< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 61

I N D E X.

Academy and Order, New British 569
Action, Chemical, The Conditions of 94
Adaptation, Plant, A Study in, J. W. Toumey 483
Aerography, P. Lowell 385
Agriculture, A Graduate School of 475
"American Origin of, O. F. Cook 492
Alcoholic Teaching, The Abuse of 287
Almsgiving or Investments? Are Fellowships, W. A. Kellerman 472
"""D. S. Jordan 565
American, University, The 90
""Concerning, J. McK. Cattell 170
"Philosophical Society and the American Philosophical Association 91
"Association, Pittsburgh Meeting 283
"Association, Pittsburgh Meeting 380
"Anthropological Society 284
"Journals, Science in 474
Anthropological, American, Society 284
Antillean Volcanoes, W J McGee 272
Association, American 283
Association, American 380
"British 570
Atkinson, E., Social Bacteria and Economic Microbes, Wholesome and Noxious 317
Athletics, Domestic and Intercollegiate, C. M. Woodward 548

Bacteria, Social, and Economic Microbes, Wholesome and Noxious, E. Atkinson 317
"in Milk, The Comparative Growth of 479
Beet, Sugar, The, J. Waddell 157
Biographies of Eminent Chemists 92
Biographies of Eminent Chemists 189
Biographies of Eminent Chemists 477
Biological, Aspects, The Problem of Consciousness in its, C. S. Minot 289
"Marine, Laboratory, The Carnegie Institution and 473
Boas, F., An American Anthropological Society 284
Bolton's Scientific Correspondence of Joseph Priestley 93
Bostwick, A. E., Scientific Reading in a Public Library 524
Botanical Society of America and Funds for the Promotion of Research 381
Botany 183
British Order and Academy, The New 569
"Association 570
Bunge's Text-book of Physiological and Pathological Chemistry 379
Burr, W. H., The Panama Route for a Ship Canal 252
Burr, W. H., The Panama Route for a Ship Canal 304

Campbell's Text-book of Botany 183
Canal, Ship, The Panama Route for a, W. H. Burr 252
Canal, Ship, The Panama Route for a, W. H. Burr 304
Carnegie Institution and the Marine Biological Laboratory 473
Cattell, J. McK., Concerning the American University 170
Chelles, An Afternoon at, and the Earliest Evidences of Human Industry in France, A. S. Packard 81
Chemical Action, The Conditions of 94
Chemistry, Physiological 379
Chemists, Eminent, Biographies of 92
Chemists, Eminent, Biographies of 189
Chemists, Eminent, Biographies of 477
Chevreul's Contributions to Science 478
Children's Vocabularies, M. C. and H. Gale 45
College Professors, C. W. Super 565
Colours, a New Theory of Light and, Sir Isaac Newton 461
Commercial Value of Human Life, M. O. Leighton 120
Competition of the United States with the United Kingdom, J. Waddell 514
Conn, H. W., Bacteria in Milk 479
Consciousness, The Problem of, in its Biological Aspects, C. S. Minot 289
Contact-process, Sulfuric Acid and its Manufacture by, R. Kneitsch 24
Conversazione of the Royal Society 285
Cook, O. F., American Origin of Agriculture 492
Crook, A. R., An Ascent of Mt. Orizaba 528
Cunningham on Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Kingdom 282

Dall, W. H., Introduction to the Definition of some Modern Sciences 99
Dalton's Atomic Theory 189
Dexter, E. G., A Study of Twentieth Century Success 241
Discussion and Correspondence 472
Discussion and Correspondence 565
Diseases, Infectious, A. Springer 72

Earth, Some Facts and Figures concerning the 188
Economic Microbes, Social Bacteria and, E. Atkinson 317
Edmunds, C. K., Peter Guthrie Tait 163
Education, Societies for the Scientific Study of 92
Educational Value of Photomicrography, A. C. Scott 143
Eels and the Eel Question, M. C. Marsh 426
Eigenmann, C. H., The Physical Basis of Heredity 32
Electrically Charged Molecules, The Physiological Effects of, J. Loeb 76
Electricity, Electronic Theory of, J. A. Fleming 5
Ellis, H., Mescal, a Study of a Divine Plant 52
Eminence, Scientific 568
Eminent, Men, Marriage among, E. L. Thorndike 328
"Chemists, Biographies of 92
"Chemists, Biographies of 189
"Chemists, Biographies of 477
Enteman, M. M., On the Behavior of Social Wasps 339
Eruptions, Volcanic, Causes of 186

Falkner, R. P., Political Economy 107
Fellowships, Are they Almsgiving or Investments? W. A. Kellerman 472
"""D. S. Jordan 565
Fleming, J. A., The Electronic Theory of Electricity 5
France, Earliest Evidences of Human Industry in, A. S. Packard 81
Funds for the Promotion of Research 381

