< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 8

I N D E X.

A Correction 111
Abbott, Dr. Charles C. 73
Acoustical Research 477
Alcohol, is it Food? 103
American Pedigree of the Camel 124
Ancestors of the British 122
An Interesting Bird. (Illustrated.) 657
Animal Parasites and Messmates. (Illustrated.) 670
Arctic Meteorology 124
Arctic Research 762
Are the Elements elementary? 463
Art, Modern, Frailty of 379
Association in its Relation to Labor 586

Balloons and Carrier-Pigeons 765
Barnard, Prof. W. S. 149
Bastian, Dr. H. C., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 108
Beer, Condensed 250
Beet-Culture 764
Biology, Modern Philosophical 595
Biology, Modern Philosophical 710
Bird, an Interesting. (Illustrated.) 657
Birds, Reptilian Affinities of 124
"Migrations of 761
Boiler-Incrustations 126
Books noticed:
"First Book of Zoölogy" (Morse) 115
"Money and Mechanism of Exchange" (Jevons) 117
"Religion and Science" (Shields) 118
"American Academy of Arts and Sciences" 118
"American State Universities" (Ten Brook) 119
"St. Louis Public Schools" 119
"Smithsonian Report" 240
"Bacteria" (Stimson) 243
"Fire-Burial" (Blind) 243
"Missouri State University" 243
"Geological Survey of Indiana" (Cox) 244
"Scripture Speculations" (Stevens) 244
"Arithmetic" (Fish) 244
"Algebraic Problems" (Ficklin) 244
"Half-Hours with Insects" (Packard) 245
"Manual of Metallurgy" (Greenwood) 245
"Nature and Culture" (Rice) 245
"Currency and Banking" (Price) 373
"Meteorology" (Tice) 373
"American Philological Association" 374
"Marine Hospitals" 375
"Mechanics' Friend" (Axon) 375
"Mechanical Engineer" (Thurston) 376
"Politics as a Science" (Reemelin) 376
"Melanosiderite" (Cooke) 376
"Foetal Manatee" (Wilder) 376
"Gases from Meteorite" (Wright) 376
"Report on Trichinosis" (Sutton) 377
"Preventive Medicine" (Gay) 377
"Health Fragments" (Everett) 377
"Mineral Deposits in Essex County, Massachusetts" (Brockway) 377
"Aërial Locomotion" (Coughtrie) 377
"Half-Hours in Science" 377
"Pseudomorphs of Chlorite" (Pumpelly) 377
"Irregularities in the Teeth" (Kingsley) 378
"The Cotton-Worm" (Grote) 378
"American Engineer" 378
"Nature of Light" (Lommel) 497
"Mind" 497
"British Association" 498
"Strength of Beams" (Allan) 499
"Pottery among Savages" (Hartt) 499
"Difference of Thermal Energy," etc. 499
"Noctuidæ of America" (Grote) 499
"State Medicine" (Allen) 499
"Graphical Statics" (Du Bois) 500
"Affairs in Alaska" (Elliott) 500
"Our Wasted Resources" (Hargreaves) 500
"Travel in Africa" (Andersson) 500
"Dissertations and Discussions" (Mill) 500
"Soluble Glass" (Feuchtwanger) 500
"Report of Commissioner of Education" 500
"Emotions and Will" (Bain) 634
"Teacher's Hand-Book" (Phelps) 634
"Uranian and Neptunian Systems" (Newcomb) 635
"Scientific Monthly" 637
"Journal of Mental Disease" 637
"Science By-ways" (Proctor) 637
"American Naturalist" 637
"Descriptive Sociology" (Spencer) 752
"Human Physiology" (Flint) 753
"Animal Parasites" (Van Beneden) 753
"Life-Histories of Animals" (Packard) 753
"The Genera Geomys and Thomomys" (Coues) 754
"Selection and Use of the Microscope" (Phin) 754
"African Travel" (Southworth) 755
"American Journal of Microscopy" 755
"Michigan Board of Health" 755
"Examination of Drinking-Water" (Macdonald) 756
"The Colorado and its Tributaries" (Powell) 756
"Cholera Epidemic of 1873" 756
"Certain Explosive Agents" (Hill) 756
"Taxidermist's Manual" (Brown) 756
"Soul-Problems" (Peck) 756
"Startling Facts in Modern Spiritualism" (Wolfe) 757
"Contributions from the Laboratory" (Schweitzer) 757
"Views and Interviews on Journalism" (Wingate) 757
"Forms of Life within the Oral Cavity" (Peirce) 757
"Prospector's Manual" (Schofield) 757
"Journal of the American Electrical Society" 757
"Survey of Minnesota" (Winchell) 757
"Bulletin of the United States National Museum" 757
"Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural History" 758
"Necessity of a Mechanical Laboratory" (Thurston) 758
"Zapus Hudsonius" (Coues) 758
"Mammoth Cave of Kentucky" (Forwood) 758
"Geological Notes" (Rogers) 758
"Weights, Measures, and Money" (Clarke) 758
Booted Eagle 249
Border Territory between the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms 641
British, Ancestors of the 122
"Physical Characters of the 505
Butterworth, Hezekiah 177

