< Plutarch's Moralia (Holland)


Academy, 399, 404

Achæan, 115

Achelous, 397

Acheron, 379

Achilles, 7, 43, 62, 81, 82, 94, 99, 100, 108, 122, 156, 171, 306, 324

Adamantus, 224

Adrastus, 335

Ægine, 171

Æmilius, 179

Æschines, 83, 127, 229

Æschre, 177

Æschylus, 107, 317, 354, 355, 370, 403, 409

Æsculapius, 107, 141

Æsop, 237, 355

Ætolie, 137

Agamemnon, 81, 96, 99, 108, 122, 159, 170, 220, 383

Agathocles, 117

Agathon, 286

Agave, 378

Agesias, 78

Agesilaus, 47, 53, 201, 203, 219, 353, 359, 368

Agis the Argive, 65, 161, 162

Agnon, 78

Agrypnia, 272

Ajax, 21, 228, 249, 383, 400

Alcæus, 281

Alcibiades, 46, 89, 162, 271, 357, 367

Alcinous, 400

Alcmæon, 335, 397

Alcman, 391

Alenas, 241, 242

Alexander the Great, 21, 41, 48, 57, 61, 62, 65, 78, 79, 93, 107, 116, 120, 149, 158, 171, 173, 174, 193, 194, 306, 312, 315, 316, 325, 353, 369, 399, 405

Alexander Pheræs the Tyrant, 41

Alexandria, 396

Alexinus, 206

Amæbeus, 6

Amestries, 388

Ammonius, 91

Amphictyons, 266

Amydum (s.), bread made from fine meal flour

Anacharsis, 251, 354

Anaxagoras, 129, 178, 210, 318, 368, 384, 389, 410, 422

Anaxarchus, 13, 21, 158, 189

Anchyses, 29

Androtion, 404

Annibal, 406

Antigonus, 115, 118, 196, 202, 227, 254, 418

Antimachus, 271

Antiochi, 227

Antiochus, 222, 234, 235, 406

Antiochus Philopappus, 38

Antipater, 75, 166, 174, 192, 199, 274, 281, 353, 404

Antiphantes, 354

Antiphon, 84, 225

Antisthenes, 335, 409

Antonius, 67

Antony, 56

Antycira, 126

Anytus, 181

Apaid (v.), pleased

Apelles, 61, 64, 73, 172

Apollo, 38, 56, 79, 173, 192, 236, 242, 266, 270, 280, 335, 385, 409, 413, 414

Apollonis the Cyzicen, 214

Apollonius the Peripatetic, 231

Apprenticage (s.), apprenticeship

Apprentissage (s.), apprenticeship

Arabian, 323

Araspes, 148, 368

Arcadian, 115

Arcadie, 211

Arcesilaus, 53, 73, 124, 166

Archedice, 242

Archemorus, 305

Archidamus, 204, 404

Archilochus, 144, 247, 402

Arcturus, 394, 422

Aread (v.), guess, interpret

Argive, 115, 336, 393

Argos, 402, 408

Argus, 305

Ariamenes, 233, 234

Aristarchus, 209

Aristides, 116, 129, 315, 348, 368

Aristippus, 34, 127, 165, 278, 357

Aristodemus, 382
Aristogiton, 84, 253

Aristomenes, 93

Ariston, 2, 137, 300, 393, 404

Aristophanes, 33, 93

Aristophon, 405

Aristotle, 4, 17, 48, 106, 118, 121, 174, 247, 286, 353, 399, 402, 404

Artabanus, 234

Artaphemes, 415

Asaphi, 177

Asclepiades, 53, 181

Asia, 47, 198, 227, 237, 251, 316, 403

Aspis, 191

Assos, 404

Ate, 122

Athamas, 378

Athenæus, 214

Athenian, 82, 84, 93, 116, 120, 123, 194, 199, 235, 252, 253, 261, 267, 271, 325, 333, 351, 366, 382, 393, 394, 396, 404, 414, 415, 420

