< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 77

I N D E X.

Adaptive Radiation, Paleontologic Evidences of, Henry Fairfield Osborn 77
Agassiz, Alexander, Alfred Goldsborough Mayer 419
Agricultural Graphics 515
Alexander Agassiz—An Autograph Letter 515
Alligator, The Home of the, A. M. Reese 365
Anatomy and Physiology in Invertebrate Extinct Organisms, Rudolf Ruedemann 142
Arithmetics, A Unique Collection of, Louis Karpinski 226
Avian Disease, Bacteriology and Parasitology in relation to, George Edward Gage 186

Bailey, E. H. S., When does Food become a Luxury? 590
Barrows, David P., Ilongot or Ibilao Luzon 521
Beach, Walter G., The Danger of Unskill 178
Bingham, Hiram, The Characteristics of the South American To-day 582
Birds, Instinct and Intelligence in, Francis H. Herrick 82
Birds, Instinct and Intelligence in, Francis H. Herrick 122
Birthplace of Man, S. W. Williston 594
"John C. Merriam 597
Boggess, Arthur Clinton, European Conditions affecting Emigration 570
Breeding, Plant, The Rôle of Selection in, Edward M. East 190
"of Hybridization, Edward M. East 342
Brewer, Professor, Death of 619

Carlton, Frank T., Modern Medievalism 56
Carver, T. N., Professor Norton's Law of Progress 510
Centralized Authority and Democracy in Our Higher Institutions, Edwin D. Starbuck 264
Child Study, E. A. Kirkpatrick 482
Clark, George Archibald, The Much Misunderstood Fur Seals of Bering Sea 465
Clark, William Bullock, Contributions to Morphology from Paleontology 145
Clarke, John M., Paleontology and Isolation 338
Classics and the College Course, John J. Stevenson 554
Cleghorn, Allen, The Natural History and Physiology of Hibernation 356
Climate, Paleontologic Evidences of, T. W. Stanton 67
Cockerell, T. D. A., The Future of the Human Race 19
College Course, Classics and the, John J. Stevenson 554
Collins, Jos. V., Mathematical Definitions in Text-books and Dictionaries 457
Comparative Psychology in America 311
Congresses, Scientific, National and International 414
Conservation Congress, Address before William H. Taft 313
Continuity of Development, W. D Matthew 473
"T. Wayland Vaughan 478
Crampton, Henry E., Two Active Volcanoes of the South Seas 603
Culture, Parasitic, George E. Dawson 256
Cumings, E. R., Paleontoloy and the Recapitulation Theory 298
Cure, The Nature of Disease and its, James Frederick Rogers 61

Dawson, George E., Parasitic Culture 256
Deaths among American Men of Science 206
Dee, John, and his "Fruitful Preface," Mary Esther Trueblood 236
Definitions, Mathematical, in Textbooks and Dictionaries, Jos. V. Collins 457
Democracy and Centralized Authority in Our Higher Institutions, Edwin D. Starbuck 264
Development, Continuity of, W. D. Matthew 473
"T. Wayland Vaughan 478
Disease, the Nature of and its Cure, James Frederick Rogers 61
Distance and Middle Running, Chas. E. Hammett 28
Distribution of American Men of Science 616
Dreams, Symbolism of, Havelock Ellis 42

Earthquake of May 26, 1909, J. A. Udden 154
East, Edward M., The Rôle of Selection in Plant Breeding 190
"of Hybridization in 342
Education, Medical in the United States 101
Education, The Distinction between the Liberal and Technical in, Percy Hughes 379
Edwards, Charles Lincoln, The Zoological Station at Naples 209
Ellis, Havelock, The Symbolism of Dreams 42
Embryology and Vertebrate Paleontology, Relation of, Richard Swan Lull 150
Ether, The Past and Present Status of, Arthur Gordon Webster 105
European Conditions affecting Emigration, Arthur Clinton Boggess 570
Evolution and Kant, Arthur O. Lovejoy 538
Extinct Organisms, Invertebrate, Anatomy and Physiology, Rudolf Ruedeman 142

Faunas, Devonian, Migration and Shifting of, Henry S. Williams 70
Foley, Arthur L., Recent Developments in Physical Science 447
Food, When does it become a Luxury? E. H. S. Bailey 590
Foreign Languages, Learning, Charles W. Super 561
"Fruitful Preface," John Dee and his, Mary Esther Trueblood 236
Fur Seals, of Bering Sea, the Much Misunderstood, George Archibald Clark 465
Future of the Human Race, T. D. A. Cockerell 19

