< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 74

I N D E X.

Abstraction, On a Very Prevalent Abuse of, William James 485
Agriculture, Report of the Secretary of 207
Anderson, Robert Van Vleck, A Trip in Southernmost Japan with Early Records of its Discovery 161
Anesthetics, Cerebral Surgery without. Suggestions from Two Cases, George Trumbull Ladd 562
Antarctic Expedition, Lieutenant Shackleton's 516
Astronomical Problem, Famous, On the Closing of a, W. W. Campbell 494

Bailey, E. H. S., The Art of Bleaching and Dyeing as applied to Food 58
Bailey, Pearce, Hysteria as an Asset 568
Baltimore Scientific Meetings 203
Bauer, L. A., The Instruments and Methods of Research 184
Biographical History of Botany at St. Louis, Perley Spalding 48
Biographical History of Botany at St. Louis, Perley Spalding 124
Biographical History of Botany at St. Louis, Perley Spalding 240
Biology, Predarwinian and Postdarwinian, William Morton Wheeler 381
Bleaching and Dyeing, The Art of, as applied to Food, E. H. S. Bailey 58
Boards of Health, The Work of, George A. Soper 233
Botany, A Biographical History of, at St, Louis, Perley Spalding 48
Botany, A Biographical History of, at St, Louis, Perley Spalding 124
Botany, A Biographical History of, at St, Louis, Perley Spalding 240
Britton, Nathaniel Lord, Darwin and Botany 355
Bumpus, Hermon C., Darwin and Zoology 361
Bureau, Tariff, A Permanent, Seymour C. Loomis 468

Calabrian Disaster, The Latest, Wm. H. Hobbs 134
Camel Experiment, Jefferson Davis's, Walter L. Fleming 141
Campbell, W. W., On the Closing of a Famous Astronomical Problem 494
Canal, Panama, Type of the, C. E. Grunsky 417
Carnegie Institution, The Research Work of the 514
Cattell, J. McKeen, The School and the Family 84
Cerebral Surgery without Anesthetics, Suggestions from Two Cases of, George Trumbull Ladd 562
Chamberlain, Alexander F., Notes on Certain Philosophies of the Day 575
College Teachers, Training, W. B. Pitkin 588
Commercialism, John J. Stevenson 70
Consumer, Tariff Revision from the Standpoint of the, Jesse E. Orton 463
Convocation Week Meetings at the Johns Hopkins University 102
Cox, Charles F., The Individuality of Charles Darwin 344
Cushing, H. K., Laboratory of Experimental Medicine at Western Reserve University 100

Darwin, Charles, Poetry and Science in the case of, Edward Bradford Titchener 43
"Life and Works, Henry Fairfield Osborn 315
"Individuality of, Charles F. Cox 344
"and Geology, John J. Stevenson 349
"and Botany, Nathaniel Lord Britton 355
"and Zoology, Hermon C. Bumpus 361
"For Darwin T. H. Morgan 367
"Predarwinian and Postdarwinian Biology, William Morton Wheeler 381
"The Halo of a Hundred Years, R. M. Wexley 386
"The Origin of the Theory of Natural Selection, Alfred Russel Wallace 396
"The First Presentation of. Sir Joseph Hooker 402
"Darwin manuscripts 407
"portraits 413
"Celebrations in Honor of the Darwin Centenary 415
Desert, Lineaments of the, Charles R. Keyes 19
Digestion, Physiology of the. An American Contribution to the History of the, Lafayette B. Mendel 174
Dyeing and Bleaching as applied to Food, E. H. S. Bailey 58

Educational and Scientific Meetings 619
Electric Operation of Steam Railways, J. B. Whitehead 209
English Vital Statistics 310
Evolution of Religion, Steps in the, Frank Sargent Hoffman 290
Experimental, Medicine, The H. K. Gushing Laboratory of Western Reserve University 100
Exposition, National, at Rio de Janeiro, Robert DeC. Ward 105

Family and the School, J. McKeen Catell 84
Farquhar, A. B., Tariff Revision from the Manufacturer's Standpoint 442
Fermented Milk, Therapeutic Action of, C. A. Herter 31
Fitzpatrick, F. W., Fire's Havoc a Senseless Waste 259
Fleming, Walter L., Jefferson Davis's Camel Experiment 141
Food, The Art of Bleaching and Dyeing as applied to, E. H. S. Bailey 58
Foreign Associates of National Societies, Edward C. Pickering 80
Formative Influences, G. J. Pearce 579
French Naturalists, Two Great 517

