< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 26

I N D E X.

Abuse, The, of Political Power 273
Acupuncture, Chinese 859
Addresses, American Association 282
Addresses, British Association 138
Agnosticism, Last Words About 310
Agnostic Metaphysics 299
Agriculture, Field-Experiments in 498
Air-Wave, The Krakatoa, Velocities of 423
Alabama, The Cotton Production of 422
Alcoholic Trance 187
Allen, Grant 177
Allen, Grant 468
Allen, W. F. 145
Amazon, The Great Bore of the 855
American Aspects of Anthropology 152
Animal Character, Oddities of 261
Animals, The Food of 858
Anthropology, American Aspects of 152
Apiculture 803
Architecture, The, of Town-Houses 379
Aristotle as a Zoölogist 796
Arithmetic, Advantages of a Binary 574
Armsby, Professor H. P. 498
Arrangement, Internal, of Town-Houses 826
Arts, Domestic, in Damaraland 99
Ascetic, An, Indian Tribe 717
Association, American, Addresses 282
Association, British, Addresses 138
Association, The American, at Philadelphia 124
Association, The French 285
Association, The, of Official Chemists 286
Astronomy, Pending Problems of 46
Aughey, Samuel 267

Beaver, More About the 267
Benedict, W. K. 731
Biedermann, Dr. 691
Birds'-Nests, Edible, Gathering 430
Birds, Why, Sing 541
Birds, Wild, in Cities 718
Bloody Sweat 357
Boas, Dr. Franz 768
Book Notices:
"A Naturalist's Rambles About Home" (Abbott) 128
"The Discoveries of America to the Year 1525" (Weise) 129
"Samuel Adams, The Man of the Town-Meeting" (Hosmer) 129
"On the Nature of Light" (Stokes) 129
"Chemistry" (Attfield) 130
"Electricity, Magnetism, and Electric Telegraphy" (Lockwood) 130
"Principles of Ventilation and Heating" (Billings) 130
"Natural Law in the Spiritual "world" (Drummond) 131
"Forestry in Norway" (Brown) 131
"The New Physics" (Trowbridge) 132
"Hand-Book of the Dominion of Canada" (Dawson) 133
"Excessive Saving a Cause of Commercial Distress" (Crocker) 133
"Electrical Appliances of the Present Day" (Heap) 133
"The Fallacies in 'Progress and Poverty'" (Hanson) 134
"Cholera, and Its Preventive and Curative Treatment" (Ray) 134
"New Method of Recording the Motions of the Soft Palate" (Allen) 134
"Formation of Poisons by Micro-Organisms" (Black) 134
"The Orchids of New England" (Baldwin) 134
"Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816" (Adams) 135
"Institutional Beginnings in a Western State" (Macy) 135
"Indian Money as a Factor in New England Civilization" (Weeden) 135
"Hand-Book for Horsewomen" (De Bbussigny) 135
"Catholic" (Capel) 136
"Manual of Biblical Geography" (Hurlbut) 136
"Introduction to the Study of Modern Forest Economy" (Brown) 136
"Forests and Forestry in Northern Russia," Etc. (Brown) 136
"South Carolina" (Hammond) 136
"Relations Between Religion and Science" (Exeter) 277
"Cottages" (Brunner) 278
"Commentaries on Law" (Wharton) 278
"Diseases of the Throat and Nose" (Mackenzie) 278
"Outline of the Future Religion of the World" (Stanley) 279
"Mineral Resources of the United States" (Williams) 279
"Education by Doing" (Johnson) 279
"Life and Labor in the Far, Far West" (Barneby) 279
"Correspondences of the Bible" (Worcester) 280
"Geology and Mineral Resources of the James River Valley, Virginia" (Campbell) 280
"Arithmetical Aids" 280
"Grammar of the German Language" (Brandt) 280
"Reader of German Literature" (Rosenstengel) 280
"Tableaux de la Revolution Française" (Crane and Brun) 281
"Elements of Analytic Geometry" (Newcomb) 281
"Report of Smithsonian Board of Regents" 281
"A Compend of Geology" (Le Conte) 413
"The Destiny of Man" (Fiske) 414
"Shoppell's Building Plans" (Shoppell) 414
"My Farm of Edgewood" (Mitchell) 415
"Forestry in the Mining Districts of the Ural Mountains," Etc. (Brown) 415
"Comprehensive Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene" (Cutter) 415
"American Newspaper Annual" (Ayer) 415
"How We Live" (Johonnot Aand Bouton) 416
"Book of Cats and Dogs," Etc. (Johonnot) 416
"The True Issue" (Donnell) 416
"Wages and Tariffs" (Donnell) 416
"Outlines of Roman Law" (Morey) 416
"A Thousand Questions in American History" 417
"Book of Plant Descriptions" (Groff) 417
