pope 65
"in Industry, D. R. Malcolm Keir 375

Zoological Garden, National, R. W. Shufeldt 434
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