Alphabetical Table
In the Year 1668.
The I Figures relate to the Number of Tracts;
The 2 to the Page.
AChes heal'd by the Fat of Birds call'd Fegati in Jamaica; and by the Fat of a Shel-fish, there call'd Soldat, n. 36. p. 706.
Agriculture improv'd by Hopp-Claver, &c. 37, 722, 725. Correct the Error, 70 loads for 70 combes.
Air, not by meer moisture, but by other mixtures, viz. of Salin steams of the Sea, dissolves Salt, Sugar, Flesh; Sugar dissolves human bodies into Consumptions, 36, 69.
Aloes, and Lignum Aloes described: A soft white wood, yielding a milky and poisonous juyce, 43, 863.
Anatomical remarkes upon a Leaden Bullet voided by Urine, 40, 803.The use and description of the Lymphatick Vessels; the conduct of the ferment into the Ductus Thoracious, to the Heart, &c. the moisture in the Amnion is not Urine, nor Sweat: Also the Ductus Virsungianus delivers it self into the Duodenum: the Ductus Sa'ivares into the Cistern. V. De Bills, 40, 791.An account of the Origin and Effects of Transfusion in Veines; and other Anatomical Observations; De Testibus in effigie, by Dr. Tim. Clark, 35, 672. Transfusion of Blood vindicated from Calumnies in Paris, 36, 710.The success of Injections into Veines at Dantzick in curing the Gout and Plica, 39, 766.An old deaf Dog in Italy reviv'd, and his hearing recover'd by Transfusion, &c. 42, 840.Testis Examinatus Queries, and some Resolves, and References, 42, 843.Anatomical remarkes on Thom. Parre, who dyed in the 153 year of his Age, &c. 44.See more in the Title of Books, De Graeff, &c.
Answers from Jamaica and other Islands thereabout, concerning the steams and colour of the Sea:Various Plants and Animals: How Tobacco growes in Nitrous places: Hurricanes: The effects of the change of Climats on humane Bodies: A probable way of preventing and curing sicknesses in Sea-Voyages to the West-Indies,
36, 699. And more, 37, 717.Answers Additional, referring to those of Jamaica, by an Eye-witness, 41, 824
Answers from Bermudes concerning the Tydes there, Whales, Sperma-Ceti, strange Spiders-Webbs, rare Vegetables, Longevity of the Inhabitants; and of the Isle of New-Providence among the Bahama's, 40, 792.
Answers and Rarities from Java Major, additional to Accounts publisht in the Hist. of the R. Society, 43, 853.
Answers concerning Mendip-Mines, 38, 767.
Answers concerning Tydes from Plimouth, 33, 642.Dr. Wallis's applications of the Accomp: of Tydes to his Hypothesis concerning Sea-refluxes, 34, 652.The Table of Tydes about London rectifyed, 34, 656.How Tides flow about Bristol, 41, 813. at Bermudas, 40, 793
Answers Chymical and Mineral, &c. from Mexico, 41, 817.
Antimony: eaten crude, fattens Horses, Swine; cureth them of Diseases, 39, 774.
Artificial Opals, Amethysts, Saphirs. The old Art of incorporating Red-glass recover'd.Of Diamond Looking-glasses in a Mill; and of making faire and hard Chrystals, 38, 743.
ABean, præcipitating the Muddiness of water. See Answers from Jamaica, supra.
Bloody Fluxes stopt by the blood of the Fish Bedille.See supra Answers Java-Major.Blood transfus'd, see sup Anatomy.
Algebra; an Introduction to it, translated out of High-Dutch into English by Mr. Branker, and much alter'd, and enlarged by D . I. P. with an accornpt of other helpes in that Art; abbreviated, 35, 688.
Steph. De Angelis, de Infinitis Spiralibus inversis, infinitsque Hyperbolis, aliisque Geometricis, 37, 738.
R. Andersons Stereometrical Propositions, variously apply'd, but particularly to gaging, 39, 785
Mr. Boyle's Continuation of New Experiments Physico-Mechanical touching the Spring and weight of the Air; and the Atmosphere of solid bodies, 42, 845
Ol. Borrichii de Ortu & Progressu Chemiæ 39, 779.
Tych Brahe Historia Cœlestis Observationum vicennalium, 43, 868.
Joh. Dom. Cassini Ephemerides Mediceorum Syderum, n. 44.
Ren. Des Cartes Epistol. pats 1. & 2. Lat. 40, 810.
The Bishop of Chesters Essay towards a Real Character and Philos. Language, 35, 690.
