< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 66

I N D E X.

Academic Buildings 577
Adolescence, The Natural History of, Joseph Jastrow 457
Age and Eminence, Edwin G. Dexter 538
Agricultural Distribution of Immigrants, Robert DeC. Ward 166
Agriculture, The U. S. Department of 293
American Association 382
""Presidential address 386
""The Affiliated Societies 389
Angel Stone at New Harmony, David Starr Jordan 187
Arts and Science, International Congress of, Wm. Harper Davis 5
Astronomy: The Light of the Stars, E. C. Pickering 46
"An Address on Astrophysics, W. W. Campbell 297

Bacteriology, Simple, for the Public Schools, Lillian Chapin 474
Bear, The Inland White, W. J. Holland 481
Bell, A. N., Stamina 449
Bermuda Islands and the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Edward L. Mark 393
Bermuda Islands and the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Edward L. Mark 556
Birth Rate Again 576
Bishop, William Warner, A Decade of Library Progress in America 131
Botanical Laboratory in the Desert, Francis E. Lloyd 329
Bowen, Edwin W., Authority in English Pronunciation 544
Brown, Ernest W., Sunspots and Weather 505
Burbank, Luther, Some Experiments of, David Starr Jordan 201

Campbell, W. W., An Address on Astrophysics 297
Carnegie Institution of Washington 287
Carnegie Institution of Washington 482
Cattell, J. McKeen, The Conceptions and Methods of Psychology 176
""Examinations, Grades and Credits 367
Chamberlin. T. C., The Methods of the Earth Sciences 66
Chapin, Lillian, Simple Bacteriology for the Public Schools 474
Chemistry, Inorganic, Present Problems of, William Ramsay 33
"Physiological, The Present Problems of, Russell H. Chittenden 150
"Technical, Some Present Problems in, W. H. Walker 435
Chinese and Japanese Immigration, Allan McLaughlin 117
Chittenden, Russell H., The Present Problems of Physiological Chemistry 150
Clarke, John M., The Menace to Niagara 489
College Professors, American, The Status of. John J. Stevenson 122
Columbia University, The Hundred and Fifteenth Anniversary of 195
Composition, Characteristic Curves of, De Morgan and, T. C. Mendenhall 379
"Raymond Pearl 97
"Raymond Pearl 188
Congress of Arts and Science, The International, Wm. Harper Davis 5
Convocation Week at the University of Pennsylvania 289
Convocation Week at the University of Pennsylvania 380
Correspondence and Shorter Articles 187
Correspondence and Shorter Articles 379
Correspondence and Shorter Articles 478
Correspondence and Shorter Articles 573
Credits and Grades and Examinations, J. McKeen Cattell 367

Dall, William Healey, The Relations of the Land and Fresh-water Mollusk Fauna of Alaska and Eastern Siberia 362
Darboux, Gaston, A Study of the Development of Geometric Methods 412
Davis, Wm. Harper, The International Congress of Arts and Science 5
DeMorgan, and the 'Sherman Principle,' Raymond Pearl 188
"and Characteristic Curves of Composition, T. C. Mendenhall 379
Desert, Botanical Laboratory in the, Francis E. Lloyd 329
Dexter, Edwin G., Age and Eminence 538
Discussion and Shorter Articles 187
Discussion and Shorter Articles 379
Discussion and Shorter Articles 478
Discussion and Shorter Articles 573
Distribution of Immigrants, Agricultural, Robert DeC. Ward 166
Drown, Thomas Messinger 294

Earth Sciences, The Methods of the, T. C. Chamberlin 66
Education, Higher of Women, and Race Suicide, Lapthorn Smith 466
"Does Higher Education Unfit Women for Motherhood? 573
Educational Problems, Bishop of Hereford 273
Eminence and Age, Edwin G. Dexter 538
English Pronunciation, Authority in, Edwin W. Bowen 544
"Universities and Greek 487
Evolution: of the Scientific Investigator, Simon Newcomb 92
"Some Experiments of Luther Burbank, David Starr Jordan 201
Examinations, Grades and Credits, J. McKeen Cattell 367
Exposition, The Louisiana Purchase 97