"Essays by 'Wheelbarrow'" 417
"Wonders and Curiosities of the Bail Way" (Kennedy) 417
"Lessons in Chemistry" (Greene) 417
"The Laws of Health" (Hutchison) 418
"Systematic Mineral Record" (Shepard) 418
"United States Commissioner of Fish. Report, 1880" 418
"Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology" (Reese) 418
"Commissioner of Education. Report, 1882, 1883" 418
"Commissioner of Agriculture. Report, 1883" 419
"Geological Survey, New Jersey, 1883" (Cook) 419
"Our Birds in their Haunts" (Langille) 419
"Wonders of Plant-Life," Etc. (Herrick) 419
"Magneto-Electric and Dynamo-Electric Machines" (Schellen) 420
"Cassell and Company's Holiday Catalogue" 420
"Migration Legend of the Creek Indians" (Gatschet) 420
"Principles of Political Economy" (Mill) 559
"A System of Psychology" (Thompson) 562
"The Reality of Religion" (Van Dyke) 563
"Thomas Carlyle" (Froude) 563
"Women, Plumbers, and Doctors" (Plunkett) 564
"The American Psychological Journal" (Parrish) 564
"Tenants of an Old Farm" (McCcook) 565
"The Way Out" (Bellamy) 565
"The Philosophy of a Future State" (English) 565
"Elementary Text-Book on Physics" (Anthony Aand Brackett) 566
"Young Folks' Ideas" 566
"An Appeal to Caesar" (Tourgee) 566
"Fichte's Science of Knowledge" (Everett) 567
"Origin of Cultivated Plants" (De Candolle) 706
"The New Philosophy" (Paine) 708
"Text-Book of Botany" (Sachs) 708
"Rudimentary Society Among Boys" (Johnson) 708
"Town and County Government" (Channing) 709
"Prehistoric America" (De Nadaillac) 709
"The Eclectic Physiology" (Brown) 709
"Icaria" (Shaw) 709
"Elements of Chemistry" (Norton) 710
"Archæological Tour in Mexico" (Bandolier) 710
"Science in Song" (Richards) 710
"Reports of Meetings of Scientific Associations" ("science") 710
"Representative British Orators" (Adams) 710
"Elementary Treatise on Analytic Mechanics" (Bowser) 711
"Elements of English Speech" (Choate) 711
"T. Lucreti Cari de Rerum Natura" (Kelsey) 711
"Country Cousins" (Ingersoll) 711
"Land and Its Rent" (Walker) 712
"Public Relief and Private Charity" (Lowell) 712
"The Human Body" (Martin) 712
"Bermuda" (Dorr) 712
"Vocal and Action Language" (Kirby) 712
"The Rise of Intellectual Liberty, from Thales to Copernicus" (Holland) 845
"Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880-'81" (Powell) 846
"Sixth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Illinois" (Rauch) 847
"Notes on the Opium-Habit" (Meylert) 847
"Comparative Physiology and Psychology" (Clevenger) 847
"Annual Report of the Chief Signal-Officer to the Secretary of War for the Year 1883" 848
"Osteology of Numenius Longirostris" (Shufeldt) 848
"The Asiatic Cholera" (Hamilton) 848
"Comparative Study of the New High German Language, Theoretical and Practical" (Valentine) 848
"Description of Carcharodon Carcharias" (Stevenson) 848
"Black and White: Land, Labor, and Politics in the South" (Fortune) 849
"Degeneration the Law of Disease" (Merriam) 849
"Protection and Communism" (Rathbone) 849
"Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club" 849
"The Sun" 849
"Journal of the New York Microscopical Society" (Braman) 849
"Original Researches in Mineralogy and Chemistry" (Smith) 850
"Poems of Sidney Lanier" 850
"Man in the Tertiaries" (Morse) 850
"The Agricultural Grasses of the United States" (Vasey) 850
"The Chemical Composition of American Grasses" (Richardson) 850
"United States Publications: Monthly Catalogue" 850
"The Story Hour" (Wixon) 850
"Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists" 850
"Geonomy: Creation of the Continents by the Ocean-Currents" (Grimes) 851
"Sunlight" 851
"An Account of the Progress of Chemistry in the Year 1883" (Bolton) 851
"Rural Schools; Progress in the Past; Means of Improvement in the Future" 851
"The Composition and Methods of Analysis of Human Milk" (Leeds) 851
"The Journal of Mycology" (Kellerman, Ellis, and Everhart) 852
"Notes on the Progress of Mineralogy in 1884" (Lewis) 852
"Mind in Medicine" (Bartol) 852
"Babyhood" (Harland) 852
Breitenbach, Dr. W. 365
Brennan, G. A. 268
Brewster, Sir David, Sketch of 546
Brooks, Professor W. K. 323
Büttner, Rev. O. G. 99