Athenodorus, 222, 223

Athens, 46, 47, 61, 66, 120, 129, 135, 151, 166, 196, 202, 249, 251, 253, 261, 286, 313, 353, 360, 385, 395, 396, 402, 403, 404, 408, 410, 415, 418, 423

Atheos, 160

Athos, 109, 168

Atossa, 233, 234

Atreus, 159, 170, 215

Attains, 214, 236

Attic, 229, 355

Auditory (s.), audience

Augustus, 84, 258

Babylon, 353, 402, 404

Bacchæs, 409

Bacchanals, 399, 402

Bacchus, 56, 65, 125, 185, 273, 332, 371, 406, 409

Bacelat, 391

Bachilides, 404

Bagoas, 78

Bains (s.), baths, bagnios

Barsine (Lady), 193

Battus, 53

Behoveful (adj.), needful, profitable

Belive (adv.), at once, forthwith

Bellerophontes, 191

Berecynthian, 398

Bewray (v.), betray

Bias, 57, 68, 196, 248

Bion, 62, 206, 363

Biskay, 265

Bithynian, 167

Biton, 61

Blab (s.), tell-tale, babbler

Bocchorus, 191

Bœotian, 161

Borborus, 399

Boreas, 156

Bourd (s.), jest

Braid (s.), fancy, caprice, quick motion

Brasides, 348

Briareus, 168, 305, 311

Briseis, 122

Brison, 171

Brutus, 191

Budæus, 162

Byzantine, 282, 334

Cadmian, 232

Cæcias, 334

Cænius, 347

Cæpion, 231

Cæsar, 65, 84, 125, 259, 323, 339

Caius Gracchius, 110

Calamoboas, 274

Caligula, 386

Calisto, 177

Callias, 35, 286

Callicles, 199

Callimachus, 398

Callinicus, 260

Callippus, 192

Callisthenes, 77, 107, 116

Calthrap (s.), star-thistle

Calypso (Lady), 421

Cambyses, 237

Camillus, 116, 405

Candie, 328, 398

Candiot, 237

Caprea, 398

Carkan (s.), a chain of precious stones

Carking (adj.), distressing

Carneades, 62, 178, 184, 271, 274

Carthage, 315, 414

Carthaginian, 332, 387, 406

Cassander, 193, 227

Cassius Severus, 65

Cast (s.), trick

Castor, 208, 221, 224, 228

Castoreum (L.) (s.), a secretion of the beaver used medicinally

Cates (s.), food

Cato, 129, 188, 199, 202, 231, 341

Catulus, 202, 203

Cautelous (adj.), crafty, wary

Cauterise (v.), brand with a hot iron

Celmus, 391

Celtiberia, 265

Cephisocrates, 74

Cephisus, 395

Ceramicum, 196, 252
Ceraunian, 394

Cercopes, 65

Cerdous, 172

Ceres, 185, 383, 402, 408

Certes (adv.), clearly, surely

Chabrias, 35

Chærias, 386

Chæron, 133

Chalciæcos, 262

Chares, 229

Charicles, 222

Charilaus, 54

Charillus, 324

Charmides, 269

Charybdes, 182

Chian, 167

Chilon, 312, 329

Chios, 73, 165, 168, 342, 356, 399, 404

Chloris, 135

Choaspes, 395

Chorius, 126

Chough (s.), a kind of crow

Chrysippus, 2, 17, 20, 22, 23, 404

Cicero, 339, 405

Cicilia, 166, 204

Cimmerian, 384

Cinarus, 397

Cinesius, 385

Circes, 46

Cirrha, 348

Citiean, 2, 404

Cittern (s.), an old musical instrument shaped like a lute but strung with wires

Cawback (s.), flatterer

Cleanthes, 53, 404, 418, 419

Clearchus, 87

Cleobis, 61

Cleomenes, 49

Cleon, 93, 137

Cleopatra, 67

Clepe (v.), call

Clithonie, 177

Clodius, 267, 405

Clopidie, 137

Clytus, 21, 116

Cockal (s.), a game played with knuckle-bones, usually sheeps'

