< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 56

I N D E X.

Aggression, External and Internal. (Table) 386
Agnosticism and Naturalism, Professor Ward on. H. Spencer 349
Agricultural Education in Foreign Countries. W. E. De Riemer 218
Agriculture: Alkali Soils in Montana. (Frag.) 734
"Manuring with Brains. (Frag.) 731
"Sea Water, Effect of, on Soil. (Frag.) 508
Air Flight, Early Experiments in. M. B. Rivet 603
Alkali Soils in Montana. (Frag.) 734
Allen, Grant, Death of. (Frag.) 389
Amazonian Pygmies, Stories of. (Frag.) 733
A More Excellent Way. (Table) 729
Anarchist, A Paradoxical. C. Lombroso* 312
Anglo-Saxon Superiority. (Frag.) 620
Animals of the Ocean Depths. (Frag.) 736
"Reason? Do. Rev. E. E. Young* 105
"""(Corr.) 122
Annual Flowers. (Frag.) 394
Anthropological Traits, Zola's. (Frag.) 388
Anthropology: Amazonian Pygmies, Stories of. (Frag.) 733
"Anglo-Saxon Superiority. (Frag.) 620
"A Survival of Mediæval Credulity. E. P. Evans 577
"Malay Folklore. R. C. Ford 239
"Origins of the American Races, Professor Putnam on. (Frag.) 507
Appleton, William H., The Late. (Table) 265
Archæology: Athabascan Indian Lodge, An. (Frag.) 392
"Egyptian Exploration, Recent Years of. W. M. Flinders Petrie 625
"Ophir, The Site of. (Frag.) 736
"Vinland and its Ruins. C. Horsford* 160
Art Form, The Study of. D. Cady Eaton* 685
"Value of the Study of. G. Perrot 204
Artificial India Rubber. (Frag.) 136
Astronomy, Advance of, in the Nineteenth Century. Sir R. S. Ball 289
"Forenoon and Afternoon. C. F. Dowd 492
"Gegenschein, The. (Frag.) 618
"Scenes on the Planets. G. P. Serviss* 337
Athabascan Indian Lodge, An. (Frag.) 392

