By J. D.
Printed by M.F. for I o h n M a r r i o t,
and are to be ſold at his ſhop in St Dun∫tans
Church-yard in Fleet-∫treet. 1633.
The Printer to the Understanders
FOr this time I muſt ſpeake only to you: at another, Readers may perchance ſerve my turne; and I thinke this a way very free from exception, in hope that very few will have a minde to confeſſe themſelves ignorant.
If you looke for an Epiſtle, as you have before ordinary publications, I am ſory that I muſt deceive you; but you will not lay it to my charge, when you ſhall conſider that this is not ordinary, for if I ſhould ſay it were the beſt in this kinde, that ever this Kingdome hath yet ſeene; he that would doubt of it, muſt goe out of the Kingdome to enforme himſelſe, for the beſt judgments, within it, take it for granted.
You may imagine (if it pleaſe you) that I could endeare it unto you, by ſaying, that importunity drew it on; that had it not beene preſented here, it would have come to us from beyond the Seas; (which perhaps is true enough,) That my charge and paines in procuring of it hath beene ſuch, and ſuch. I could adde hereto, a promiſe of more correctneſſe, or enlargement in the next Edition, if you ſhall in the meane time content you with this. But theſe things are ſo common, as that I ſhould profane this Peece by applying them to it; A Peece which who ſo takes not as he ſindes it, in what manner foever, he is unworthy of it, ſith a ſcattered limbe of this Author, hath more amiableneſſe in it, in the eye of a diſcerner, then a whole body of ſome other; Or, (to expreſſe him beſt by himſelſe)
----A hand, or eye,
By Hilyard drawne, is worth a hi∫tory
By a wor∫e Painter made;--
If any man (thinking I ſpeake this to enflame him for the vent of the Impreſſion) be of another opinion, I ſhall as willingly ſpare his money as his judgement. I cannot loſe ſo much by him as hee will by himſelſe. For I ſhall ſatisfie my ſelfe with the conſcience of well doing, in making ſo much good common.
Howſoever it may appeare to you, it ſhall ſuſſice mee to enforme you, that it hath the beſt warrant that can bee, publique authority, and private friends.
There is one thing more wherein I will make you of my counſell, and that is, That whereas it hath pleaſed ſome, who had ſtudyed and did admire him, to offer to the memory of the Author, not long after his deceaſe, I have thought I ſhould do you ſervice in preſenting them unto you now; onely whereas, had I placed them in the beginning, they might have ſerv'd for ſo many Encomiums of the Author (as is uſuall in other workes, where perhaps there is need of it, to prepare men to digeſt ſuch ſtuffe as follows after,) you ſhall finde them in the end, for whoſoever reades the reſt ſo farre, ſhall perceive that there is no occaſion to uſe them to that purpoſe; yet there they are, as an atteſtation for their ſakes that knew not ſo much before, to let them ſee how much honour was attrebuted to this worthy man, by thoſe that are capable to give it. Farewell.