Gager, G. Stuart, The Influence of Radium Rays on a Few Life Processes of Plants 222
Garrison, Fielding H., Josiah Willard Gibbs and his Relation to Modern Science 470
Garrison, Fielding H., Josiah Willard Gibbs and his Relation to Modern Science 551
Gaudry, Albert 312
Geology and Darwin, John James Stevenson 349
Gibbs, Josiah Willard, and his Relation to Modern Science, Fielding H. Garrison 470
Gibbs, Josiah Willard, and his Relation to Modern Science, Fielding H. Garrison 551
Gibbs, Wolcott 96
Grunsky, C. E., The Type of the Panama Canal 417

Halo of a Hundred Years, R. M. Wenley 386
Hamilton, Francis E., Tariff Revision from the Importer's Standpoint 457
Harper, Roland M., Okefinokee Swamp 596
Harpswell Laboratory, Max Morse 505
Harris, Rollin Arthur, Tides and their Causes 521
Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 308
Health, The Work of Boards of, George A. Soper 233
Herter, C. A., Therapeutic Action of Fermented Milk 31
Hobbs, Wm. H., The Latest Calabrian Disaster 134
Hoffman, Frank Sargent, Steps in the Evolution of Religion 290
Hooker, Joseph, The First Presentation of the Theory of Natural Selection 402
Hysteria as an Asset, Pearce Bailey 568

Importer, Tariff Revision from the Standpoint of the, Francis E. Hamilton 457
Influences, Formative, G. J. Pearce 579
Inheritance and Determination of Sex, Facts concerning the, H. E. Jordan 540
Instruments and Methods of Research, L. A. Bauer 184

James, William, On a Very Prevalent Abuse of Abstraction 485
Japan, Southernmost, A Trip to, with Early Records of its Discovery, Robert Van Vleck Anderson 161
Jefferson Davis's Camel Experiment, Walter L. Fleming 141
Johns Hopkins University, Convocation Week Meetings at 102
Jordan, H. E., Facts concerning the Determination and Inheritance of Sex 540

Keyes, Charles R., Lineaments of the Desert 19

Ladd, George Trumbull, Suggestions from Two Cases of Cerebral Surgery without Anesthetics 562
Laboratory, The Harpswell, Max Morse 505
Liebig, Justus von 615
Life Processes of Plants, The Influence of Radium Rays on, C. Stuart Gager 222
Lineaments of the Desert, Charles R. Keyes 19
Loomis, Seymour C., A Permanent Tariff Bureau 468

Manufacturer, Tariff Revision from the Standpoint of the, A. B. Farquhar 442
Manufacturer, Tariff Revision from the Standpoint of the, H. E. Miles 450
Mason, Otis T. 96
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University 308
Mathews, Albert P., Science and Morality 284
Medicine, Experimental, The H. K. Cushing Laboratory of, at Western Reserve University 100
Mendel. Lafayette B., An American Contribution to the History of the Physiology of Digestion 174
Metal Crop, The World's, Theo. F. Van Wagenen 271
Methods and Instruments of Research, L. A. Bauer 184
Miles, H. E., Tariff Revision from the Manufacturer's Standpoint 450
Milk, Fermented, Therapeutic Action of, C. A. Herter 31
Miller, Dickinson S., Mr. Roosevelt's Opportunity as President of a University 62
Morality and Science, Albert P. Mathews 284
Morgan, T. H., For Darwin 367
Morse, Max, The Harpswell Laboratory 505
Munroe, James P., The American Public School 300

National Exposition at Rio de Janeiro, Robert DeC. Ward 105
Natural Selection, Origin of the Theory of, Alfred Russel Wallace 396
"First Presentation of, Sir Joseph Hooker 402
Naturalists, Two Great French 517

Okefinokee Swamp, Roland M. Harper 596
Orton, Jesse E., Tariff Revision from the Consumer's Standpoint 463
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, Life and Works of Darwin 315

