< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 47

I N D E X.

Abbott, Charles C. Timothy Abbott Conrad. (With Portrait) 257
Abrasive Substances. (Misc.) 426
American Association, Meeting of the. (Misc.) 421
""The, at Springfield. (Editor's Table) 846
Ancestor-worship among the Fijians. B. H. Thomson 671
Animals and Plants, Distinction of. (Misc.) 286
"Variation in the Habits of. G. C. Davenport 619
Anthropology, The Growth of. (Editor's Table) 265
Antillean Continent, The Former. (Misc.) 425
Elevations and Depressions. (Misc.) 570
Archaeology in Denmark.* F. Starr 12
Argon: the New Constituent of the Air. J. T. Stoddard 522
The New Element in the Atmosphere. (Misc.) 286
Armadillo, The, and its Oddities.* C. H. Coe 354
Art, Aboriginal, in Copper. (Misc.) 571
"and Eyesight.* L. Howe 458
Astronomical Work of Harvard Observatory. (Misc.) 285

Bactericidal Solar Rays. (Misc.) 281
Balfour's, Mr., Dialectics. H. Spencer 327
Barbara, To. (With Portrait.) D. S. Jordan 538
Baskets, The, of Lichtenfels. (Misc.) 138
Beaulieu, Paul Leroy. The Office of Luxury 25
Benjafield, Harry. Fruit as a Food and Medicine 677
Bergen, Mrs. Fanny D. Survivals of Sun-worship 249
Biological Laboratory at Cold Spring. (Misc.) 139
Birds' Eggs, Coloration of. (Misc.) 710
Birds of Prey, Hunting with.* E. Blanc 818
"The Study of, Out-of-doors.* F. M. Chapman 664
Blanc, Edouard. Hunting with Birds of Prey* 818
Boerhaave, The Illustrious. (With Portrait.) W. T. Lusk 110
Bohn, Grace Green. Steel Engravings as Works of Art. (Corr.) 121
Bond, William Cranch, Sketch of.* (With Portrait) 400
Books noticed 126
Books noticed 268
Books noticed 411
Books noticed 559
Books noticed 701
Books noticed 848
Aërial Navigation, Proceedings of the International Conference on 129
Aëronautical Annual for 1895. James Means, editor 414
Alabama, Geological Survey of. A Report on the Geology of the Coastal Plain of Alabama 564
American Philosophical Society, Proceedings commemorative of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Foundation of the 851
Angot, Alfred. Les Aurores Polaires 419
Anthony, Gardner C. Elements of Mechanical Drawing 132
Arrowsmith, Robert, and George M. Whicher, editors. First Latin Readings 416
Art Education. Vol. I, No. 1 134
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. I, Nos. 1 and 2 413
Atken, Charles H. The Ills of the South 130
Baldwin, James Mark. Handbook of Psychology 701
Mental Development in the Child and the Race 848
Elements of Psychology 701
Balfour, George W. The Senile Heart 854
Bardeen, C. W. Handbook for School Trustees 854
Roderick Hume; the Story of a New York Teacher 417
Barnett, Mrs. S. A. The Making of the Body 268
Bass, Florence. Animal Life 418
Benedict, A. L. A Tabular Review of Organography 853
Bhikshu, Subhadra. A Buddhist Catechism 132
Bigelow, Robert P. Report on the Crustacea of the Order Stomatopoda 276
Binet, Alfred. Psychologie des Grands Calculateurs et Joueurs d'Echecs 130
Bird, Charles. Geology 706
Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings. Vol. XXVI, Parts II and III 273
Bottone, S. R. Electricity and Magnetism 559
Brunache, P. Le Centre de l'Afrique autour du Tchad 419
Call, Richard E. The Life and Writings of Rafinesque 271
Carhart, Henry S. Physics for University Students 559
Carus, Paul. The Gospel of Buddha 132
— The Nature of the State 707
Cary, George H. How to Make and Use the Telephone 559
Catholic University Bulletin 415
Chambers, George F. The Story of the Stars 560
Chapman, Frank M. Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America 703
Cicero, M. T. De Senectute 565
Clodd, Edward. The Story of "Primitive" Man 705
Cobbe, William Rosser. Dr. Judas: a Portrayal of the Opium Habit 561
Comstock, John Henry, and Anna Botsford. A Manual for the Study of Insects 411
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Eighteenth Annual Report 854
Connell, William C. The Currency and the Banking Laws of the Dominion of Canada 133
