< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 82

I N D E X.

Abalones of California, Charles Lincoln Edwards 533
Abilities of an "Educated" Horse, M. V. O'Shea 168
Academic Situation 307
Academy, The History and Future of 616
Acquired Characters, The Inheritance of, Leland Griggs 46
Advancement of Psychological Medicine, Frederic Lyman Wells 177
Agriculture, European, how it is financed, H. C. Price 252
Air, The Utilization of the Nitrogen of the, Arthur A. Noyes 237
Alcohol from a Scientific Point of View, J. Frank Daniels 567
Alpinist of the Heroic Age, Edward Whymper, B. E. Young 559
American, Association for the Advancement of Science, Cleveland Meeting 101
"College as it looks from the Inside, Charles Hart Handschin 556
Andrews, Marlin O., The Sweden Valley Ice Mine and its Explanation 280
Applied Chemistry, President of the Ninth International Congress, George Frederick Kunz 551

Baker, Smith, Canst thou not minister to a Mind Diseased? 53
Bergson 's View of Organic Evolution, Hervey W. Shimer 163
Biological Status and Social Worth of the Mulatto, H. E. Jordan 573
Blackwelder, Eliot, The Geologic History of China and its Influence upon the Chinese People 105
Blood, Circulation of the, The Man who discovered the, Fraser Harris 453
Boggs, L. Pearl, The Position of Women in China 71
Brown, F. O., Scholarship and the State 510

Caldwell, Otis W., The Laboratory Method and High School Efficiency 243
California, The Abalones of, Charles Lincoln Edwards 533
Campbell, Douglas Houghton, Some Impressions of the Flora of Guiana and Trinidad 19
Castle, Cora Sutton, A Statistical Study of Eminent Women 593
Cell-Processes, The Pole of Membranes in, Ralph S. Lillie 132
Characters, Acquired, The Inheritance of, Leland Griggs 46
Chemistry, Applied, President of the Ninth International Congress, George Frederick Kunz 551
Chemists and Goethe, Roy Temple House 332
China, The Position of Women in, L. Pearl Boggs 71
"Geologic History of, and its Influence upon the Chinese People, Eliot Blackwelder 105
Chodat, R., A Grain of Wheat 33
Chronicle of the Tribe of Corn, Edward M. East 225
Circulation of the Blood, The Man who discovered the, Fraser Harris 453
Cleveland Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 101
"Convocation Week Meetings 203
Climate, Influence of Forests on, Robert DeC. Ward 313
Cockerell, T. D. A., Natural Selection 388
College, Socialization of the, Walter Libby 76
"or University?, Stewart Paton 192
"Conditions, Random Thoughts concerning, John J. Stevenson 397
"The American, as it looks from the Inside, Charles Hart Handschin 556
Corn, A Chronicle of the Tribe of, Edward M. East 225

Daniels, J. Frank, Alcohol from a Scientific Point of View 567
Darwin, George Howard 309
Degenerative Maladies, Increasing Mortality from, E. E. Rittenhouse 376
Depths of the Ocean 309
Diseased Mind, Canst thou not minister to a, Smith Baker 53
Domestication of American Grapes, U. P. Hedrick 338

East, Edward M., A Chronicle of the Tribe of Corn 225
Economics, New, Welfare and the, Scott Nearing 504
"Educated" Horse, The Abilities of, M. V. O'Shea 168
Edwards, Charles Lincoln, The Abalones of California 533
Efficiency, of Labor, The Problem of the, Howard T. Lewis 153
"High School, and the Laboratory Method, Otis W. Caldwell 243
Ellis Island, Going through, Alfred C. Reed 5
Eminent Women, Statistical Study of, Cora Sutton Castle 593
Erosional Work of Winds, Charles E. Keyes 468
European Agriculture, How it is financed, H. C. Price 252
Evolution, Organic, Bergson 's View of, Hervey W. Shimer 163
"A Problem in, William Patten 417
"Inorganic, The Evidence of, Sidney Liebovitz 583
Extinct Species of Man 206