Codrus, 399, 408

Cog (v.), flatter

Colophonian, 271

Colyttus, 394

Con (v.), express or owe (thanks)

Concorporate (adj.), incorporate

Coney-catch (v.), trick or deceive

Corinth, 90, 266, 353, 376, 395, 402, 410

Corinthian, 93, 149, 393, 394, 419, 420

Cornelius Pulcher, 328

Corquan (s.), embroidery

Courries (s.), messenger

Cozen (v.), deceive, cajole

Cranium, 394

Crassus, 335, 337

Craterus, 227, 255

Crates, 88, 159, 330, 418, 421

Creon, 192, 262, 312

Crisson, 62

Critias, 387

Critolaus, 404

Crœsus, 61, 89

Cromnum, 204

Ctesiphon, 113

Ctesius, 413

Cupid, 253

Cupping-glasses (s.), glass cups used for drawing blood by the creation of a partial vacuum

Cup-shotten (adj.), intoxicated

Cyaxeres, 89

Cyclades, 399

Cyclops, 32, 254, 399

Cypres, 41

Cyprius, 57

Cyrus, 89, 117, 148, 218, 232, 237, 273, 325

Cyziceni, 227

Damon, 306

Danaus, 301

Darius, 42, 149, 151, 229, 233, 237, 415

Dascyles, 391

Datis, 415

Debonarity (s.), graciousness

Defeature (s.), defeat

Delphi, 414

Delphos, 161, 236, 242, 402

Demades, 281, 283

Demandé (Fr.) (s.), the person asked (a question)

Demaratus, 90

Demetrius, 78, 88, 180, 192, 266, 396

Democritus, 17, 147, 173, 297, 359

Demosthenes, 88, 188, 194, ig6, 229, 264, 283, 321, 357

Denys (the Tyrant), 46, 47, 49, 56, 83, 84, 161, 171, 199, 260, 261

Deris, 177

Devoir (s.), duty

Diagorus, 387

Diament (s.), diamond

Diana, 177, 385, 414

Dinæa, 177

Ding-thrift (s.), wastrel
Diogenes, 27, 33, 90, 100, 122, 149, 159, 160, 184, 196, 284, 288, 330,

333, 351, 352, 353, 356, 361, 362, 396, 402, 404, 405, 406

Diomea, 394

Diomedes, 59, 94, 96, 227

Dion, 47, 49, 89, 192, 312

Dionysia, 358

Dionysii, 151

Dionysius, 83, 266, 312

Dioxippus, 147

Dirce, 285

Dis, 388

Dodkin (s.), doit, half a farthing

Dolon, 21, 348

Dolour (s.), grief

Domitian, 150

Domitius, 335, 341

Dorian, 365

Dulce (v.), soothe

Dulichium, 400

Echinades, 400

Edepsus, 232

Eftsoons (adv.), again, afterwards

Egypt, 56, 191, 254

Egyptian, 67, 136, 388, 395

Eke (adv.), also

Elea, 404

Electra, 107, 156

Eleusine, 402

Eleusinium, 408

Eleusis, 408

Elis, 400

Elleborus (s.), hellebore

Embassage (s.), embassy, mission

Empedocles, 73, 130, 133, 173, 177, 304, 309, 317, 387, 409, 419

Enyalius, 172

Eolus, 400

Epaminondas, 47, 161, 173, 274, 286, 306, 368

Eperaste, 135

Ephesus, 414

Ephialtes, 397

Ephori, 366

Ephorus, 274

Epicharmus, 84

Epicurean, 153, 197

Epicurus, 157, 177, 231

Epimetheus, 321

Epirus, 404

Erasistratus, 140, 297

Erasmus, 197

Eressus, 404

Eretria, 2, 264

Ergane, 319

Eros, 104, 154

Eteocles, 215

Ethiopia, 374, 395

Ethiopian, 323

Eubulus, 229

Euclides, 126, 236

Euctæus, 89

Euenus, 301

Eulæus, 89

Eumenes, 214, 236, 255

Eumolpus, 408

Euphorbius, 264

Euphorion, 173, 403

Euphrone, 148

Eupolis, 50

Euripides, 40, 70, 86, 92, 98, 130, 170, 177, 180, 191, 192, 196, 198, 214, 215, 245, 247, 254, 284, 300, 301, 311, 368, 402, 405, 407