Curry, J. L. M. Education of the Negroes since 1860 707
Daily News Almanac and Political Register for 1895 414
Dana, James D. Manual of Geology 413
Davidson, Thomas. The Education of the Greek People 411
Davis, Walter G. Annales de la Oficine Meteorologica Argentina 417
Defoe, Daniel. History of the Plague in London 854
Dooner, P. W. The Genesis of Water 134
Farquhar, Henry. A Stable Money Standard 134
Ferree, Barr, and others. Architectural Education for America 564
Fewkes, J. Walter. The Walpi Flute Observance 274
Foster, Horatio A. Central Station Book-keeping and Suggested Forms 275
Freer, Paul C. Descriptive Inorganic General Chemistry 852
Gay, Selina. The World's Great Farm 274
Geikie, Sir Archibald. Memoir of Sir Andrew Crombie Ramsay 270
Geikie, James. The Great Ice Age and its Relation to the Antiquity of Man 126
Gould, S. Baring. Noémi 565
Gowers, W. R. The Dynamics of Life 133
Green, Mary E. Condiments, Spices, and Flavors 853
Griffing, Harold. On Sensations from Pressure and Impact 564
Griswold, W. M. Index to St. Nicholas, Vols. I to XXI 275
Harris, William T. How to Teach Natural Science 415
Hawkins, C. C, and F. Wallis. The Dynamo 852
Hensel, Julius. Bread from Stones 854
Herdler, Alexander W., editor. Scientific French Reader 272
Heysinger. I. W. The Source and Mode of Solar Energy 704
Hodge, Frederick Webb. List of the Publications of the Bureau of Ethnology 275
Huidekoper, Rush Shippen. The Cat 562
Jacobi, Mary Putnam. Common Sense applied to Woman Suffrage 272
Jones, Richard. The Growth of the Idyls of the King 275
Journal of the American Public Health Association 415
Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan. Vols. VII and VIII 274
Kanthack, A. A., and J. H. Drysdale. A Course of Elementary Practical Bacteriology 564
Kennedy, John. Must Greek go? 564
Kersey, John A. Ethics of Literature 854
Keyes, Charles R. Coal Deposits of Iowa 277
Kitson, Arthur. A Scientific Solution of the Money Question 707
Knauff, Theodore C. Athletics for Physical Culture 563
Knobel, Edward. A Guide to Find the Names of all Wild-growing Trees and Shrubs of New England by their Leaves 706
— Ferns and Evergreens of New England 706
Knowles, Edward It. The Supremacy of the Spiritual 854
Lamed, Walter C. Churches and Castles of Mediæval France 852
Libby, Orin G. The Geographical Distribution of the Vote of the Thirteen States on the Federal Constitution 273
Lodeman, E. G. Spray Calendar 708
Lombroso, Cæsar, and William Ferrero. The Female Offender 848
McCook, Henry C. American Spiders and their Spinning Work. Vol. III 271
Mach, Ernst. Popular Scientific Lectures 274
McMurrich, J. Playfair. A Text-book of Invertebrate Morphology 413
Martin, George H. The Evolution of the Massachusetts Public-School System 270
Mateer, Horace N. Evolution and Christianity 564
Matter, Force, and Spirit 708
Merriam, C. Hart. Monographic Revision of the Pocket Gophers 273
Merriam, L. S. Higher Education in Tennessee 418
Minnesota, Geological and Natural History Survey of. Twenty-second and Twenty-third Annual Reports 563
Minot, H. D. The Land Birds and Game Birds of New England 853
Missouri Botanical Garden, Fifth Annual Report of the 133
Missouri Geological Survey Report. Vols. IV and V 272
Morse, L. D. Advertiser's Handy Guide 416
Moses, Alfred J., and Charles L. Parsons. Elements of Mineralogy, Crystallography, and Blowpipe Analysis 414
Nernst, Walter. Theoretical Chemistry 851
New Jersey, Geological Survey of. Annual Report for 1893 127
— Report. Vol. III 562
New York Academy of Sciences, Transactions, Vol. XIII 276
New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Twelfth Annual Report 134
Newton, Alfred, and Hans Gadow. Dictionary of Birds. Part III 419
Nordau, Max. Degeneration 268
Orford, Henry. Lens Work for Amateurs 564
Packard, Alpheus S. The Systematic Position of the Siphonaptera 276
Paine, Thomas. Writings, edited by Moncure Daniel Conway. Vols. II and III 412
