SPORT Markhor heads measuring up to 60 inches and ihex heads of over 50 inches are shot.. The reputation of Kashmir for sport is therefore being well maintained, though sportsmen have, in their own interest, to conform to more restriction than of old. The duck shooting has already been described. And besides duck and goose shooting there is excellent chikore shooting on the hill-sides, and & few manaul pheasants may also be shot. The Maharaja's preserves have for many years been under the management of that old and ex. perienced sportsman and naturalist, Colonel Ward, to whose book, the Sportsman's Guide to Kashmir and Ladak, all those who want full information on shooting in Kashmir should refer. And in addition to shooting, trout-fishing has been established as a further attraction to the sports- man. Some years ago a number of keen fisher- men banded together, and after some failure and much trouble, and with the assistance of the State authorities in Kashmir and of the Duke of Bedford in England, succeeded in introducing the ova of the English brown trout into the valley. Under the special charge of Mr. Frank Mitchell a hatchery has been established at Harwan, nine miles out of