Gage, George Edward, Bacteriology and Parasitology in Relation to Avian Disease 186
Genius and Stature, Charles Kassel 579
Government, The Five-fold Functions of, W J McGee 274
Graphics, Agricultural 515
Grinnell, Joseph, Methods and Uses of a Research Museum 163
Grabau, A. W., Ontogeny and Paleontology 295

Hammett, Chas. E., Middle and Distance Running 28
Harper Memorial Library of the University of Chicago 513
Health, The Owen Bill for a Federal Department of 373
Herrick, Francis H., Instinct and Intelligence in Birds 82
Herrick, Francis H., Instinct and Intelligence in Birds 122
Hibernation, the Natural History and Physiology of, Allen Cleghorn 356
Hughes, Percy, The Distinction between the Liberal and Technical in Education 379
Human Race, Future of the, T. D. A. Cockerell 19
Hussakof, L., Vertebrate Paleontology and the Evidences for Recapitulation 304
Hybridization, The Role of, in Plant Breeding, Edward M. East 342

Ilongot or Ibilao Luzon, David P. Barrows 521
Instinct and Intelligence in Birds, Francis H. Herrick 82
Instinct and Intelligence in Birds, Francis H. Herrick 122
Interest, The Rate of, and the Cause of Social Progress, J. Pease Norton 252
"T. N. Carver 510
Investigator, Scientific, The Making of the, Thos. H. Montgomery, Jr. 242
Isolation and Paleontology, Dr. John M. Clarke 338

James, William, The Moral Equivalent of War 400
James, William 413
Johns Hopkins University 99

Kant and Evolution, Arthur O. Lovejoy 538
Karpinski, Louis, A Unique Collection of Arithmetics 226
Kassel, Charles, Genius and Stature 579
Kirkpatrick, E. A., Child Study 482
Knopf, Adolphus, The Owen Bill for the Establishment of a Federal Department of Health and its Opponents 373
Koch, Robert 102

Learning Foreign Languages, Charles W. Super 561
Library, Harper Memorial, of the University of Chicago 513
Light, Physiologic. F. Alex. McDermott 114
Loomis, F. B., Phylogeny and Ontogeny 292
Loomis, Seymour, Tariff Board, its Scope and Limitations 386
Lovejoy, Arthur O., Kant and Evolution 538
Lull, Richard Swan, Relation of Embryology and Vertebrate Paleontology 150
Luxury, When does Food become a, E. H. S. Bailey, 590

McDermott, F. Alex., Physiologic Light 114
McGee, W J, The Five-fold Functions of Government 274
Magellan, Straits of, A Naturalist in the, Charles Haskins Townsend, 5
Man, The Birthplace of. S. W. Williston 594
"History of, Relation of Paleontology to, John C. Merriam 597
Mathematical Definitions in Text-books and Distionaries, Jos. V. Collins 457
Matthew, W. D., Continuity of Development 473
Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough, Alexander Agassiz 419
Medical Education in the United States 101
Merriam, John C., The Relation of Paleontology to the Birthplace of Man 597
Middle and Distance Running, Chas. E. Hammett 28
Medievalism, Modern, Frank T. Carlton 56
Meylan, George L., The Effects of Smoking on College Students 170
Miers, H. A., The Relations between Teachers and their Pupils 489
Migration and Shifting of Devonian Faunas, Henry S. Williams 70
Modern Medievalism, Frank T. Carlton 56
Montgomery, Thos. H., Jr., The Making of the Scientific Investigator 242
Moral Equivalent of War, William James 400
Morphology, Contributions from Paleontology to, William Bullock Clark 145
Museum, Research, Methods and Uses of, Joseph Grinnell 163

Naples Zoological Station. Charles Lincoln Edwards 209
Naturalist in the Straits of Magellan, Charles Haskins Townsend 5
Norton, J. Pease, The Cause of Social Progress and the Rate of Interest 252
"A Supreme Court of Science 396
Norton's Law of Progress, T. N. Carver 510