Bacteria of the Dairy. (Frag.) 284
Ball, Sir R. S. Advance of Astronomy in the Nineteenth Century 289
Baxter, William, Jr. What makes the Trolley Car go* 316
Baxter, William, Jr. What makes the Trolley Car go* 408
Baxter, William, Jr. What makes the Trolley Car go* 564
Becker, W. F., M. D. The Morbid Sense of Injury 596
Birds, Busy. (Frag.) 138
Blind Fishes of North America. C. H. Eigenmann* 473
Books Noticed 126
Books Noticed 268
Anthropological Institute of Great Britain, Quarterly Journal of 277
Astronomy, Elements of Practical. W. W. Campbell 129
—Stars and Telescopes. D. B. Todd 132
Barrett, John. The Philippine Islands and American Interests in the Far East 133
Beeman, W. W., and Smith, D. E. New Plane and Solid Geometry 273
Binet, Alfred. The Psychology of Reasoning 274
Biology. Living Organism, The. A. Earl 131
Botany. California Plants in their Homes. A. M. Davidson 130
—Plant Relations. J. M. Coulter 131
British Race, The Story of the. J. Munro 272
Buckley, J. M. Extemporaneous Oratory 270
Bullen, F. T. Idylls of the Sea 271
Campbell, W. W. Elements of Practical Astronomy 129
Chemical Jurisprudence, Notes on. H. Huntington 133
Cities, Growth of, in the Nineteenth Century. A. F. Weber 126
Civil Engineers, Proceedings of the American Association of. April, 1899 278
Cope, E. D. Vertebrate Remains from the Port Kennedy Deposit 133
Coulter, John M. Plant Relations 131
Cragin, Belle S. Our Insect Friends and Foes 273
Croke, W. J. D. Architecture, Painting, and Printing at Subiaco 134
Crook, James K. Mineral Waters of the United States and their Therapeutic Uses 127
Dalton, D. How to Swim 277
Davidson, Alice M. California Plants in their Homes 130
Diet in Illness and Convalescence. A. W. Winthrop 271
Earl, A. The Living Organism 131
Economics. Liquor Laws, Centralized Administration of. C. M. L. Sites 275
Electricity. Accumulators, Small. P. Marshall 276
Entomology. Butterflies, Everyday. S. H. Scudder 128
—Insect Friends and Foes. B. S. Cragin 273
Erlingsson, T. Ruins of the Saga Times 277
Fish and Fisheries, Report of United States Commission of, for Year ending June 30, 1898 276
Fiske, John. Through Nature to God 268
Gardiner, C. A. Our Right to Acquire and Hold Foreign Territory 134
Gellé, M. E. L'Audition et ses Organes 128
Gelman, F. H. Elements of Blow-pipe Analysis 279
Geological Survey, United States, Eighteenth Annual Report 272
Geometry, New Plane and Solid. Beeman and Smith 273
Heilprin, A. Alaska and the Klondike 270
History of the American Nation. A. C. McLaughlin; 129
Huntington, H. Notes on Chemical Jurisprudence 133
Idylls of the Sea. F. T. Bullen 271
Insect Friends and Foes. B. S. Cragin 273
Interstate Commerce Commission, Tenth Annual Report of 276
Jacoby, J. The Object of the Labor Movement 279
Knowledge, Methods of. W. Smith 273
Kruger, F. T. A Step Forward 275
Labor Movement, The Object of the 279
Leonard, J. W. Who's Who in America 274
Lucas, F. A. The Hermit Naturalist 133
Luquer, L. McI. Minerals in Rock Sections 130
McLaughlin, A. C. History of the American Nation 129
Marshall, P. Small Accumulators 276
Mathematics. Trigonometry, Elements of. H. C. Whitaker 130
Medicine. Transactions Wyoming State Medical Society. First and Second Regular Meetings 279
Memory, The Philosophy of, and Other Essays 274
Mineralogy. Blowpipe Analysis, Elements of. F. H. Gelman 279
—Colombia, The Ores of. H. W. Nichols 132
—Crystals, The Characters of. A. J. Moses 129
—Microscopic Identification of Minerals in Rock Sections. L. McI. Luquer 130
Mineral Waters of the United States. James K. Crook 127
Montaigne on the Education of Children. L. E. Rector 278
Moore, J. H. Better World Philosophy 276
Morehouse, G. W. The Wilderness of Worlds 131
Moses, A. J. The Characters of Crystals 129
Munro, John. The Story of the British Race 272
Naturalist, The Hermit. F. A. Lucas 133
Nichols, H. W. The Ores of Colombia 132
Oratory, Extemporaneous. J. M. Buckley 270
Philosophy, Better World. J. H. Moore 276
—Through Nature to God. John Fiske 268
Physiology. Hearing and its Organs. M. E. Gellé 128
Port Kennedy Deposit, Vertebrate Remains from. E. D. Cope 133
Psychologique, L'Année. A. Binet 278
Psychology of Reasoning, The. A. Binet 274
Railway Statistics in United States, Tenth Annual Report of Interstate Commerce Commission 276
Reasoning, The Psychology of. A. Binet 274
Reason, The Dawn of. J. Weir, Jr. 275
Rector, L. E. Montaigne on the Education of Children 278
Saga Times, Ruins of the. T. Erlingsson 277
Scudder, S. H. Everyday Butterflies 128
Sites, Clement M. L. Centralized Administration of the Liquor Laws 275
Smith, D. T. The Philosophy of Memory and Other Essays 274
Smith, W. Methods of Knowledge 273
Southern Magazine, The 278
Subiaco, Architecture, Painting, and Printing at. W. J. D. Croke 134
Swift, M. L. Anti-Imperialism 134
Swim, How to. D. Dalton 277
Todd, D. B. Stars and Telescopes 132
Weber, Adna Ferrin. Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century 126
Weir, J., Jr. The Dawn of Reason 275
Whitaker, H. C. Elements of Trigonometry 130
Who's Who in America. J. W. Leonard 274
Wilderness of Worlds, The. G. W. Morehouse 131
Winthrop, Alice W. Diet in Illness and Convalescence 271
Witt, H. Fundamental Principles of Nature, Some Observations on the 132
Wyoming State Medical Society, Transactions of First and Second Regular Meetings 279

