< Philosophical Transactions < Volume 29

Numb. 338. Beginning
the 29th Volume


For the Months of January, February and March, 1714


I. THE Preface to the Reader, giving an Account of the Publiſher's Deſign and Method; aid inviting the curious Obſervers of the Phænomena, the diligent Inquirers into the Powers and Operations of Natural Agents, and the happy Inventors of new Diſcoveries, to contribute towards the carrying on thefe Publications with Succeſs, by generouſly communicating their Obſervations, Diſcoveries and Inventions to the Publiſher.

II. Logometria: Auctore Rogero Cotes, Trin. Coll. Cantab. Socio. Aſtronomiæ & Philoſophiæ Experimentalis Profeſſore Plumiano, & R. S. S.

III. An Extract from the Acta Eruditorum, for the Month of March, 1713. p. 111 Being a Diſſertation concerning, the dreadful contagious Diſtemper, ſeizing the Black Cattle in the Venetian Territories, and more eſpecially about Padua.

IV. A Recipe: Or the Ingredients of a Medicine for the late ſpreading Diſtemper amongſt Cows. Sent lately from Holland, where it was. made uſe of with Succeſs.

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