By the end of June apricots were ripe, Petunias and dahlias were out, and a few colum-. bines still remained in bloom. The temperature had now gone up to 94° in the shade and 142° in the sun, and the minimum to 62°; and early in July it rose to 97° in the shade, which is about as hot as it ever becomes in the valley.
On returning to Srinagar on September 7th I found the bed of scarlet salvias giving brilliant patches of colour and most effectively lighting up the garden. The autumn crop of roses was beginning, though the blooms were not so fine as the spring crop. Geraniums, fuchsias, asters, cannas, zinnias, gallardia, and verbena were in abundance; stock and phlox were still out, and the hibiscus bushes were in full bloom. Burbank’s delphiniums were also having a light second bloom, The maximum in the shade was 81° and in the sun 128°, and the minimum 52°. The rainfall to date from January Ist was 27:4 inches in comparison with a normal fall of 21°7 inches.
By the beginning of October cosmos was blooming luxuriantly. Christmas roses were in full blossom, and the first chrysanthemum appeared. During the month these blossomed in great beauty and became the chief attraction in the