Palmer, Julius A., Jr. About Mushrooms 131
Pancoast, Henry S. An Introduction to English Literature 416
Parker, Leonard F. A History of Higher Education in Iowa 276
Peck, Harry T., and Robert Arrowsmith. Roman Life in Latin Prose and Verse 854
Perkins Institution for the Blind. Sixty-second Annual Report 277
Phillipson, John. The Natural History of Hell 132
Plummer, Fred G. Change of the Earth's Axis 564
Powell, J. W. Physiographic Processes 417
— Physiographic Features 417
Powell, Lyman P. History of Education in Delaware 418
Prinz, W. Agrandissements de Photographies lunaires 418
Prosser, Charles S. The Devonian System of Eastern Pennsylvania and New York 708
Quatrefages, A. de. The Pygmies 130
Rayleigh, Lord. The Theory of Sound, Vol. I 133
Revue Franco-Americaine. Vol. I, No. 1 563
Riggs, Stephen Return. Dakota Grammar, Texts, and Ethnography 416
Robertson, Charles. Mutual Biological Relations of the Entomophilous Flora and the Anthophilous Insect Fauna 853
Robinson's New Intellectual Arithmetic 707
Rockhill, William Woodville. A Journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892 563
Russell, Stuart A. Electric Light Cables and the Distribution of Electricity 562
Russell, Thomas. Meteorology 128
Sabine, Stewart R., and Charles D. Lowry. Elementary Lessons in Algebra 707
Salt, H. S. Animal Rights 706
Saunders, Charles H. Handbook of Practical Mechanics 707
Schorlemmer, Carl. The Rise and Development of Organic Chemistry 559
Schultz, G., and P. Julius. Systematic Survey of the Organic Coloring Matters 131
Scripture, E. W. Thinking, Feeling, and Doing 704
Sheldon, W. L. What we mean by Duty 564
Smallpox in the Tenement-house Sweat-shops of Chicago 708
Smith, Eugene A. Geological Map of Alabama 415
Smithsonian Institution. Report for 1892-'93 277
Society for Psychical Research. Proceedings, Part XXVI 412
South Dakota, State Board of Health of. Report for 1892 134
Spencer, Mr. Herbert, on the Land Question 269
Spurr, J. Edward. The Iron-bearing Rocks of the Mesabi Range 708
Standard Dictionary, A, of the English Language. Vol. II 560
Steiner, Bernard C. History of Education in Connecticut 418
— History of Education in Maryland 418
Stokes, Anson Phelps. Joint-metallism 416
Stone, Witmer. The Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey 129
Tarr, Ralph S. Economic Geology of the United States 131
Thomas, Allen C. A History of the United States 273
Thomas, Cyrus. Report on the Mound Explorations of the Bureau of Ethnology 131
Thompson, Silvanus P. Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism 561
Thurston, R. H. The Animal as a Machine and Prime Mover 853
Tolman, William Howe. History of Higher Education in Rhode Island 415
Torrey, Bradford. A Florida Sketch-book 560
Tracy, Frederick. The Psychology of Childhood 563
Trevert, Edward. Electrical Measurements 707
Turkey under the Sultan Abdul Hamid II, A Few Facts about 565
Ufer, Christian. Introduction to the Pedagogy of Herbart 706
United States Bureau of Ethnology. Twelfth Annual Report 419
— Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Report for 1891-'92 277
— Fish Commission. Bulletin. Vol. XIII 415
— Commissioner of Labor. Ninth Annual Report 275
— Geological Survey. Geological Atlas of the United States, Folios 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 417
University of the State of New York. Regents' Bulletin, No. 25 418
Vincent, Frank. Actual Africa 702
Walker, Francis A. General Hancock 127
Walker, Louisa. Varied Occupations in Weaving 417
Walsh, John H. Elementary Arithmetic 416
Ward, C. Osborne. The Equilibration of Human Aptitudes and Powers of Adaptation 707
Webster, Daniel. Orations 855
Wiley, Harvey W. Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis. Vol. I 705
Woodward, R. S. Smithsonian Geographical Tables 414
Yeo, John. Steam and the Marine Steam Engine 134
Ziwet, Alexander. Elementary Treatise on Theoretical Mechanics 132

