An earlier version of this song, entitled "The Song of the NSA Warriors" (NSA was the National Student Association) was revised and retitled "Political Action Song" for use in the Hexagon Club show, performed March 1, 2, & 3, 1956, at the Holton-Arms School auditorium in Washington, D.C. The show was a benefit for the American Cancer Society.
words and music by Tom Lehrer
Now when it comes to anything political,
We're int'rested, we're militant, we're critical.
Though it's not quite evident
Who it is we represent,
We take stands and issue statements by the score.
Ev'ry candidate, we know,
Though he won't admit it' s so,
Would give anything to be the one we're for, we're for,
Would give anything to be the one we're for.
And when we find an issue, we just dote on it.
We hold meetings, we discuss it, and we vote on it.
We don't let it get our goat.
We just put it to a vote,
And in this way any problem can be solved.
What we vote on, we confess,
Doesn't matter, more or less.
What's important is the principle involved, involved,
What's important is the principle involved.
We know that there's a bit of true adult in us,
That Congress makes no move without consultin' us.
We are fighting for the truth
With the energy of youth
And the singleness of purpose that we share.
We look down upon the crowds
With our heads up in the clouds
And our feet planted firmly in midair, mid air,
And our feet planted firmly in midair.

This work is in the public domain worldwide because it has been so released by the copyright holder.