< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 63

I N D E X.

Age of College Graduation, Changes in. W. Scott Thomas 159
Agricultural Education, American, An Untilled Field in, Kenyon L. Butterfield 257
Agriculture, Modern, Bacteria in, Albert Schneider 333
Animal Life, Highways and Byways of, Herbert Osborn 499
Antarctic Expedition, British 92
Antarctic Expedition, British 378
American, Society of Naturalists 87
"Museum of Natural History 283
"Philosophical Society 287
Art, Decorative, of the North American Indians, Franz Boas 481
Aurora Borealis, An Unusual, A. F. A. King 563

Bacteria in Modern Agriculture, Albert Schneider 333
Bird, Robert Montgomery, Why a Flame emits Light 209
Bird Rookeries on the Island of Laysan, C. C. Nutting 321
Birth Rate, The Declining, and its Cause, Frederick A. Bushee 355
"in Fiction, C. 373
Boas, Franz, The Decorative Art of the North American Indians 481
Bolton, Henry Carrington, Radium 61
British, Antarctic Expedition 92
British, Antarctic Expedition 378
"Association for the Advancement of Science 566
Butterfield, Kenyon, L., An Unfilled Field in American Agricultural Education 257

C., The Birth Rate in Fiction 373
Ceylon. Pearl Fisheries of, W. A. Herdman 229
Chemistry, Physiological 85
Classification of Fishes, David Starr Jordan 5
College, Entrance Examinations, Abraham Flexner 53
"Graduation, Changes in the Age of, W. Scott Thomas 159
"Problem of 377
Columbia University School of Journalism 569
Congresses of Physicians 191
Cook, O. F., Stages of Vital Motion 14
""Evolution, Cytology and Mendel's Laws 219
Cooperation. Coercion, Competition, Lindley M. Keasbey 526
Creative Purpose, Lord Kelvin on 279
Cytology, Evolution and Mendel's Laws, O. F. Cook 219

Dalton and Liebig, Celebrations in Honor of 280
Dana, John Cotton, Some of the Extra-artistic Elements of Esthetic Emotion 411
Dean, Bashford, Obituary Notice of a Lung Fish 33
Declining Birth Rate and its Cause, Frederick A. Bushbee 355
Decorative Art of the North American Indians, Franz Boas 481
Decrease in Size of American Families, Edward L. Thorndike 64
Discussion and Correspondence 84
Discussion and Correspondence 185
Discussion and Correspondence 275
Discussion and Correspondence 373
Discussion and Correspondence 563
Distinctions and Titles, American, W. Le Conte Stephens 312
Dodd, Wm. E., Karl Lamprecht and Kulturgeschichte 418

Economy in Nutrition, R. H. Chittenden 123
Education, not the Cause of Race Decline, Geo. J. Englemann 172
"American Agricultural, An Untilled Field in, Kenyon L. Butterfield 257
"The Story of English, J. E. G. DE Montmorency 262
"The Story of English, J. E. G. DE Montmorency 344
"of Engineers 383
"and Research, Sir Norman Lockyer on 567
Educational, Association, National, The Boston Meeting of 375
"Endowments in the south, Elizabeth M. Howe 543
Emotion, Esthetic, Some of the Extra artistic Elements of, John Cotton Dana 411
Employment of Women 571
Engelmann, Geo. J., Education not the Cause of Race Decline 172
Engineers, Education of 383
English Education, the Story of, J. E. G. DE Montmorency 262
English Education, the Story of, J. E. G. DE Montmorency 344
Entrance Examinations, College, Abraham Flexner 53
Ericsson, John 475
Esthetic Emotion, Some of the Extra artistic Elements of, John Cotton Dana 411
Evolution, Cytology and Mendel's Laws, O. F. Cook 219
Examinations, College Entrance, Abraham Flexner 53
Expedition, British Antarctic 92
Expedition, British Antarctic 378
Exposition, Louisiana Purchase, Scientific Program of 189