British New Guinea. (Misc.) 423
Bronze-casting, Japanese. (Misc.) 429
Bronzes, Japanese, Patinas of. (Misc.) 574
Brooks, W. K. An Old Naturalist—Conrad Gesner (1516-1565)* 49
Buildings, Steel. (Misc.) 567
Büsgen, M. The Life of Water Plants 798
Business, Friendship, and Charity. L. G. McPherson 73
Buttes, Tepee and Other. (Misc.) 861

Canals, Ship, Heavy Rainfall and. (Misc.) 860
Capitan, L. Microbes as Factors in Society 103
Carbonic Acid, The Dangerous Proportion of. (Misc.) 427
Cave Exploration. (Misc.) 138
Cereals in Japan. (Misc.) 572
Chapman, Frank M. The Study of Birds Out-of-doors* 664
Childhood, Studies of. J. Sully. VIII. Fear 1
IX. Fear (continued) 340
X. Material of Morality 648
XI.""(continued) 808
Children Lie, Why. N. Oppenheim 382
Child's, A, Thoughts about Providence. (Misc.) 566
Chinese Ideas of War. (Misc.) 137
Chitral. (Misc.) 572
Clark, Hubert Lyman. The Motive for Scientific Research 501
Climate and Health. C. F. Taylor 313
"of the City of Mexico. (Misc.) 711
Coe, Charles H. The Armadillo and its Oddities* 354
Color-blindness, The Peril of. (Misc.) 574
Companies, Worthless, The Tricks of. (Misc.) 717
Conrad, Timothy Abbott. (With Portrait.) C. C. Abbott 257
Creation, St. Augustine and the Days of. (Misc.) 280
Criminal Anthropology. (Misc.) 858
Criticism, the Higher, From the Divine Oracles to. A. D. White
I. The Older Interpretation 145
II. Beginnings of Scientific Interpretation 289
III. The Continued Growth of Scientific Interpretation 446
IV. The Closing Struggle 577
V. Victory of the Scientific and Literary Methods 721
Crothers, T. D. A Medical Study of the Jury System 375
Culture, Similarities in. (Misc.) 714
Cycling and the Heart. (Misc.) 142

Dana, Prof., Death of. (Misc.) 279
Dates, Cultivation of, at Tafilet. (Misc.) 863
Davenport, Gertrude Crotty. Variation in the Habits of Animals 619
Disease, Oysters and. (Misc.) 282
Doggish Sympathy. (Misc.) 136