Europa (Lady), 407

Europe, 316

Eurotas, 395

Eurynidon, 300

Eurypylus, 117

Euthycrates, 264, 315

Euthydemus, 124

Evenus, 40

Fabricius, 161

Fardel (s.), burden

Featly (adv.), deftly, nimbly

Feere (s.), fear

Felon (in the finger) (s.), a painful inflammation in the joint of the finger

Ferriage (s.), conveyance, price for carriage

Fluke (s.), the palm of an anchor

Foil (s.), a fall in wrestling, not cleanly given

Foison (s.), harvest

Forlay (v.), waylay

Forlet (v.), abandon, hinder

Fosse, 404

Frim (adj.), strong, flourishing, juicy

Frump (s.), dowdy, gossip

Fulvius, 258

Fundanus, 102, 103, 104, 154

Furies, 397

Gage (s.), pledge, pawn

Galatia, 278

Galatian, 167, 235, 260

Gape (v.), grab after

Gauding, jesting

Gauds, toys or beads

Gaudy-days, holidays, festivals

Gaul, 374, 387

Geason (adj.), rare, scanty, unproductive
Geir (s.), vulture

Gelas, 403

Germanicus Caesar, 323

Gird (s.), twitch, sharp stroke

Glaucus, 224, 227

Glavering (v.), babbling, gossiping, wheedling

Glazing (v.), deceiving, cajoling

Glycon, 404

Gobrias, 42

Gorgias, 75

Gracchus, 110

Graces, 378

Grecian, 393, 406

Greece, 93, 223, 266, 337, 393, 403, 408, 415

Greek, 7, 10, 46, 85, 90, 94, 115, 116, 162, 171, 180, 187, 188, 232, 290, 293, 300, 306, 324, 354, 373, 374, 375, 383, 405, 408

Grin (s.), snare

Grison (s.), grey eagle

Grypi, 227

Gyaros, 397

Gyges, 167, 391

Hades, 388

Harmodius, 84, 253

Harpalus, 194

Hecate, 375

Hector, 94, 99, 100, 272, 383

Hecuba, 385

Hegesias, 302

Helena (Lady), 107

Helicon, 129

Helicona Cyzicene, 199

Heliope, 177

Hellespont, 168

Heptacalchon, 251

Heptaphonos, 245

Heraclitus, 33, 114, 140, 266, 317, 401

Hercules, 56, 63, 65, 73, 95, 167, 193, 204, 242, 338, 378, 393, 397, 409

Hercules Atistheneus, 207

Hermiones, 194

Hermolaus, 386

Herodotus (the Halicarnassean), 34, 211, 403, 409

Herodotus (the Thurian), 403

Hesiodus, 156, 174, 193, 199, 214, 239, 240, 286, 321, 342, 351, 383

Hichet (s.). See Yex

Hiero (King), 84, 93, 338

Hieronymus, 107, 122

Himeræan, 62

Himerius, 66

Hippocrates, 110, 274, 338, 362

Hippolytus, 45

Hipponax, 277

Homer, 5, 7, 16, 21, 26, 27, 52, 81, 85, 94, 95, 103, 104, 107, 108, 126, 144, 156, 162, 170, 171, 172, 175, 179, 190, 209, 214, 220, 227, 228, 250, 253, 266, 272, 294, 299, 306, 309, 324, 338, 356, 358, 360, 369, 383, 385, 392, 399, 403

