and pink. Sweet-peas were in full bloom, and of them also I had had a marvellous variety from England. Pinks and carnations were coming rapidly on. A mauve and yellow iris had appeared. Luther Burbank’s delphiniums formed welcome patches of real true blues in the herbaceous border round the lawn. The light and graceful gyp- sophylis and phlox were in bloom; gladioli were just coming out; and the horse-chestnut trees were all in gorgeous blossom.
Early in June the gladioli, Canterbury bells, pinks, sweet-williams, and foxgloves were in full bloom, and the sweet-william especially gave masses of beautiful and varied colour. The temperature now rose to 88° in the shade and 185° in the sun, and the minimum to 54°, On June 10th, carnations, phlox, and eschscholtzia were in full bloom. And by June 15th, though many of the best roses had passed over, two* beautiful climbers which I had obtained from home, Dorothy Perkins and Lady Gay, were in full blossom, and the delicate pink and graceful form of the latter were especially lovely. Geraniums and fuchsias were now fully out, and masses of tall hollyhocks in many different shades of colour were most effective. A few cannas and some lilies also came into bloom,