Camel, its American Pedigree 124
Canarians, Religion of the 249
Canker-Worm 249
Carpenter, Dr. William B. 165
Carpenter, Dr. William B. 570
Carrier-Pigeons and Balloons 765
Cave-Dwellings in Kentucky 125
Cazelles, Dr. E. 595
Cazelles, Dr. E. 710
Centennial Display of Minerals 251
Champlin, J. D., Jr 665
Changes in Courses of Rivers 122
Character of Modern Knowledge 724
Chemistry and Pharmacy 501
Chinese Civilization 509
Cholera, Diffusion of 761
Clarke, F. W. 463
Climate, Influence of Water on 507
Clinical Thermoscope 123
Coal-Deposits in New York State 761
Comparative Psychology of Man 257
Condensed Beer 250
"Conflict, The, of Ages" 493
"Conflict, The, of Ages" 627
Coniferæ, Fossil 638
Consumption, is it contagious? 250
Contributions to Meteorology 763
Controversy on Acoustical Research 477
Cost of a Small-Pox Epidemic 510
Cranial Measurements 503
Crawfish, Blind, from Mammoth Cave 379
Curious Behavior of a Snake 507
Curious Indian Relic. (Illustrated.) 73

Dawson, Dr. J. W., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 231
Deems, Rev. Charles F. 434
Deeper Harmonies of Science and Religion. IV 225
Diamond-Cutting. (Illustrated.) 206
Diffusion of Cholera 761
Disease induced from the Influence of the Passions 60
Divining-Rod, its Antiquity 123

Education, Practical 382
"Question at Montpellier 495
"Scientific, how it is evaded 750
Electricity, Lessons in. (Illustrated.) 607
Elements, are they elementary? 463
End of the Penikese School 494
Engineering, Origin and Development of 33
European Life in India 510
Euthanasia, Natural 617
Excommunicated Insects 504
Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus 638

Fallacies of Testimony respecting the Supernatural; 570
Fires at Sea 504
Fluorescence. (Illustrated.) 471
Flying-Machines. (Illustrated.) 453
Fog-Signals 380
Force and Work 762
Forests and Rainfall 111
Formation of Sand-Dunes. (Illustrated.) 357
Fossil Crustacean, A New 124
"Coniferæ 638
Freak of the Curly-Willow 760
French Scientific Association 248
Functions of Association in its Relation to Labor 586
Fur-bearing Animals, Changes in Skin of 252

Galton, Francis 345
Geography and Evolution 192
Geology at Syracuse University 508
German Darwinism 235
Germany, Disproportion of Sexes in 255
Glaciers, Polar 702
Godeffroy Museum 699
Greenland, Life in 431
Guano-Deposits, Continuity of 250
Guibord, The Case of 367
Gunning, Prof. W. D. 180

