Chuang Tzŭ
Five Princes, 78
Five Rulers, The, 186, 202
Flattery, 153
Fools, 154
Foot, The, 333
Footprints, 188
Footsteps, Afraid of his, 418
Forgetfulness, 65
Form, 144, 297
Forms and Name, 163
Four Seas, The, 123, 151, 202
Foxes, 247, 295
Friendship, 253
Frog of the Well, 201, 215
Fu Hsi, 45, 77, 116, 196, 274
Fu Yüeh, 78
Fulness and decay, 203, 287
Gain, 103
Gambling, 234
Geese, 297
Gentleness, 123
Glow-worm, 228
Glue, Sticking without, 102
God, 1, 15, 31, 68, 82, 163, 257, 282, 301, 333
Goitre, A large, 65
Golden Age, 116, 152
Golden Roster, 313
Goose, The cackling, 245
Gourd, Five-bushel, 9
Government, (a curse) 92; 107, 114, 119, 123, 130, 132, 146; (by the true Sage) 151; 163, 164, 186, 187, 317
Grand Augur, The, 236
Grand Tutor, 272
Grave, Opening a, 355
Great Bear, The, 77
Great truths, 154
Great Yü, The, 16, 142, 152, 215, 254
Grief, Real, 85
Han-ch'ih, The, 176
Han-tan, 216, 217; (siege of) 113
Han-yin, 147
Happiness, (in inaction) 158, 159, (elements of) 220, 405, (of fishes) 218, (and sorrow) 199, 221
Hard and White, The, 22, 67, 100, 117
Hê Hsü, 116
Hearing, Sense of, 99, 104, 115, 121, 311, 333, 359
Heart, Natural goodness of, 123, (the seat of intellect) 297
Heat, Latent, 319
Heaven, 161, 173, 223
Hermaphrodites, 189
Heron, 366
Ho Hsü, 109
Ho-shang, 434
Horses, 19, 106, 209, 228, 285, 312, 316, 347
Hou I or Yi, 60, 255, 308, 309, 319
House, A, 306
Hsi P'êng, 316, 322
Hsi Shih knits her brows, 182
Hsi Wang Mu, 78
Hsi Wei, 76, 292, 346
Hsi Wei Shih, 359
Hsiang-ch'êng, 316
Hsiang Li Ch'in, 442
Hsiao Chi, 352
Hsiao Poh (Duke Huan), 399
Hsien of the Kung-wêns, 35
Hsien-ch'ih, The, 227
Hsien Yüan, 116
Hsin, The, 237
Hsü (butterflies), 228
Hsü-aos, The, 26, 40
Hsü Wu Kuei, 311
Hsü Yu, 6, 87, 140, 329, 361, 382, 404, 432
Hsü Yü Chi T'o, 73, 361
Hu, 98
Hu Pu Hsieh, 72
Hu Tzŭ, 94
Hua, 141; (Mt.) 443
Hua Chi, 316
Hua Lin, 207
Hua Tzŭ, 339
Huan (Confucianist), 426
Huan of Ch'i, Duke, 65, 170, 236. 322, 399
Huan Tou, 124
Huan T'uan, 453
Huang-chung, 100