M. De Cordemoy's Natural Discourse of Speech in English, 37, 736.
Abrah. Cowley 6 libri Plantarum Poema, Latine, 36, 716.
M. Evelyn's Translation of the Idea of the Perfection of Painting, 39, 784.
Florentin Experiments, 33, 640.
Regn. de Graef de Virorum Organis Generationi inservientibus, 38, 750.
Idem de Graef de nonnullis circa partes Genitales Inventis novis, 34, 663.
M. Glanvils Progress and Advancement of Knowledge since Aristotle, 36, 715.
Grabe Elaphographia, 39, 885.
Joc. Gregorius, de Vera Circuli & Hyperbolæ Quadratura, &c. 33, 640.
Idem Geometriæ pars Universalis, quanticatum Curvarum Transmutationi &c Mensuræ inserviens, 35, 685.
Hevelii Cometographia, 40, 805.
Joh. Hornii Observae. circa partes Genitales in utreque sexu Prodromus, 34, 663.
Stanislai de Lubienietz Theatrum Cometicum, 35, 652.
Marc. Malpighii de Vilcerum Structura, n. 44.
Mayow de Respiratione & Rachitide, 41, 833.
Mercatoris Logarithmicotechnia, and Dr. Wallis's his Judgement on it, and Mr. Mercators Explication on his said Book, 35, 153.
A Discourse on Physick and Pharmacy, the Interests of Patients and the frauds of Apothecaries, Empiricks and Mountebanks, 41, 825
Mich. Ang. Ricci Exercitaio Geometrico, 31, 717.
Salnove de la Venerie Royale, 37, 740.
Franc. dela Boc Sylvii Praxis Medicæ Idea Nova, 40, 811.
Sympsons Hydrologia Chymica: His Anatomy of the Waters of Scarborow, Malton, Knaresborow; his Vindication of Chymical Medicins: Improvement of Experimental Philosophy: The Principles of all Concretes: His Ternary of Medicines: The Origin of Hot Springs, and all other living Springs, 43, 850.
And, Tcaquets Opera Mathematica; with reflexions and further Instructions, 43, 869.
Joh. Georg. Trumphii Scrutinium Vitrioli, 40, 810.
N. B. That, besides the Extracts of these 32 Books, here are added (especially in Mathcmaticals) Fit Cautions and Advices of other further supplements.
Brain. Its Exteriour part Glandulous, 44. see Malpighi supra.
A Burning-glass extraordinary made at Milan 49, 795.
CAbbage-Trees in the Caribe-Islands of 300 foot in hight; the wood never rots, and when dryed as hard as Iron. See Answers from Jamaica, 36, 704.
Calenture at Sea described, and the Cure, 36, 708.
Calmes frequent near the Gulf of Mexico, 36, 707.
Caymans, or Jamaica Crocodils and Alliigators have small Eggs like Turky's, but unspotted, 36, 703. the Stone in their Stomach is little regarded there, 36, 703.
Cbymical, Medical and Anatomical Overturcs. of special remarke. from the Consul Behm of Danzick, 34, 650.
Chocolota commended, 37, 721.
Civet-Cats live well and yield the more Civet, if you give them Drink once a month. They piss much, as Rabets do. 36, 704.
Climats:the effects of their change near the Tropicks: and Medical application directee, 36, 708.
Clouds and Mists, how they gather and imbody in Jamaica, 37, 718.
Colick and Morbifick effervescency's examined, 34, 651.
Colick bilious, what Clysters good or bad for it, 37, 720.
A Comet appearing in Italy and Portugal March 1658. n. 25 p. 683.
Cochineel, what it is, and whence, with considerations for like Advancements in Colors, &c. 40, 796.
DEasaess, somewhat lessen'd, though strangely, by Noise, 35, 665. helped in a Dog by Transfusion. See Anatomy.
Divers, by custome continue long under Water, to draw up Anchors, Guns, &c. 4, 863.
Drink, not necessary for all Animals. Cowes and Bulls live without Drink, their Bladders being dryed up, 36, 704
EArth's motion oppos'd by Ricciolus, whose pretended great argument is animadverted upon by Steph. Angeli, with Mr. Gregory's Illustrations, 36, 693.
Eye-sight, how to be help'd in Man or Beast, by Artificial Instruments, and better than by Spectacles, 37, 727. & 39, 765. & 40, 802.
GOut, the Causes, best helpes, and hope of Cure, 34, 650, Magnet. Transplations ineffectual ibid.
Hart; the medical uses of all its parts, 39, 885.
Head-aah, eased by applying the Leaves of Palma Christi in Jamaica, 36, 7O5.
Heart: of its Polypus, &c. 44. See Malpighi in the Title oi Books.