Homerides, 25

Homeris, 299

Hurlbat (s.), a projectile which was whirled in the air to increase its impetus

Hyperia, 399

Hyperides, 82, 229

Hypsipyle (Lady), 305

Ibycus, 263

Icarus, 389, 410

Ida, 256, 398

Idæi Dactyli, 368

Iliad, 266, 385

Ilotes, 110

Impostume (s.), abscess

Ingram (adj.), ignorant

Ino (Lady), 254

In sum, in fine

Iolaus, 242

Ion of Chios, 356

Ionia, 271

Iphiclus, 242

Iphicrates, 35, 320

Ipocras (s.), a cordial made of spiced wines

Ischomachus, 135

Isis, 191

Ismenias, 173, 286

Ismenus, 408

Isthmian, 356, 402

Italy, 142

Jew, 371, 383

Jocasta, 405, 407

Jove, 383

Juno, 262, 299, 385

Jupiter, 51, 53, 65, 156, 159, 167, 170, 172, 175, 214, 378, 383, 392, 403, 413, 418

Knap (v.), snap, crack Knurry (adj.), knotty

Lacedæmon, 184, 204, 219, 243, 262

Lacedæmonian, 75, 106, 110, 117, 217, 266, 271, 382, 394

Lacedæmonian Ephori, 366

Lacedæmonian schoolmaster, 27

Laconia, 266

Laconian, 54, 265
Laconian schoolmaster, 34

Lacydes, 73, 74, 336

Laertes, 156

Lagus, 116

Laius, 149

Lamia, 134

Lampsacus, 404

Lask (adj.), loose

Lasthenes, 315

Lasus, 194

Latona, 385

Leæna, 253

Lechery (s.), lewdness

Leech (adj.), lecherous

Leese (v.), set loose

Lemnos, 399, 410

Leo, 334

Leobates, 405

Leosthenes, 229

Lesbos, 399

Leucothea, 243

Leuctres, 274

Lickerous (adj.), eager, craving, greedy

Livia, 258

Lob (s.), dull fellow

Locri, 142

Loxias, 266

Lucullus, 224

Lyæus, 85, 126

Lycæum, 404

Lycurgus, 25, 265, 292, 324, 368

Lydia, 61, 223

Lydian, 77, 365

Lydius, 85

Lynceus, 331

Lysander, 93, 201

Lysias, 250

Lysimache, 202

Lysimachus, 137, 259, 406

Lyssas, 385

Macedon, 280

Macedonia, 90, 115, 179, 195, 264, 397, 399, 403, 404

Macedonian, 179, 200, 236, 399

Mænas, 385

Maffle (v.), stammer, falter

Magas, 21, 115

Magi, 42, 323

Malta, 173

Manchet (s.), small loaf or muffin

Mantous, 172

Manumise (v.), release from slavery

Marathon, 342

Marchpain (s.), marzipan, sweetmeat

Marimul (s.), a kind of sore or ulcer

Marish (s.), marsh

Marius, 125, 251

Mars, 400

Marsyas, 111

Matuta, 243

Maugre (prep.), in spite of

Media, 192, 233, 353, 402, 414

Median, 414

Medimnus, 218

Medius, 78, 173

Megabyzus, 61, 172

Megara, 180, 404

Megarean, 93, 206, 284, 364

Melanthius, 41, 105, 408

Melite, 394

Melisponda, 131

Melitus, 181, 348

Menander, 23, 63, 157, 177, 179, 183, 195, 211, 240, 279, 305

Menedemus, 2, 53, 174, 206, 360

Menelaus, 53, 99, 287, 309

Menon, 304

Mercury, 246

Merope, 72, 337

Merops, 154

Messina, 408

Messinian, 382, 416

Messuage, a dwelling-house with adjoining lands

Metageitnia, 394

Metageitnion, 394

Metella, 252

Metellus, 116, 226, 255

Metrocles, 162

Micher (s.), a sneak or thief

Mickle (adj. or adv.), much

Midas, 382

Miletus, 271

Milichius, 116

Miltiades, 300, 342, 366