Fame, Hall of, Heredity and the. Frederick Adams Woods 445
Fisk, Eugene Lyman, The Life Insurance Company as a Dynamic in the Movement for Physical Welfare 381
Flora of Guiana and Trinidad, some Impressions of, Douglas Houghton Campbell 19
Foote, John, Hospitals, their Origin and Evolution 478
Forests, Influence on Climate, Robert DeC. Ward 313
French Geodesy, Henri Poincaré 125

Geodesy, French, Henri Poincaré 125
Geologic History of China and its Influence upon the Chinese People, Eliot Black Welder 105
Goethe and the Chemists, Roy Temple House 332
Grain of Wheat, A. R. Chodat 33
Grapes, American, The Domestication of, U. P. Hedrick 338
Griggs, Leland, The Inheritance of Acquired Characters 46
Guiana and Trinidad, some Impressions of the Flora of, Douglas Houghton Campbell 19

Handschin, Charles Hart, The American College as it looks from the Inside 556
Harris, Fraser, The Man who discovered the Circulation of the Blood 453
Harris, G. D., Immense Salt Concretions 187
Health Service, Public, of the United States, Alfred G. Reed 353
Hedrick, U. P., The Domestication of American Grapes 338
Heredity and the Hall of Fame, Frederick Adams Woods 445
High-school Efficiency and the Laboratory Method, Otis W. Caldwell 243
Horse, "Educated," The Abilities of, M. V. O'Shea 168
Hospitals, their Origin and Evolution, John Foote 478
House, Roy Temple, Goethe and the Chemists 332

Ice Mine, The Sweden Valley, and its Explanation, Marlin O. Andrews 280
Immense Salt Concretions, G. D. Harris 187
Indians, North American, of the Plains, Clark Wissler 436
Infantile Paralysis, Spread of 103
Inheritance of Acquired Characters, Leland Griggs 46
Inorganic Evolution, The Evidence of, Sidney Liebovitz 583
Insurance Company, Life, as a Dynamic in the Movement for Physical Welfare, Eugene Lyman Fisk 381

Jewish Psychopathology, A Study in, J. G. Wilson 264
Jordan, H. E., The Biological Status and Social Worth of the Mulatto 573

Kallikak Family 415
Keyes, Charles R., Great Erosional Work of Winds 468
Kunz, George Frederick, The President of the Ninth International Congress of Applied Chemistry 551

Labor, The Problem of the Efficiency of, Howard T. Lewis 153
Laboratory Method and High School Efficiency, Otis W. Caldwell 243
Language of Meteorology, Charles Fitzhugh Talman 272
Lewis, Howard T., The Problem of the Efficiency of Labor 153
Libby, Walter, The Socialization of the College 76
Liebovitz, Sidney, The Evidence of Inorganic Evolution 583
Life Insurance Company as a Dynamic in the Movement for Physical Welfare, Eugene Lyman Fisk 381
Light of the Stars, What becomes of the, Frank W. Very 289
Lillie, Ralph S., The Role of Membranes in Cell-Processes 132

Maladies, Degenerative, Increasing Mortality from, E. E. Rittenhouse 376
Man, Extinct Species of 206
Medicine, Psychological, The Advancement of, Frederic Lyman Wells 177
Membranes, The Role of, in Cell-Processes, Ralph S. Lillie 132
Meteorology, The Language of, Charles Fitzhugh Talman 272
Mind Diseased, Canst thou not minister to, Smith Baker 53
Modern Scientific Thought and its Influence on Philosophy, Harry Beal Torrey 85
Mortality, Increasing, from Degenerative Maladies, E. E. Rittenhouse 376
Mulatto, The Biological Status and Social Worth of the, H. E. Jordan 573

National Academy of Sciences, Anniversary Meeting 613
Natural Selection, T. D. A. Cockerell 388
Nearing, Scott, Welfare and the New Economics 504
Nitrogen of the Air, The Utilization of the, Arthur A. Noyes 237
North American Indians of the Plains, Clark Wissler 436
Notes, Arthur A., The Utilization of the Nitrogen of the Air 237

Ocean, The Depths of the 309
Optimism, The New, G. T. W. Patrick 492
Organic Evolution, Bergson's View of, Hervey W. Shimer 163
O'Shea, M. V., The Abilities of an "Educated" Horse 168