Gale, M. C, and H., Children's Vocabularies 45
Geologist, Field Notes of, in Martinique and St. Vincent, T. A. Jaggar 352
Gilbert and Carnot's Les fonctions hépatiques 379
Gill, T., The Story of a Word—Mammal 434
Gold Mining in Klondike, H. A. Miers 230
Graduate School of Agriculture 475

Haeckel's Philosophy, The World-view of a Scientist, F. Thilly 407
Hahn, F., on the Periodicity of Solar Phenomena 94
Hall, President Asaph 284
Harper, President, on the American University 90
Heredity, The Physical Basis of, C. H. Eigenmann 32
"Mental and Moral, in Royalty, F. A. Woods 369
"Mental and Moral, in Royalty, F. A. Woods 449
"Mental and Moral, in Royalty, F. A. Woods 506
Herter's Lectures on Chemical Pathology 379
Hofmann, August Wilhelm von, Biographical Sketches of 477
Human, Industry in France, Earliest Evidences of, A. S. Packard 81
"Life, Commercial Value of, M. O. Leighton 120
"Species, the, Origin of 191
Hunt, T. F., and the Graduate School of Agriculture 475

Industry, Human, Earliest Evidences of, in France, A. S. Packard 81
Infectious Diseases, A. Springer 72
Instinct, D. A. Spalding 126
Investments or Almsgiving? Are Fellowships, W. A. Kellerman 472
"""D. S. Jordan 565

Jaggar, T. A., Field Notes of a Geologist in Martinique and St. Vincent 352
Jordan, D. S., University-building 330
"Origin of the Fins of Fishes 536
"Are Fellowships Almsgiving or Investments? 565
Journals, American, Science in 474

Keir, J., Sketch of the Life of 92
Kellerman, W. A., Are Fellowships Almsgiving or Investments? 472
Kelvin, Lord, in America 184
Klondike, Gold Mining in, H. A. Miers 230
Kneitsch, R., Sulfuric Acid and its Manufacture by the Contact-process 24

Laboratory, the Marine Biological, and the Carnegie Institution 473
Ladd, Professor, on the American University 90
Leblanc, Nicolas, and the Manufacture of Common Soda 478
Legislation, National 381
Leighton, M. O., The Commercial Value of Human Life 120
Library, Public, Scientific Reading in, A. E. Bostwick 524
Light and Colours, A New Theory of, Sir I. Newton 461
Loeb, J., The Physiological Effects of Electrically-charged Molecules 76
Lowell, P., Aerography 385

McGee, W. J., The Antillean Volcanoes 272
Mammal, The Story of a Word, T. Gill 434
Map of Volcanic Disturbances 187
Marine Biological Laboratory, The Carnegie Institution and the 473
Marriage among Eminent Men, E. L. Thorndike 328
Marsh, M. C., Eels and the Eel Question 426
Martinique and St. Vincent, Field Notes of a Geologist in, T. A. Jaggar 352
Medicine and Surgery, Recent Advances in Science and their bearing on, R. Virchow 558
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty, F. A. Woods 369
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty, F. A. Woods 449
Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty, F. A. Woods 506
Mescal, a Study of a Divine Plant, H. Ellis 52
Metric System in the United States 185
Microbes, Economic, Social Bacteria and, E. Atkinson 317
Miers, H. A., Gold Mining in Klondike 230
Milk, Bacteria in, The Comparative Growth of 479
Mining, Gold, in Klondike, H. A. Miers 230
Minot, C. S., The Problem of Consciousness in its Biological Aspects 289
Molecules, Electrically Charged, The Physiological Effects of, J. Loeb 76
Moral and Mental Heredity in Royalty, F. A. Woods 369
Moral and Mental Heredity in Royalty, F. A. Woods 449
Moral and Mental Heredity in Royalty, F. A. Woods 506
Morton, Henry, Biographical Notice of 478

National, Academy of Sciences 184
"Legislation 381
Newton, Sir Isaac, A New Theory of Light and Colours 461

Oppenheimer's Ferments and their Actions 379
Origin, of the Human Species 191
"of the Fins of Fishes, D. S. Jordan 536
"American, of Agriculture, O. F. Cook 492
Orizaba, Mt., An Ascent of, A. R. Crook 528
Oxford University and the Will of Cecil Rhodes 89

Pace, E. A., Psychology 110
Packard, A. S., An Afternoon at Chelles and the Earliest Evidences of Human Industry in France 81
Panama Route for a Ship Canal, W. H. Burr 252
Panama Route for a Ship Canal, W. H. Burr 304
Peckham, S. F., A Modern Street 212
Periodicity of Solar Phenomena 94
Philosophical Society, The American, and the American Philosophical Association 91
Philosophy, Haeckel's, The World-view of a Scientist, F. Thilly 407
Photomicrography, Educational Value of, A. C. Scott 143
Physical Basis of Heredity, C. H. Eigenmann 32
Physiological, Effects of Electrically charged Molecules, J. Loeb 76
"Chemistry 379
Pittsburgh Meeting of the American Association 283
Pittsburgh Meeting of the American Association 380
Plant Adaptation, A Study in, J. W. Toumey 483
Political Economy, R. P. Falkner 107
Princeton, in the Nation's Service, W. Wilson 269
"University 286
Progress of Science 89
Progress of Science 184
Progress of Science 283
Progress of Science 380
Progress of Science 473
Progress of Science 567
Professors, College, C. W. Super 565
Psychology, E. A. Pace 110