Minerva, 111, 185, 202, 217, 235, 319, 408, 413

Minos, 399

Minutius, 337

Mithridates, 59, 251

Mœnoles, 126

Molionides, 209

Morphew (s.), an irruption of the skin

Morsure (s.), a bite

Mumactes, 116

Mundify (v.), cleanse

Muræna, 341

Musæa, 148

Muses, 27, 117, 148, 161, 214, 250, 378, 404

Musonius, 104, 418

Mutius, 115

Nasica, 332

Nausisthous, 399

Naxos, 397
Neleus, 399

Nemertes, 177

Neocles, 300

Neoptolemus, 117, 255

Nephalia, 131

Neptune, 235, 364

Nero, 56, 66, 125, 252, 312, 364

Nestor, 99, 249, 272, 287

Nicias, 262, 382

Nicocreon, 21

Nicomachus, 71

Nicostratus, 204

Nigrinus, 209

Niobe, 385

Ochus, 214

Odæum, 404

Odyssey, 217, 266

Œdipus, 95, 149, 302

Olympia, 168, 245

Olympian games, 115, 135, 147

Olynthus, 116, 176, 315

Omestes, 126

Onomademus, 342

Opheltes, 305

Opus, 222

Orestes, 126, 156, 306

Orion, 397

Orthangle (s.), right angle

Otacoustes (Gr.) (s.), spy

Otus, 397

Paccius, 154, 163

Palladium, 404

Panatius, 129

Pancratiastæ, 228, 271

Pandarus, 95, 109

Panthea (Lady), 148, 368

Parachytæ, 325

Parætonium, 115

Parasang (Persian measure), about 5¾ miles

Pardie (Fr.), verily (formerly an oath)

Paris, 99

Parmenides, 224

Parmenio, 312

Parmenion, 78

Parmeno, 21

Parnassus, 133, 395

Parthenon, 408

Parthian, 404

Patrian, 419, 420

Patroclus, 62, 82, 306

Paulus Æmilius, 179

Pausanias, 337, 386

Pegasus, 191

Peisa, 104

Peise (v.), weigh down

Peleus, 82, 116, 156

Pelias, 62

Pella, 399

Pelopidas, 117, 356

Peloponnesian, 404

Peloponnesus, 243, 404

Penelope, 5, 254

Pergamus, 236

Periander, 376

Pericles, 195, 300, 413

Perilaus, 227

Peripatetics, 404

Peripatos, 206

Perithous, 313

Persia, 42, 61, 233, 234, 249, 323, 353, 396, 399, 402

Persian, 217, 233, 234, 381, 395, 398, 416

Perseus, 89, 179, 199, 236

Peruke (s.), wig

Petty (s.), child, boy

Phædra, 45

Phaëthon, 159, 389, 410

Phalaris, 56, 348

Phalerian, 88, 396

Phanias, 157

Phaselus, 404

Philagrus, 264

Philemon, 21, 115

Philetærus, 214

Philip, 49, 84, 90, 115, 116, 145, 264, 266, 271, 315, 386, 397, 399, 402, 404, 406

Philippides, 137, 259

Philocrates, 264, 315

Philopappus, 80

Philotas, 21, 78, 312

Philotimus, 97

Philoxenus, 171, 194, 422

Phineus, 422

Phocion, 75, 120, 199, 281, 368

Phœbas, 385

Phœnician, 409

Phœnix, 94

Phrygian, 403, 409

Phrynis, 366

Phytalmius, 25

Pilch (s.), outer garment usually made of leather

Pindarus, 25, 85, 114, 161, 184, 207, 333, 341, 378, 398

Pinthous, 306

Pisistratus, 115

Pismire (s.), ant or emmet

Pittacus, 169, 223, 254

Plait (s.), wrinkle

Plato, 2, 4, 11, 21, 23, 27, 30, 33, 38, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 55, 83, 90, 92, 93, 112, 129, 154, 159, 161, 171, 173, 175, 178, 185, 203, 221, 223, 224, 241, 265, 300, 317, 318, 334, 337, 343, 348, 354, 355, 363, 367, 368, 378, 388, 393, 399, 410, 412, 415