Hurricans described; seldome in Jamaica, 36, 705.
Husbandry improv'd by the incredible growth of Hopfclovcr, call'd also Non-such, 37, 725.
INtroduction and Preface to the Tracts for the year 1668. n. 33.
Inquiries & Directions for the Carib-Islands 33. 634. Inquiries concerning the growth of Vegetables, the motion and Qualities of their Juyces for medicines, for Colors, &c. 40. 797. with Inquiries, and particulars, and further promises to Ever-greens and Kitching-gardens, ibid.
KIdneys, a concrete of small glanduls, &c. n. 44. See Malpighi in the Title of Books.
LAudanum Simplex of Mr. Le Fevre preferr'd upon Experience before some other kinds, 37, 719.
Light, or Shining Flyes in Jamaica, which can contract or expand their light, as they flye. 36, 705.
Lice, where and how bred most, 37, 72.
Lice, call'd Chego's, of a very malignant nature in Barbado's, 36, 705.
Liver, is a conglomerate Glandul, against D. Wharton: its office and use, &c. n. 44.
Long Life, constant health to the Natives, sweet Air in Bermudas, and same partes of Virginia near Florida, 40, 794.
MAthematicals. The Squaring of the Hyperbola by an infinite Series of Rational numbers, by the Lord Viscount Brouncker, 34, 645. Mr. Gregory's Defence of his Cicruli & Hyperbolæ Quadratura, in reference to M. Hugenius, 37, 732. A reply of the same to Mr. Hugenius his Answer, n. 44. Du Laurens his Specimina Mathematica animadverted on by Dr. Wallis, 34. 654. & 38, 744. & 39, 775. & 41, 825.
Motion. A Summary Accompt of the General Laws of it, by Dr. Wallis and Dr. Wren, 43, 854, 857.
Motion of the Earth. See Earth's motion.
The Magnetical Variation, taken near Bristol, June 13, 1666, not 1668, Correct the Printers Erratum. n. 37. p. 716.
Magnetical Variations predicted for many yeares following, as at London, from an Hypothesis yet concealed, 40, 789.
Manchinel Tree in Jamaica, a Malignant Wood, but of an excellent Graine, used by the Spaniards For Bed-steads, by the English for Floores, 36, 706.
Mariners, How they make a Boat to ride at Anchor in the Main-Sea, described, 36, 707.
Medical Directions for Sea-Voyages, 36, 708, & 37, 719. See Answers from Jamaica.
Mineral and Chymical Observations from Spain and Mexico, 41, 837.
A Nut in Jamaica, which purgeth same, saileth to purge others; the Dose uncertain, 37 719.
A Nutmeg, call'd Thieving, one alone put into a whole Room-ful of Nutmegs, corrupts them all, 43, 853.
OCular Aydes for a decay'd sight, when all Spectacles faile, 37, 727. See Eye-sights.
Optical Improvements; by Mr. Smethwick, in a Figure not-Spherical, 33, 631, Glasses, how turned at Paris by a Turn-lath, 40, 795. A way to turn convex Spherical Glasses on a Plain, represented here in Cuts, 42, 837. A Microscope of a new fashion, raking in large Objects, and discovering more minute Bodies, than formerly discover'd, 42, 842.
An Optical Contrivance for strange visions, or Apparitions, 38, 741.
The Optick Nerve and Vision by a New Experiment, examin'd, 35, 668.
Osteo-colla, 39, 771.
Oyle of Palma-Christi in Jamaica, plentiful;, sweet, delicate, and transparent, but ineffectual in Clysters: It might be a Staple-Commodity, 36, 7O5.
An Oyle very fragrant; drawn out of the Barke of the Tree Lawang. See Answers; from Java-Major, 43. 863.
PAlmetto highly extoll'd, a livelihood in Bermudas, 40, 795.
Poyson-weed in Bermudas dangerously poisonous to some, not so to others, 40, 794.
Poysonous Juyce to Man, Hoggs, and Powltry in the Manioc or Cassavi; but if rosted, it only causeth Torsions in the Belly, 36, 705.
RAin in Jamaica without previous alteration in the Air, nor leaving moisture in the Air afterwards, 36, 705.
Respiration. See Mayow in the Title of Books.
Rickets. See Mayow in Books.
SAlts lixiviate, of Wormwoood, &c. not apt to be consum'd, or to contract moisture in the Barbadoes, or Jamaica, but on the Seas they do, 36, 699.
Salt-Peter-ground yields flashing Tobacco, and Potato's ripe two Moneths sooner, but that Tobacco and Potatoes rot speedily, 36, 704.