Race Differences, Views of Dr. Rizal, the Filipino Scholar 222
Research, Funds for the Promotion of 381
Rhodes, Cecil The Will of 89
Rizal, Dr., the Filipino Scholar, Views upon Race Differences 222
Roscoe on John Dalton and the Rise of Modern Chemistry 189
Royal Society's Conversazione 285
Royalty, Mental and Moral Heredity in, F. A. Woods 369
Royalty, Mental and Moral Heredity in, F. A. Woods 449
Royalty, Mental and Moral Heredity in, F. A. Woods 506
Rutter, C., Studies in the Natural History of the Sacramento Salmon 195

Sea, International Congress for the Study of 571
St. Vincent and Martinique, Field Notes of a Geologist in, T. A. Jaggar 352
Salmon, Sacramento, Studies in the Natural History of, C. Rutter 195
Scheele's Letters and Drawings 93
Science, Progress of 89
Science, Progress of 184
Science, Progress of 283
Science, Progress of 380
Science, Progress of 473
Science, Progress of 567
"in American Journals 474
"Recent Advances in, and their bearing on Medicine and Surgery, R. Virchow 558
Sciences, Modern, The Definition of, W. H. Dall, C. D. Wright, R. P. Falkner, E. A. Pace, L. F. Ward 99
"The National Academy of 184
Scientific, Study of Education, Societies for 92
Scientific Items 95
Scientific Items 191
Scientific Items 287
Scientific Items 383
Scientific Items 479
Scientific Items 572
Scientific Literature 183
Scientific Literature 282
Scientific Literature 379
"Reading in a Public Library, A. E. Bostwick 524
"Eminence 568
Scientist, World-view of a, Ernst Haeckel's Philosophy, F. Thilly 407
Scott, A. C., Educational Value of Photomicrography 143
Sedgwick, W. T., and the Abuse of Alcoholic Teaching 287
Ship Canal, The Panama Route for, W. H. Burr 252
Ship Canal, The Panama Route for, W. H. Burr 304
Simon's Text-book of Physiological Chemistry 379
Smith's Life and Works of Thomas Graham 190
Social, Bacteria and Economic Microbes, Wholesome and Noxious, E. Atkinson 317
"Wasps, On the Behavior of, M. M. Enteman 339
Sociology, L. F. Ward 113
Solar Phenomena, The Periodicity of 94
Spalding, D. A., Instinct 126
Species, the Human, Origin of 191
Springer, A., Infectious Diseases 72
Statistics, C. D. Wright 102
Stevenson, J. J., University Control 396
Street, A Modern, S. F. Peckham 212
Success, Twentieth Century, A Study of, E. G. Dexter 241
Sugar and the Sugar Beet, J. Waddell 157
Sulfuric Acid and its Manufacture by the Contact-process, R. Kneitsch 24
Super, C. W., College Professors 565
Surgery and Medicine, Recent Advances in Science and their bearing on, R. Virchow 558

Tait, Peter Guthrie, C. K. Edmunds 163
Teaching, Alcoholic, The Abuse of 287
Thilly, F., The World-view of a Scientist, Ernst Haeckel's Philosophy 407
Thompson's Michael Faraday 190
Thorndike, E. L., Marriage among Eminent Men 328
Thorpe's Sir Humphry Davy 190
Toumey, J. W., A Study in Plant Adaptation 483
Trade, A Year of Weather and, in the United States, R. DeC. Ward 439
Translation, An Unfortunate 382

United States, A Year of Weather and Trade in, R. DeC. Ward 439
University, The American 90
"Concerning, J. McK. Cattell 170
"Control, J. J. Stevenson 396
University-building, D. S. Jordan 330

Virchow, R., Recent Advances in Science and their bearing on Medicine and Surgery 548
Virchow, Rudolf 567
Vocabularies, Children's, M. C. and H. Gale 45
Volcanic Eruptions, Causes of 186
Volcanoes, The Antillean, W J McGee 272
Waddell, J., Sugar and the Sugar Beet 157
" Competition of the United States with the United Kingdom 514

Ward, L. F., Sociology 113
Ward, R. DeC., A Year of Weather and Trade in the United States 439
Wasps, Social, On the Behavior of, M. M. Enteman 339
Weather, A Year of, and Trade in the United States, R. DeC. Ward 439
Wilson, W., Princeton in the Nation's Service 269
Wilson's Life of Cavendish 190
Woods, F. A., Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty 369
Woods, F. A., Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty 449
Woods, F. A., Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty 506
Woodward, C. M., Domestic and Intercollegiate Athletics 548
Wright, C. D., Statistics 102

Zoology 282
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