Earth, The Bowels of the.* A. C. Lane 302
"Wabbling of the. (Misc.) 280
Earthquake Motion, Rapid Transmission of. (Misc.) 424
Earth's School of Enterprise, The. (Misc.) 428
Education, Public, and Public Opinion. (Editor's Table) 122
"Sham. (Editor's Table)* 699
"The Nervous System and its Relation to. J. Ferguson 528
"The Physical Element in. E. L. Richards 471
Eight-hour System. The, in Practice. (Misc.) 285
Electric Cooking Vessels. (Misc.) 714
Engravings, Steel, as Works of Art. (Corr.) G. G. Bohn 121
Ethics, Applied, Plymouth School of. (Misc.) 140
Evans, E. P. Recent Recrudescence of Superstition. I 761
Evermann, Barton Warren. Two-Ocean Pass* 175
Evolution, Human, The Work of Ideas in. G. Le Bon 541
"in 1858. (Corr.) H. F. Osborn 264
"Social. (Editor's Table) 409
""Kidd on. W. D. Le Sueur 38

Faces, Trades and. L. Robinson 627
Falkenhorst, C. Only a Match 683
Farmer, Friends of the. (Misc.) 710
Farming on the Yang-tse Kiang. (Misc.) 574
Féré, Charles. Morbid Heredity 388
Ferguson, John. The Nervous System and its Relation to Education 528
Filters; Unsanitary. (Misc.) 715
Fingers, Webbed, An Instance of, in Man.* (Misc.) 856
Finland, Science in. (Misc.) 566
Fires, Apparatus for Extinguishing.* J. G. Morse 477
Fires, Apparatus for Extinguishing.* J. G. Morse 603
Fjords, Fjörds, and Fohrden. (Misc.) 138
Flint Implement Factory, An Ancient. (Misc.) 284
Flowers and their Unwelcome Visitors. (Misc.) 426
Forests and Climate. (Misc.) 139
Foster, Michael. Thomas Henry Huxley 776
Franklin Institute, Scientific Work of the. (Misc.) 861
French Science, A Generation of. (Misc.) 428
Fruit as a Food and Medicine. H. Benjafield 677

Geological Study, Recent, Characteristics of. (Misc.) 568
Gesner, Conrad (1516-1565), An Old Naturalist.* W. K. Brooks 49
Gothenburg System, The. (Misc.) 425

Harley, Lewis E. Race Mixture and National Character 86
Herbaria in their Relation to Botany. J. P. Lotsy 360
Heredity, Morbid. C. Féré 388
Hitchcock, Edward. (With Portrait) 689
Honor not Honors. (Editor's Table) 558
Hosack, David, Sketch of 834
House, Making the, Healthful. (Misc.) 573
Howe, Lucien. Art and Eyesight* 458
Human Classifications, Prof. Sergi's. (Misc.) 141
Huxley, Prof. (Editor's Table) 557
"Thomas Henry. M. Foster 776
Hypnotism, Therapeutic. (Misc.) 712

Indian Bows, Arrows, and Quivers. (Misc.) 140
Industries, American, Development of, since Columbus. XIX. Apparatus for Extinguishing Fires.* J. G. Morse 477
Industries, American, Development of, since Columbus. XIX. Apparatus for Extinguishing Fires.* J. G. Morse 603
Industries, Chemistry advanced by the. (Misc.) 857
Insects, Snow-coloring. (Misc.) 859
Irrigation of the Nile Valley. (Misc.) 573

James, Frank L. A Prediction of the Phonograph. (Corr.) 264
Jordan, David Starr. To Barbara. (With Portrait) 538
Jury System, A Medical Study of the. T. D. Crothers 375

