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Chuang Tzŭ

Rain, 165, 173

Rarey, A Chinese, 106

Rat's liver, 82

Raven, Blackness of, 185

Record of Marvels, The, 1, 4

Red Lake, The, 139

Relations determinate, &c., 332

Relativity, (of Distance) 2, (of Time) 3

Repose, 127, 157, 158, 195

Reputation, 5, 360

Retired scholars, 197

Rewards and Punishments, 162

Rhinoceros, 214

Rice-pudding, Grains in a, 296

Riches, 141

Right and Wrong, 244, 306, 345, 366

Rings, Joined, 451

River God, 53, 200, 357

Rivers perennial, 332

Robber Chê, 103, 112, 120, 155, 387

Robbers v. Sages, 113

Robbery, Origin of, 296

Round Squareness, 25

Rukh, The, 1, 3

Rule of life, 84

Ruler, The Wise, 161

Rulers (of old) 344, (the Five) 186

Rustic, The sick, 299

Sacrifices, 6, 53, 305

Sacrificial caps, 8

Sage, The True, 146, 192, 326, 336

Sages a curse, 108, 113, 117, 125

Salve for chapped hands, 9

San Ching, 377

San-miao, 124

San-wei, 124

Sang Hu, 83, 253, 254

Scales and Steelyards, 114

Schemes, 317, 360

Scholars' robes, 269

Sciolist, The, 164

Sea-bird, Arrival of a, 226, 244

Sea-serpents, 214

Seasons, The, 162, 165, 348

Secret of existence, 280

Self, 5, 145

Senses, The, 20, 99, 100, 155, 311, 343

Sha-ch'iu, 346

Shadow, Afraid of his, 418

Shadow, Man and his, 332

San Chüan, 371, 404

Shan Pao, 235

Shang Mountain, 52

Shang-shên Rapid, The, 233

Shao Chih, 347

Shao Kuang, 78

Shê, Duke of, 45

Shên Nung, 116, 196, 226, 246, 287, 385

Shên T'u Chia, 59

Shên T'u Ti, 72, 394

Shên Yao, 443

Shih Ch'êng Chi, 168

Shih Chin, 179

Shih Ch'iu, 346

Shih-hu, 371

Shih K'uang, 22, 100, 104, 115

Shih-ling, 331

Shih-nan, 247, 325, 342

Shih Yü, 100, 116, 120, 155

Shou (Prince of Yüeh), 373

Shou-ling, The youth of, 216

Shou-yang, Mt., 103, 385

Shu, 98, 352

Shu Ch'i, 72, 384, 394

Shu Shan No-toes, 61

Shu Tan (Chou Kung), 384

Shun, The Emperor, 5 et alt. pass.

Sight, Sense of, (its failure) 139; 311, 359

Silence, Doctrine of, 56, 293, 325

Sincerity, Cultivation of, 316

Singing alongside a corpse, 83

Six Influences, The, 129, 174

Six Ranks, The, 399

Skull (Chuang Tzŭ and the) 224; (Lieh Tzŭ and the) 227

Sky, The, 173

Slopes and plains, 208

Smell, Sense of, 155, 360

Snake, The (moves without legs) 211; (its shoulders) 82

Snail, The, 340

Snow-goose, Whiteness of, 185

Society, 34

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