Panama Canal, The Type of the, C. E. Grunsky 417
Pearce, G. J., Formative Influences 579
Philosophies of the Day, Notes on Certain, Alexander F. Chamberlain 575
Physiology of Digestion, An American Contribution to the History of the, Lafayette B. Mendel 174
Pickering, Edward C., Foreign Associates of National Societies 80
Pitkin, W. B., Training College Teachers 588
Plants, The Influence of Radium Rays on a Few Life Processes of, C. Stuart Gager 222
Poetry and Science in the Case of Charles Darwin, Edward Bradford Titchener 43
Predarwinian and Postdarwinian Biology, William Morton Wheeler 381
President, University, Mr. Roosevelt's Opportunity as, Dickinson S. Miller 62
Progress of Science 96
Progress of Science 203
Progress of Science 308
Progress of Science 407
Progress of Science 514
Progress of Science 615
Public School, The American. James P. Munroe 300

Radium Rays, The Influence of, on a Few Life Processes of Plants, C. Stuart Gager 222
Railroads and the Smoke Nuisance, Clinton Rogers Woodruff 153
Railways, Steam, Electric Operation of, J. B. Whitehead 209
Religion, Steps in the Evolution of, Frank Sargent Hoffman 290
Research, Instruments and Methods of, L. A. Bauer 184
"Work of the Carnegie Institution 514
Rio de Janeiro, National Exposition at, Robert DeC. Ward 105
Roosevelt's Opportunity as President of a University, Dickinson S. Miller 62

School, and the Family. J. McKeen Cattell 84
"Public, The American, James P. Munroe 300
Science, and Poetry in the Case of Charles Darwin, Edward Bradford Titchener 43
"Progress of 96
"Progress of 203
"Progress of 308
"Progress of 407
"Progress of 514
"Progress of 615
"and Morality, Albert P. Mathews 284
Scientific Items 104
Scientific Items 208
Scientific Items 312
Scientific Items 520
Scientific Items 520
Scientific Items 620
"Meetings at Baltimore 203
"and Educational Meetings 619
Selection, Natural, Origin of the Theory of, Alfred Russel Wallace 396
"First Presentation of the Theory, Sir Joseph Hooker 402
Sex, Facts Concerning the Determination and Inheritance of, H. E. Jordan 540
Shackleton's, Lieutenant, Antarctic Expedition 516
Smoke Nuisance, Railroads and the, Clinton Rogers Woodruff 153
Societies, National, Foreign Associates of, Edward C. Pickering 80
Soper, George A., The Work of Boards of Health 233
Spalding, Perley, A Biographical History of Botany at St. Louis 48
Spalding, Perley, A Biographical History of Botany at St. Louis 124
Spalding, Perley, A Biographical History of Botany at St. Louis 240
Spencer, Herbert, The Career of. Lester F. Ward 5
Steam Railways, Electric Operation of, J. B. Whitehead 209
Stevenson, John J., Commercialism 70
"Darwin and Geology 349
Surgery, Cerebral without Anesthetics, Suggestions from two Cases of, George Trumbull Ladd 562
Swamp, Okefinokee, Roland M. Harper 596

Tariff Revision, from the Manufacturer's Standpoint, A. B. Farquhar 442
"H. E. Miles 450
" from the Importer's Standpoint, Francis E. Hamilton 457
"from the Consumer's Standpoint, Jesse E. Orton 463
"A Permanent Tariff Bureau, Seymour C. Loomis 468
Therapeutic Action of Fermented Milk, C. A. Herter 31
Tides and Their Causes, Rollin Arthur Harris 521
Titchener, Edward Bradford, Poetry and Science in the Case of Charles Darwin 43
Training College Teachers, W. B. Pitkin 588

University President, Mr. Roosevelt's Opportunity as, Dickinson S. Miller 62

Van Wagenen, Theo. F., The World's Annual Metal Crop 271
Vital Statistics, English 310

Wallace, Alfred Russel, Origin of the Theory of Natural Selection 396
Ward, Lester F., The Career of Herbert Spencer 5
Ward, Robert DeC., National Exposition at Rio de Janeiro 105
Wenley, R. M., The Halo of a Hundred Years 386
Wheeler, William Morton, Predarwinian and Postdarwinian Biology 381
Whitehead, J. B., Electric Operation of Steam Railways 209
Woodruff, Clinton Rogers, Railroads and the Smoke Nuisance 153

Zoology and Darwin, Hermon C. Bumpus 361
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