- By Letitia Elizabeth Landon (L. E. L.):
- First series
- Sketch the First, "There are dark yew-trees gathered round, beneath"
- Sketch the Second, "It lay mid trees, a little quiet nest"
- Sketch Third, "’Tis hidden from the sun by the tall elms"
- Sketch Fourth, "The shore was reefed with rocks, whose rugged sides"
- Sketch Fifth, "The palms flung down their shadow, and the air"
- Sketch Sixth, "Down swept the gathered waters over rocks"
- Second Series
- Sketch the First, Sappho
- Sketch the Second, The Contrast
- Sketch the Third, Rosalie
- Sketch the Fourth, St.George’s Hospital, Hyde-Park Corner
- Sketch the Fifth, Mr. Martin’s Picture of Clytie
- Sketch the Sixth, The Deserter
- Third Series
- Sketch the First, The Mine
- Sketch the Second, Gladesmuir
- Sketch the Third, The Minstrel of Portugal
- Sketch the Fourth, The Castilian Nuptuals
- Sketch the Fifth, The Lover's Rock
- Sketch the Sixth, The Basque Girl and Henri Quatre
- Fourth Series
- Sketch I., The Painter
- Sketch II. The Covenanters
- Sketch III., The False One
- Sketch IV., A Village Tale
- Sketch V., The Island
- Sketch VI. The Sailor
- Fifth Series
- Sketch the First, Fidelity
- Sketch the Second, Infidelity
- Sketch the Third, The Knight's Tale
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