Families, American, the Decrease in Size of, Edward L. Thorndike 64
Fertility, the Distribution of. Professor Pearson on, Edward L. Thorndike 84
Fiction. The Birth Rate in 373
Field Columbian Museum 89
Fisheries, Pearl, of Ceylon, W. A. Herdman 229
Fisk, Eug. L., Professor Shaler on Animal Intelligence 468
Fitzgerald and Rowland, The Collected Papers of 470
Flame, Why it emits Light, Robert Montgomery Bird 209
Fleming, J. A., Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy 97
Fleming, J. A., Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy 193
Fleming, J. A., Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy 362
Fleming, J. A., Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy 439
Fleming, J. A., Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy 551
Flexner, Abraham, College Entrance Examinations 53
Flowers, Wild, the Preservation of, Frances Zirngiebel 246
Forest and Game Commission of New York 93
Forestry 374
Franklin Papers in the Library of the American Philosophical Society 382

Game and Forest Commission of New York 93
Gibbs, Josiah Willard 188
Graduation, College, Changes in the Age of, W. Scott Thomas 159

Hallock, Mary, Pulse and Rhythm 425
Harkness, William 86
Heat, a New Source of Radium, Henry Carrington Bolton 61
Heilprin, Angelo, The Ascending Obelisk of the Montagne Pelée 467
Helmholtz, Hermann von 186
Herdman, W. A., The Pearl Fisheries of Ceylon 229
Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy, J. A. Fleming 97
Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy, J. A. Fleming 193
Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy, J. A. Fleming 362
Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy, J. A. Fleming 439
Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy, J. A. Fleming 551
Howe, Elizabeth M., Educational Endowments in the South 543
Hygiene, Municipal, the Field of, Edwin O. Jordan 132

Identification, Personal, Palm and Sole Impressions and their Use for purposes of, Harris Hawthorne Wilder 385
Immigrant, The Slavic, Allan McLaughlin 25
Indians, North American, Decorative Art of, Franz Boas 481
Intelligence, Animal, Professor Shaler on, Eug. L. Fisk 468

Jastrow, Joseph, Helen Keller—a Psychological Autobiography 71
Jordan, David Starr, Classification of Fishes 5
"University Tendencies in America 141
"The Training of a Physician 304
Jordan, Edwin O., The Field of Municipal Hygiene 132
Journalism, the School of Columbia University 569

Keasbey, Lindley M., Cooperation, Coercion, Competition 526
Keller, Helen, A Psychological Autobiography, Joseph Jastrow 71
Kelvin, Lord, on 'Creative Purpose,' 279
King, A. F. A., An Unusual Aurora Borealis 563
Kulturgeschichte and Karl Lamprecht, Wm. E. Dodd 418

Laboratories and Schools, Summer 478
Lamprecht. Karl, and Kulturgeschichte, Wm. E. Dodd 418
Land and Water Plants, A Comparison of, George James Peirce 239
Laysan, The Island of, Bird Rookeries on, C. C. Nutting 321
Liebig and Dalton, Celebrations in Honor of 280
Life, Animal, Highways and Byways of, Herbert Osborn 499
Light, Why a Flame emits, Robert Montgomery Bird 209
Lockyer, Sir Norman, on the Endowment of Education and Research 567
Lodge, Oliver, Modern Views on flatter 289
Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Scientific Program of 189
Lung Fish, Obituary Notice of, Bashford Dean 33

McLaughlin, Allan, The Slavic Immigrant 25
Magazine Science, B. F. L. 185
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 476
Matter, Modern Views on, Oliver Lodge 289
Mendel's Laws, Evolution and Cytology, O. F. Cook 219
Mental and Moral Qualities, Correlation between, Frederick Adams Woods 516
Modern Views on Matter, Oliver Lodge 289
Montmorency, DE, J. E. G., The Story of English Education 262
Montmorency, DE, J. E. G., The Story of English Education 344
Moral and Mental Qualities, Correlation between, Frederick Adams Woods 516
Moritz Robert E., The Sherman Principle in Rhetoric and its Restrictions 534
Mosquito Destroyer, The So-called 379
Mosquitoes, and Suggestions for their Extermination, William Lyman Underwood 453
Municipal Hygiene, The Field of, Edwin O. Jordan 132
Museum, The Field Columbian 89
"of Natural History, the American 283
Museums of Natural History, the Opportunity of the Smaller, William Orr 40

National Educational Association, The Boston Meeting of 375
Natural History, The Opportunity of the Smaller Museums of, William Orr 40
""The American Museum of 283
Naturalists, The American Society of 87
New York Forest and Game Commission 93
Nutrition, Physiological Economy in, R. H. Chittenden 123
Nutting, C. C., Bird Rookeries on the Island of Laysan 321