Haeckel, Prof. Ernst 67
Haeckel, Prof. Ernst 502
Hamilton, Dr. A. M 88
Hamlin, Dr. A. C 206
Hawkshaw, Sir John 33
Hawkshaw, Sir John 508
Hermit-Crabs, Habits of 639
Herrick, Mrs. S. B. 17
Herschel, Caroline Lucretia, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 736
History and the Centennial 629
Holden, Prof. E. S. 269
Horseshoe Nebula in Sagittarius. (Illustrated.) 269
Hunt, T. Sterry, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 486
Huxley, T. H. 641
Hydrography 513
Hydroids. (Illustrated.) 17

Ice-Action 121
Idol-Worship and Fetich-Worship 158
Indians, A Libel upon the 748
Induced Disease from the Influence of the Passions 60
Infection, Vehicles of 382
Infirmities of Speech 366
Inland Sea, Proposed, in Algeria 665
Insect-killing Plants 766
Insectivorous Plants. (Illustrated.) 45
Instinct and Acquisition 310
"Plasticity of 449
Iron and Steel, Testing of 246
Is Alcohol Food? 103

Kangaroo, Natural History of. (Illustrated.) 409
Kidder, Dr. J. H. 657
Kitchen-Midden, Contents of a 379

Labor and Association 586
Lace and Lace-making. (Illustrated.) 521
Lakes, Oscillations of 379
Le Conte, Dr. J. L. 285
Leighton, William 315
Leland, E. R. 45
Lessons in Electricity. (Illustrated.) 607
Lewis, E. 357
Lex Talionis 746
Libel, A, upon the Indians 748
Libraries, Public, in France 766
Liebig's Influence on German Science 639
Life in Greenland 431
Lights of Different Colors, Penetrating Power of 760
Limestone, A Piece of 165
Locust of the Rocky Mountains 505
Lommel, Eugene 471

Man, Comparative Psychology of 257
Martineau and Materialism 129
Martineau's Reply to Tyndall 746
Mayer, Alfred M 453
Mental Faculties, Strange, in Disease 177
"Overwork 765
Merriman, C. C. 702
Metals, Behavior of, with Hydrogen 254
Meteorite, Passage of a 766
Meteorology of Sun and Earth 75
"Arctic 124
"Contributions to 763
Michels, John 95
Microcephaly 249
Microscope, A Home-made. (Illustrated.) 95
Migrations of Birds 761
Mill, An Indian 503
Mivart, St. George 409
Modern Biological Inquiry 285
"Art, Frailty of 379
"Philosophical Biology 595
"Philosophical Biology 710
"Knowledge, Character of 724
Museum Exchange 460
"Godeffroy 699

Natural Euthanasia 617
Nature of Fluorescence. (Illustrated.) 471
Nebula in Sagittarius. (Illustrated.) 269
Nitrogen in Plants 503
Notes 126
Notes 255
Notes 383
Notes 510
Notes 640
Notes 768
Numerals, Origin of the 380

Obesity, Reduction of 255
Opium-Habit 767
Opossums, (Illustrated.) 149
Optical Illusion 254
Origin and Development of Engineering 33
Oscillations of Lakes 379
Our Great American University 543
Overwork, Mental 765
Ownership of the Dead 322
Parasites, Animal. (Illustrated.) 670
Penetrating Power of Different Colored Lights 760
Penikese School, End of the 494
Pharmacy and Chemistry 501
Physical Characters of the British 505
Piece of Limestone, On a 165
Plants, Insectivorous. (Illustrated.) 45
"Respiration of 248
"Insect-killing 766
Plasticity of Instinct 449
Polar Glaciers 702
Pork, Trichinous 759
Prince Rupert's Drops 315
Progression and Retrogression. (Illustrated.) 180
Prolific Peaches 509
Propagation of Waves in Liquids 253
Properties of Protoplasm 67
Proposed Inland Sea in Algeria 665
Public Libraries in France 766
Putrefaction arrested by Pressure 247
"and Infection, Tyndall on 686