Paralysis, Infantile, Spread of 103
Paton, Stewart, College or University? 192
Patrick, G. T. W., The New Optimism 492
Patten, William, A Problem in Evolution 417
Philosophy, Influence of Modern Scientific Thought on, Harry Beal Torrey 85
Physical Welfare, The Life Insurance Company as a Dynamic in the Movement for, Eugene Lyman Fisk 381
Plains, North American Indians of the, Clark Wissler 436
Poincaré, Henri 412
"French Geodesy 125
"as an Investigator, James Byrnie Shaw 209
Position of Women in China, L. Pearl Boggs 71
Positive Rays, Some Further Applications of the Method of, J. J. Thomson 521
Pribiloff Islands, Seals 207
Price, H. O., How European Agriculture is financed 252
Problem of the Efficiency of Labor, Howard T. Lewis 153
Progress of Science 101
Progress of Science 203
Progress of Science 307
Progress of Science 413
Progress of Science 517
Progress of Science 613
Psychological Medicine, The Advancement of, Frederic Lyman Wells 177
Psychopathology, Jewish, A Study in, J. G. Wilson 264
Public Health Service of the United States, Alfred G. Reed 353

Rays, Positive, Some Further Applications of the Method of, J. J. Thomson 521
Reed, Alfred C., Going through Ellis Island 5
""United States Public Health Service 353
Research Institutions 397
Rittenhouse, E. E., The Increasing Mortality from Degenerative Maladies 376
Rôle of Membranes in Cell-Processes, Ralph S. Lillie 132

Salt, Immense Concretions of, G. D. Harris 187
Scholarship and the State, F. C. Brown 510
Science, The Progress of 101
Science, The Progress of 203
Science, The Progress of 307
Science, The Progress of 413
Science, The Progress of 517
Science, The Progress of 613
Scientific, Thought, Modern, and its Influence on Philosophy, Harry Beal Torrey 85
"Items 104
"Items 208
"Items 312
"Items 416
"Items 520
"Items 620
"Men, Number in the World 517
"Career in the United States 518
Seals of the Pribiloff Islands 207
Sedgwick, Adam 516
Selection, Natural, T. D. A. Cockerell 388
Shaw, James Byrnie, Henri Poincaré as an Investigator 209
Shimer, Hervey W., Bergson's View of Organic Evolution 163
Social Worth and Biological Status of the Mulatto, H. E. Jordan 573
Socialization of the College, Walter Libby 76
Spread of Infantile Paralysis 103
Stars, What becomes of the Light of the, Frank W. Very 289
State and Scholarship, F. C. Brown 510
Statistical Study of Eminent Women, Cora Sutton Castle 593
Stevenson, John J., Some Random Thoughts concerning College Conditions 397
Study in Jewish Psychopathology, J. G. Wilson 264
Sweden Valley Ice Mine and its Explanation, Marlin O. Andrews 280

Talman, Charles Fitzhugh, The Language of Meteorology 272
Thomson, J. J., Some Further Applications of the Method of Positive Rays 521
Torrey, Harry Beal, Modern Scientific Thought and its Influence on Philosophy 85
Trinidad and Guiana, some Impressions of the Flora of, Douglas Houghton Campbell 19

University, or College? Stewart Paton 192
Utilization of the Nitrogen of the Air, Arthur A. Noyes 237
Very, Frank W., What becomes of the Light of the Stars? 289

Ward, Robert DeC., The Influence of Forests upon Climate 313
Welfare and the New Economics, Scott Nearing 504
Wells, Frederic Lyman, The Advancement of Psychological Medicine 177
Wheat, A Grain of, R. Chodat 33
Whymper, Edward, Alpinist of the Heroic Age, B. E. Young 559
Wilson, J. G., A Study in Jewish Psychopathology 264
Winds, Great Erosional Work of, Charles E. Keyes 468
Wissler, Clark, North American Indians of the Plains 436
Women, in China, Position of, L. Pearl Boggs 71
"Eminent, A Statistical Study of, Cora Sutton Castle 593
Woods, Frederick Adams, Heredity and the Hall of Fame 445

Young, B. E., Edward Whymper, Alpinist of the Heroic Age 559
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