Botanical Garden's Museum, New York. (Frag.) 733
Botany: Annual Flowers. (Frag.) 394
"Genuine Starch Factories. B. D. Halsted* 716
"Plant Names, English. (Frag.) 140
"The New Field of. B. D. Halsted 98
Briggs, C A. Is the Christian Religion Declining? 423
Brooks, W. K The Wonderful Century 25
Broom as a Spreader of Disease, The. (Frag.) 734
Bunsen, Death of. (Frag.) 281

Calcium, Metallic. (Frag.) 283
California, Forestry in. (Frag.) 509
Cambridge University. (An English University.) H. Stotesbury* 14
Canals, Future of the New York. (Frag.) 735
Carbonic Acid and Climate. (Frag.) 621
Carrington, James B. Winter Birds in a City Park* 366
Cements, Action of, on Sea Water. (Frag.) 733
Chemistry: A Hundred Years of. F. W. Clarke 73
"Calcium, Metallic. (Frag.) 283
"Hydrogen, The Solidification of. (Frag.) 618
"New Element, Another. (Frag.) 509
Children, Literature for. (Frag.) 619
China, Trade Corporations in. M. Courant 722
Christian Religion Declining? Is the. C. A. Briggs 423
City Roadways, Modern. N. P. Lewis* 524
Civilized and Savage. (Frag.) 141
Clarke, F. W. A Hundred Years of Chemistry 673
"""The Man of Science in Practical Affairs 487
Climate and Carbonic Acid. (Frag.) 621
Colored Labor, Educated. (Frag.) 141
Columbus, Ohio, Geology of. (Frag.) 141
Commission in Difficulties, A. (Table) 614
Cook, O. "Ribbon Lightning"* 587
Courant, M. Trade Corporations in China 722
Criminal Jurisprudence, Decline of, in America. G. C. Speranza 466
Criminology: Anarchist, A Paradoxical. C. Lombroso* 312
"Typical Criminals. Rev. S. A. Smith* 539

Dairy, Bacteria of the. (Frag.) 284
"Dark Lightning." (Frag.) 505
Dastre, M. A. The Scavengers of the Body 379
Dawson, Sir William, Death of. (Frag.) 390
Democracy, Real Problems of. F. Smith 1
Destruction of the Birds. (Frag.) 393
Development of the American Newspaper. W. L. Hawley* 186
Diamonds, Emigrant, in America. William H. Hobbs* 73
Dover Meeting of the British Association. (Frag.) 135
Dowd, C. F. Forenoon and Afternoon 492

Eaton, D. Cady. The Science of Art Form* 685
Economics: A More Excellent Way. (Table) 729
"Commission in Difficulties, A. (Table) 614
"Monopolies, The War against. (Frag.) 508
"Pawnshops in Germany. (Frag.) 736
"Pension Funds for Railroad Men. (Frag.) 734
"Taxation, A State Official on Excessive, F. Smith 645
Economy, A Question of. (Frag.) 283
Education: An English University. H. Stotesbury* 14
"Cross-. E. W. Scripture* 589
"Language and Life. (Table) 503
"Liberal, and Democracy. (Table) 385
"Literature for Children. (Frag.) 619
"Plantations for Rural School Grounds. (Frag.) 393
"Specialization. (Table) 125
"The Environment in. (Frag.) 391
Egyptian Exploration, Recent Years of. W. M. Flinders Petrie 625
Eigenmann, C. H. Blind Fishes of North America* 473
Electricity: Dark Lightning. (Frag.) 505
"From Thales to Faraday. E. T. Lesueur 242
Electricity: "Ribbon Lightning." O. Cook* 587
Electrolysis, H. S. Wynkoop* 357
Element, Another New. (Frag.) 509
Emigrant Diamonds in America. William H. Hobbs* 73
Entomology: Spider Bites and "Kissing Bugs." L. O. Howard* 31
Evans, E. P. A Survival of Mediæval Credulity 577
Evans, E. P. A Survival of Mediæval Credulity 706
Evolutionary Variation in the Past, Kate of. (Frag.) 285
Exploration and Geography in 1899. (Frag.) 619
Explosives, The Applications of. C. E. Munroe* 300
Explosives, The Applications of. C. E. Munroe* 444