Cacao, Cultivation of 141
Calculating-Machines 441
Campbell, Cl. T., M.D. 524
Cancer, English Experiences with 688
Cancer, Increase of 572
Canker-Worm, The 569
Cannibalism as a Custom 205
Capacities, a Blind Man's 861
Cave-Men, The Esquimaux and the 287
Cell, Structure and Division of the Organic 810
Chavannes, Albert 269
Chemistry, The, of Cookery 91
Chemistry, The, of Cookery 217
Chemistry, The, of Cookery 368
Chemistry, The, of Cookery 517
Chemistry, The, of Cookery 671
Chemistry, The, of Cookery 819
Chemists, Official, The Association of 286
Children, Omaha 574
Children's Parties, Evils of 572
Chilian Volcanoes, Active and Extinct 88
Chimpanzee, Psychology of the 853
Chinese Ancestral Worship, Origin of 861
Cholera 503
Cholera 621
Cholera 750
Chronology of the Fossil Flora 574
Cities, Wild Birds in 718
Civilization, Rapid Perils of 224
Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth 577
Classics, Question, The, German Testimony on 20
Collection, The Lapham, The Loss of 568
Collet, Oscar W. 376
Consciousness, The Nervous System and 731
Continent, a Former Southern 428
Contrast, Is The, Valid? 126
Cookery, The Chemistry of 91
Cookery, The Chemistry of 217
Cookery, The Chemistry of 368
Cookery, The Chemistry of 517
Cookery, The Chemistry of 671
Cookery, The Chemistry of 819
Correspondence 267
Correspondence 553
Correspondence 840
Cotton Production, The, of Alabama 422
Craighead, J. B. 39
Crothers, T. D., M.D. 187
Culture, The Relation of Science to 557
Cumberland Sound and its Eskimos 768
Customs, Old, of Lawlessness 105

D'Alviella, Count Goblet De 779
Damaraland, Domestic Arts in 99
Davies, Nathaniel E., L.R.C.P. 213
Death-Rates, Sick-Rates and 524
De Saporta, M. Antoine 529
Development, Industrial, Science and 429
Dolphin, Superstitions About the 691
Dominica, a Naturalist's Excursion in 679
Drift-Copper in Iowa 856
Dunn, H. P., F.R.C.S. 688

Earthquake, The, of September 19th 424
Earthquake, Recent, Extent of the 268
Economy of Light 423
Edible Birds'-Nests, Gathering 430
Edis, Robert W., F.S.A. 379
Edis, Robert W., F.S.A. 826
Editor's Table 124
Editor's Table 269
Editor's Table 407
Editor's Table 554
Editor's Table 701
Editor's Table 841
Education, a Project in Industrial 632
Electrical Conference, The, Discussions At 286
Electricity, What Is? 76
English Board-Schools, Over-Pressure in 862
Esquimaux, The, and the Cave-Men 287
Evolution and the Destiny of Man 456
Expert Testimony, Medical 603
Eye-Sight, The, Importance of Cultivating 715

Fast Modern Life, Suicide a Product of 857
Ferment-Organism, The, in Plant-Growth 715
Fernald, F. A. 20
Fernald, F. A. 336
Fernald, F. A. 796
Field-Experiments in Agriculture 498
Fire-Insurance, a Chapter in 759
Fish and Fishing in Chinese Waters 652
Floods, The Ohio, Causes of 840
Flora, Chronology of the Fossil 574
Flora, North American, Characteristics of 422
Flowers, Queer 177
Flowers, Queer 553
Fog-Particles, Experiments with 570
Food and Feeding 468
Food for Mice, Oil and Earths as 857
Fossil Human Skeletons, Antiquity of 430
Fouillé, Alfred 194
Fowls, Domestic Parasites in 714
Fuel, Natural Gas as a Source of 142
Fungi, How, Live in Winter 611

