made, and the Kashmiri carpenter is getting to finish his work much better. Whether the work is worth the prices asked is doubtful. Better wood- carving can be had in Europe for the same price,
Turning from art industries to more practical manufactures, the first to notice is basket - work. Most villages have their artisan who makes baskets for agricultural purposes, for carrying loads and for rough village work. Willow trees are plentiful and might be much more extensively grown.
Puttoo cloth and blankets are well-knowg manufactures of Kashmir. Since the Swadeshi movement has extended in India, and the demand for goods made in India has increased, there has been a regular run on the rough woollen “ puttoo” of Kashmir, and the price has gone up. Formerly a sportsman could get a good shikar suit for eight rupees. Now he has to pay ten or twelve. Tt is excellent wearing material, but is too loosely woven and liable to get out of shape. Proposals are on foot for establishing woollen factories in Kashmir, and with suitable machinery and proper supervision good useful cloth should be made from the excellent wool with which the country abounds.
Cotton cloth is also manufactured in the