Faith and Knowledge. (Corr.) 497
Fiske's Views Compared. (Corr.) 498
Flinders, Petrie, W. M. Recent Years of Egyptian Exploration 625
Floating Stones. (Frag.) 735
Food Poisoning. V. C. Vaughan 47
"Preservatives, Expert Opinions respecting. (Frag.) 736
Ford, R. C. Malay Folklore 239
Forenoon and Afternoon. C. F. Dowd 492
Forestry, American Advances in. (Frag.) 506
"in California. (Frag.) 509
Fossiliferous Formation below the Cambrian, A. (Frag.) 139
Funafuti Atoll, Constitution of the. (Frag.) 283
Future of the New York Canals. (Frag.) 735

Gegenschein, The. (Frag.) 618
Geography and Exploration in 1899. (Frag.) 619
Geology, A Century of. J. Le Conte 431
Geology, A Century of. J. Le Conte 546
"Fossiliferous Formation below the Cambrian. (Frag.) 139
"Funafuti Atoll, Constitution of the. (Frag.) 283
"of Columbus, Ohio. (Frag.) 141
Gerhard, William P. Needed Improvements in Theater Sanitation 84
Giddings, F. H. Exact Methods in Sociology 145
Glacial Lakes in New York. (Frag.) 391
Glangeaud, P. Wingless Birds 254

Halsted, B. D. Genuine Starch Factories* 716
"""The New Field of Botany 98
Hawley, W. L. Development of the American Newspaper* 186
Heat Insulators. (Frag.) 507
Heilprin, A. A Year's Progress in the Klondike* 455
"The Gold Sands of Cape Nome* 633
High Altitudes, Dangers of, for Elderly People. (Frag.) 136
Hobbs, W. H. Emigrant Diamonds in America* 73
Home Burdens. (Table) 122
Horsford, Cornelia. Vinland and its Ruins* 160
Howard, L. O. Spider Bites and "Kissing Bugs"* 31
Hydrogen, Solidification of. (Frag.) 618
Hygiene: Bacteria of the Dairy. (Frag.) 284

India Rubber, Artificial. (Frag.) 136
""Cultivation of. (Frag.) 732

Japanese Paper. (Frag.) 389
Jew, The Dread of the. (Frag.) 280
Jordan, D. S. Old Rattler and the King Snake 371
"""The Education of the Neminist 176
Jordan's (President) Neminism. A. Pangloss 494

"Kissing Bugs" and Spider Bites. L. O. Howard 31
Klondike, A Year's Progress in the. A. Heilprin* 455

Language and Life. (Table) 503
Law: Criminal Jurisprudence, Decline of, in America. G. C. Speranza 466
Le Conte, Joseph. A Century of Geology 431
Le Conte, Joseph. A Century of Geology 546
Lesquereux and Sullivant, Honors to. (Frag.) 285
Lesueur, E. A. Electricity from Thales to Faraday 242
Lewis, N. P. Modern City Roadways* 524
Literature for Children. (Frag.) 619
Lombroso, C. A Paradoxical Anarchist* 312