Rat, A, in the Telegraph Service 254
Rats and Mice, how they use their Tails 764
Reading as an Intellectual Process 212
Reduction of Obesity 255
Refraction of Sound 767
Relations of Women to Crime 1
Relations of Women to Crime 334
"of Sex to Crime 727
Religion of the Canarians 249
"Science and 434
Remedy for Boiler Incrustations 126
Reptilian Affinities of Birds 124
Respiration of Plants 248
Restoration of Faded Writings 253
Resuscitation of the Drowned 251
Retrospects of our Past Hundred Years 630
Revivals and Insanity 383
Richardson, Dr. B. W. 60
Richardson, Dr. B. W. 617
Rivers, Changes in the Courses of 122
Rodriguez, Extinction of Animals in 252
Romanes, George J. 449
Ruggles, Samuel B. 322

Sand-Blast. (Illustrated.) 300
"Dunes, Formation of. (Illustrated.) 357
Science and Religion 225
Science and Religion 434
"Teaching in English Schools 281
"in Germany and England 369
"The Warfare of 385
"The Warfare of 553
"in English Schools 639
Scientific Institutions 502
"Education, how it is evaded 750
"Apparatus, Exhibition of 638
Sensory Centres in the Brain 381
Sex and Crime 727
Sexes, Disproportion of, in Germany 255
Soda-Lakes of Wyoming 767
Solar Radiation, Intensity of 252
Sound and Fog Signals 380
"Refraction of 767
Sounding a Newspaper Fog 489
Spalding, D. A. 310
Spencer, Herbert 158
Spencer, Herbert 257
"his Philosophy 235
"Sketch of. (Portrait.) 620
Stanley's Expedition 246
Stewart, Prof. Balfour 75
Strachey, Lieutenant 192
Strange Mental Faculties in Disease 177
Submarine Cables, A New Enemy of 507
Suicide in Large Cities 88
Sun and Earth, Meteorology of 75
Supernatural, Fallacies of Testimony respecting the 570

Temperature and Vegetation 506
Terrestrial Radiation 252
Testimony respecting the Supernatural, Fallacies of 570
Testing Iron and Steel 246
Thermo-Diffusion 248
Thermoscope, Clinical 123
Thudichum, Dr. J. L. W. 724
Timber-Trees, Maturity of 503
Trapping Wild-Turkeys 253
Trichinous Pork 759
Trout-Culture 251
Tuckwell, Rev. W 281
Twins 345
Tyndall, Prof. John 129
Tyndall, Prof. John 489
Tyndall, Prof. John 607
Tyndall, Prof. John 686
"Martineau's Reply to 746

University, Our Great American 543
Use of Bushy Tails 125
Utah, Children in 381

Vaile, E. O. 212
Van de Warker, Ely 1
Van de Warker, Ely 334
Van de Warker, Ely 727
Vehicles of Infection 382
Victoria Niyanza, Exploration of 246
Vivisection, Value of 509
"vindicated 751
Ward, W. S. 300
"Prof. Henry A. 699
Warfare of Science 385
Warfare of Science 553
Water and Climate 507
Watering-Places, Sanitary Condition of 508
Weeden, William B 586
Welding, Rationale of 253
Wheatstone, Sir Charles, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 363
Which Universe shall we study? 112
White, Andrew D. 385
White, Andrew D. 553
Wilder, Burt G. 460
Willow, Curly, Freak of the 760
Wise Public Benefactor, A 760
Women, Relations of, to Crime 1
Women, Relations of, to Crime 334
Work, Force and 762
Wyoming, Soda-Lakes of 767

Youmans, Eliza A. 521


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