< Popular Science Monthly

Table of Contents
November 1884
The Relations Between the Mind and the Nervous System 1
German Testimony on the Classics Question 20
Origin of the Synthetic Philosophy 30
The Future of the Negro in the South 39
Pending Problems of Astronomy 46
Drowning the Torrent in Vegetation 67
What Is Electricity? 76
Chilian Volcanoes, Active and Extinct 88
The Chemistry of Cookery XVII 91
Domestic Arts in Damaraland 99
Old Customs of Lawlessness 105
The Oil-Supply of the World I 108
Sketch of Professor James Hall 120
Editor's Table 124
Literary Notices 128
Popular Miscellany 138
Notes 143
December 1884
The Reformation in Time-Keeping 145
American Aspects of Anthropology 152
School-Culture of the Observing Faculties 169
Queer Flowers 177
Alcoholic Trance 187
The Problem of Universal Suffrage 194
Cannibalism as a Custom 205
Starvation: Its Moral and Physical Effects 213
The Chemistry of Cookery XVIII 217
The Perils of Rapid Civilization 224
Religion and the Doctrine of Evolution 239
Liquefaction of the Elementary Gases 249
The Oil-Supply of the World II 252
Oddities of Animal Character 261
Biographical Sketch of E. B. Tylor 264
Correspondence 267
Editor's Table 269
Literary Notices 277
Popular Miscellany 282
Notes 287
January 1885
A Glance at the Jury System 289
Agnostic Metaphysics 299
Last Words About Agnosticism 310
Influences Determining Sex 323
My Schools and Schoolmasters 330
Gladiators of the Sea 336
Studying in Germany 347
State Usurpation of Parental Functions 352
Bloody Sweat 357
Protective Mimicry in Marine Life 365
The Chemistry of Cookery XIX 368
The Advantages of Limited Museums 376
The Architecture of Town-Houses 379
Mountain Observatories 388
Sketch of Sir Henry Roscoe 402
Editor's Table 407
Literary Notices 413
Popular Miscellany 421
Notes 431
February 1885
The Sight and Hearing of Railway Employees 433
Calculating-Machines 441
The Larger Import of Scientific Education 452
Evolution and the Destiny of Man 456
Food and Feeding 468
Sulphur and its Extraction 482
Physical Training of Girls 495
Field Experiments in Agriculture 498
Cholera I 503
The Chemistry of Cookery XX 517
Sick-Rates and Death-Rates 524
Properties and Constitution of Sea-Water 529
Why Birds Sing 541
Sketch of Sir David Brewster 546
Correspondence 553
Editor's Table 554
Literary Notices 559
Popular Miscellany 568
Notes 575
March 1885
Science in Politics 577
The Darwinian Theory of Instinct 586
Medical Expert Testimony 603
How Fungi Live in Winter 611
Cholera II 621
A Project in Industrial Education 632
The Painless Extinction of Life 641
Fish and Fishing in Chinese Waters 652
The Accurate Measurement of Time 659
The Chemistry of Cookery XXI 671
A Naturalist's Excursion in Dominica 679
English Experience with Cancer 688
Superstitions About the Dolphin 691
The Parental Foresight of Insects 694
Sketch of M. de Quatrefages 697
Editor's Table 701
Literary Notices 706
Popular Miscellany 714
Notes 719
April 1885
The Character and Discipline of Political Economy 721
The Nervous System and Consciousness I 731
Cholera III 750
A Chapter in Fire Insurance 759
Cumberland Sound and its Eskimos 768
The Religious Value of the Unknowable 779
Liquor Legislation 787
Aristotle as a Zoologist 796
Apiculture 803
Structure and Division of the Organic Cell 810
The Chemistry of Cookery XXII 819
Internal Arrangement of Town-Houses 826
Sketch of Professor John Trowbridge 836
Correspondence 840
Editor's Table 841
Literary Notices 845
Popular Miscellany 853
Notes 863
Index 865
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