Ontogeny, A Study of the Value of Young Features in Determining Phylogeny, F. B. Loomis 292
"and Paleontology, A. W. Grabau 295
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, Paleontologic Evidences of Adaptive Radiation 77

Paleontologic Record 67
Paleontologic Record 142
Paleontologic Record 292
Paleontologic Record 333
Paleontologic Record 473
Paleontologic Record 594
Penhallow, D. P., The Relation of Paleobotany to Phylogeny 333
Parasitic Culture, George E. Dawson 256
Parasitology and Bacteriology in Relation to Avian Disease, George Edward Gage 186
Physiology and Natural History of Hibernation, Allen Cleghorn 356
Physical Science, Recent Developments in, Arthur L. Foley 447
Physiologic Light, F. Alex. McDermott 114
Phylogeny and Ontogeny, F. B. Loomis 292
Phylogeny, its Relation to Paleobotany. D. P. Penhallow 333
Pickering, Edward C., Associate Members of American Societies 286
Plant Breeding, the Rôle of Selection in, Edward M. East 190
Princeton University, Scientific Laboratories of 309
Progress of Science 99
Progress of Science 204
Progress of Science 309
Progress of Science 413
Progress of Science 513
Progress of Science 613
Psychology, Comparative, in America 311
Pupils, The Relation between Teachers and their, H. A. Miers 489

Recapitulation Theory, and Paleontology, E. R. Cumings 298
"Evidences for, L. Hussakof 304
Race, Human, Future of the, T. D. A. Cockerell 19
Reese, A. M., The Home of the Alligator 365
Research Museum, Methods and Uses of a, Joseph Grinnell 163
Rice Institute 613
Rogers, James Frederick, The Nature of Disease and its Cure 61
Ruedeman, Rudolf, Anatomy and Physiology in Invertebrate Extinct Organisms 142
Running, Middle and Distance, Chas. E. Hammett 28

Selection, The Role of, in Plant Breeding, Edward M. East 190
Science, The Progress of 99
Science, The Progress of 204
Science, The Progress of 309
Science, The Progress of 413
Science, The Progress of 513
Science, The Progress of 613
Science, A Supreme Court of, J. Pease Norton 396
Scientific Items 103
Scientific Items 208
Scientific Items 312
Scientific Items 416
Scientific Items 520
Scientific Items 620
Scientific Investigator. The Making of the, Thos. H. Montgomery, Jr 242
Scientific Laboratories of Princeton University 309
Scientific Congresses, National and International 414
Scientific Meetings and Scientific Men in the Middle West 615
Seals, Fur, of Bering Sea, The Much Misunderstood, George Archibald Clark 465
Smoking, the Effects of, on College Students, George L. Meylan 170
Social Progress, the Cause of, and the Rate of Interest, J. Pease Norton 252
"T. N. Carver 510
Societies, American, Associate Members of, Edward C. Pickering 286
South American, The Characteristics of, Hiram Bingham 582
South Seas, Two Active Volcanoes of the, Henry E. Crampton 603
Stanton, T. W., Paleontologic Evidences of Climate 67
Starbuck, Edwin D., Centralized Authority and Democracy in our Higher Institutions 264
Stature and Genius, Charles Kassel 579
Students, College, the Effects of Smoking on, George L. Meylan 170
Super, Charles W., Learning Foreign Languages 561
Supreme Court of Science, J. Pease Norton 396
Symbolism of Dreams, Havelock Ellis 42

Taft, William H., Address before the Conservation Congress 313
Tariff Board, its Scope and Limitations, Seymour Loomis 386
Teachers and their Pupils, The Relations between, H. A. Miers 489
Townsend, Charles Haskins, A Naturalist in the Straits of Magellan 5
Trueblood, Mary Esther, John Dee and his "Fruitful Preface," 236

Udden, J. A., Observations on the Earthquake of May 26, 1909 154
Unskill, the Danger of, Walter G. Beach 178

Vaughan, T. Wayland, Continuity of Development 478
Volcanoes, Two Active of the South Seas, Henry E. Crampton 603

War, The Moral Equivalent of, William James 400
Webster, Arthur Gordon, The Past and Present Status of the Ether 105
Williams, Henry S., The Migration and Shifting of Devonian Faunas 70
Williston, S. W., The Birthplace of Man 594

Zoological Society of New York 204
Zoological Station at Naples, Charles Lincoln Edwards 209
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