Plautus, 312

Pleiades, 300, 394

Plonder (v.), hunt for

Plutarch, 32, 36, 132, 153, 154, 187, 208, 276, 290, 304, 315, 322, 328, 371, 384, 411

Pluto, 175, 377

Polemon, 93, 126, 399

Polias, 202

Pollux, 208, 221, 224, 228

Polycletus, 370

Polycrates, 376

Polynices, 215, 391, 405, 407

Polype (s.), octopus

Polypragmon, 42

Polysperchon, 193, 200

Pompeius, 336, 339

Pompion (s.), pumpkin

Poneropolis, 145

Pontus, 247, 396

Porket (s.), sucking pig

Porsenna, 115

Porus, 116

Posthumia, 337

Posthumius, 258

Pourcuttle (s.), octopus, cuttle-fish

Pourpris (s.), precinct

Prest (adj.), prompt, ready

Priamus, 126, 316, 332

Prickyrest (adj.), most prickly

Prometheus, 319, 321, 330, 336

Prosagogidæ (Gr.) (s.), pimp, talebearer

Proserpina, 408

Proteus, 314

Ptolemæus, 49, 56, 64, 93, 116, 396

Publius Piso, 267

Puddering (v.), interfering, bothering

Pule (v.), whimper

Pydna, 89

Pylades, 306

Pyræum, 261

Pyrrho, 363

Pytane, 394

Pythagoras, 3, 91, 135, 143, 311, 340, 384

Pythagorean, 197, 233, 397

Pythia, 240

Pythian games, 185, 403

Pythias, 306

Pythius Apollo, 173

Quean (s.), wench, slut

Quern (s.), mill for grinding grain

Quintus, 209

Rede (v.), warn

Reits (s.), sea-weed

Retchless (adj.), reckless

Revie (s.), retort or question

Rhodian, 117, 281, 393

Rivel (s.), wrinkle

Roman, 56, 89, 117, 161, 167, 226, 243, 256, 267, 292, 332, 341, 397, 406, 413, 418

Rome, 65, 103, 145, 150, 154, 161, 167, 202, 212, 226, 251, 252, 256, 267, 351, 405

Rowen (s.), old bird

Ruddle (v.), shake (a sieve)

Rustius, 150

Rutilius, 418

Salaminas, 234

Salanus, 300

Samius, 49

Samos, 376

Sappho, 112, 360

Sapragoras, 282

Sardinian, 391

Sardis, 391, 394, 410

Sardonian, 383

Saturn, 170, 185, 387

Saturnal, 185

Satirus, 118

Scammonium (L.). See Scammony

Scammony (s.), a species of convolvulus whose roots are used medicinally

Scaurus, 341

Schœne (Gr.), about 3½ miles

Scillos, 404

Scilluntia, 399

Scipio, 226, 315, 332

Scoffe (v. or s.), sneer

Scopas, 287

Scull (s.), shoal

Scylurus, 267

Scyrii, 96

Scyros, 400, 410

Scythian, 34, 267, 387

Seely (adj.), weak, poor

Sejanus, 312

Seleuci, 227

Seleucus, 235, 260

Semblably (adv.), similarly

Semele, 406

Seneca, 125

Seriphos, 396

Sexius, 351

Shewer (s.), servant, waiter

Sicilian, 56
Sicily, 83, 89, 151, 261, 398, 403, 404, 422

Silenes, 65

Simon, 300

Simonides. 11, 38, 77, 144, 203, 274, 341, 355, 367, 397, 403

Sinopian, 351, 396

Sions, 225

Skinker (s.), tapster

Smyrna, 75

Smymæan, 75

Socrates, 21, 83, 89, 90, 94, 108, 116, 124, 135, 148, 159, 168, 180, 229, 236, 269, 270, 271, 272, 286, 288, 304, 305, 325, 338, 339, 368, 389, 393, 410

Soli, 404

Solon, 61, 89, 173, 223, 251, 280, 292, 343, 353, 415

Sophocles, 11, 48, 100, 117, 122, 129, 147, 162, 191, 217, 221, 249, 262, 268, 280, 300, 310, 316, 335, 354, 366, 384