Fernow, Olivia R., Does Higher Education Unfit Women for Motherhood 573
Forests of the Hawaiian Islands 198
Galileo, Edward S. Holden, 256
Geology: Earth Sciences, The Methods of the, T. C. Chamberlin 66
Geometric Methods, A Study of the Development of, Gaston Darboux 412
Grades and Credits, Examinations, J. McKeen Cattell 367
Greek and the English Universities 487

Hawaiian Islands, Forests of the 198
Hieroglyphics, Nature's, Richard S. Lull 139
Hereford, Bishop of. Educational Problems 273
Holden, Edward S., Galileo 256
Holland, W. J., The Inland White Bear 481

Immigrants, Agricultural Distribution of, Robert DeC. Ward 166
"How they are Inspected, Allan McLaughlin 357
Immigration, Social and Political Effects of, Allan McLaughlin 243
"The Problem of, Allan McLaughlin 531
Inorganic Chemistry, Present Problems of, William Ramsay 33
Investigator, Scientific, The Evolution of the, Simon Newcomb 92
Irrigation: The Reclamation Service, F. H. Newell 107

Japanese and Chinese Immigration, Allan McLaughlin 117
Jastrow, Joseph, The Natural History of Adolescence 457
Jordan, David Starr, Utilitarian Science 76
"""The Angel Stone at New Harmony 187
"""Some Experiments of Luther Burbank 201

Kennelly, E. A., The Metric System of Weights and Measures 319

Laboratory, A Botanical, in the Desert, Francis E. Lloyd 329
Legislation: The Mosquito Investigation in New Jersey, John B. Smith 281
"The Metric System of Weights and Measures, E. A. Kennelly 319
"The Menace to Niagara, John M. Clarke 489
"Immigration, the Problem of, Allan McLaughlin 531
Library Progress in America, A Decade of, William Warner Bishop 131
Light of the Stars, Professor E. C. Pickering 46
Lloyd, Francis E., A Botanical Laboratory in the Desert 329
Locke, The Two-hundredth Anniversary of the Death of 189
Louisiana Purchase Exposition 97
Lull, Richard S., Nature's Hieroglyphics 139
McLaughlin, Allan, Chinese and Japanese Immigration 117
""Social and Political Effects of Immigration 243
""How Immigrants are Inspected 357
""The Problem of Immigration 531

Mark, Edward L., The Bermuda Islands and the Bermuda Biological Station for Research 393
Mark, Edward L., The Bermuda Islands and the Bermuda Biological Station for Research 556
Matter and Radioactivity, Clemens Winkler 267
Medicine: Stamina, A. N. Bell 449
"The United States Pharmacopoeia, H. C. Wood 279
"Medical Research, Theobald Smith 515
Mendenhall, T. C., DeMorgan and Characteristic Curves of Composition 379
Meteorology: Sunspots and Weather, Ernest W. Brown 505
Metric System of Weights and Measures, E. A. Kennelly 319
Mollusk Fauna, Relations of the Land and Fresh-water, of Alaska and Eastern Siberia, William Healey Dall 362
Mosquito Investigation in New Jersey, John B. Smith 281
Motherhood, Does Higher Education Unfit Women for?, Olivia R. Fernow 573

Natural History of Adolescence, Joseph Jastrow 457
New Harmony, The Angel Stone at, David Starr Jordan 187
Newcomb, Simon, The Evolution of the Scientific Investigator 92
Newell, F. H., The Reclamation Service 107
Niagara, The Menace to, John M. Clarke 489
Nichols, Edward L., The Fundamental Concepts of Physical Science 56

