< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 81

I N D E X.

Abilities, The Permanence of Interests and their Relation to, Edward L. Thorndike 449
Administrative Peril in Education, Joseph Jastrow 495
Agricultural Products of the United States 519
Air, Holes in the, W. J. Humphreys 50
Allegheny Observatory, The New 409
American, Descendants of Gauss, Florian Cajori 105
"Natural History, George Marcgrave, the First Student of, E. W. Gudger 250
"College, Function of, A. K. Rogers 574
Anaphylaxis, Some Aspects of, John Auer 434
Andrews, C. C., Practical Forestry explained 531
Anniversary of the Royal Society, The Two-hundred and Fiftieth 308
Arbuthnot, C. C., An Economic Interpretation of Present Politics 183
Asphalts, Trinidad and Bermudez, and their Use in Highway Construction, Clifford Richardson 19
Asphalts, Trinidad and Bermudez, and their Use in Highway Construction, Clifford Richardson 170
Auer, John, Some Aspects of Anaphylaxis 434

Basil Valentine: A Seventeenth-century Hoax, John Maxson Stillman 591
Bauer, John, Rising Prices and the Public 564
Bees which visit only One Species of Flowers, John H. Lovell 197
Bermudez, and Trinidad, Asphalts, and their Use in Highway Construction, Clifford Richardson 19
Bermudez, and Trinidad, Asphalts, and their Use in Highway Construction, Clifford Richardson 170
Boss, Lewis 618
Botanical Excursion, A Round the World, Charles J. Chamberlain 417
British Association, Address of the President 414
Britton, W. E., The Role of the House Fly and Certain Other Insects in the Spread of Human Diseases 36
Brues, Charles T., Insects as Agents in the Spread of Disease 537

Cajori, Florian, Gauss and his American Descendants 105
"The Evolution of the Dollar Mark 521
Calendar, Reforming the, Oberlin Smith 582
Cannon, W. A., Some Features of the Root Systems of the Desert Plants 90
Cannon, W. B., A Consideration of the Nature of Hunger 291
Carlton, Frank T., History-making Forces 349
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Activities of 102
"Chamberlain, Charles J., A Round the World Botanical Excursion 417
China's Great Problem, Thomas T. Read 457
Cold Storage Problems, P. G. Heinemann 153
Cole, Leon J., The Relation of Eugenics to Euthenics 475
College, American, Function of the, A. K. Rogers 574
Color, Hair, and Genius, Charles Kassel 284
Commission Government, The Real Problem of, Oswald Ryan 275
Congresses, International Scientific, meeting in America 412
Conservation Problem, The World 's Most Important, Stewart Paton 163
Cooperative Engineering Course of the University of Cincinnati 100
Cotton Goods, Permanent Fireproofing of, William Henry Perkin 397

Death Rate, Decreasing, and Vital Statistics 617
Dedication of New Allegheny Observatory 409
"of the New York State Education Building 517
Descendants, American, of Gauss, Florian Cajori 105
Desert Plants, Some Features of Root Systems, W. A. Cannon 90
"Rubber Plant, the Guayule, F. E. Lloyd 313
Disease, Human, the Role of the House Fly in the Spread of, W. E. Britton 36
"Hookworm, Eradication of 205
"Insects as Agents in the Spread of, Charles T. Brues 537
Dollar Mark, Evolution of, Florian Cajori 521

Economic, Interpretation of Present Politics, C. C. Arbuthnot 183
"Orthodoxy, the Revival of, S. M. Patten 246
Education, Psychology and Philosophy, Rousseau's Contributions to, W. B. Pillsbury 331
"Administrative Peril in, Joseph Jastrow 495
"Building, New York State, Dedication of 517
Engineering Course, Cooperative, of the University of Cincinnati 100
Eradication of Hookworm Disease 205
Esthetics, The Physiological Basis of, Henry Sewall 61
Eugenics, Congress, The First International 310
"Relation to Euthenics, Leon J. Cole 475
Evolution of the Dollar Mark, Florian Cajori 521

