O, that I e'er might have the hap85
To get the bird!—within the map
'Tis called the Indian Ruck;
I'd give it him, and look to be
As great and wise as Luenie,
Or else I had hard luck.90
Birds round his chamber stands;
And he them feeds with his own hands—
'Tis his humility:
And, if that they want anything,
They may go whistle for their king;95
And he'll come presently.
Besides all this he hath a jerk,
Taught him by nature, for to work
In iron with great ease:
Sometimes into his forge he goes,100
And there he puffs and there he blows,
And makes both locks and keys:
Which puts a doubt in every one,
Whether he were Mars' or Vulcan's son—
Some few believes his mother;105
But yet, let all say what they will,
I am resolved, and will think still,
As much the one as the other.
The people do mislike the youth,
Alleging reasons for a truth,110
Mothers should honoured be;
Yet some believes he loves her rather,
As well as she did love his father—
And that's notoriously.
'Tis charity, for to be known,115
Loves others' children as his own;
Nor must you think it shame;
Unless that he would greater be
Than was his father Henry,
Whose thoughts ne'er did the same.120
I am confirm'd a woman can
Love this, or that, or any other man!
This day she's melting hot;
To-morrow swears she knows you not;