Korean Hats. (Misc.) 571
Koreans, The. (Misc.) 283

Labrador and Alaska, Explorations in. (Misc.) 859
Lane, Alfred C. The Bowels of the Earth* 302
Lead, White, Substitute for. (Misc.) 427
Le Bon, Gustave. The Work of Ideas in Human Evolution 541
Le Sueur, W. D. Kidd on Social Evolution 38
Library, A Model Public. (Misc.) 284
Life Zones, American. (Misc.) 569
Light, the Acetylene, Qualities of. (Misc.) 141
"Unsolved Problems in the Manufacture of. (Misc.) 709
Lightning, Overhead Wires and. (Misc.) 429
Lotsy, John P. Herbaria in their Relation to Botany 360
Lu Chu Islands Politics. (Misc.) 421
Lusk, William T. The Illustrious Boerhaave.* (With Portrait) 110
Luxury, The Office of. P. L. Beaulieu 25

McAdie, Alexander. Natural Rain-makers* 642
Macdougal, D. T. Irritability and Movement in Plants* 225
McPherson, Logan G. Business, Friendship, and Charity 73
Madagascar, Journeying in.* F. Vincent 239
Marriages, Korean. (Misc.) 424
Match, Only a. C. Falkenhorst 683
Mather, Fred. Trout Culture* 749
Maya Hieroglyphics, A Study of. (Misc.) 137
Mental Action, The Weather and. (Misc.) 568
Microbes as Factors in Society. L. Capitan 103
Militarism, The Spirit of. A. B. Ronne 234
Milk, Diphtheria and. (Misc.) 712
Minot, Charles Sedgwick. The Work of the Naturalist in the World 60
Monkey's Caprices, A. (Misc.) 141
Morally Defective, Treatment of the. (Misc.) 279
Morris, Charles. War as a Factor in Civilization 823
Morse, John G. Apparatus for Extinguishing Fires* 477
Morse, John G. Apparatus for Extinguishing Fires* 603
Museum, the Peabody, Work of. (Misc.) 281
Music, Physiological Influence of. (Misc.) 430

Naturalist, The Work of the, in the World. C. S. Minot 60
Nature, Undisturbed. (Misc.) 421
Newcomb, H. T. The Decline in Railway Charges 186
Nickel Mines, American. (Misc.) 424

Obituary Notes. W. S. W. Ruschenberger, Sir Henry Rawlinson, Jules Reynauld, F. Schmitz, J. Owen Dorsey, Gerhard Krüss, D. Hack Tuke, George Newbold Lawrence, T. P. Kirkman 144
John Newton, George A. Rex 288
Julius Lothar Meyer, Karl Ludwig, Carl Vogt, Daniel Kirkwood 432
Thomas Henry Huxley, William C. Williamson 576
Franz Neumann, Valentine Ball, Theodore Brorsen 720
Valentine Ball, —— Baillon, Friedrich Tietjen, Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav Spörer 864
Object Lessons, The Value of. (Misc.) 716
Opium, Report on. (Misc.) 567
Oppenheim, Nathan. Why Children Lie 382
Oysters, Sewer-fed. (Misc.) 428
Osborn, Henry F. Evolution in 1858. (Corr.) 264

Pamirs, The. (Misc.) 283
Patrick, G. T. W. The Psychology of Woman 209
Professional Institutions. H. Spencer. I. Professions in General 34
II. Physician and Surgeon 164
III. Dancer and Musician 364
IV. Orator and Poet, Actor and Dramatist 433
V. Biographer, Historian, and Litterateur 594
VI. Man of Science and Philosopher 739
Phonogragh, A Prediction of the. (Corr.). F. L. James 264
Photography, Color. (Misc.) 716
Physical Measurements of School Children. (Misc.) 712
Pictures, Sunlight and. (Misc.) 716
Pimento. (Misc.) 717
Plant-growing, Electricity and. (Misc.) 422
Plants, Irritability and Movement in.* D. T. Macdougal 225

Race Mixture and National Character. L. R. Harley 86
Railway Charges, The Decline in. H. T. Newcomb 186
"The Great Siberian. (Misc.) 711
Rain-makers, Natural.* A. McAdie 642
Ramie Cultivation, Revival of. (Misc.) 429
Red Cross, The. (Misc.) 709
Richards, Eugene L. The Physical Element in Education 471
Robinson, Louis. Trades and Faces 627
Ronne, A. B. The Spirit of Militarism 234