Sorites, a series of syllogisms of which the predicate of the first is the subject of the second, and so on

Sossius Senecio, 346

Sotion, 231

Sparta, 46, 173, 208, 324, 391

Speusippus, 89, 93, 241

Spurius, 337

Stagira, 404

Steut (v.), bind, hold fast

Stilpo, 162, 180, 206, 364

Stoa, 404

Stoic, 1, 19, 21, 27, 61, 172, 190, 197, 225, 274, 345, 347, 404

Stound (s.), moment

Stouphes (s.), hot baths, stews

Strato, 174, 404

Stratonice, 236

Stratonicus, 280, 396

Struthias, 57

Styx, 377

Sum. See In sum

Sunium, 394

Suppuration (s.), the generation of pus or matter

Surd (adj.), deaf

Susæ, 402

Susis, 353

Suture (s.), seam

Sweart (adj.), dark, swarthy

Swinge (v.), scourge

Sylla, 102, 103, 104, 252

Syracuse, 46, 47

Syracusans, 151

Syria, 41

Syrian, 135, 385

Tabernacle, 371

Tænarus, 394

Taïgetus, 395

Tantalus, 386, 398, 415

Targetiere (s.), shield-bearer

Tarsus, 66

Tartarian, 387

Taurominium, 405

Taurus, 264

Teen (s.), woe, affliction, hate

Teigh (v.), titter

Telamon, 52

Telemachus, 214, 287

Telephus, 336

Telesphorus, 406

Tellus, 61

Tenedos, 413

Teucer, 52, 228

Thamyris, 109

Tharsus, 404

Thasos, 402

Theætetus, 269

Theban, 106, 117, 215, 393

Thebes, 88, 149, 232, 286, 353, 409, 421

Themistocles, 203, 300, 324, 337, 342, 366, 396, 405

Theocritus, 202, 399

Theodectes, 209

Theodorus, 160, 406

Theognis, 314

Theophrastus, 238, 286, 353, 404

Thersytes, 324

Theseus, 306, 313, 408

Thessalian, 242, 304, 336

Thessaly, 241, 242

Thetis, 82

Thill (s.), shaft of a plough

Thoas, 399, 404

Thoosa, 177

Thracia, 46, 135, 404, 408

Thracian, 25, 167

Thrasibulus, 115

Thrasonides, 280

Thucydides, 55, 93, 96, 199, 205, 271, 326, 356, 404

Thuria, 397

Thurian, 142

Thyas, 385

Tiberius Caesar, 65, 312, 398

Tideus, 96

Timæus, 154, 404

Timagenes, 84

Timesias, 312

Timon, 13, 231

Timotheus, 385, 405

Tiresias, 378

Tissaphernes, 46, 271

Titus Petronius, 66
Toward (adj.), docile, tractable

Triptolemus, 415

Trojan, 227

Trot (s.), old woman

Troy, 100

Truss (s.), bundle, package

Tryphones, 388

Tunæa, 162

Tuscany, 121

Tyndarus, 228

Tyribasus, 381

Tyro, 135

Ulysses, 5, 46, 53, 81, 82, 96, 99, 135, 178, 182, 253, 254, 309, 324, 400, 421

Unneth (adj.), difficult

Untowardly (adv.), unpleasantly

Ventose (s.). See Cupping-glass

Venus, 12, 172, 251, 385

Vesta, 306, 337

Whit flaw (s.), inflammation of the finger

Xantippe, 124, 339

Xantippus, 300

Xenocrates, 14, 27, 93, 146, 200, 399

Xenophanes, 193, 388

Xenophon, 53, 87, 134, 155, 328, 329, 355, 399, 404

Xerxes, 109, 168, 214, 233, 234, 388

Xeuxis, 309

Yex (s.), cough, matter in the throat Yonker (s.), boy, youth

Zeno, 2, 6, 127, 160, 201, 249, 252, 330, 353, 363, 400, 404

Zenon, 222

Zephyrus, 133


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