Fecundity, The Inheritance of, Raymond Pearl 364
Fireproofing, Permanent, of Cotton Goods, William Henry Perkin 397
Flowers, Bees which Visit only One Species of, John H. Lovell 197
Fly, House, and Certain Other Insects, Role in the Spread of Human Diseases, W. E. Britton 36
Football Men, and Smoking, Frederick J. Pack 336
Forces, History-making, Frank T. Carlton 349
Forestry, Practical, explained, C. C. Andrews 531
Function of the American College, A. J. Rogers 574

Gauss and his American Descendants, Florian Cajori 105
Genesis of Individual and Social Surplus, Alvan A. Tenney 551
Genius and Hair-color, Charles Kassel 284
Glaser, Otto C., Is a Scientific Explanation of Life Possible? 78
Government, Commission, The Real Problem of, Oswald Ryan 275
Grasshoppers, Modern warfare against, F. L. Washburn 465
Guayule, A Desert Rubber Plant, F. E. Lloyd 313
Gudger, E. W., George Marcgrave, the First Student of American Natural History 250

Hair-color, and Genius, Charles Kassel 284
Heinemann, P. G., Cold Storage Problems 153
Helps to Studying, Joseph W. Richards 193
Highway Construction, Trinidad and Bermudez Asphalts and their Use in, Clifford Richardson 19
Highway Construction, Trinidad and Bermudez Asphalts and their Use in, Clifford Richardson 170
Hill, Leonard, Stuffy Rooms 374
Hindu-Arabic Numerals, Edmund Raymund Turner 601
History-making Forces, Frank T. Carlton 349
Hoax, Seventeenth-century, Basil Valentine, John Maxson Stillman 591
Holes in the Air, W. J. Humphreys 50
Hookworm Disease, Eradication of 205
House Fly, and Certain Other Insects, Role in the Spread of Human Diseases, W. E. Britton 36
Humphreys, W. J., Holes in the Air 50
Hunger, A Consideration of the Nature of, W. B. Cannon 291

Individual and Social Surplus, Genesis of, Alvan A. Tenney 551
Industrialism, Charles S. Slichter 355
Inheritance of Fecundity, Raymond Pearl 364
Insects as Agents in the Spread of Disease, W. E. Britton 36
"Charles T. Brues 537
Interests, Permanence of, and Relation to Abilities, Edward L. Thorndike 449
International, Eugenics Congress, The First 310
"Scientific Congresses meeting in America 412

Jastrow, Joseph, The Administrative Peril in Education 495
Jews, are they a "Pure Race"? Abram Lipsky 70

Kassel, Charles, Genius and Hair-color 284
Keyes, Charles R., Wind-graved Mesas and their Message 227

Lamps, Old, for New, John Mills 238
Life, Is a Scientific Explanation Possible? Otto C. Glaser 78
Lipsky, Abram, Are the Jews a "Pure Race"? 70
Lloyd, F. E., The Guayule, A Desert Rubber Plant 313
Lovell, John H., Bees which visit only One Species of Flowers 197

Macartney, Clarence Edward, The Minister's Son 345
Marcgrave, George, the First Student of American Natural History, E. W. Gudger 250
Medicine, Research in, Richard M. Pearce 5
Medicine, Research in, Richard M. Pearce 115
Medicine, Research in, Richard M. Pearce 209
"Award of the Nobel Prize in 615
Mesas, Wind-graved, and their Message, Charles R. Keyes 227
Mills, John, Old Lamps for New 238
Minister's Son, The, Clarence Edward Macartney 345
Modern Thought, Edward F. Williams 133
Natural History, American, George Marcgrave, the First Student of, E. W. Gudger 250
Negroes who owned Slaves, Calvin Dill Wilson 483
New Allegheny Observatory 409
New York State Education Building, Dedication of 517
Nobel Prize in Medicine 615
Numerals, Hindu-Arabic, Edmund Raymond Turner 601

Old Lamps for New, John Mills, 238 Orthodoxy, Economic, The Revival of, S. N. Patten 246