Sand Blast, Uses of the. (Misc.) 713
Science and Nescience (Editor's Table) 843
"Teaching, Uses of. (Misc.) 569
"The Alleged Dogmatism of. (Editor's Table) 124
"The Sphere of. (Editor's Table) 554
Scientific Advance, The Path of. (Editor's Table) 845
"Research, The Motive for. H. L. Clark 501
Seeds, The Vitality of. (Misc.) 862
Selection, Natural, The Office of. (Misc.) 284
Serviss, Garrett P. Pleasures of the Telescope. V. In Summer Starlands* 194
VI. From Lyra to Eridanus* 508
VII. Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and the Northern Stars* 783
Shepard, Charles Upham, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 548
Sleep. Conditions of. (Misc.) 430
Smoke. (Misc.) 712
Smoking in Mashonaland. (Misc.) 570
Snake-bite Antitoxine. (Misc.) 715
Snake, Lu Chu Island. (Misc.) 711
Socialism, The Prospects of. (Editor's Table) 697
Songs, Modoc. (Misc.) 569
Spencer, Herbert. Mr. Balfour's Dialectics 327
""Professional Institutions. I. Professions in General 34
II. Physician and Surgeon 164
III. Dancer and Musician 364
IV. Orator and Poet, Actor and Dramatist 433
V. Biographer, Historian, and Litterateur 594
Spencer, Herbert. Professional Institutions. VI. Man of Science and Philosopher 739
Spencer on Professional Institutions. (Editor's Table) 125
Spiders, The Vision of. (Misc.) 422
Stalactites, Formation of. (Misc.) 714
Starr, Frederick. Archaeology in Denmark* 12
Stars, Hot, Protoplasm for. (Misc.) 136
Stoddard, John Tappan. Argon: the New Constituent of the Air 522
Stone Arrowheads, How they were Made. (Misc.) 857
Sully, James. Studies of Childhood. VIII. Fear 1
IX. Fear (continued) 340
X. Material of Morality 648
XI.""(continued) 808
Sun-worship, Survivals of. F. D. Bergen 249
Superstition, Recent Recrudescence of. I. E. P. Evans 761
Superstitions, Petty, Power of. (Misc.) 859
"North Nyassa. (Misc.) 862

Taylor, Charles Fayette. Climate and Health 313
Telescope, Pleasures of the. G. P. Serviss. V. In Summer Starlands* 194
VI. From Lyra to Eridanus* 508
VII. Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and the Northern Stars* 783
Thomson, Basil H. Ancestor-worship among the Fijians 671
Torture, The Passing of. (Misc.) 282
Trout Culture.* F. Mather 749
Tuberculosis in Meat. (Misc.) 713
Tuke, Dr. Daniel Hack. (With Portrait) 625
Two-Ocean Pass.* B. W. Evermann 175

Variation, Human, Significance of 710
Ventilation, House and Room. (Misc.) 860
Vincent, Frank. Journeying in Madagascar* 239
Voice, the Human, Range of. (Misc.) 858

War as a Factor in Civilization. C Morris 823
Water Plants, The Life of. M. Büsgen 798
Waves, Lord Rayleigh on. (Misc.) 139
Woman as an Inventor and Manufacturer* 92
"The Psychology of. G. T. W. Patrick 209
"American, in Science. (Misc.) 283
White, Andrew D. From the Divine Oracles to the Higher Criticism
I. The Older Interpretation 145
II. Beginnings of Scientific Interpretation 289
III. The Continued Growth of Scientific Interpretation 446
IV. The Closing Struggle 577
V. Victory of the Scientific and Literary Methods 721
White's, Dr., New Chapters, Conclusion of. (Editor s Table) 267
Wire, Uses of. (Misc.) 571


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