Seas, their differing colours, 36, 700.
Serpents, having an head on each end of the Body. See Answers from Java-Major, 43, 863.
Sharke and Tiberon all one; differs from the Manati or Sea-Cow:: the Manati-stone is properly no stone, but a white Brain-lik-matter dryed, 36, 703.
Soape-trees in Jamaica; the Brrryes large, as a Musket-bullet, without any proportion or Salt-lixiviate, Sulphur or Oyle, wash better then any Castile-Soape, bun soon rots the Linnen, 36, 705.
Sperma-Ceti, what, and whence taken, 40, 793.
Spiders Webs of great strength in Bermudas, 40, 795.
Spleen, is acquitted of acid Melancholy and Sanguification. The properties or it, and Dr. Highmores judgement of it considered, 34. 651. Is Glandular, according to Malpighi; its office and use, n. 44.
Starre; a New one, as is guessed by Cassini, seen in March 1668. n. 35, 683.
Sugar, how it inclines to Consumptions, 36, 699.
Sympathetical-Powder; of what Vitriol and how best prepar'd, and the effects of it. See in Books Trumphii Scrutin. Vitrioli.
Swallowes depart our of Jamaica in Winter-moneth, as hot as 'tis, and Teal and Wild-Duck come thither then, 36. 704.
FOr Tanners, 3 Trees in Jamaica, the Mangrave, Olive and another nameless, yield Bark, which Tans better (and in 6 weeks) than any in England, 36, 705.
Teeth, some Whales have none, some have, 40, 793.
Tides, See Answers concerning Tydes.
Tiles in Bermudas excellent, made of the leaves of Palmetto, 8 or 10 foot long, 40, 795,
Tiberorum lapis, see Sharke. The Tiberon hath a vast strength, yet hath no bone in his back, onely in his head are bones; his Jawes are Gristles; his Ribs make walking-staves. This, and the Dolphin, and the Spanish-Macarel swim faster than any Ship saileth, 36, 704.
Tortoises swim, or floate a sleep at Jamaica, yet have no swim, as Dr. Stubs remembreth, 37, 719.
VEgetables for Juyces, Tappings, Growth, Colors, Medicins, Ever-greens, Kitchin-gardens. See Inquiries and Directions supra, 40, 796, &. And some answers, 43, 853. 853. Continuation upon the same subject, 43, 877. Stone-plantes growing on Rocks in Jamaica, and curiously adorn'd, 36, 700. Osteo-colla growing soft and like a Plant underground in the Sand, and the top, like a flower, visible. See the History thereof 39, 771. Gramen Ischæmon, or Dactyloides, or Sanguinella; and Gramen Aguaticum cum longissima pannicula, &c. 39, 773. A Vegetable Seed common in the Fields of Denmark, which having been once heated red-hot, and then taken cut, and put in a cool place, remaines hot and burning for 50 houres together, 39, 783. The Cinnamon-tree-Roots yield an Oyle resembling Camphire, 43, 863.
Vitriol, how extracted our of Vitriolate Earth; the choice, medical Vertues, and history. See Trumphius in Books, 40, 810.
Vomitings in hot Climates and hot Seasons much preferr'd before Clysters and Purges, 36, 709.
WAter percolates from the Seas through the Sands, to rise and fall with the tides, wherever they dig at the point of Jamaica; yet no steames arise there by heates, 36, 701.
Weavils breeding in meal, currans, raisins, &c. how so be destroy'd in Jamaica, 36. 701.
Whales of strange kinds about Bermudas described 40, 793.
Winter, see Swallowes, supra.
Wood, a Bastard-Cedar in Jamaica, seeming close-grain'd, but penetrated by Brandy and Wine, 36, 705.Many sorts of Wood there, besides Acayou, which breed no Wormes.A white wood there, which in Ships breeds no Wormes, 36.705.
A Wood stinking like human Excrement: See Answers from Java ||v|.majo-,43, 863.
Wood-Lice in Jamaica, which eate Books, the Paper, Print, and Covers, and some sorts of Wood, not all sorts, 36, 706.
NUmb. 43. p. 876. line 43. dele all this, p. 865. l. 24. r. mPC; p. 866. l. 3. dele, , sinistrersum; and read lc, as 'tis in the Text: but p. 865. l. 28. r.reapse, p. 870. l.21 r z.x.r.- vrzulsionp. Bgg; I. xo. r.Elder, nat Aldermvics. p.8$1 Lu. r. plac'd in it and.
Printed by T. N. for John Martyn, Printer to the Royal Society, and are to be sold at the Bell' a little without Temple-Bar, 1668.