Obelisk, The Ascending, of the Montagne Pelée, Angelo Heilprin 467
Obituary Notice of a Lung Fish, Bashford Dean 33
Orr, William, The Opportunity of the Smaller Museums of Natural History 40
Osborn, Herbert, Highways and Byways of Animal Life 499

Palm and Sole Impressions and their Use for Purposes of Personal Identification, Harris Hawthorne Wilder 385
Pearl Fisheries of Ceylon, W. A. Herdman 229
Pearson, Professor, on the Distribution of Fertility, Edward L. Thorndike 84
Peirce, George James, A Comparison of Land and Water Plants 239
Pelée, The Ascending Obelisk of, Angelo Heilprin 467
Philosophical Society, The American 287
""Franklin Papers 382
Philosophy and Science, Physicist 564
Physician, The Training of a, David Starr Jordan 304
Physicians, Congresses of 191
Physicist, Science and Philosophy 564
Physiological Chemistry 85
"Economy in Nutrition, R. H. Chittenden 123
Progress of Science 86
Progress of Science 188
Progress of Science 279
Progress of Science 375
Progress of Science 475
Progress of Science 566
Plants, Water and Land, A Comparison of, George James Peirce 239
Psychology 278
Pulse and Rhythm, Mary Hallock 425

Race, Decline, Education not the Cause of, Geo. J. Engelmann 172
" Senescence 88
Racial Decline, C. E. Smith 275
Radium, a New Source of Heat, Henry Carrington Bolton 61
"in England 381
Research and Education, Sir Norman Lockyer on 567
Rhetoric, The Sherman Principle in, and its Restrictions, Robert E. Moritz 534
Rhythm and Pulse, Mary Hallock 425
Rookeries, Bird, on the Island of Laysan, C. C. Nutting 321
Rowland and FitzGerald, The Collected Papers of 470

Schneider, Albert, Bacteria in Modern Agriculture 333
Science, The Progress of 86
Science, The Progress of 188
Science, The Progress of 279
Science, The Progress of 375
Science, The Progress of 475
Science, The Progress of 566
"Magazine, B. F. L. 185
"and Philosophy, Physicist 564
Scientific, Literature 85
Scientific, Literature 186
Scientific, Literature 278
Scientific, Literature 374
Scientific, Literature 470
"Items 95
"Items 192
"Items 288
"Items 384
"Items 479
"Items 572
"Program of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition 189
Senescence, Race 88
Shaler, Professor, on Animal Intelligence, Eug. L. Fisk 468
Sherman Principle in Rhetoric and its Restrictions, Robert E. Moritz 534
Slavic Immigrant, Allan McLaughlin 25
Sleep, Theories of, Percy G. Stiles 432
Smith, C. E., Racial Decline 275
Sole and Palm Impressions and their Use for Purposes of Personal Identification, Harris Hawthorne Wilder 385
South, Educational Endowments in the, Elizabeth M. Howe 543
Stevens, W. Le Conte, American Titles and Distinctions 312
Stiles, Percy G., Theories of Sleep 432
Summer Laboratories and Schools 478

Technology, Massachusetts Institute of 476
Telegraphy, Wireless, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 97
Telegraphy, Wireless, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 193
Telegraphy, Wireless, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 362
Telegraphy, Wireless, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 439
Telegraphy, Wireless, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 551
Thomas W. Scott, Changes in the Age of College Graduation 159
Thorndike, Edward L., The Decrease in Size of American Families 64
"Professor Pearson on the Distribution of Fertility 84
Titles and Distinctions, American, W. Le Conte Stevens 312
Typhoid Fever, The Treatment of 91

Underwood, William Lyman, Mosquitoes and Suggestions for their Extermination 453
University Tendencies in America, David Starr Jordan 141

Vital Motion, Stages of, O. F. Cook 14

Washington, The Improvement of the City of 149
Water and Land Plants, A Comparison of, George James Peirce 239
Wild Flowers, the Preservation of, Frances Zirngiebel 246
Wilder, Harris Hawthorne, Palm and Sole Impressions and their Use for Purposes of Personal Identification 385
Wireless Telegraphy, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 97
Wireless Telegraphy, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 193
Wireless Telegraphy, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 362
Wireless Telegraphy, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 439
Wireless Telegraphy, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 551
Women, the Employment of 571
Woods, Frederick Adams, Correlation between Mental and Moral Qualities 516

Zirngiebel, Frances, The Preservation of Wild Flowers 246
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