Gases, The Elementary, Liquefaction of 249
Gas, Natural, as a Source of Fuel 142
Geographical Society, The Oldest 717
Germany, Studying in 347
Girls, Physical Training of 495
Gladiators of the Sea 336
Glashan, J. C. 169
Glass, Phosphoric, and its Applications 427
Habit, Curious Change of 268
Hall, Lucy M., M.D. 495
Hall, Professor James, Sketch of 120
Halsted, B. D., Sc. D. 611
Hamilton, Dr. Frank H. 603
Hammond, William A., M.D. 1
Harrison and Spencer on Religion 407
Harrison, Comte, and Spencer 125
Harrison, Frederic 299
Harvard, Progress of 841
Herbert, Sir Auberon 352
Hibernation of Snakes 424
Homologies Between North America and Europe 426
Horse, Przevalsky's Wild 571

Iles, George 759
Illusory Memories 423
Industrial Education, a Project in 632
Influences Determining Sex 323
Insect-Eating Men 573
Insects, The Parental Foresight of 694
Instinct, The Darwinian Theory of 586
Interior, The Earth's, The Condition of 569
International Medical Investigation 572

Jametel, M. Maurice 652
Jamin, Jules 249
Jewish Success, a Jewish Explanation of 275
Johow, Dr. Fr. 679
Jury System, The, a Glance At 289

Kennedy, Professor Horace M. 347
Krakatau's Present Condition 425
Krakatoa, The, Air-Wave, Velocities of 423
Kulischer, Herr M. 105

Land-Animal, The Oldest 714
Languages, American, Major Powell on 425
Language-Studies, The Conflict of 703
Lapham Collection, The, The Loss of 568
Last Words About Agnosticism 310
Laughlin, J. Laurence, Ph.d. 721
Lawlessness, Old Customs of 105
Le Sueur, W. D. 456
Life, The Painless Extinction of 641
Lighthouse-Lights, Testing 719
Light, Economy of 423
Lighting, Electric, in America 714
Liquefaction of the Elementary Gases 249
Liquor Legislation 787
Literary Notices 128
Literary Notices 277
Literary Notices 413
Literary Notices 559
Literary Notices 706
Literary Notices 845
Literary Work, Hard 571
Lock, O. G. Warnford 482
Lucas, M. Edouard 441

Man, Evolution and the Destiny of 456
Marine Life, Protective Mimicry in 365
Mason, E. 840
Materialism, a Healthy 409
Materialism, The Bad Logic of 701
McMillan, G. 554
Mears, L. D. 268
Meats, Strange, Tastes for 717
Medical Investigation, International 572
Memories, Illusory 423
Men, Insect-Eating 573
Meridian, Prime, The International, Conference 421
Metaphysics, Agnostic 299
Meteorological Society, The New England 854
Mica, Industrial Uses of 716
"Mind as a Social Factor" 554
Mind, The, The Relations Between, and the Nervous System 1
Morris, Charles 810
Mountain Observatories 388
Mnata Yanvo, Family Revelations of the 860
Museums, Limited, Advantages of 376

National Defense, Heavy Ordinance for 854
Negro, The Future of The, in the South 39
Nervous System, The, and Consciousness 731
North America, Homologies Between, and Europe 426
North, Franklin H. 632
Notes 143
Notes 287
Notes 431
Notes 575
Notes 719
Notes 863
Numbers, Forbidden 716

Observatories, Mountain 388
Observing Faculties, The, School-Culture of 169
Ochsenius, Dr. Karl 88
Oddities of Animal Character 261
Oil-Supply, The, of the World 108
Oil-Supply, The, of the World 252
Omaha Children 574
Opium-Habit, Treatment for the 860
Overhead Wires, Danger from 427
Over-Pressure, Against, in Schools 426