Osborn, Henry Fairfield, The Present Problems of Paleontology 226

Paleontology: Nature's Heiroglyphics. Richard S. Lull 139
"The Present Problems of Paleontology, Henry F. Osborn 226
Pasteur, Monument to, at Paris 191
Pearl, Raymond, 'The Sherman Principle' and DeMorgan 188
Pennsylvania. University of, Convocation Week at the 289
Pennsylvania. University of, Convocation Week at the 380
Pharmacopoeia, The United States, H. C. Wood 279
Physics: The Fundamental Concepts of Physical Science, Edward L. Nichols 56
"Matter and Radioactivity, Clemens Winkler 267
Physiological Chemistry, The Present Problems of, Russell H. Chittenden 150
Pickering. E. C., The Light of the Stars 46
Political and Social Effects of Immigration, Allan McLaughlin 243
Prescott, Albert Benjamin 578
Pritchett, Henry S., The Centennial of William Barton Rodgers 478
Professors, American College, The Status of, John J. Stevenson 122
Progress of Science 97
Progress of Science 189
Progress of Science 287
Progress of Science 380
Progress of Science 482
Progress of Science 576
Psychology: The Conceptions and Methods of Psychology, J. McKeen Cattell 176
"Examinations, Grades and Credits, J. McKeen Cattell 367
"Adolescence, The Natural History of, Joseph Jastrow 457
"Age and Eminence, Edwin G. Dexter 538
Pronunciation. English. Authority in, Edwin W. Bowen 544

Race Suicide and the Higher Education of Women, Lapthorn Smith 466
Radioactivity and Matter, Clemens Winkler 267
Ramsay, William, Present Problems of Inorganic Chemistry 33
Reclamation Service, F. H. Newell 107
Research, The Bermuda Biological Station for, and the Bermuda Islands, Edward L. Mark 393
Research, The Bermuda Biological Station for, and the Bermuda Islands, Edward L. Mark 556
"Medical, Theobald Smith 515
Rogers, William Barton, the Centennial of, Henry S. Pritchett 478

Science, and Arts, International Congress of, Wm. Harper Davis 5
"Utilitarian, David Starr Jordan 76
"Progress of 97
"Progress of 189
"Progress of 287
"Progress of 380
"Progress of 482
"Progress of 576
"History of: Galileo, Edward S. Holden 256
Scientific, Investigator, The Evolution of the, Simon Newcomb 92
"Items 198
"Items 296
"Items 392
"Items 488
"Items 580
'Sherman Principle' and DeMorgan, Raymond Pearl 188
""T. C. Mendenhall 379
Shorter Articles and Discussion 187
Shorter Articles and Discussion 379
Shorter Articles and Discussion 478
Shorter Articles and Discussion 573
Smith. John B., The Mosquito Investigation in New Jersey 281
Smith, Theobald, Medical Research 515
Social and Political Effects of Immigration, Allan McLaughlin 243
Stamina, A. N. Bell 449
Stars, The Light of the, E. C. Pickering 46
Stevenson, John J., The Status of American College Professor 122
Stone, The Angel, at New Harmony, David Starr Jordan 187
Sunspots and Weather, Ernest W. Brown 505

Technical Chemistry, Some Present Problems in, W. H. Walker 435

Utilitarian Science, David Starr Jordan 76

Van't Hoff, Professor 192

Walker, W. H., Some Present Problems in Technical Chemistry 435
Ward, Robert DeC, The Agricultural Distribution of Immigrants 166
Weather and Sunspots, Ernest W. Brown 505
Weights and Measures, The Metric System of, E. A. Kennelly 319
Winkler, Clemens, Radioactivity and Matter 267
Winkler, Clemens Alexander 485
Women, The Higher Education of, and Race Suicide, Lapthorn Smith 466
"Does Higher Education Unfit for Motherhood?, Olivia R. Fernow 573
Wood, H. C., The United States Pharmacopœia 279

Zoology: The Relations of the Land and Fresh-water Mollusk Fauna of Alaska and Eastern Siberia 362
"The Inland White Bear, W. J. Holland 481
"Mosquito Investigation in New Jersey, John B. Smith 281
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