Malaria, The Mosquito Theory. Major R. Ross 42
Malay Folklore. R. C. Ford 239
Man of Science in Practical Affairs. F. W. Clarke 487
"Manuring with Brains." (Frag.) 731
Medalists, Royal Society. (Frag.) 620
Medicine: Plague Antitoxin. (Frag.) 732
"Rats and the Plague. (Frag.) 509
Meteorology: Climate and Carbonic Acid. (Frag.) 621
Mexico, Prosperity and Enterprise in. (Frag.) 283
Mineralogy: Emigrant Diamonds in America. William H. Hobbs* 73
Miracle, A Thirteenth-Century. (Frag.) 394
Monopolies, The War against. (Frag.) 508
Montana, Alkali Soils in. (Frag.) 734
Mosquito Theory of Malaria, The. Major R. Ross 42
Munroe, E. C. The Applications of Explosives* 300
Munroe, E. C. The Applications of Explosives* 444

Natural History: "Salamanders" and "Salamander" Cats. K. Robinson* 556
""Whales, Longevity of. (Frag.) 618
Negro Question: Educated Colored Labor. (Frag.) 141
""Transplantation of a Race. N. S. Shaler 513
Neminism, President Jordan's. A. Pangloss 494
Neminist, The Education of the. D. S. Jordan 176
New York Botanical Garden's Museum. (Frag.) 733
""Glacial Lakes in. (Frag.) 391
Nome, The Gold Sands of Cape. Angelo Heilprin* 633

Ocean Depths, Animals of the. (Frag.) 736
"The Deeps of the. (Frag.) 390
Old Rattler and the King Snake. D. S. Jordan 371
Ophir, The Site of. (Frag.) 736
Oregon, Eastern Oyster Culture in. F. L. Washburn* 233
Ornithology: Birds, Destruction of the. (Frag.) 393
"Sand Grouse, The. (Frag.) 392
"Wingless Birds. P. Glangeaud 254
"Winter Birds in a City Park. J. B. Carrington* 366
Orton, Edward, Sketch of. (Portrait) 607
Outdoor Improvement, For. (Frag.) 284
Oyster Culture, Eastern, in Oregon. F. L. Washburn* 233

Packard, R. L. Remarkable Volcanic Eruptions in the Philippines 374
Pangloss, A. President Jordan's "Neminism" 494
Paper, Japanese. (Frag.) 389
Paris Exposition in 1900, The, and Congresses. (Frag.) 140
Park-making among the Sand Dunes, (Frag.) 139
Parliamentary Amenities Committee, The. (Frag.) 137
Parsons, C. A. Steam Turbines and High-Speed Vessels* 696
Patrick, Mary M. Woman's Struggle for Liberty in Germany 328
Pawnshops in Germany. (Frag.) 736
Pearl Mussels. (Frag.) 621
Pension Funds for Railroad Men. (Frag.) 734
Periodicity of War. (Frag.) 735
Perrot, G. Value of the Study of Art 204
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Recent Years of Egyptian Exploration 625
Physical Investigation, Where it fails. (Frag.) 284
"Measurements of Asylum Children. (Frag.) 138
Physiology: Scavengers of the Body. M. A. Dastre 379
Plague Antitoxin. (Frag.) 732
"Rats and the. (Frag.) 509
Plantations for Rural School Grounds. (Frag.) 393
Plant Names, English. (Frag.) 140
Pseudo-Science: Neminist, The Education of the. D. S. Jordan 176
Psychology: Animals Reason? Do. Rev. E. R. Young* 105
"A Survival of Mediæval Credulity. E. P. Evans 577
"Morbid Sense of Injury, The. W. F. Becker, M. D. 596
""Warming Up." (Frag.) 506
Public Library, The Function of the. (Table) 616
Putnam, Professor, on the Origins of the American Races. (Frag.) 507
Pygmies, Amazonian, Stories of. (Frag.) 733