Painless Extinction of Life, The 641
Parasites in Domestic Fowls 714
Parental Functions, State Usurpation of 352
Patagonian Geology 428
Perils of Rapid Civilization 224
Pests, Kew, in Exchange for Old 719
Pettenkofer, Dr. Max Von 503
Pettenkofer, Dr. Max Von 621
Pettenkofer, Dr. Max Von 750
Phenomenon, a Novel 554
Philanthropy, Scientific 269
Philosophy, Origin of the Synthetic 30
Phosphoric Glass and its Applications 427
Physical Training of Girls 495
Placzek, Dr. B. 541
Plant-Growth, The Ferment Organism in 715
Plants, Flowering, as Ozone-Generators 568
Political Economy, The Character and Discipline of 721
Politics and Science 412
Politics, Science in 577
Pooley, J. H., M.D. 357
Popular Miscellany 138
Popular Miscellany 282
Popular Miscellany 421
Popular Miscellany 568
Popular Miscellany 714
Popular Miscellany 853
Population, Health and Density of 859
Powell, J. W. 452
Powell, Major, on American Languages 425
Powell, S. W. 67
Power, Political, The Abuse of 273
Prime Meridian, The International, Conference 421
Pringle, Allen 803
Protective Mimicry in Marine Life 365
Pulse-Waves, Velocity of 424
Pyburn, George 553

Quatrefages, M. De, Sketch of 697
Queer Flowers 177
Queer Flowers 553

Railway Employés, The Sight and Hearing of 433
Rainfall as Affected by Wind 858
Recesses, School, Value of 570
Religion and the Doctrine of Evolution 239
Religion, Harrison and Spencer on 407
Richardson, Benjamin Ward, M.D., F.r.s. 641
Romanes, G. J., F.r.s. 586
Roscoe, Sir Henry, Sketch of 402
Sandstone, Atmospheric Action on 427

School-Culture of the Observing Faculties 169
School Management, Science in 269
School Recesses, Value of 570
Schools, Against Over-Pressure in 426
Schools, My, and Schoolmasters 330
Science and Industrial Development 429
Science in Politics 577
Science in School Management 269
Science, Politics and 412
Science, The Relation of, to Culture 557
Scientific Education, The Larger Import of 452
Scientific Philanthropy 269
Scorpion-Lore Verified 855
Scylla and Charybdis of Administration, The 842
Sea, The, Gladiators of 336
Sea-Water, Properties and Constitution of 529
Sex, Influences Determining 323
Short-Sightedness, The Question of, in French Schools 142
Sick-Rates and Death-Rates 524
Sight, The, and Hearing of Railway Employés 433
Skeletons, Fossil Human, Antiquity of 430
Slater, James F. 840
Snail-Culture 573
Snakes, Hibernation of 424
South, The Future of the Negro in the 39
Sowing Fertilizers 856
Spencer, Harrison, Comte and 125
Spencer, Herbert 30
Spencer, Herbert 310
Spider-Threads for Economical Uses 718
Starvation, its Moral and Physical Effects 213
Stephens, C. H. 289
St. Johnston, A. 205
Studying in Germany 347
Success, Jewish, a Jewish Explanation of 275
Suffrage, The Problem of Universal 194
Sulphur and its Extraction 482
Sweat, Bloody 357

Tastes for Strange Meats 717
Temple, F., D.D. 239
Thermometers, Local Variations in 855
Thomson, William, M.D. 433
Time-Keeping, The Reformation in 145
Time, The Accurate Measurement of 659
Tobacco, Effects of, on Youth 427
Torrent, Drowning The, in Vegetation 67
Town-Houses, Internal Arrangement of 826
Town-Houses, The Architecture of 379
Trance, Alcoholic 187
Trowbridge, Professor John 76
Trowbridge, Professor John, Sketch of 836
Tylor, E. B., F.R.S. 152
Tylor, Edward B., Biographical Sketch of 264
Tyndall, Professor John 330

Universal Suffrage, The Problem of 194
Unknowable, The Religious Value of the 779
Usurpation, State, of Parental Functions 352

Vegetation, Drowning the Torrent in 67
Volcanoes, Chilian, Active and Extinct 88

Wampum 425
Weather? The, Do Animals Foretell 840
Why Birds Sing 541
Williams, Gorham D. 787
Williams, W. Mattieu 91
Williams, W. Mattieu 217
Williams, W. Mattieu 368
Williams, W. Mattieu 517
Williams, W. Mattieu 671
Williams, W. Mattieu 819
Willson, Theo. B 659
Wind, The, as a Land-Carver 423
Wine Statistics of the World 429
Wires, Overhead, Danger from 427
Withington, O. F., M.D. 224
Woolen Underclothing, Advantages of 428

Young, Professor C. A. 46

Zuñi Civilization, Development of 860
Zoölogist, Aristotle as a 796


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