< Poems upon Several Occasions
To the King.
THO' train'd in Arms, and learn'd in Martial Arts,
Thou chusest not to conquer Men, but Hearts.
Expecting Nations for thy Triumphs wait,
But thou prefer'st the Name of Just to Great.
So Jove suspends his subject World to doom,
Which, wou'd he please to thunder, he’d consume.
O! cou'd the Ghosts of mighty Heroes dead
Return to Earth, and quit th' Elysian Shade,
Brutus to James wou'd trust the Peoples Cause;
Thy Justice is a stronger Guard than Laws:
Marius and Sylla would resign to thee;
Nor Cæsar, and great Pompey, Rivals be,
Or Rivals only who shou’d best obey,
And Cato give his Voice for Regal Sway.
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