Pack, Frederick J., Smoking and Football Men 336
Paton, Stewart, The World's Most Important Conservation Problem 163
Patten, S. N., The Revival of Economic Orthodoxy 246
Pearce, Richard M., Research in Medicine 5
Pearce, Richard M., Research in Medicine 115
Pearce, Richard M., Research in Medicine 209
Pearl, Raymond, The Inheritance of Fecundity 364
Perkin, William Henry, The Permanent Fireproofing of Cotton Goods 397
Permanence of Interests and their Relation to Abilities, Edward L. Thorndike 449
Permanent Fireproofing of Cotton Goods, William Henry Perkin 397
Philosophy, Psychology and Education, Rousseau's Contributions to, W. B. Pillsbury 331
Physiological Basis of Esthetics, Henry Sewall 61
Pillsbury, W. B., Rousseau's Contributions to Psychology, Philosophy and Education 331
Plants, Desert, Some Features of Root Systems, W. A. Cannon 90
Politics, Present, Economic Interpretation of, C. C. Arbuthnot 183
Population of the United States in 1910 204
Practical Forestry explained, C. C. Andrews 531
Prices, Rising, and the Public, John Bauer 564
Progress of Science 100
Progress of Science 204
Progress of Science 308
Progress of Science 409
Progress of Science 517
Progress of Science 615
Psychology, Philosophy and Education, Rousseau's Contributions to, W. B. Pillsbury 331
"Pure Race," are the Jews a? Abram Lipsky 70

Read, Thomas T., China's Great Problem 457
Reforming the Calendar, Oberlin Smith 582
Research in Medicine. Richard M. Pearce 5
Research in Medicine. Richard M. Pearce 115
Research in Medicine. Richard M. Pearce 209
Richards, Joseph W., Helps to Studying 193
Richardson, Clifford, Trinidad and Bermudez Asphalts and their Use in Highway Construction 19
Richardson, Clifford, Trinidad and Bermudez Asphalts and their Use in Highway Construction 170
Rising Prices and the Public, John Bauer 564
Rogers, A. K., The Function of the American College 574
Rooms, Stuffy, Leonard Hill 374
Root Systems of the Desert Plants, Some Features of the, W. A. Cannon 90
Round-the-World Botanical Excursion, Charles J. Chamberlain 417
Rousseau's Contributions to Psychology, Philosophy and Education, W. B. Pillsbury 331
Royal Society, The Two-hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the 308
Rubber, Synthetic 206
"Plant, A Desert, The Guayule, F. E. Lloyd 313
Ryan, Oswald, The Real Problem of Commission Government 275

Schafer, Edward A., Address of the President of the British Association 414
Scientific, Explanation of Life, is it Possible? Otto C. Glaser 78
"Items 104
"Items 208
"Items 312
"Items 415
"Items 520
"Items 619
"Congresses, International, meeting in America 412
Seventeenth-century Hoax, Basil Valentine, John Maxson Stillman 591
Sewall, Henry, The Physiological Basis of Esthetics 61
Slaves, Negroes who owned, Calvin Dill Wilson 483
Slighter, Charles S., Industrialism 355
Smith, Oberlin, Reforming the Calendar 582
Smoking and Football Men, Frederick J. Pack 336
Statistics, Vital, and the Decreasing Death Rate 617
Stillman, John Maxson, Basil Valentine: A Seventeenth-century Hoax 591
Storage, Cold, Problems, P. G. Heinemann 153
Studying, Helps to, Joseph W. Richards 193
Stuffy Rooms, Leonard Hill 374
Surplus, Individual and Social, Genesis of, Alvan A. Tenney 551
Synthetic Rubber 206

Teaching, The Activities of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of 102
Tenney, Alvan A., The Genesis of Individual and Social Surplus 551
Thorndike, Edward L., The Permanence of Interests and their Relation to Abilities 449
Thought, Modern, Edward F. Williams 133
Trinidad and Bermudez Asphalts and their Use in Highway Construction, Clifford Richardson 19
Trinidad and Bermudez Asphalts and their Use in Highway Construction, Clifford Richardson 170
Turner, Edmund Raymond, The Hindu Arabic Numerals 601

United States, Population of, in 1910 204
""Agricultural Products of 519
University of Cincinnati, and its Cooperative Engineering Course 100

Valentine, Basil: A Seventeenth-century Hoax, John Maxson Stillman 591
Vital Statistics and the Decreasing Death Rate 617

Washburn, F. L., Modern Warfare against Grasshoppers 465
Williams, Edward F., Modern Thought 133
Wilson, Calvin Dill, Negroes, who owned Slaves 483
Wind-graved Mesas and their Message, Charles R. Keyes 227
World's Most Important Conservation Problem, Stewart Paton 163
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