Rats and the Plague. (Frag.) 509
Religion, Is the Christian, Declining? C. A. Briggs 423
Religious Suicides. (Frag.) 731
"Ribbon Lightning." O. Cook* 587
Riemer, W. E. De. Agricultural Education in Foreign Countries 218
Rivet, M. B. Early Experiments in Air Flight 603
Roberts, Comptroller, on Excessive Taxation. F. Smith 645
Robinson, N. "Salamanders" and "Salamander" Cats* 556
Ross, Major R. The Mosquito Theory of Malaria 42
Royal Society Medalists. (Frag.) 620
"Salamanders" and Salamander" Cats. N. Robinson* 556

Sand Dunes, Park-making among. (Frag.) 139
Sand Grouse, The. (Frag.) 392
Sanitation: Broom, The, as a Spreader of Disease, (Frag.) 734
Scavengers of the Body. M. A. Dastre 379
Science and Dogma. (Table) 728
"of Art Form, The. D. Cady Eaton* 685
"South-Sea Bubbles in. J. Trowbridge 401
"The Man of, in Practical Affairs. F. W. Clarke 487
Scripture, E. W. Cross-Education* 589
Sea "Water, Effect of, on Soil. (Frag.) 508
""on Cements, Action of. (Frag.) 733
Serviss, G. P. Scenes on the Planets* 337
Shaler, N. S. The Transplantation of a Race 513
Simplon Tunnel, The. (Frag.) 388
Smith, Rev. S. G. Typical Criminals* 539
"Franklin. A State Official on Excessive Taxation 645
Sociology: Democracy, Real Problems of. F. Smith 1
"Exact Methods in. F. H. Giddings 145
South-Sea Bubbles in Science. J. Trowbridge 401
Specialization. (Table) 125
Spencer, H. Professor Ward on Naturalism and Agnosticism 349
Speranza, G. C. Decline of Criminal Jurisprudence in America 466
Standard Time, How Obtained. T. B. Willson 213
Starch Factories, Genuine. B. D. Halsted* 716
Steamships, Sixty Years' Improvements in. (Frag.) 506
Steam Turbines and High-Speed Vessels. C. A. Parsons* 696
Sternberg, George M., Sketch of. (Portrait) 116
Stones, Floating. (Frag.) 735
Stotesbury, H. An English University* 14
St. Prokopy, A Thirteenth-Century. (Frag.) 394
Suicides, Religious. (Frag.) 731
Survival of Mediæval Credulity. E. P. Evans 577
Survival of Mediæval Credulity. E. P. Evans 706

Taxation, A State Official on Excessive. F. Smith 645
Theater Sanitation, Needed Improvements in. William P. Gerhard 84
Trolley Car, What makes the, go? William Baxter, Jr.* 316
Trolley Car, What makes the, go? William Baxter, Jr.* 408
Trolley Car, What makes the, go? William Baxter, Jr.* 564
Trowbridge, John. Latest Developments with the X Rays* 659
""South-Sea Bubbles in Science 401
""Wireless Telegraphy* 59

Vagrant Electricity, Destructive Effects of. H. S. Wynkoop* 357
Vaughan, V. C. Food Poisoning 47
Vinland and its Ruins. Cornelia Hofsford* 160
"The Location of. (Corr.) 500
Volcanic Eruptions in the Philippines, Remarkable. R. L. Packard 374

"Warming Up." (Frag.) 506
War, Periodicity of. (Frag.) 735
"Spirit, The. (Table) 501
Washburn, F. L. Eastern Oyster Culture in Oregon* 233
Whales, Longevity of. (Frag.) 618
Willson, T. B. How Standard Time is Obtained 213
Wingless Birds. P. Glangeaud 254
Wireless Telegraphy. John Trowbridge* 59
Woman's Struggle for Liberty in Germany. Mary M. Patrick 328
Wonderful Century, The. W. K. Brooks 25
Wynkoop, H. S. Destructive Effects of Vagrant Electricity* 357

X Rays, Latest Developments with. J. Trowbridge* 659

Young, Rev. E. R. Do Animals Reason?* 105

Zola's Anthropological Traits. (Frag.) 388
Zoölogy: Blind Fishes of North America. C. H. Eigenmann* 473


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