< Poems and Extracts
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Accept, O sacred shade, this artless verse | 76 |
And now, perch'd proudly on the topmost spray | 52 |
Approach in silence. 'Tis no vulgar tale | 61 |
As those we love decay, we die in part | 83 |
Call for the Robin-red-breast, and the Wren | 42 |
Can I, who have for others oft compiled | 79 |
Come, Peace of Mind, delightful guest | 43 |
Deep lines of honor all can hit. | 16 |
Fair Tree! for thy delightful shade. | 20 |
Fallen, fallen, a silent heap | 69 |
For though banished from my flocks. | 33 |
Give me, O indulgent Fate! | 3 |
Go, lovely Rose! | 72 |
Hail, mildly-pleasing Solitude | 45 |
Happy the man, whose wish and care | 50 |
Her true beauty leaves behind | 41 |
He sung of God, the mighty source | 92 |
He that to such a height hath build his mind | 84 |
How gaily is our life begun | 18 |
I must praise her as I may | 41 |
In such a night when every louder wind | 9 |
In the Muse's paths I stray | 2 |
I were unkind unless that I did shed | 81 |
Lady, I rifled a Parnassian Cave. | 1 |
Live while you live, the Epicure will say. | 80 |
Meanwhile, ye living Parents, ease your grief | 22 |
Me though in life's sequestered vale. | 56 |
Now come, ye Naiads, to the fountains lead | 54 |
Oh! might I live to see an art arise. | 27 |
O King of Terrors! whose unbounded sway | 32 |
Peace! where art thou to be found?. | 12 |
See how the orient Dew | 66 |
Silvia, let us from the crowd retire | 28 |
So here confined, and but to female clay | 13 |
Sometime I do admire | 38 |
The Lady Mary Villiers lies | 78 |
The sun 's my fire, when it doth shine | 68 |
The Tree of Knowledge, which in Eden prove'd | 25 |
Thron'd on the sun's descending car. | 58 |
Thus safely low, my Friend, thou canst not fall | 49 |
Thy shades thy silence now be mine. | 47 |
Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts | 64 |
'Tis strange, this heart within my breast | 26 |
To me who in their lays the shepherds call. | 57 |
What joy within these sunless groves, | 48 |
What pearls, what rubies can | 40 |
When I have seen by times fell hand defaced | 63 |
When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes | 65 |
Where is that World to which the fancy flies | 8 |
While sunk in deepest solitude and woe | 74 |
Whoe'er thou art whose path in summer lies | 59 |
Why came I so untimely forth | 73 |
Would we attain the happiest state | 7 |
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